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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Has a presidential candidate ever flat out lied this much about their opponent?

After the past couple of days, Romney has succeeded in not only pushing me to donate more money to Obama's campaign, but I am seriously contemplating volunteering at my local campaign office.

Do it...especially if you're in a dumb swing state.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Was waiting for the Cain Train to weigh in on the embassy thing:



By the way, I think yesterday and especially today we're getting a little glimpse into how Republicans would have reacted to 9/11 had Gore been the president instead.


By the way, I think yesterday and especially today we're getting a little glimpse into how Republicans would have reacted to 9/11 had Gore been the president instead.

Crazy thing is I think it would have worked and I think we would not be seeing a democrat in the white house right now.

Perhaps if the financial crisis fell in said republicans lap, but even then I think the rhetoric of democrats let America be attacked on 9/11 would overshadow it.


Crazy thing is I think it would have worked and I think we would not be seeing a democrat in the white house right now.

Perhaps if the financial crisis fell in said republicans lap, but even then I think the rhetoric of democrats let America be attacked on 9/11 would overshadow it.

I'd have to agree. The stereotype of Democrats being soft was and is far too prevalent. If a democrat was in and the rumblings that the administration had knowledge of the attackers beforehand still happened, then yeah the media and the right would have gone fucking wild.
ThePunisher1958 knows his stuff.


Such a great example of the bubble people that Romney has as an audience that have warped his team's view of reality. They have speaking events where certain lines of the speech (such as "Obama sympathizes with the attackers") get a huge response from people like ThePunisher1958. Then they try those lines out in the real world and they get slaughter when people & the press fact-check them and realize they are just bogus.
I'm really pissed off at Obama.

Could have made a killing of intrade if it wasn't for his job killing government regulation.

Why does Obama hate investment?
Democratic-leaning poll has Obama up 5 in Colorado. Hopefully that holds true in other polls. If CO drifts out of play for Romney, he's literally in run-the-table territory. (WI, NV, VA, FL and IA in a generous map.)


Romney Camp: Fed Action Proves Obama Failed
“The Federal Reserve’s announcement of a third round of quantitative easing is further confirmation that President Obama’s policies have not worked," said Lanhee Chen, Romney's Policy Director. "After four years of stagnant growth, falling incomes, rising costs, and persistently high unemployment, the American economy doesn’t need more artificial and ineffective measures. We should be creating wealth, not printing dollars. As president, Mitt Romney will enact bold, pro-growth policies that lead to robust job creation, higher take-home pay, and a true economic recovery.”

I'd have to agree. The stereotype of Democrats being soft was and is far too prevalent. If a democrat was in and the rumblings that the administration had knowledge of the attackers beforehand still happened, then yeah the media and the right would have gone fucking wild.
Probably a strange relic of the Carter years. Because the Iranian hostage rescue mission turned into a disaster, the Dems got painted as 'weak'. If that mission had been a success, history might have been very different.

History is strange that way. Ask most people what "The Carter Doctrine" is . . . . most have no clue. But the Carter Doctrine is basically "Hey, don't fuck with 'our' oil there in the mid-East!" A pretty brazen aggressive stance. But no one knows it since history gave Carter the 'wimp' label.
Kansas officials plan to hold a hearing Thursday afternoon to weigh whether President Barack Obama is a citizen and should appear on the state's November ballot.

The Kansas Objections Board will be considering a challenge filed by Joe Montgomery, a Manhattan resident, who Monday objected to Obama being on the ballot. He claims the president is not an American citizen since his father was a citizen of the United Kingdom and Kenya. The all-Republican board -- which consists of Secretary of State Kris Kobach, Lt. Gov. Jeff Colyer and Attorney General Derek Schmidt -- has the power to remove Obama from the ballot in his mother's home state.

Are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit?
Probably a strange relic of the Carter years. Because the Iranian hostage rescue mission turned into a disaster, the Dems got painted as 'weak'. If that mission had been a success, history might have been very different.

History is strange that way. Ask most people what "The Carter Doctrine" is . . . . most have no clue. But the Carter Doctrine is basically "Hey, don't fuck with 'our' oil there in the mid-East!" A pretty brazen aggressive stance. But no one knows it since history gave Carter the 'wimp' label.

"...In what respect, speculawyer?"


No Scrubs
Are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit?

There is NO possible way that they are this stupid. Just hand him the election why don't you. Most people think the whole berther bullshit is bullshit, so they decide to double down. I hope Obama wins that state just to fuck with them.

It's funny cuz the Fed wants Congress to spend more and Romney blames Obama for the Fed having to take action.

Are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit?

Obama off the Kansas ballot would be GREAT news for Obama. Seriously. This would become big news and force the GOP to support putting him back on the ballot or seem like even bigger idiots.

It would look so politicized by a Republican panel. Please do this, Kansas.


Have a link handy?

Barack Obama, according to multiple sources, was not born to a citizen father. His father was never even admitted to this country as a resident alien. Barack Obama Sr. retained his British and Kenyan citizenship and passed them onto his son, which Mr. Obama has publicly claimed on his Fight the Smears website. The Supreme Court specified that natural-born citizenship inherently excludes dual citizenship through a citation in U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark (which was citing U.S. v Rhodes, noting that one could only be a British subject or a natural-born citizen, and not hold both citizenships): All persons born in the allegiance of the King are natural-born subjects, and all persons born in the allegiance of the United States are natural-born citizens.

More bullshit about both parents having to be natural born citizens in order to be considered citizens.

derpiness all around



"A few hours after expressing a desire to meet the Fort Pierce pizza parlor owner who hugged and lifted President Obama on Sunday, Crist showed up at Van Duzer’s business this afternoon and, according to Van Duzer, said, 'You know what I’m here for.'"

lol wtf


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Crist is right when he accuses GOP nominees to pandering to a radical far-right faction of the party, but then he goes and does stuff like this. "Look guys, I am loved, too. This guy picked up Obama."
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