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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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People NEED to go out and vote, and absolutely admonish Romney, so the Rs can get it through their heads.

The Rs didn't want Romney to begin with. They were basically stuck with him after they waded through every possible trainwreck of a candidate. In a way Romney has done the worst of both worlds: tacked further and further to the right trying to appease a base that didn't want him while also alienating a middle who may have otherwise accepted him.

Rupert Murdoch tweeted about this yesterday. I can't believe I agree with him, but he basically said Romney should not care about the right; they're going to vote for him anyway. Tack center. He's obviously not doing that.


Wait . . . what? Link?

Presumably the quotation he is referencing is this:

Romney said:
Let me -- let me offer just a thought, and that is, one of the great things about this great land is we have people of different faiths and different persuasions. And I'm convinced that the nation -- that the nation does need -- the nation does need to have people of different faiths, but we need to have a person of faith lead the country.


I wonder if this is how Republicans felt in 2010. Minus the vitriolic hatred.
If you remember 2006, that's how I imagine Republicans felt.
And no lip smacks!

It was the first thing I noticed during his statement about Libya.
It was the first thing I noticed, too. What it demonstrated was Romney's awkward lack of empathy and disrespect. There's an appropriate time to smack your lips. Today wasn't one of them.


Reading comments makes my day, someone commented how all this is just forced by the liberal media. So someone asked that person to define liberal media

The answer?

So everyone but FOX LOL


So does anyone think that the refusal of Republicans to play the party line and back Romney reflects at least in part them losing faith that he'll be able to win, and thus that they should fend for themselves? Obviously Romney has been disgraceful, but it's pretty rare for them to scatter so quickly.


They will indeed learn that they need to be more conservative.

The Rs didn't want Romney to begin with. They were basically stuck with him after they waded through every possible trainwreck of a candidate. In a way Romney has done the worst of both worlds: tacked further and further to the right trying to appease a base that didn't want him while also alienating a middle who may have otherwise accepted him.

Rupert Murdoch tweeted about this yesterday. I can't believe I agree with him, but he basically said Romney should not care about the right; they're going to vote for him anyway. Tack center. He's obviously not doing that.

I like to think there's losing, and then there's getting totally blasted. With the former, you just think you didn't try hard enough, with the latter you start to question what you were trying.
OK, now I'm aboard the hate Romney wagon too. Fuck you, Mitt . . . you say something like that again and Mormon jokes are totally fair game.

Ehh.. that's weaksauce political pandering.

I don't think Romney's a bad person. I think he's a desperate person and a frustrated person and one who thinks he "deserves" this election. But sometimes we get caught up in the bubbles and echo chambers and create caricatures of people in our mind that are far worse than the actual person. Just a thought.


So does anyone think that the refusal of Republicans to play the party line and back Romney reflects at least in part them losing faith that he'll be able to win, and thus that they should fend for themselves? Obviously Romney has been disgraceful, but it's pretty rare for they to scatter so quickly.

I think so, its been trending this way since the DNC when more and more of his party were openly criticizing the direction of the campaign

I am sure the past 24hrs has done nothing to reassure them anything is changing


So does anyone think that the refusal of Republicans to play the party line and back Romney reflects at least in part them losing faith that he'll be able to win, and thus that they should fend for themselves? Obviously Romney has been disgraceful, but it's pretty rare for they to scatter so quickly.

I think it's pretty telling. They're normally very disciplined, but damn..

I kinda wonder what their internal polling data shows right about now. This is fascinating to watch unfold.


So does anyone think that the refusal of Republicans to play the party line and back Romney reflects at least in part them losing faith that he'll be able to win, and thus that they should fend for themselves? Obviously Romney has been disgraceful, but it's pretty rare for they to scatter so quickly.

He failed one of the most basic tenants of respectful campaigns, the kind of stuff that only C level congressional candidates resort to on a national stage in places where they would have to try to lose (Bachmann). Don't be the first to politicize tragedy, respect the office of president (Don't make a statement preempting the official release), do not act before more information comes in, and in the end of it all, don't become a bigger story then the tragedy itself. If I was a dear friend of Romneys I would be running from the building as if he was a walking fire, even attempting to make an excuse for this type of behavior would only end up burning me too.


I think it's pretty telling. They're normally very disciplined, but damn..

I kinda wonder what their internal polling data shows right about now. This is fascinating to watch unfold.

ABC News has the story.


According to a GOP source with access to private polling being done by independent Republican groups (who are spending a lot of money tracking public opinion in the battleground states), Romney is in trouble in two must-win states:
Ohio: Romney down 5 percent.
Virginia: Romney down 4 percent.
Most troubling for Romney: the Ohio trend has been consistent for several weeks and is not a “sugar high” resulting from the Democratic convention.
These internal state-by-state tracking polls show some positive signs for Romney, but nowhere near enough to compensate for Ohio and Virginia. The good news:
- In Wisconsin, which Obama won by 14 points, Romney is only down 2 percent, putting the state within reach.
- In Nevada, which Obama won by almost 13 points, the race is tied. It is also essentially tied in Colorado and Iowa.

If Obama wins Ohio, Virginia, and all the states he's leading in where Romney's not running ads, he's at 268. (And note the leak mysteriously doesn't mention Florida.)
Anything less than the Democrats taking 40 seats in the house and 5 senate seats and I consider this country a failure*.

Obama winning is just a given.

*Including independent seats that lean left, a la sanders.
Just in: US sending warships, 50 marines to Libyan waters

Officials say one destroyer, the USS Laboon, moved to a position off the coast Wednesday, and the USS McFaul is en route and should be stationed off the coast within days. The officials say the ships, which carry Tomahawk missiles, do not have a specific mission. But they give commanders flexibility to respond to any mission ordered by the president.

The destroyers have crews totaling about 300. There have been four destroyers in the Mediterranean for some time. These moves will increase that to five.

Officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss troop movements.

The move comes after the U.S. announced plans to send some 50 Marines to Libya to reinforce security at U.S. diplomatic facilities.

The Marines are members of an elite group known as a Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team, whose role is to respond on short notice to terrorism threats and to reinforce security at U.S. embassies. They operate worldwide.

Obama got his warpaint on. Shit just got real.


Pretty much what we've known then - Ohio is moving out of reach and VA is going to be a long shot with Virgil Goode on the ballot.

Yeah, I mean, I guess that's the takeaway. Their internal polls? Are saying basically the same thing as our external polls. That's the whole problem.


CHEEZMO™;42044666 said:



Holy shit.

Seems to me like a standard procedure given the severity of the events. They want a carrier ready for larger hostilities that have a potential to erupt (As a "Look I am here if you want to try something") and the Marines deployment was eluded to in the past. The main thing I worry over is how this ends up getting perceived in those countries. I just don't want it to be perceived as a war threat as this particular case was clearly a volatile mix of complexity that shouldn't represent the people or even the government of the country itself.
Ehh.. that's weaksauce political pandering.

I don't think Romney's a bad person. I think he's a desperate person and a frustrated person and one who thinks he "deserves" this election. But sometimes we get caught up in the bubbles and echo chambers and create caricatures of people in our mind that are far worse than the actual person. Just a thought.
It is one thing to say "I feel my strong faith will help me in the whitehouse." and quite another to say "we need to have a person of faith lead the country."

Why not just say "we need to have a white person lead the country"?


It is one thing to say "I feel my strong faith will help me in the whitehouse." and quite another to say "we need to have a person of faith lead the country."

Why not just say "we need to have a white person lead the country"?

I also forgot one:

Romney said:
Freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom. . . . Freedom and religion endure together, or perish alone.

Again, both from 2008.


Romney isn't President - that's not his job right now. His job was to offer condolences (check) and contrast with what he would have done if he thought the White House wasn't handling things properly. Even the White House has pulled back on the initial statement that was released.

Romney's criticism is a blatant lie, and he knows it, so it's not really a "contrast." Unless you believe constructing a huge, ridiculous straw man is a contrast.

Second, you never did say how you want Obama to "control" all of these Middle-Eastern countries, including Israel, or how Romney might do better at it. Do you want Obama to invade them? Nuke one to send a message that we're in charge? Do some magical diplomatic jujitsu to get them to do everything we want? What?
Pretty much what we've known then - Ohio is moving out of reach and VA is going to be a long shot with Virgil Goode on the ballot.

Virgil Goode is a hoot. Listening to him speak is like listening to Televangelist.

Listen to him say “I feel that radical Muslims who want to control the Middle East and ultimately the world,” and “would love to see ‘In God We Trust’ stricken from our money and replaced with ‘In Muhammad We Trust.’” in the video on this story:
Ehh.. that's weaksauce political pandering.

I don't think Romney's a bad person. I think he's a desperate person and a frustrated person and one who thinks he "deserves" this election. But sometimes we get caught up in the bubbles and echo chambers and create caricatures of people in our mind that are far worse than the actual person. Just a thought.

Adversity reveals character.


Interesting write up about how if the public sees this as an attack against America then Romney is totally fucked hard


Whatever the merits of the intense back and forth over the deaths of four Americans, we know from history that high profile international events in which the U.S. is involved or in which the U.S. is threatened can result in what is called a “rally effect,” the result of which has historically been an increase in the sitting president's job approval rating.

he killing of the four Americans in Libya generally fits the historical description of the types of events that precipitate rally effects -- given that it represents a direct attack on Americans and American interests. Thus, my initial hypothesis would be that this event could result in a rally effect for President Obama.

A commander in chief does not have to engage in highly successful efforts to be subject to an uptick in his job approval ratings as a result of a rally event. The idea behind a rally event is that Americans rally around their commander in chief as they come together in times of external events of significant note. The fact that there was a five-point rally effect for John F. Kennedy after the botched Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 shows that the effect can occur even when those in charge were involved in creating the negative outcome.


Judge denies Ohio's Secretary of State's request to delay enforcement of the early voting hours until the GOP's appeal is ruled on.

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted lost a bid for a U.S. court order delaying enforcement of an Aug. 31 ruling equalizing the number of early voting days for all the state’s citizens before the Nov. 6 national election.

President Barack Obama’s campaign organization and the Ohio and national Democratic parties sued Husted in July arguing it was unconstitutional for the state to grant three more early or absentee voting days to those residents in the armed forces or living overseas than to all other voters.

U.S. District Judge Peter Economus agreed, ruling that all the state’s citizens must be allowed to cast pre-Election Day ballots through Nov. 5. Husted then asked the judge for an order delaying enforcement of his decree until the federal appeals court in Cincinnati and then, potentially, the U.S. Supreme Court reviews the case.

“Defendant Husted has not provided sufficiently compelling reasons in support of a stay,” Economus said in a ruling today, rejecting the secretary of state’s argument that voter confusion would result if the ruling were later reversed.


So, how is this shit playing on the evening News?

I saw an twitter that Romney campaign sent out a video of their spokesperson Dan Senor on CNN...

What do you mean, nobody is praising Romney if that is what you are wanting to know

Most of what I am seeing the past few hours is discussion over the video and why they would want to attack in the first place.

And a focus on Egypt and what they are going to do about riots and revolutionary fringes, as well as the warships and marine increase in Libya
Need some advice!

Guy on facebook posted this:

My food stamps application just got denied after 30 days. I applied the 12th of last month and they just told me that since I "quit" (My company allowed me to file a resignation paper for job search reasons) I don't qualify until october 1st.. On my initial application I stated I had no food and had 500$, and my bills were 500$... what part of this means I have no money dont they understand. Ugh. /rant off.

Just last month (28 days ago) he posted this


Would quoting reagan as a reply to his most recent status update be appropriate?

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I've gotten to the point in this election where I don't just want Obama to win. I want him to annihilate Romney and embarrass him for the remainder of the campaign. I've gotten beyond just disliking Romney, I have a visceral dislike for him. I think Democrats can stop saying "Governor Romney is a good man".

The Benghazi attacks break my heart. People like Chris Stevens are rare in the West- he was a guy who loved the culture and identity of the region. He was a guy who put his heart and soul into contributing to the development of Libya. Such a shame. I don't like advocating the death of anyone, but I eagerly await the time when those who planned this attack hear an impending Predator missile strike.

I remember Obama said something like how even if he completely disagrees with the Republicans in congress, he at least respects because unlike Romney, they actually believe what they say. I think the debates will be brutal, Obama will annihilate Romney but at the same time he has to hold back and keep his composure while Mitt is melting down.

And a predator strike would be a bad idea just because it makes the local populace hate you what with all the collateral damage. I have no idea how they'll go about catching the people who planned and carried out this attack. It's definitely in the West's interests to keep Libya friendly.


Setec Astronomer
Nah, while you could be an ass and tell him to borrow money from his parents, you should probably just ask him why he thinks his own situation is deserving but others are not.


I didn't see this posted earlier - Romney campaign talking points sent out today:
Questions & Answers:

Don’t you think it was appropriate for the embassy to condemn the controversial movie in question? Are you standing up for movies like this?

– Governor Romney rejects the reported message of the movie. There is no room for religious hatred or intolerance.

– But we will not apologize for our constitutional right to freedom of speech.

– Storming U.S. missions and committing acts of violence is never acceptable, no matter the reason. Any response that does not immediately and decisively make that clear conveys weakness.

– If pressed: Governor Romney repudiated this individual in 2010 when he attempted to mobilize a Quran-burning movement. He is firmly against any expression of religious hatred or intolerance.
Fuck it, I just posted the image as a reply. Countdown to being unfriended in 5, 4....

Nah, while you could be an ass and tell him to borrow money from his parents, you should probably just ask him why he thinks his own situation is deserving but others are not.

Dudes 29, I dont think borrowing from parents is in the picture.
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