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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Better believe that if Warren were a NY Senator you wouldn't hear a peep out of her about Wall Street. Opportunist to the core.
This is stupid. Assuming trolling. It's the entire reason she has a public profile and the source of her popularity, from her CFPA proposal to her academic work to her days running around on the TARP circuit. If it was really such a weakness in NY it's too big of a thing to be swept aside and she'd probably not run instead. Of course, given Wall St.'s commitment to Scott Brown, unlikely to be too much worse, even if we're playing the "argument-by-I-know-what-would-happen-in-fantasy-scenario" game.

Kind of reminds me of the complaints about Franken - too partisan, will never fit in in the Senate, everyone will hate him, more interested in throwing bombs than policy substance, etc. It's all based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the candidate's appeal.

Romney will get a boost when he clinches the nomination . . .
Romney will get a boost when he picks a VP . . .
Romney will get a boost when he has the convention . . .

Romney will get a boost when he has a debate.
Yeah, I don't think there's even room for the debates to make much of a difference anymore. Much as I hate to tempt fate, too few persuadable/undecideds, and too much recent history of the debates solidifying existing opinion rather than swinging it.


So Scarbs is apparently so bummed out by current polls that he decided to let Woodward come on and spew Boehner/McConnell talking points without question this morning.


I can't wait for the debates. Will Romney call the President a liar when they are sharing the same stage? I think he will try to be aggressive while sticking to his talking points. I can only imagine Romney getting tripped when pressed to give specifics or asked to respond to a direct criticism from Obama. Hopefully both will happen a lot.



Another GOP supporter helping small business.

"I see the looks on some people's faces...." Ghaly the Gas station owner remarked whilst shaking his damned head.


The thing that these conservatives never do is define what "destroying our country" means in policy terms. And when you tell them Obamacare literally gives private health insurance companies millions of new customers they tell you right back that its government healthcare.
The thing that these conservatives never do is define what "destroying our country" means in policy terms. And when you tell them Obamacare literally gives private health insurance companies millions of new customers they tell you right back that its government healthcare.

Anything that changes anything is destroying the country if you listen to old republicans tell it.

The narrative that fox news and the like have pushed has gotten so out of control it's not even funny.


They were talking about the in-fighting within the Romney campaign and the Politico article on Today this morning. This campaign can't catch a break, can it?
I'm loving every minute of it

LOL. You love salty tears.

I need to create another account at rapture ready. That place is amazing.

My mom has a Rapture Ready desktop background. :(


Ah huh

Paul Ryan Exclusive: Explains Why Romney Campaign Won't Reveal Tax Loopholes
David Brody: “There are some conservatives that have spoken out saying they want to see some more specifics from the Romney/Ryan team and one thing that comes up, at least from the liberals is tax loopholes. Is there a reason you guys aren’t naming specific tax loopholes?”

Paul Ryan: “Yes because we want to get it done. Look, I’ve been on the Ways and Means Committee for 12 years. I’m very familiar with how to make successful tax reforms take place. Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neil did it in 1986 but we haven’t done it since 1986 for lots of reasons which is we don’t want to presume to say ‘here’s exactly our way or the highway take it or leave it Congress.’ We want to say this is our vision, lower tax rates across the board for families and small businesses and work on the loopholes that are enjoyed by the higher income earners, take away their tax shelters so more of their income is subject to taxation. That lowers everybody’s tax rates. And we have to be able to work with Congress on those details, on how to fill it in and more to the point we don’t want to cut some backroom deal that they did with Obamacare where we hatched some plan behind the scenes and they spring it on the country. We want to do this in front, in the public, through congressional hearings with Congress so that we can get to the best conclusion with a public participation. That’s the process that works the best to ultimate success gets this done. That’s why we’re doing it this way.”


Any decent, specific idea they might have on closing loopholes would be added as an amendment on some Democrat-sponsored Senate/House bill and the Democrats will watch in glee as Republicans uniformly vote against it.

It's smart of them to not come out and spell them out. Although it's pretty hypocritical as just four years ago they accused the Obama campaign of the same thing.


I don't see how Romney can make up ground with Hispanic voters. He already tried earlier by taking about the economic hardships they experience. Problem is he's got nothing to propose and he's dragging around the baggage of his primary positions and the far right.

He was never going to make up ground. The republican party can't spend years having it's members demonizing a group and then turn around and make promises and expect them to fall for it. There is a reason why many if not nearly all African Americans will not vote republican even though many can be conservative on certain things. Republicans have been doing to Hispanics what they've done to AA in the past. They really think people are stupid to fall for their bs.
He was never going to make up ground. The republican party can't spend years having it's members demonizing a group and then turn around and make promises and expect them to fall for it. There is a reason why many if not nearly all African Americans will not vote republican even though many can be conservative on certain things. Republicans have been doing to Hispanics what they've done to AA in the past. They really think people are stupid to fall for their bs.

I don't know. I have a few Hispanic friends on Facebook that "Like" Mitt Romney. I stopped trying to figure out demographics.
Any decent, specific idea they might have on closing loopholes would be added as an amendment on some Democrat/Senate House bill and the Democrats will watch in glee as Republicans uniformly vote against it.

It's smart of them to not come out and spell them out. Although it's pretty hypocritical as just four years ago they accused the Obama campaign of the same thing.

The more last minute the plan though, the less thought out it will be to think about long term consequences of doing said plan. Somethign tells me it will be an enormously short term plan just to please the hardcore righties.
The more last minute the plan though, the less thought out it will be to think about long term consequences of doing said plan. Somethign tells me it will be an enormously short term plan just to please the hardcore righties.

Romney knows exactly what loopholes he wants gone, there will be nothing last minute about it. He just won't tell the public until he wins. He should easily be winning the tax debate simply by being a republican but he has given the Smerican people no reason to trust him on the issue.
It's hard for me to believe a chunk of the republican party in office believes the shit they're saying. Half of it seems like people who are saying things because they need to say them in order to keep their jobs. The gamesmanship has jumped to a whole different level in the last few years and it makes me wonder if republicans will continue to move even more to the right if Mitt loses. I'm not sure how much further right they can go besides taking away womens' voting rights and bringing back slavery.


Any decent, specific idea they might have on closing loopholes would be added as an amendment on some Democrat/Senate House bill and the Democrats will watch in glee as Republicans uniformly vote against it.

It's smart of them to not come out and spell them out. Although it's pretty hypocritical as just four years ago they accused the Obama campaign of the same thing.

It's a brilliant way to show how ridiculous Republican partisanship has become. Sneaky Democrats are always trying to do things like pass legislation.


It's a brilliant way to show how ridiculous Republican partisanship has become. Sneaky Democrats are always trying to do things like pass legislation.

Also because I seriously doubt Mitts is aiming to close loopholes that actually need closing like Oil Subsidies and such.


In terms of effectiveness, the ad by Romney today is probably his best of the cycle. Not that it actually has any details of his so called plan.

He now has a 2 way strategy:
1. TV Ads that are more moderate, economic focused in nature
2. Campaign speeches, stops that are about God and apologies.


Of course if the TV strategy is unsuccessful, he will lose.

First there is not one detail in the ads so that makes them pointless to people in the middle.

Second him and Ryan tend to say dumb shit or very right wing stuff at campaign stops which then gets played on the news.

You cannot focus on social issues and the economy and have anyone in the middle take you seriously.

He has the Republican vote, but about 1 1/2 months before the election he has not found a way to get the middle or siphon unimpressed Democrats.

I mean god look at his latest pandering for Hispanics, "I will fix a system that has been broken for decades and even my own party has no intention of fixing but I promise you I WILL DO IT" lol
First there is not one detail in the ads so that makes them pointless to people in the middle.

Second him and Ryan tend to say dumb shit or very right wing stuff at campaign stops which then gets played on the news.

You cannot focus on social issues and the economy and have anyone in the middle take you seriously.

He has the Republican vote, but about 1 1/2 months before the election he has not found a way to get the middle or siphon unimpressed Democrats.

I mean god look at his latest pandering for Hispanics, "I will fix a system that has been broken for decades and even my own party has no intention of fixing but I promise you I WILL DO IT" lol

I am not disagreeing with you.

Also, I haven't read this yet, but TNR piece on Paul Ryan - "How Paul Ryan Convinced Washington of His Genius":


In terms of effectiveness, the ad by Romney today is probably his best of the cycle. Not that it actually has any details of his so called plan.

He now has a 2 way strategy:
1. TV Ads that are more moderate, economic focused in nature
2. Campaign speeches, stops that are about God and apologies.


Of course if the TV strategy is unsuccessful, he will lose.

I wonder if voters in swing states are already reaching a saturation point of sorts as far as political advertising is concerned, to the point where even normally effective commercials are tuned-out and rendered pointless. Both sides seem to have hardened bases, with recent polls showing that maybe 2% of each candidate's voters would be willing to consider changing their votes.. so advertising seems weaker than normal to me, other than to remind one's base that Election Day is coming up.

If the race is to fundamentally change, it'll take something bigger than a few good TV ads. Thank goodness.


And for fun, some PPP Virginia data:
50% of Virginia voters think Romney should release 12 years of his tax returns, 43% do not

Obama has narrowly positive approval rating in VA- 50/48. Romney slightly under water on favorability- 47/49

Dems more excited to vote than GOP, women more than men, blacks more than whites, young voters more than seniors in VA

Virgil Goode's net favorability with VA Republicans has dropped 15 pts in last month- not happy about spoiler effect

Goode now gets just 1% in VA, same as Jill Stein. Gary Johnson gets 2%. Obama leads 49-45 when 3rd parties included

Romney up 51-45 with men, 57-40 with whites, 54-43 with seniors, and 47-45 with independents in Virginia

Obama up 56-42 with women, 91-7 with blacks, 63-30 with other non-whites, and 56-37 with young voters in VA

Obama also leads Romney 49-47 in Virginia on who voters trust more about the economy

Obama has 51-45 edge in VA on foreign policy. 41% approve of Romney's reaction to Libya, 48% disapprove

We have polled Virginia 9 times this cycle and Obama has been up by at least 4 points every time

If Ohio is gone and Virginia looks more and more solid, good night, Mr Romney.
poll out of Wisconsin has Baldwin up 5.

I want to believe so bad.

E: More more more!

Another internal poll conducted for Rep. Joe Donnelly's Indiana Senate campaign shows the Democrat in a tight race with GOP Treasurer Richard Mourdock. The poll, conducted by Global Strategy Group, shows Donnelly with 45 percent support to Mourdock's 42 percent support, with 14 percent of voters undecided.


poll out of Wisconsin has Baldwin up 5.

I want to believe so bad.

I still don't think she's going to win it. She'll pull it kind of close, but probably lose in the end. Thompson's just too big of a name. She does have a few things going for her though. As I said before, Thompson hasn't been campaigning like... at all here. I've seen nothing from him since the primary. Meanwhile Baldwin and the dems have out a few good commercials, one in particular is kind of damning and might hit hard (basically paints him as a lobbyist shill). Thompson's biggest thing in the primary was basically "Down with Obamacare!" I realize all of them had to do that, but he did scream it pretty loudly and now he's going into a general election where he can't do that, since that means basically campaigning against Obama, who's likely to win. And that brings up the 3rd thing in Baldwin's favor. There'll probably be a good amount of people just voting straight Dem, since it's a presidential election. They'll be there for the top of the ticket and she might get some straight votes from that.

That said, I'm still not particularly hopeful. If she wins I'll be happy as hell. If not, that's kind of what I expected.


Romney: Obama’s Action Against China ‘Too Little, Too Late’
“President Obama has spent 43 months failing to confront China's unfair trade practices. Campaign-season trade cases may sound good on the stump, but it is too little, too late for American businesses and middle-class families. President Obama’s credibility on this issue has long since vanished. I will not wait until the last months of my presidency to stand up to China, or do so only when votes are at stake. From Day One, I will pursue a comprehensive strategy to confront China's unfair trade practices and ensure a level playing field where our businesses can compete and win.”

Wait this dose not make sense, its too late for Obama but not for him?


Obama doesn't apologize for America, and even if he did why is that a bad thing? America does so much shit to everyone else we probably should.

Seriously, maybe we should say sorry for all the dictators we propped up, the shitty wars we started, and the places we've just generally fucked up.
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