Oh yeah conspiring because they all want an answer to the question, how awful and crazy
Mitt Romney’s response to the attacks on the U.S. embassy in Cairo and a U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya has gotten a negative reception from numerous Republicans — some anonymous, some not.
Several foreign policy hawks, including former U.N. ambassador John Bolton and Sen. Jim DeMint, have defended Romney’s charge that President Obama’s administration sympathized with America’s attackers. But the Republican presidential candidate has also attracted critics in his own party for the way he handled the critique, both in a statement Tuesday night and a news conference Wednesday.
“He bobbled it,” Republican lobbyist Ed Rogers told the Post of the news conference. “It’s important that he present himself as serious, poised and credible during this time, and I thought his statement this morning was unpolished, a little too off-the-cuff for the occasion, and the contrast he set with Obama was not good.”
Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, said Romney was ”right on the larger point,” but “I probably would have waited a day or half a day.” The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol was also supportive of the Romney campaign’s argument, but said it was fair to “question the timing and tone.”
Mark Salter, a longtime aide to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), called the “rush to condemn” Obama, by Romney and other Republicans, “as tortured in its reasoning as it is unseemly in its timing.”
The Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan said on Fox News Wednesday morning that Romney “has not been doing himself any favors. … I always think discretion is the better way to go.”
Anonymously, Republican critics were more blunt.
“They were just trying to score a cheap news cycle hit,” a “very senior Republican foreign policy hand” said to BuzzFeed. “Not ready for primetime,” said a nameless former aide to John McCain in the same piece.
And “several Republican aides and Romney advisers” told Politico that “Romney may have ended up further out on a limb than his team originally intended.”
I'm sure most won't listen to the whole thing, so here's the best question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6K58DuuSn0#t=6m10s
What in gods name is that? I think I want to gauge my eyes out
I'm sure most won't listen to the whole thing, so here's the best question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6K58DuuSn0#t=6m10s
I can't wait for the day when EviLore creates a thread called "Kosmo stuff goes here and nowhere else".
Ben Swann - the last true journalist (questioning Obama about the NDAA and droning)
Probably more so now that the audio leaked of the reporters today colluding against Romney.
I can't wait for the day when EviLore creates a thread called "Kosmo stuff goes here and nowhere else".
Any update on those warships?
Well then i got a title suggestion next time around!That thread is PoliGAF :/
Was there a point to that link? All I heard was an interview getting interrupted constantly by two morons trying to make a funny.
It's actually a podcast by John C Dvorak and Adam Curry.
It's actually a podcast by John C Dvorak and Adam Curry.
Haven't seen it posted - Michael Lewis profile on Obama in Libya.
Haven't seen it posted - Michael Lewis profile on Obama in Libya.
Haven't seen it posted - Michael Lewis profile on Obama in Libya.
The dishes he replaced with the original applications for several famous patents and patent modelsSamuel Morses 1849 model for the first telegraph, for instance, which he pointed to and said, This is the start of the Internet right here.
Obama looked at the Reagan patio and laughed at the audacity of building it.
Here is what I would tell you, hed said. I would say that your first and principal task is to think about the hopes and dreams the American people invested in you. Everything you are doing has to be viewed through this prism. And I tell you what every president I actually think every president understands this responsibility. I dont know George Bush well. I know Bill Clinton better. But I think they both approached the job in that spirit. Then he added that the world thinks he spends a lot more time worrying about political angles than he actually does.
Youll see I wear only gray or blue suits, he said. Im trying to pare down decisions. I dont want to make decisions about what Im eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to make. He mentioned research that shows the simple act of making decisions degrades ones ability to make further decisions.
On why he doesn't show more emotion:One of the things you realize fairly quickly in this job is that there is a character people see out there called Barack Obama. Thats not you. Whether it is good or bad, it is not you"
Romney could take a lesson or two.There are some things about being president that I still have difficulty doing, he said. For example, faking emotion. Because I feel it is an insult to the people Im dealing with. For me to feign outrage, for example, feels to me like Im not taking the American people seriously. Im absolutely positive that Im serving the American people better if Im maintaining my authenticity. And thats an overused word. And these days people practice being authentic. But Im at my best when I believe what I am saying.
He thought the other side would pay a bigger price for inflicting damage on the country for the sake of defeating a president. But the idea that he might somehow frighten Congress into doing what he wanted was, to him, clearly absurd. All of these forces have created an environment in which the incentives for politicians to cooperate dont function the way they used to
On the decision on the course of action in LibyaHe seems very much to want to hear from people. Even when hes made up his mind he wants to cherry-pick the best arguments to justify what he wants to do.
He's going to slaughter Romney, by the way.Because its a hard problem. What the process is going to do is try to lead you to a binary decision. Here are the pros and cons of going in. Here are the pros and cons of not going in. The process pushes towards black or white answers; its less good with shades of gray.
Youre telling me a no-fly zone doesnt solve the problem, but the only option youre giving me is a no-fly zone. He gave his generals two hours to come up with another solution for him to consider
BOSS.No one in the Cabinet was for it, says one witness. There was no constituency for doing what he did. Then Obama went upstairs to the Oval Office to call European heads of state and, as he puts it, call their bluff. Cameron first, then Sarkozy
LMAOThe next morning Obama called Medvedev to make sure that the Russians would not block his U.N. resolution. There was no obvious reason why Russia should want to see Qaddafi murder a city of Libyans, but in the presidents foreign dealings the Russians play the role that Republicans currently more or less play in his domestic affairs. The Russians view of the world tends to be zero-sum: if an American president is for it, they are, by definition, against it. Obama thought that he had made more progress with the Russians than he had with the Republicans; Medvedev had come to trust him, he felt, and believed him when he said the United States had no intention of moving into Libya for the long term.
A few days earlier Newt Gingrich, busy running for president, had said, We dont need the United Nations. All we have to say is that we think slaughtering your own citizens is unacceptable and that were intervening. Four days after the bombing began, Gingrich went on the Today show to say he wouldnt have intervened
Okay, well what was their point?
“You’ll see I wear only gray or blue suits,” he said. “I’m trying to pare down decisions. I don’t want to make decisions about what I’m eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to make.” He mentioned research that shows the simple act of making decisions degrades one’s ability to make further decisions.
The number keeps increasing. Mark Salter obviously is no Romney fan given his McCain ties, but the rest of those people are typical mainstream republican types
Smirkgate is silly. It is just his reaction to everything. The guy made millions buying companies and laying people off, so it is not like he is the most empathetic person. We already knew that.
Smirkgate is silly. It is just his reaction to everything. The guy made millions buying companies and laying people off, so it is not like he is the most empathetic person. We already knew that.
Ryan asked about women issues, response?
Economy sucks.
Smirkgate is silly. It is just his reaction to everything. The guy made millions buying companies and laying people off, so it is not like he is the most empathetic person. We already knew that.
love how they just try to shoehorn every issue into their cookie cutter message, which was what Romney tried to also do earlier. Perfect campaign!!
Ty Cobb was the greatest hitter of all time and he batted about .355. And he is still the greatest hitter. There isnt something in my 63 years I couldnt have done better except con my wife into marrying me.
Ty Cobb was the greatest hitter of all time and he batted about .355. And he is still the greatest hitter. There isnt something in my 63 years I couldnt have done better except con my wife into marrying me.
Bruce Banner was the same way in the comics. That's why Hulk always had purple pants.I am pretty sure this is ripped from Steve Jobs - maybe just adopting the same philosophy.
I know what all those words mean but I still don't understand the sentence.
With the perspective in that piece, I can tell the Obama was probably genuinely upset this morning and probably really pissed off about the Romney bullshit.
Ouch. The fallout continues.
Ryan joining Romney, guess he got told to fall in line since his first speech this morning was subdued during the town hall
Peace through Strength lol
Oh man. Richard Williamson, Romney's foreign policy adviser, said this to a question whether Romney went to soon:
and to make his point, he cites a bigot. Good job.
Obama to go HAM on Romney in Debate 3 (FP). Book it.
Try saying it with a smirk, maybe it works better.I have no idea what that is supposed to mean (every statement doesn't have to be a hit?), but Ty Cobb was a racist POS and probably shouldn't be quoted
Tax cuts.Ryan asked about women issues, response?
Economy sucks.
Its still good advice for sound-bites, slogans and bumper stickers. And so many people do see the world in black and white terms.It is going to be a pretty epic beatdown; the problem I see with Romney, the Bush administration, and Republicans in general is that they want to see things in black-and-white, right-and-wrong terms.
The world simply doesn't operate like that.
Haven't seen it posted - Michael Lewis profile on Obama in Libya.
The best debate is going to be the townhall I think. For the sheer fact of optics... Obama has always been natural in townhalls. Romney is mostly a fumbling fool in those.