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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Who's saying such a thing? It points to clear movement towards Warren following the conventions, nothing more or less right now.
PD said that about Brown when he was leading in the polls.

In fairness Warren's campaign started out weak but she's hitting her stride.

RDreamer said:
I know I'm not going to hold my breath for Warren, but I'm going to be hopeful. More hopeful than Baldwin. If she wins, awesome. If not .. :(
Warren's like 50/50. Baldwin's 25/75... Only way to save her is if Obama boosts her numbers by campaigning there.


I know I'm not going to hold my breath for Warren, but I'm going to be hopeful. More hopeful than Baldwin. If she wins, awesome. If not .. :(
He's essentially calling it a lock for Brown with him being down in the polls.
Considering his bullishness on Romney that can't really be a surprise.

Another PPP tweet:

And once again we find Obama with a decent sized lead in Virginia- has been the case every time we've polled there this cycle
Big surprise. Virginia is only close when you oversample Republicans and/or just make shit up straight-up.

Based on PPP's numbers:

GOP pick-ups: Nebraska (Kerrey down 10), Wisconsin (Baldwin down 5)

Dem pick-ups: Maine (King up 24), Massachusetts (Warren up by an unknown lead)

Potential Dem pick-ups: Nevada (Berkeley down 1), Arizona (Carmona down 1)

Potential GOP pick-ups: Montana (Rehberg down 2), Missouri (Akin down 1), Virginia (tied 46-46)
Would result in a 53-47 Democratic majority, exactly what we have now. Assuming Indiana (R) and North Dakota (D) don't flip, both are tossups. Virginia I think will stay blue thanks to Obama's coattails.

Given Democrats' tenuous leads in most races, GOP could run the tables and eke out a 52-48 majority, but Democrats could max out at 57.
By how much? It'll probably be a small lead that doesn't mean anything
This response, after two polls showing Brown ahead of Warren:
Warren down by 5% still, despite multiple (recent) cases of Brown taking conservative positions or flip flopping on women's issues? She's done. I don't buy the idea that she's too liberal for MA, of all places. She doesn't connect with many voters, and her speaking style is often shrill and unconvincing. She should be in the cabinet where she doesn't have to shake hands and be buddy buddy with voters.

I'm not sure a woman can beat Brown, to be perfectly honest. He appeals too much to men, and even women, and is just the type of moderate republican that wins in the northeast.

Baldwin never had a chance against Thompson


On phone with dad, says to avoid 'muslims' on our vacation in Costa Rica, because they are all violent and want to hurt Americans, and are a 'cult' in his 'I'm a member of the Catholic Church' opinion.

Tried to tell him the actions of a few don't define everything, pulls out there are no moderate muslims condemning the attacks... told him they actually are. I told him extremists in any religion are bad, have to give examples because he obviously doesn't believe me I guess. First example was Crusades 'oh but that was so long ago', second example is religious factions in Ireland killing each other...

'haha I have no idea why they'd do that'


Please tell me he has some kind of avatar bet going on.
None for the House and Senate, which is probably why around this time last year he was pushing for a Democratic Congress with President Romney. Now that there's a virtual consensus on Obama winning, he has Republicans winning out of spite.

PPP said:
73% of Democrats in Virginia are 'very excited' to vote, 63% of Republicans are. 85% of African Americans, 57% of whites
But everyone's disappointed in Obummer!

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
On phone with dad, says to avoid 'muslims' on our vacation in Costa Rica, because they are all violent and want to hurt Americans, and are a 'cult' in his 'I'm a member of the Catholic Church' opinion.

Tried to tell him the actions of a few don't define everything, pulls out there are no moderate muslims condemning the attacks... told him they actually are. I told him extremists in any religion are bad, have to give examples because he obviously doesn't believe me I guess. First example was Crusades 'oh but that was so long ago', second example is religious factions in Ireland killing each other...

'haha I have no idea why they'd do that'



Does he know where Costa Rica is?


On phone with dad, says to avoid 'muslims' on our vacation in Costa Rica, because they are all violent and want to hurt Americans, and are a 'cult' in his 'I'm a member of the Catholic Church' opinion.

Tried to tell him the actions of a few don't define everything, pulls out there are no moderate muslims condemning the attacks... told him they actually are. I told him extremists in any religion are bad, have to give examples because he obviously doesn't believe me I guess. First example was Crusades 'oh but that was so long ago', second example is religious factions in Ireland killing each other...

'haha I have no idea why they'd do that'



Also, not sure there are many Muslims in Costa Rica.
the enthusiasm factor is a self-fulfilling prophecy; the recent swath of polls showing an inevitable obama victory has excited democrats and depressed republicans.

paying those thugs to go after gallup was the best money the obama campaign ever spent.
Well they better be careful. If Democrats think for one second Obama has this in the bag, everyone will stay home and Republicans will win the Senate.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Warren's only hope is that turnout for Obama is high and people just vote down ticket. Sorry, I want brown out of that seat so bad but I don't see it. He has potential to stick around forever because he's just so...likable.


I'm still sorta surprised Mitt's campaign only now started 'plan b', and it's not a good plan at that. Throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks isn't much of a plan; it looks like the death spasms of a dying campaign. Obama's polls numbers weren't falling all summer, even in the face of unrelenting SuperPAC ads. That should have clued the campaign in much earlier that maybe solely criticizing Obama on the economy will not be enough.
looks like we got an infighting Romney story coming up:
Interesting, Drudge saying Politico going to publish a piece on Romney campaign infighting

Reports of infighting in the Romney campaign will make Democratic voters complacent and thus more likely to stay home, allowing Romney to win the election.
This cuts both ways.
Yeah I'm just playing Democratic concern troll there. It could be argued that it cost Democrats the House in 1996 though - that election was a snoozer and Clinton saw his support cut in half by election night compared to the polls. This campaign, at least on Obama's side is a bit more spirited however.

looks like we got an infighting Romney story coming up:

I imagine a lot of Republicans will be throwing Romney under the bus to save what's left of Ryan's credibility.
Reports of infighting in the Romney campaign will make Democratic voters complacent and thus more likely to stay home, allowing Romney to win the election.

I know you're not serious, but where do people get the idea that voters become complacent? I haven't seen a shred of evidence for that, this election or past, unless I suck at doing research.
I know you're not serious, but where do people get the idea that voters become complacent? I haven't seen a shred of evidence for that, this election or past, unless I suck at doing research.
1996 was the only real example because no one really cared about either of the candidates. Clinton led by double digits in the polls but his total was cut down to 9 points. Obviously there was no direct implication of that since Clinton won anyway, and easily, but there were enough close House seats where it could have made the difference in determining control of Congress.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Going to plan B is bad for us. Plan A doesn't work, so I want them to keep using Plan A. Infighting indicates they might stumble onto something good.
After 2010, I won't take anything for granted with the American Public. The good news is, Obama is nearing 50% in a lot of National and Swing state polls.

The main thing I am worried about now is the debates, Romney is putting a lot of prep in, no news about Obama on the same front.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Meh, just read the article. Not much there. Wow, campaigns are hard to manage and are big and have people who disagree. They don't even really hit on anything too fundamental that you couldn't see from the outside-- that Romney is boring, that his campaign is playing it safe, that he has had people unsure of his VP pick and second guessing things.

The only real revelation was that the speech was written like a night before.


McCain: U.S. ‘Weakened’ By ‘Disengagement’ Under Obama


I so glad he did not make it to the White House.
The U.S. is clearly more engaged than during the Bush Administration. McCain conflates reckless belligerence with engagement. The rigid foreign policy McCain supported for eight years, and still supports, weakened America to an astonishing degree. We alienated many of our allies, wasted vital resources, and eschewed reason. We abandoned prudent strategy for ideological nonsense. He represents the worst of the Bush Administration.
Friedman's latest highlights the significance of US-China relations for the next administration, and few decades further i suppose :p. China's internal divisions and strong economic ties will likely make it so that we'll never see a truly bi-polar split of global competing interests as with the USSR. Regardless, will be fun to hear Romney feel his way through an answer in the FP debate.


Also Friendman can't stop Friedmaning himself. Xi wasn't hiding under the bed. Autocratic regimes hide their preferred leaders during tempests - perceived or not - regularly. Dork.

And upon posting this and returning to the OT I just notice this thread - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=491607

He'll maintain his confrontational posturing. I doubt he relents even when confronted by Obama noting his quixotic stance is unrealistic. And I'll breathe a sigh of relief that he'll never occupy the White House.
Meh, just read the article. Not much there. Wow, campaigns are hard to manage and are big and have people who disagree. They don't even really hit on anything too fundamental that you couldn't see from the outside-- that Romney is boring, that his campaign is playing it safe, that he has had people unsure of his VP pick and second guessing things.

The only real revelation was that the speech was written like a night before.

yeah kinda boring really.

the good shit will come later


The only real revelation was that the speech was written like a night before.

Perhaps that explains why his speech sucked so much.

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I think that a speech should be a series of sentences grouped into paragraphs that build onto each other to form a coherent argument. Romney's speech seemed like a series of statements with little connection to each other.


No Scrubs
Perhaps that explains why his speech sucked so much.

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I think that a speech should be a series of sentences grouped into paragraphs that build onto each other to form a coherent argument. Romney's speech seemed like a series of statements with little connection to each other.

Which based on what the article said about the writing process of this speech does not surprise me.
Hobbestetrician said:
PPP: Obama 51-46 in VA.
Pretty good considering it's a less Democratic electorate than in 2008. Ohio is out of Romney's reach and so is Virginia - he'd have to pull a major coup in blue states like Michigan to win without them.
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