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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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If I was a Democrat running against a Republican in any election I would paint the Republican economic platform as essentially playing high stakes black jack with the American economy.

Coolidge/Wilson were Conservative Republicans...they were Presidents leading up to and well into the stock market crash in 1929 and the Great Depression.

George H.W. Bush was a Conservative Republican, a man who inherited a strong economy and left it in recession in just 4 short years.

George W Bush was a Conservative Republican who inherited Bill Clinton's economy and left it in the worst crisis in nearly a century.

By contrast, Democrats brought the country out of the Great Depression from 1932-1952 and since 1961 created almost twice as many private sector jobs in 4 less years than Republicans.

Sure, there have been successes in Republican administrations. Eisenhower and Reagan come to mind, but there have been an equal amount of catastrophic failures.

If you want a track record of fixing these messes, and generating economic growth with almost no economic crashes vote Democrat.

If you want to play blackjack with the American economy in an effort to get rich quick where we might succeed, but we also might fail catastrophically, vote Republican.

If this, or something like this, is the closing argument for Obama's domestic policy debate...I think it's hard, on its face, to argue with it.


This exists. My brother sent it to me. You're all welcome:



No Scrubs
I don't understand...pancakes abs and hamster trains with pancakes on top...this guy need to lay off the drugs when painting. Still better than that other conservative painter though.


I'm registered to vote and looking forward to my first ever Presidential elections! I got my citizenship a week after election day in 2008 so I'm psyched to be able to vote this time round!

Romney will get a boost when he clinches the nomination . . .
Romney will get a boost when he picks a VP . . .
Romney will get a boost when he has the convention . . .

Romney will get a boost when he has a debate.
Maybe to actually get people to see how ridiculous the moving of the goalposts has been, this needs to be put into the format of the PS3 Blackboard meme? GAF is a gaming forum after all.
49 Days Until the Election

16 Days Until the First Debate

Tick Tock, Romney. Tick Tock.

I said wow.

I need to stock up on popcorn.

Also, did presidential debates exist in 2000? Because the idea that they existed, and Bush still won blows my mind. I cant have it.

I'm registered to vote and looking forward to my first ever Presidential elections! I got my citizenship a week after election day in 2008 so I'm psyched to be able to vote this time round!

Maybe to actually get people to see how ridiculous the moving of the goalposts has been, this needs to be put into the format of the PS3 Blackboard meme? GAF is a gaming forum after all.

Romney is like the Vita.

Pretty soon, the polls will mysterious stop including the romney numbers and we'll have to figure it out using vague press releases.
But prisons aren't profitable and increase our deficit. The right should be all about slashing cost by freeing those whose liberty was taken by a tyrannical government who stuck its nose into private matters of recreation in the home
Ideologies don't change easily. They got stuck on the 'tough on crime' meme and drove it into the ground. Kinda like they have done with tax cuts. Now we have the largest per capita prison population in the world and it isn't easy for them to change.

There have been a few voices on right that have called for restraint on the prison-industrial complex though. Ironically . . . it was Pat Robertson! But here is the real kicker . . . he blames it all liberals!
Also, did presidential debates exist in 2000? Because the idea that they existed, and Bush still won blows my mind. I cant have it.

Yep, they were around. And for some reason, media coverage that followed it was centred entirely around the question of whether Al Gore sighed too much and/or too loudly, followed closely about whether Gore was prone to lying. Very substantive stuff, as you can imagine.



Mitt Romney Reaches Out To Young Voters With Laser Tag Pizza Party

Onion news people.

As always the Onion is brilliant.
Attendee Bradley Stafford, 27, stated that while he personally had no objection to the offering of laser tag, he would have preferred a discussion of policies that might help his family keep its home out of foreclosure, as well as some diet soda options.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Alright, I have my money to register the site...I need a name! Anyone have any suggestions whatsoever?

I thought about happyrino.com?

catchy enough, short enough, and gets the message across in a hurry.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
HappyRino would attract lots of spam from the tea party about how you are a homosexual.

Hmmm, interesting. I don't want to exploit my family by putting their pictures on there, either, so they will just have to trust my bio blurb on the page that I am, in fact straight.

I just don't know. I feel like the name could make or break the site's concept and potential for any measure of success!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Alright, I have my money to register the site...I need a name! Anyone have any suggestions whatsoever?

I thought about happyrino.com?

catchy enough, short enough, and gets the message across in a hurry.

If you want my advice (and I know you do :p) don't pay for domain/server space just yet. You should make a name for yourself by using one of the free blogging sites first.


Fork 'em, Sparky!

oblivion, I totally get that, but I don't want some lame "mypoliticalblog.blogspot.com"

Who would read that? I don't expect to get a ton or hits off of any site that I start, but at least it will be mine, and if I help for people to understand things better, then mission accomplished.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Eh, it's not that expensive. Why not start it off right?

My thought, exactly. FatCow will register me a domain and host it with unlimited bandwidth/storage space for 3.76/month for a year. After a year, if nothing happens with it, I will end it. If I spend 45 bucks for that and it bombs, oh well, I eat more than that in fast food every month.


Serious question: if Youtube had existed in 2004, would Bush have won re-election over Kerry?

It blows my mind that Obama vs McCain was the first election in the Youtube era. It seems like it's been a part of my life forever, but it didn't come out until 2005.

My thought, exactly. FatCow will register me a domain and host it with unlimited bandwidth/storage space for 3.76/month for a year. After a year, if nothing happens with it, I will end it. If I spend 45 bucks for that and it bombs, oh well, I eat more than that in fast food every month.

Is FatCow dependable? I'm looking to set up a site myself.
The top income tax rates have changed considerably since the end of World War II. Throughout the late-1940s and 1950s, the top marginal tax rate was typically above 90%; today it is 35%. Additionally, the top capital gains tax rate was 25% in the 1950s and 1960s, 35% in the 1970s; today it is 15%. The average tax rate faced by the top 0.01% of taxpayers was above 40% until the mid-1980s; today it is below 25%. Tax rates affecting taxpayers at the top of the income distribution are currently at their lowest levels since the end of the second World War.

The results of the analysis suggest that changes over the past 65 years in the top marginal tax rate and the top capital gains tax rate do not appear correlated with economic growth. The reduction in the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment, and productivity growth. The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie.

However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top of the income distribution. As measured by IRS data, the share of income accruing to the top 0.1% of U.S. families increased from 4.2% in 1945 to 12.3% by 2007 before falling to 9.2% due to the 2007-2009 recession. At the same time, the average tax rate paid by the top 0.1% fell from over 50% in 1945 to about 25% in 2009. Tax policy could have a relation to how the economic pie is sliced—lower top tax rates may be associated with greater income disparities.


New Congressional Research Study released.

Shocker, no correlation between tax cuts for high income earners an economic growth, savings, investment, and productivity growth, but correlated with income inequality.
(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will pledge to Hispanics on Monday that if elected he will fix the troubled U.S. immigration system in an appeal to a rising voter bloc that overwhelmingly favors Democratic President Barack Obama.

Looking to rebound after a tough week in which he fell behind Obama in the polls, Romney will couple his immigration promises with a commitment to get a handle on America's problem of rising national debt and massive budget deficits.

This is part of the Republican's drive to spend more time talking about the specifics of his economic proposals in answer to voter demands for more information as they choose between him and Obama in the November 6 election.

Romney's immigration remarks to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will be aimed at shoring up a weakness in his candidacy: the fact that a huge majority of Hispanics support Obama.

"Americans may disagree about how to fix our immigration system, but I think we can all agree that it is broken," Romney will say.

In excerpts of his speech released by his campaign, Romney did not get into the specifics of how he would patch up a deep divide between Democrats and Republicans on the approach to repairing the U.S. immigration system.

Keep throwing at that wall, Mittens.


I don't see how Romney can make up ground with Hispanic voters. He already tried earlier by taking about the economic hardships they experience. Problem is he's got nothing to propose and he's dragging around the baggage of his primary positions and the far right.
The lack of specifics tells me their strategy hasn't changed: it's all about the shitty economy; they think voters will focus so much on the economy that detailed plans won't be needed. It's a pathetic strategy that has not worked in the general election.

Saying you will cut spending and taxes is all you need to do in a primary, while questioning your opponents' credentials and defending your own. This is no longer a primary race though, yet they still treat it like one
The lack of specifics tells me their strategy hasn't changed: it's all about the shitty economy; they think voters will focus so much on the economy that detailed plans won't be needed. It's a pathetic strategy that has not worked in the general election.

Saying you will cut spending and taxes is all you need to do in a primary, while questioning your opponents' credentials and defending your own. This is no longer a primary race though, yet they still treat it like one

PD insulting Romney and flaunting a Harbaugh avatar?

Today was a good day.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Eh, it's not that expensive. Why not start it off right?

That's true. I'm just speaking from my own experience, but I did a lot of stupid things with my site and ended up costing a lot of money (well, not THAT much, but money that I felt was wasted that I could have used for something else. Like dental work. D: ).

Also, you assbutts never helped ME when I was asking suggestions for website names! :mad:
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