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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Saw a billboard yesterday that said "Obama 2012. YES! YES! 1000 times YES!"...in British Columbia. Haven't met a person here who isn't dumbfounded that Romney even has a shot, even people who would be from areas akin to the 'red' areas of the US. Saw a poll that showed 65% of Canadians would support Obama while Romney only got 9%.
These can be fun.
Also who is jill stein!? lol.

I actually do think that there is a place for things like this.

It would be great if voting centers had something like this for people before they voted. They could fill out a series of check boxes on what they do and don't agree with and it would match them up with a candidates policies. If only we cared about policy.



Looks like SuperPACs are hitting Obama on that Janesville plant here in Wisconsin now. Just saw a commercial with the "This plant will be here another 100 years" quote from Obama and then the words that it was closing for good in 2009.


Looks like SuperPACs are hitting Obama on that Janesville plant here in Wisconsin now. Just saw a commercial with the "This plant will be here another 100 years" quote from Obama and then the words that it was closing for good in 2009.

So they are just blatantly lying.


Jeez, if Obama loses a point a day for the rest of the election, he'll be down like 50 points! Maybe we should just call it quits now.

(the movement in his head-to-head numbers are the DNC bounce fizzling out, of which Gallup always showed the highest - I'm taking more comfort in seeing his approval numbers hold steady)


So they are just blatantly lying.

They're bending the truth as far as they can bend it without breaking. They're using the fact that the plant had one more order to get done after they decided to close down in 2008 as evidence that it was still open. The article they quote was for when the plant was 100% closing then in 2009, after that order was done.


Ryan reads Terry Goodkind confirmed.

For real moral clarity, though, you have to murder peaceful protestors and shatter the jawbones of little girls.

Terry Goodkind is so awful and transparent.

I wonder if he thinks he is really making his readers think with the kind of shit he throws in... well, his readers are probably just the people to lap it up anyway.
They're bending the truth as far as they can bend it without breaking. They're using the fact that the plant had one more order to get done after they decided to close down in 2008 as evidence that it was still open. The article they quote was for when the plant was 100% closing then in 2009, after that order was done.

Of course the argument they are using is pretty strange . . . . so are they saying that they would have stopped it from closing? Would they have had the government take it over and force it to remain open as a government run factory? No one in their right mind would think that someone could have change economic conditions in a couple days to keep it open so that is the only plausible way for it to have been kept open. Vote GOP for communism!

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
completely true. no argument here. The problem here is that kids with any kind of intellectual promise are steered towards 4 year colleges and universities despite not actually having any concrete career track. the trades are left over to the problem kids and those who struggle in school.

Thus we've ended up with quality kids going to universities without any real direction, ending up with 4 year degrees in english or history, and working at starbucks or in retail. meanwhile the problem kids end up going into the trades, and the skilled trades are having a problem finding reliable workers.

We really need a reorientation here somewhere. My suggestion was to simply have 4 year state institutions start training skilled labor- so CNC operators graduate with bachelors degrees and graduate with skill AND some kind of prestige but I was shot down here pretty fast.

I missed this response, just wanted to say:

I have a friend in Washington who is in just that situation. His parents knew he was smart so they pushed him to not 'waste' his university education on anything not 'smart'. So he went and got a degree in philosophy. There was no job path offered or even feasible where he went to, and he's working in retail.

The thing is, I can't fault him for wanting to take advantage of university for bettering himself in thinking and ability to understand. That's all good. And these conversations often get people coming up defending stuff like the arts, and higher education being about learning for its own sake. But I did get the impression that my friend never once thought about there being any options besides "become a philosopher or an accountant" and nothing was ever shown to him to demonstrate that.

The closest thing we seem to have right now to desirable skilled labor is information technology, aka, the Plumbers of the Internet. Computers and IT are the hot thing changing society this generation, so that's attractive to plenty of young people. It can also be a path to a six figure income if played right, and being lucky enough to find the right openings.

What a lot of kids today don't seem to realize tho, is that there can be serious advantages to skilled trades. Rather than upward mobility limited to becoming a middle manager, trade skills can open the door to owning a business pretty quickly. You're doing something that produces direct value from your own labor, rather than being suck as a cog in a larger machine. Opens the path to starting your own business and hiring other skilled tradespersons to expand. Flexibility too; the downside of the IT path seems to be that technology power and demand is concentrated in a few areas of the country. But contractors are needed everywhere, spread out pretty evenly.
So. Two polls showing Brown ahead mean it's clearly, definitively over, but two polls showing movement in Warren's direction requires skepticism? I don't get it.
Election Night 2012


"The results are in and Elizabeth Warren has won a stunning victory over Scott Brown, 53-47, securing the Democrats' control over the Senate."


"Bad news for Obama."

Seeing shit like this makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

GOP: Got pre existing condition? Tough shit.

This is a pretty great read: Why I left the GOP

From then on, I started to notice a lot more reality. I noticed that the criminal justice system treats minorities differently in subtle as well as not-so-subtle ways, and that many of the people who were getting swept up by the system came from this underclass that I knew so little about. Lingering for months in lock-up for misdemeanors, getting pressed against the hood and frisked during routine traffic stops, being pulled over in white neighborhoods for “driving while black”: these are things that never happen to people in my world. Not having experienced it, I had always assumed that government force was only used against guilty people. (Maybe that’s why we middle-class white people collectively freak out at TSA airport pat-downs.)

ugh, you dont have to be in any particular party to know that :/


ugh, you dont have to be in any particular party to know that :/

You shouldn't have to be. And put bluntly like he does it's hard to think that people in the Republican party wouldn't know that, but I really think a lot of them don't. I mean they might logically, but at the same time philosophically they still cling to their individual liberty stuff which just shows they haven't let the info sink in enough to disrupt that worldview.
He says he hated Clinton. Why?
Tax and spend!

Clinton had a "reputation" among the right-wing for being a crook. Accusations of ordering assassinations were common, and of course his active sex life. Now he's Democratic Jesus because it makes Obama look worse.
It got a discussion about income inequality going, but other than that the messaging from the protests was all over the place and the general public is going to sour on anything when the news is plastered with protesters fighting the police.

At best it got the income equality discussions going amongst young liberals, but that's something liberals should be aware of. Kind of like Chris Rock's "I take care of my kids!" It was more of a generational epiphany than any actual message. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. Too bad the winters suck.
John McCain said:
"It was Osama bin Laden that said, 'When people see the strong horse and the weak horse, people like the strong horse.' Right now the United States is the weak horse"
I think the phrase "beating a dead horse" applies pretty well here.
It's going to be revived Nov. 7th.

Yup. While I don't believe they'll splinter from the GOP, there will be a grassroots movement to further move the party even farther right.

This is why I think it's very unlikely Obama will have any type of "mandate" even if he wins 08 style; as long as republicans hold the house, they'll block everything. Next year would be the perfect time to pass the Jobs Act for instance but it certainly won't pass the house.

We'll get another extension of the Bush/Obama tax cuts thus ensuring the deficit continues to grow plus a reversal (to some degree) of the defense spending cuts. Outside of that? Another year of obstruction, recess breaks, and spending wars

If republicans lose on Nov 6th, Nov 7th and onwards will be all about destroying government/the economy for November 2014
PPP said:
Elizabeth Warren leads in the MA-Sen poll we will release tonight. Last month we found her down by 5 pts.

PD remains skeptical

Clevinger said:
Just like Obama's convention bounce will disappear, hers will too.

*pisses on Aaron's parade*
All the polling evidence indicates we're going to win Utah this year, dunno what the fuck you guys are talking about.
Obviously these last few polls CLEARLY indicate that Warren has this locked down and she will win decisively. I mean, how could these polls be wrong? It's so obvious.

How can we doubt them?
Obviously these last few polls CLEARLY indicate that Warren has this locked down and she will win decisively. I mean, how could these polls be wrong? It's so obvious.

How can we doubt them?

Who's saying such a thing? It points to clear movement towards Warren following the conventions, nothing more or less right now.
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