Romney: Obama Wants U.S. To Have Capacity For One Military Conflict At A Time
Thanks Romney! Obama's definitely got my vote now
Romney: Obama Wants U.S. To Have Capacity For One Military Conflict At A Time
Good news, it's about damn time.
Side note: I don't check the markets with frequency, but I like to see how they respond to major events. *pop*
Yeah, they've had to both invent a version of Obama to run against, and then invent a version of Reagan to compare him to. That reality distortion field is a powerful mofo.
The Atlantic compares Romney's response to Reagan's
It's really interesting seeing these contrasts from the real Reagan and the devout followers of Saint Reagan today....
I'll give them credit here. I think that transformation began when it became clear Hillary wouldn't win.Don't forget how suddenly awesome Bill Clinton became in the last few months.
Why is Romney doubling down on foreign policy? It's his weakest area and he doesn't have the foreign policy cred Bush and Obama has. Everyday that it's not about the economy he's losing. Is this a round-about admission he can't win with the economy alone?
Affordable Care Act has saved consumers $2.1 billion on insurance premiums
I for one didn't really know about the Rate Review program. That saved us about half of that $2.1 billion, and the 80/20 rule saved the rest.
Romney: Obama Wants U.S. To Have Capacity For One Military Conflict At A Time
Obama 50
Romney 44
oh and good news on QE3
Romney has either gone full retard or is suffering from Diarhhea of the mouth.
Krugman about to ejaculate at this.
"I'm not super optimistic that shoveling more sacks of cash into the gaping maw of our dysfunctional and corrupt financial system will do a lot to improve things. Certainly giving people free money would be superior. But it's at least comforting that the powers that be might actually recognize that we have a problem."
by Atrios
We'll have officially washed through both conventions in the polls by tomorrow, no?
Fox is throwing everything they have at Obama today lol
What the fuck.All respect for McCain went out the window for me this morning. He's on the today show bashing Obama as a weak leader basically backing up romney
We all know what a regime in its death throes looks like.Fox is throwing everything they have at Obama today lol
Heh, they rank them on 'density' -- so naturally, more urban states would rank higher all other things being equal. DC is on the top of the list with only 4.
So he's inferring that Al Queda and the Obama administration are allies?!LOL Limbaugh suggests Al Qaeda gave up Osama Bin Laden in order to help Obama. Also, the attacks were because the democrats bragged too much during their convention about killing Bin Ladin
Someone asked about yelling at the radio during Rush. Rush is so completely out there that I can't even say anything when I hear him talk. It's dead silent as my mouth hangs open in surprise at what new, crazy, low he's reached. With some republicans on TV I can yell out things like "bullshit!" Not with Rush. My mind is busy trying to stave off the IQ drop when I hear him...
yep yep
honestly im just waiting for rev wright to make an ad comeback near the end. sad.
So he's inferring that Al Queda and the Obama administration are allies?!
If that's not the most treasonous accusation I've heard, I don't know what is.
It's just a wild theory from way way out there, just hear him out.
He's just throwing it out there man, off the top of his head.
What Obama IF Osama?
just sayin'
And Bill Ayers....BILL AYERS lol
They have done everything else 2008 did, why not
I think the Romney team is suffering from bubble syndrome. The 'no apology' thing has played well with the base and they get applause from the tea-party base . . . but the problem is those people live in an alternate universe with made-up facts.
When he pushes the 'Obama apologizes for America' in the real world, the reporters try to look for the alleged apology . . . AND IT DOES NOT EXIST! You work with made-up facts in Rush & Hannity land . . . they believe it . . . but it flops in the real world.
That guy who suggested the etch-a-sketch was right . . . they should have shaken things up. But instead they stuck to GOP primary debate stuff and it flops in the reality based community.
Saul Alinski!!!!
I don't even know who Saul Alinski is, but I always see that name mention in Yahoo comments.
CHEEZMO;42081826 said:![]()
I think we might be onto something here, buddy.
Fox is throwing everything they have at Obama today lol
So what's the rationale for giving the stimulus to banks rather than ordinary people given how corrupt they are? What are the alternatives? What are banks 'supposed' to do with it and are there laws that prevent them from just keeping it?
please tell me that's fakeCHEEZMO;42081826 said:![]()
I think we might be onto something here, buddy.
i dont really follow intrade but damn thats a high % for obama
Someone shop Iraqi information minister's face with Hannity
edit: beaten, lol
Holy crap.
Interesting insight into Intrade's perspective. Romney gets jumped all over by every media outlet? He can weather that. QE3? IT'S OVER GO FOR THE LIFEBOATS
last time i looked at intrade for a huge politcal bet was the obamacare ruling, they lost bad lol
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Why would Obama backtrack on this:
Why would Obama backtrack on this:
But then people will be in debt to banks so what happens then? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of 'free money' or injecting the economy?
But then people will be in debt to banks so what happens then?
Define "this".
It was a pretty long article with alot of words.
"I don't think that we would consider them an ally, but we don't consider them an enemy," Obama said. "They're a new government that is trying to find its way. They were democratically elected. I think that we are going to have to see how they respond to this incident."