Aaron Strife
Last poll NBC/WSJ did had Obama leading by 4 with registered voters, which was taken pre-RNC. So a tiny bump for the president.
When unemployment hits 7.9% next month, the polls will be fun
Weird discrepancy today between quite good polls for Obama and pretty terrible ones, with little in between.
Romney's hostage crisis fantasy opportunism seems really damning but I don't see the media running with it too much. Romney gaffe fatigue.
Why would he have terrible polls all of a sudden? Seems odd. Which polls are they?
Another poll with Obama at 50%. The jobs report was completely irrelevant compared to the DNC boost. I really want to see a poll on Romney's 47% comments now
Don't get complacent, fellow Dems.Nate Silver ‏@fivethirtyeight
Weird discrepancy today between quite good polls for Obama and pretty terrible ones, with little in between.
Weird discrepancy today between quite good polls for Obama and pretty terrible ones, with little in between.
http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.c...emerging-arab-spring-democracies-must-respectOur first job is obviously to make sure that were reinforcing security at these embassies, that were fully investigating what happened and bringing these murderers to justice; thats our number one priority. But the broader issue here, is theres a lot of change thats taking place in the Middle East and we as Americans always stand on the side of democracy, we want people to have opportunity to determine their own fates, their own destinies, but the message we have to send, I think, to the Muslim world is, we expect you to work with us to keep our people safe. And as offensive as this video was, and obviously, we denounced it, and the United States government had nothing to do with it, thats never an excuse for violence. And in this part of the region, as they emerge, into a new form of govt, part of what theyre going to have to do is to recognize that democracy is not just casting a ballot, its respecting freedom of speech and tolerating people with different points of view, and it means that youve got to make sure that you never have any excuses for the kind of violence against innocents we saw last week, and thats a message that Ive sent very clearly to the leaders of various countries, and we expect their full cooperation, because thats the only way the international order works.
From the Letterman interview.
Could be a game changer. Potential Romney wave/recovery?
Oh man, so I think conservatives are already starting to go in meltdown mode today. My one conservative friend just randomly posted on my FB wall a little while ago, that one Colorado Poll from last month that predicted Romney was going to win in a landslide. Then just started going off about random shit and the liberal media.
Oh man, so I think conservatives are already starting to go in meltdown mode today. My one conservative friend just randomly posted on my FB wall a little while ago, that one Colorado Poll from last month that predicted Romney was going to win in a landslide. Then just started going off about random shit and the liberal media.
Just a wild guess, but are the polls that are bad for Obummer done by Rasmussen, Rasmussen and Rasmussen?Could be a game changer. Potential Romney wave/recovery?
I haven't seen any bad O polls today though outside of Gallup
Oh man, so I think conservatives are already starting to go in meltdown mode today. My one conservative friend just randomly posted on my FB wall a little while ago, that one Colorado Poll from last month that predicted Romney was going to win in a landslide. Then just started going off about random shit and the liberal media.
Bet him.
I dont have the heart to take his money.
I dont have the heart to take his money.
Taibbi added that Romney, who comes from a privileged background, disregarded another "tax" that many poor people have to pay: "a kind of qualitative tax which nobody talks about -- this sucky hard work tax."
"If you're low-income enough to not be paying income tax, you're doing a shitty job that nobody else wants to do in this country," Taibbi said. "You're cleaning toilets. You're driving buses at the night shift. You're bussing tables. You're doing all these things that Mitt Romney is never going to do."
Romney's hostage crisis fantasy opportunism seems really damning but I don't see the media running with it too much. Romney gaffe fatigue.
What happens if these polls are correct and they are trending towards Romney. For the past 2 weeks there has been nothing but bad news for Romney but Obama lost basically his bounce from the DNC very quickly.
Mitt's campaign is so dead the Mormons just baptized it.
Could be a game changer.
We'll see what we see, I guess, but frankly I'd be shocked if things started turning around for Romney when even much of the conservative media has already written him off. (Although expect a pop for him after the first debate -- challengers usually get a boost.)
Then we're all fucked, but I don't think the polls have been trending towards Romney at all -- Obama up by five points nationally is hardly a bad trend, nor 8 in Virginia. Gallup has come back to earth but Ipsos still has him up five as well.
And here's the RAND longitudinal poll showing churn rate (people changing from one side to the other):
We'll see what we see, I guess, but frankly I'd be shocked if things started turning around for Romney when even much of the conservative media has already written him off. (Although expect a pop for him after the first debate -- challengers usually get a boost.)
Plus there's gotta be the inevitable push by the media for a "Romney Comeback!" narrative. Prolly after one of the debates.
@BarackObama - RT if you support the candidate whos fighting for all Americans, not the one writing off half the country. http://t.co/vbBKUQLd
imagine that, death of romney campaign = ethered by kennedy and the carters
it's more about distraction i'd say
"I don't get it, what'd I say?" - Mitt Romney
Good news on Dems' House chances - PPP went into FL-26 and found Joe Garcia leading by 7 (46-39), and in CA-36, Rep. Mary Bono Mack is only leading her Dem challenger by 3 (47-44). Combined with the good generic ballot polling, I'm feeling a bit more optimistic about Dems taking the House, but I still think they'll fall short.