A mistake of this magnitude was inevitable for Romney. His habitual, injudicious caviling of Obama positioned him for an accident. His behavior became reflexive. Then, with the developments in Egypt, he reflexively criticized Obama without considering the implications. And the blowback has been fierce.Don't say Desperate: How Muslim Unrest Has Created a Crisis for Romney
Read more by clicking the link.
I find neither hypothetical likely. Regardless, the first would harm if casualties were heightened. The second would modestly bolster his candidacy; for example, it might engender support among gun enthusiasts.What about an embassy being overrun or massive deaths caused by Marines (properly) defending an embassy?
I prefer good vs evil.Indeed.
Politics is too complicated of a system to have a single narrative, but if I'm forced to pick one, I'll go with rural vs. urban (and it has been like this since the forming of this country).
I doubt it accounts for the movement. It's probably the regression to the mean.Gallup 49-45 O. Bounce over. Libya factored in?
Gallup 49-45 O. Bounce over. Libya factored in?
A mistake of this magnitude was inevitable for Romney. His habitual, injudicious caviling of Obama positioned him for an accident. His behavior became reflexive. Then, with the developments in Egypt, he reflexively criticized Obama without considering the implications. And the blowback has been fierce.I find neither hypothetical likely. Regardless, the first would harm if casualties were heightened. The second would modestly bolster his candidacy; for example, it might engender support among gun enthusiasts.I prefer good vs evil.I doubt it accounts for the movement. It's probably the regression to the mean.
Camera gets Romney at a private fundraiser.
Camera gets Romney at a private fundraiser.
I wish you poured as much care into your posts as you do analyzing mine. But I thank you. Those are fine suggestions.I wouldn't use the same two words so close together. I would have gone with impulsively, impetuously, incautiously, something along those lines. Points for "caviling," though.
Is that the Romney economic plan?Camera gets Romney at a private fundraiser.
Business is thriving at the Big Apple Pizza shop thanks to owner Scott Van Duzer's now-infamous bear hug of President Obama.
Sales at his Fort Pierce, Fla. pizza place are up 200 percent, Van Duzer told The Huffington Post, since he lifted Obama off the ground in an exuberant squeeze that transfixed the country on Sunday, launching a flurry of copycat hugs. The 46-year-old businessman went on to embrace CNN's Anderson Cooper and former Florida governor Charlie Crist, as well as many locals who are now coming by the restaurant just to get a quick snuggle.
"Business has been booming," Van Duzer told The Huffington Post.
Around the country, many were upset with the self-identified Republican small business owner for supporting Obama, some threatened a boycott, others posted what he called "vulgar, graphic" notes on social media and even called in fake orders for pizza. But the overwhelming response has been positive, says Van Duzer, who started working at the store when he was 16 and has never worked anywhere else.
"The outpouring of love and support from my community to me has been overwhelming," Van Duzer said. Many have called in to order pizza or donate money to his shop from as far away as Alaska, Hawaii, New York and New Jersey. He's taken their orders and donations and used them to give away pizzas to shelters, veterans associations, and firehouses and police stations, he said.
Van Duzer took over the business in 1991 and runs it with his sons and a few other employees. In 2008 he launched The Van Duzer Foundation, which helps raise awareness and funds for blood donations.
Since Sunday's hug, Van Duzer has sidestepped questions ranging from how the president smelled to whether he was heavy. "People say it was staged, it was fake, and I can tell you right now, from the bottom of my heart, it was like we were high school buddies from 25 years ago at a high school reunion. No matter all the bad, I would do the exact same thing again."
Regardless of how it has been interpreted, Van Duzer saw the hug as a gesture that was "innocent [and] respectful. At the end of the day, it's the president of the United States, not the president of the Democratic party, not the president of the Republicans."
Van Duzer, who voted for Obama in 2008 and plans to vote for him again in November, doesn't take issue with Obama's small business policies. "My business is stronger than it was four years ago, and that's because I take accountability for my business," he said. "I personally run and operate my business, and I don't depend on the government to help me."
Instead, Van Duzer has found a better way to boost business: hugging. "I gave out over 100" hugs Wednesday, Van Duzer said. "We're going to get a monitor, and when we get to about 300 or 400 hugs, we're going to play them on a loop, so people can come in and see their hugs. We're having a good time with it."
Van Duzer isn't the first to feel the positive ripple effect of an Obama encounter. After Obama visited a Five Guys location in 2009, the hamburger joint saw business more than double, and had to stay open late to meet the overwhelming demand. Even Al Green got an Obama bump after the president crooned "Let's Stay Together" at the Apollo Theater in January 2012, boosting the classic song's sales by 490 percent.
Fuck yeah
Fuck yeah
The 46-year-old businessman went on to embrace CNN's Anderson Cooper
Fuck yeah
Bearhug Man = 2012's Joe the Plumber
Wonderful story. How can anyone claim Obama didn't stimulate the economy?Fuck yeah
I wish you poured as much care into your posts as you do analyzing mine. But I thank you. Those are fine suggestions.
The single most infuriating thing about the blackouts is that all while Enron was deliberately fucking things up, they publicly laid the blame on regulation. Not only were they scamming the state, but they convinced people to give them greater leeway for doing so!
http://www.buzzfeed.com/rosiegray/rick-santorum-says-smart-people-will-never-be-on"We will never have the media on our side, ever, in this country," Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator, told the audience at the Omni Shoreham hotel. "We will never have the elite, smart people on our side."
Sadly, I do. If I come across as one of PoliGAF's mouth-breathers, well, that's just an indicator of innate intelligence.![]()
http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/santorum-obama-responsible-for-situation-in-mid-east"This president has to take a share of the responsibility for what the Midde East looks like today because he helped structure it," Santorum said. He accused Obama of "turning his back on Israel" and other allies in the region.
"If you are a friend of the United States you're on you're own," Santorum said, describing Obama's foreign policy. "If you're an enemy of the United States, let's talk."
Camera gets Romney at a private fundraiser.
Well look at that, I agree with Rick Santorum on something.
When it comes to conservatism libertarian types can say, oh, well you know, we don't want to talk about social issues," Santorum said. "Without the church and the family, there is no conservative movement, there is no basic values of America."
Also what in the hell is this Value Voters Summit?
Also what in the hell is this Value Voters Summit?
Rick Santorum said:"If you are a friend of the United States you're on you're own," Santorum said, describing Obama's foreign policy. "If you're an enemy of the United States, let's talk."
Modern day lets hate blacks conference.
Makes sense now.http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/rachel-maddow-slams-paul-ryan-appearing-va
Ryan spoke at it right before a nutcase did, lol
Modern day lets hate blacks conference.
Let's be fair, they also hate women, atheists, homosexuals, and Muslims.Modern day lets hate blacks conference.
Indeed.Sadly, I do. If I come across as one of PoliGAF's mouth-breathers, well, that's just an indicator of innate intelligence.![]()
No, it is not a lets hate blacks conference.It is a hate gays, Muslims, and atheists conference.
I propose we call those "squeaky toys"To be fair, Bauer's comments about dead beat "urban" voters in big cities was a pretty clear racially charged comment. That's not even a dog whistle, it's blatant stuff
I propose we call those "squeaky toys"
As far as I know, the rape stories are unconfirmed, but that picture is real, it was plastered on the front page of the LA Times.Oh man.
So one of my conservative family members is going on and on about how "they" (Muslims) dragged Ambassador Stevens through the street and raped him after he was dead. They are citing this picture of him that we saw already in this thread.
Is there any truth to this, or is that just the latest chain email crap going around? I had thought he was being carried to the hospital in that picture.
Oh man.
So one of my conservative family members is going on and on about how "they" (Muslims) dragged Ambassador Stevens through the street and raped him after he was dead. They are citing this picture of him that we saw already in this thread.
Is there any truth to this, or is that just the latest chain email crap going around? I had thought he was being carried to the hospital in that picture.
Yeah. Those are only baseless rumors. The picture displays him being transported to a hospital where his body was recovered.I'm not sure, but I believe he was being carried by Libyans to an ambulance/hospital. I think one paper claimed that he was raped and whatever else, but there's been no other source.
Oh man.
So one of my conservative family members is going on and on about how "they" (Muslims) dragged Ambassador Stevens through the street and raped him after he was dead. They are citing this picture of him that we saw already in this thread.
Is there any truth to this, or is that just the latest chain email crap going around? I had thought he was being carried to the hospital in that picture.
The source being cited for this is a British tabloid reading a Google Translate of an Arabic newspaper.
Oh man.
So one of my conservative family members is going on and on about how "they" (Muslims) dragged Ambassador Stevens through the street and raped him after he was dead. They are citing this picture of him that we saw already in this thread.
Is there any truth to this, or is that just the latest chain email crap going around? I had thought he was being carried to the hospital in that picture.
had no worries about PA no one should've, but man look at the 08 PA counties
This a blue state, if it wasnt for Philly and Pittsburgh lolz