He authored Rules for Radicals. Nuff said.Saul Alinski!!!!
I don't even know who Saul Alinski is, but I always see that name mention in Yahoo comments.
He authored Rules for Radicals. Nuff said.Saul Alinski!!!!
I don't even know who Saul Alinski is, but I always see that name mention in Yahoo comments.
Seems perfectly reasonable.
It's completely reasonable.
Which is why I'm wondering why the White house is trying to clarify it. No balls.
So what's the rationale for giving the stimulus to banks rather than ordinary people given how corrupt they are? What are the alternatives? What are banks 'supposed' to do with it and are there laws that prevent them from just keeping it?
For anyone who's actually wondering, what Kosmo is trying to spin is that the WH clarified that Obama's saying "I don't think that we would consider them an 'ally'" was not, in fact, an official announcement of a change in status for Egypt as far as the US is concerned.
Which is why I'm wondering why the White house is trying to clarify it. No balls.
Which is why I'm wondering why the White house is trying to clarify it. No balls.
Why does clarifying something mean you have no balls? It looks like the White House got asked if that signified a change in policy, since Egypt was designated a non-NATO ally. They responded with a reasonable explanation that we don't have a legal defense treaty with them, for example, and that what Obama said doesn't signal a change in that specific policy. What's wrong with all this?
Why does clarifying something mean you have no balls?
No apologies!
No clarifications!
If we aren't threatening everyone on earth, then we have no balls.
The theory is that if the economy begins to grow, inflation and interest will grow, which means that debts people took on before the growth of the economy will be less relevant. If the interest on a loan you took out is less than the inflation rate, or less than the rate of return on a safe investment like a savings account, then it's basically free money for you -- it's a "float." So there's a strong motivation for people who think they have a pretty good investment idea, or who think that the inflation rate will go up, to borrow money and invest it immediately, which causes it to circulate and thus grows the economy.
A very simple example, banks participate in loans that are given to businesses. Suppose you come up with an idea of mobile restaurants. You need money to buy a truck/trailer, so you go to the bank for a loan. Now the risk on invensting a loan isn't that high, it will motivate the lending officer to lend out a loan, and they might even participate in it: $10,000 to you matched by another $10,000 from the bank. This is what the fed wants the banks to do. They're trying to reduce the risk in lending, so more capital is flowing into the market.
Banks don't make more money by keeping it in their mattresses.
Which is why I'm wondering why the White house is trying to clarify it. No balls.
last time i looked at intrade for a huge politcal bet was the obamacare ruling, they lost bad lol
It's simple - always the opposite of what Obama says.Foreign policy from the right is weird.
What exactly do you think is going to happen?
The same people here who support this type of Fed pumping are the same ones who love to post that Reaganomics picture. Explain the real difference to me.
The same people here who support this type of Fed pumping are the same ones who love to post that Reaganomics picture. Explain the real difference to me.
....Because this helps the working class and not the elite 1 percent?
Which is why I'm wondering why the White house is trying to clarify it. No balls.
The same people here who support this type of Fed pumping are the same ones who love to post that Reaganomics picture. Explain the real difference to me.
EDIT: Fuck, quoted the wrong person.
One of the Fed's job is to pursue monetary policies that help achieve maximum employment. They are doing their job.
I don't know I just don't like the idea of owing a big conglomerate or even just a person money. I don't need a credit card right now though so I guess that's the other reason I don't bother. I imagine getting one, using it, and then come to find they charge some sort of interest or extra fee and you have to jump through a bunch of hoops to find out why how to fix it etc.
how does this help the working class
There isn't really a "trick" to owning a credit card responsibly. You use it to buy what you can afford to pay off within a month, the end. Yes, they can be predatory in the sense that they offer introductory rates that balloon if you miss a payment, etc. but that's all moot if you.. don't miss a payment. You don't even pay interest if you don't carry a balance over into the next month.
The economy runs on credit. People and businesses can't just not take bank loans ever--for starters, payroll is usually dependent on short-term loans. The reason you are just about absolutely guaranteed a paycheck every week (or two weeks) is because of bank loans.
You're not looking at the big picture. You're focusing on your personal finance, which is fine. But major revenue for banks comes from lending business loans, not personal ones. You may be hesitant to interact with banks to get get credit cards or PLs, but entrepreneurs aren't. Not everyone on kickstarter might like your restaurant-on-wheels idea. Of course banks are evil and their CEO's are pirates, etc etc. But CEO's can buy yachts and have strippers n coke parties on the 11th floor only if their business is making a profit, at least that's what conventional wisdom leads us to believe. QE only tries to increase the flow of cash between banks and customers and nothing else. It's not a bailout.What happens if people don't borrow from banks because they're weary of them though? I'm one of those people that don't want to get a credit card because I've heard such bad things about companies I don't want to get involved in the first place. Is this a legitimate concern for people who want to start small businesses or do they not care about that kind of thing and are fine with borrowing from banks?
At what point does bad PR and negative reaction towards big banks/capital make things worse and people just start to keep their money in their house or something? Is it worse if they just split the 40 billion per month among everyone and send a check to people? Or is it more about enticing small business starters rather than getting people to buy things?
It's diplomacy, man. Hard, soft. Obama says "Egypt better work with us or we won't be friends any more," then his spokesman says "We like Egypt and we would like to continue to be friends with Egypt going forward." Good cop, bad cop. This is how you outline a position.
ThePunisher1958 knows his stuff.Awesome Fox headline: Obama Calls Libyan President to Thank Him After US Ambassador Murdered
But, but they tricked me with a free t-shirt on Spring Break!
Are you making the argument that banks do not have cheap money right now to loan?
No one else is worried about the Senate? Dems need to keep that majority...
But, but they tricked me with a free t-shirt on Spring Break!
There isn't really a "trick" to owning a credit card responsibly. You use it to buy what you can afford to pay off within a month, the end. Yes, they can be predatory in the sense that they offer introductory rates that balloon if you miss a payment, etc. but that's all moot if you.. don't miss a payment. You don't even pay interest if you don't carry a balance over into the next month.
The economy runs on credit. People and businesses can't just not take bank loans ever--for starters, payroll is usually dependent on short-term loans. The reason you are just about absolutely guaranteed a paycheck every week (or two weeks) is because of bank loans.
I'm a little concerned. I said it before in this thread, and I'll say it again: if the GOP wins the Senate and Obama is re-elected, they'll try to impeach him.
the Cain Train said:The #MSM is hammering #Romney? Sure, that makes sense. Go after someone standing up for #FreeSpeech
There isn't really a "trick" to owning a credit card responsibly. You use it to buy what you can afford to pay off within a month, the end. Yes, they can be predatory in the sense that they offer introductory rates that balloon if you miss a payment, etc. but that's all moot if you.. don't miss a payment. You don't even pay interest if you don't carry a balance over into the next month.
I'm a little concerned. I said it before in this thread, and I'll say it again: if the GOP wins the Senate and Obama is re-elected, they'll try to impeach him.
Romney: Obama Wants U.S. To Have Capacity For One Military Conflict At A Time
Was waiting for the Cain Train to weigh in on the embassy thing:
There isn't really a "trick" to owning a credit card responsibly. You use it to buy what you can afford to pay off within a month, the end. Yes, they can be predatory in the sense that they offer introductory rates that balloon if you miss a payment, etc. but that's all moot if you.. don't miss a payment. You don't even pay interest if you don't carry a balance over into the next month.
To expand on this, I recommend anyone with self control get a credit card. I have a Discover card that I basically use as a debit card -- never paid a cent in interest because I pay it off every month, but I've gotten hundreds of bucks as cash back bonuses and it builds my credit score. Literally free money. Discover pays me to use their card. I find it hilarious.
I hope so. I kind of assumed that people couldn't possibly get more mad at the GOP, but impeaching two Democratic presidents in a row on trumped-up charges would probably do it.
Why do you think Perry threatened to string Bernanke up by his toes?Holy crap.
Interesting insight into Intrade's perspective. Romney gets jumped all over by every media outlet? He can weather that. QE3? IT'S OVER GO FOR THE LIFEBOATS
edit: replaced link
What happens if a lot of people have credit cards but then are unable to pay what they owe? Do the interest rates just keep going up? Do you imprison all of them? How does that affect the economy?
Those will be my last questions, sorry for staying on this topic I know you guys are a lot more knowledgeable though and I haven't gotten into economics books/subjects yet so gaf is sort of my starting ground.
True, but the predatory practices are still a problem because of unpredictable events. Its all well and good to budget your credit card usage to what you can pay off every month until something you didn't expect happens and suddenly you're out $500 that you hadn't accounted for. This isn't a problem if you have a significant safety buffer of course, but the problem is how many people in low-income situations have that?
Wait what? What the FUCK does Free Speech have to do with anything?