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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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So now the Romney camp is trying to label the President as a liar in the lead up to the debates. They have finally wised up and realized that saying you can like the President but still not vote for him is a weak message. But now that they've gone full shitbag they are also turning off the independents and undecideds they need to actually win.


But now that they've gone full shitbag they are also turning off the independents and undecideds they need to actually win.

Republican reaction


Oh the things I'd like to do to Norah O'Donnell. <3

Though I think Kelly O'Donnell is the hotter of the two O'Donnells.

Rob Portman, you fucking liar. Never mind getting the timeline backwards. You claimed that the embassy said "we apologize". They did no such thing. Here is there statement:
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others

If you think that is an apology then Mitt Romney is the apologist in chief. He said pretty much the same thing:
MITT ROMNEY: Well, I haven’t seen the film. I don’t intend to see it. I you know, I think it’s dispiriting sometimes to see some of the awful things people say. And the idea of using something that some people consider sacred and then parading that out a negative way is simply inappropriate and wrong. And I wish people wouldn’t do it. Of course, we have a First Amendment. And under the First Amendment, people are allowed to do what they feel they want to do. They have the right to do that, but it’s not right to do things that are of the nature of what was done by, apparently this film.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I don't want to derail the thread further, so I'ma just say this; pussy does not have an IQ score.


Your standards might.

Till beer is involved.


That's actually the correct answer, I agree! Though not too big a fan of beer, however any alcohol will do. And to tolerate Christine...well, all I have to say is, sorry liver. :(
Economist Bruce Bartlett (who worked for both Bush's and Reagan as a supply-sider) on Romney's tax plan.

(not exact quote)

"It sounds like something his political advisers came up with in the middle of the night; I'd be surprised if his economic advisers had anything to do with it."

Ice. Cold.


I'm constantly amazed how inept the Romney campaign is. I knew he was a crappy candidate from the get-go but still, this is worse than even I expected.

Oh well, I guess the next move is wondering who will control of congress. It's starting to look good for the Democrats in the house. Maybe we'll see an all Democratic WH and Senate/House.


But Mitt Romney was always a fan of this strategy, as he showed during one of the Republican Primary debates, when he told John King, "You ask the questions you want - I give the answers I want."


Sarah Palin ignores questions she doesn't like in debate

"And I may not answer the questions the way that either the moderator or you want to hear, but I'm going to talk straight to the American people and let 'em know my track record also."

I swear to god Romney's campaign is being run by the exact same people and the exact same mindset as McCain's. The handlers' mindset seems to be "Our tactics worked great, it was the PEOPLE that were the problem."


Won't stop picking the right nation
Economist Bruce Bartlett (who worked for both Bush's and Reagan as a supply-sider) on Romney's tax plan.

(not exact quote)

"It sounds like something his political advisers came up with in the middle of the night; I'd be surprised if his economic advisers had anything to do with it."

Ice. Cold.
Romney's relationship to some of his economic advisers is strange. I have no idea what fairly respectable economists like Hubbard and Mankiw would have to gain from associating with Romney, nor what Romney has to gain (besides maybe some legitimacy) from these advisers if he is not actually going to use some of their ideas. It's like they're left over vestiges from a moderate Romney ticket that no longer exists.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Does Romney really think saying he "loves Snooki" will get him votes? It's liable to cost him some lol

There is objective math to prove that the more he tries to act like a normal person, the weirder he becomes. He is Uncanny Allen.
Romney's relationship to some of his economic advisers is strange. I have no idea what fairly respectable economists like Hubbard and Mankiw would have to gain from associating with Romney, nor what Romney has to gain (besides maybe some legitimacy) from these advisers if he is not actually going to use some of their ideas. It's like they're left over vestiges from a moderate Romney ticket that no longer exists.

Hubbard hasn't been respected for a while.

Mankiw, however, I can't figure out. He's even been forced to flip-flop on things he believes just to stay true to the Romney campaign.


I know I'm a couple of pages late, but I find it more likely that a gay couple adopting an Asian baby and a rich old white guy remarrying a Hispanic woman with a brown kid is one of Mitt Romney's recurring nightmares rather than his favorite TV show.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I know I'm a couple of pages late, but I find it more likely that a gay couple adopting an Asian baby and a rich old white guy remarrying a Hispanic woman with a brown kid is one of Mitt Romney's recurring nightmares rather than his favorite TV show.

I was wondering if anybody else caught that.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I was wondering if anybody else caught that.

Meh, Modern Family plays it INCREDIBLY safe. It is funny and clean comedy. It is kind hearted and usually ends each episode on an "all-together!" note. Plus it actually is very funny, that helps. I doubt he was pandering there.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
The affected workers.

And? If it was upheld, the state judges and state supreme court are either elected outright or appointed by elected legislatures. That's also a part of this wonderful democracy.

That isn't democracy. That is a republic. Admit it, you only support bureaucrats overturning the will of the people when it coincides with your own ideals. :p
The idea of electing state supreme court judges is weird to me. I know it's probably easier at the state level to just elect them, but that sort of takes out the appeal of the judicial branch.

It's like Iowa voters being able to throw out the justices because they didn't like how they ruled on gay marriage. They should be able to make those decisions without fear of electoral consequences.


This only applies for Republicans, of course. Democrats always go beyond what voters intended.

There was also a failed recall. I was happy to defend a vote for recall as a means of punishing Walker for going way beyond what he talked about doing, but Wisconsin got to vote on him again /after/ they saw what he did.


Setec Astronomer
There was also a failed recall. I was happy to defend a vote for recall as a means of punishing Walker for going way beyond what he talked about doing, but Wisconsin got to vote on him again /after/ they saw what he did.
While the situation wasn't that simple, there were also state senate recalls.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Hubbard hasn't been respected for a while.

Mankiw, however, I can't figure out. He's even been forced to flip-flop on things he believes just to stay true to the Romney campaign.
Yeah, I just looked more closely at the policies Hubbard was advocating and wasn't too impressed. To his one great benefit he does appear, on occasion, to break from Republican orthodoxy on certain issues. But Mankiw, more than Hubbard, is known for defying party convention, the most notable example of which is his promulgation of the idea that we should tolerate a higher inflation rate. As usual, Krugman had a good take on the alarming tendency of certain economists to risk their reputation on supporting dismal economics:

Simon Wren-Lewis wonders what could have possessed Mankiw and [John] Taylor to sell their souls this way. I won&#8217;t pretend to have a full answer. But surely part of it is simply that they have been caught up in the vortex of the broader Romney campaign &#8212; a campaign that has made fraudulence part of its standard operating procedure. Remember, Romney spent months castigating President Obama because he &#8220;apologizes for America&#8221; &#8212; something Obama has never, in fact, actually done. Then he spent weeks declaring that Obama has denigrated small business by claiming that businessmen didn&#8217;t actually build their own firms &#8212; all based on a remark that was clearly about infrastructure.

Meanwhile, Romney&#8217;s tax plan is now a demonstrated fraud &#8212; big tax cuts for the rich that he claims would be offset by closing loopholes, but the Tax Policy Center has demonstrated that the arithmetic can&#8217;t possibly work. He turns out to have been dishonest about when he really left Bain. And on and on.

So this is a campaign that&#8217;s all about faking it &#8212; fake claims about Obama, fake claims about policy, fake claims about Romney&#8217;s personal history.

Is it really surprising, then, that the economists who have decided to lend their names to the campaign have been caught up in this culture of fraud? Maybe some of them were initially reluctant, or thought they could support the campaign with selective renderings of the truth. But the pressure was on to be team players, to give the campaign material it could use &#8212; and so, one day, they all ended up putting their names to a report that is just plain dishonest, in ways that can be and have been easily documented.


Would like to ask who you guys think are the best "left" columns/blogs/etc.

Not Ezra Klein, Yglasias, Krugman, disingenuous types.

Something like: Glenn Greenwald, etc.


Won't stop picking the right nation
I think that Klein, Yglasias, and Krugman are interesting and that Greenwald is the disingenuous one, so you probably don't want to listen to me, but if you were inclined at all to follow my suggestions, then I would recommend Jonathan Chait.

Disingenuous is actually the last thing I would use to describe Ezra Klein. He may not be "clever clever" like other commentators, but he's empirically grounded to a much larger degree than is typical among the pundits.


Ezra is one of the best to follow for policy.

Apart from that I read Greg Sargent @ plumline
Cheers, I've liked some Sargent before.
I think that Klein, Yglasias, and Krugman are interesting and that Greenwald is the disingenuous one, so you probably don't want to listen to me, but if you were inclined at all to follow my suggestions, then I would recommend Jonathan Chait.

Disingenuous is actually the last thing I would use to describe Ezra Klein. He may not be "clever clever" like other commentators, but he's empirically grounded to a much larger degree than is typical among the pundits.
Wasn't meaning to be too "NOT THIS" but trying to start to set some guidelines so someone might find around it.

But considering you like Chait and dislike Greenwald, I'd like to know more about what "left" types you don't like. :lol

EDIT: I'm not talking about Greenwald's sockpuppets regarding the disingenuous part lol.

That's beyond the pale.
Would like to ask who you guys think are the best "left" columns/blogs/etc.

Not Ezra Klein, Yglasias, Krugman, disingenuous types.

Something like: Glenn Greenwald, etc.

Writers at In these Times and Znet & Alternet write much better articles than those beltway guys, but that might be too far left for you.


I don't really mind how far left they are, I'm just interested in some people who write outside of the DC type crap. And who can also write rationally and logically.

Far right, etc. is fine too. Just figured GAF would know some good writers on the left at least.

The Klein/Krugman disclaimer was because they're in Wapo/NYT and thus pretty famous.

Now that both conventions are over, the dimensions of the likely Romney triumph are becoming clear. Both through an analysis of the polling and an examination of the rhetoric, the parameters of the victory are emerging.

Start with the polling. It appears that the bulk of the Obama post-convention bounce has been in blue states where his left-oriented convention stirred up the enthusiasm of an already committed group of voters. Among likely voters identified in The Washington Post poll -- taken after the conventions -- Obama holds a slim one-point edge. And an analysis of Rasmussen's state-by-state likely voter data indicates a tie in the the battleground states.

But it's not really a tie at all. All pollsters are using 2008 models of voter turnout. Some are combining '04 and '08 but skewing their samples to '08 numbers. African Americans cast 11 percent of the national vote in '04, but their participation swelled to 13 percent in '08. These 2 million new black voters backed Obama overwhelmingly. Will they come out in such numbers again? Will college and under 30 voters do so as well? Will Latino turnout be at historic highs? All these questions have to be answered "yes" for the polling samples so widely published to be accurate.

by notable pollster Dick Morris

check the link for the rest. you won't be sorry!


Klein is very useful for getting a good summary of a policy or a political development. I've seldom seen him offer any impressive insights, and most of his posts are just distilling an expert's work into layman's terms, but he's pretty good at doing that.

I'm not really a fan of the rest of the Wonkblog staff though. Surprisingly amatuer hour-ish for a major newspaper.
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