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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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In you guys' perspective is Obama really this nice, great guy that's trying to do great things for America or is he just another politician?

Clearly at times he comes across like he has good intentions but what goes through his mind when he increases drone strikes in Yemen for example?


Just a reminder that there is so much time left.

Yes and no. There's plenty of time, but Romney coming back now would be unprecedented in modern history.

At any rate:

PPP on Twitter said:
Wisconsin first place we've polled since Romney's comments came out, pretty strong sense among voters there that they were inappropriate

Obama also looking better on the first night of our Wisconsin poll than he has on our last two surveys there

Edit: NM.
Ummm....Is this true?

Please tell me it's not. This is just appalling. It's not funny.



These sites are claiming that he called Hispanics losers and "taco jokeys" during that fundraiser.

It's not real. The full video is out - you think if Romney had truly said that, we wouldn't have heard about it on the news today?


Yeah, it's fake. I saw that Daily Kos posted it as well, but they've removed the article entirely. I guess they were fooled too.

My bad.


In you guys' perspective is Obama really this nice, great guy that's trying to do great things for America or is he just another politician?

Clearly at times he comes across like he has good intentions but what goes through his mind when he increases drone strikes in Yemen for example?

He's mostly just another politician. I used to think he was a decent human being, despite his mediocre-to-bad politics, until I read some of the drone strike stuff.

I want him to win because he's the least bad viable choice. What I usually tell people: I don't think Obama deserves to win, but America doesn't deserve another Republican president.


He's mostly just another politician. I used to think he was a decent human being, despite his mediocre-to-bad politics, until I read some of the drone strike stuff.

I want him to win because he's the least bad viable choice. What I usually tell people: I don't think Obama deserves to win, but America doesn't deserve another Republican president.

But I don't get how does this happen? Even Bush was once a very free market guy but then he got all corporatist like every other politician. It really baffles the mind.

Do the banks and corporate interests really have THAT much influence? It's not like they have mind control powers so I don't get how politicians consistently get vulnerable to this stuff.


But I don't get how does this happen? Even Bush was once a very free market guy but then he got all corporatist like every other politician. It really baffles the mind.

I'd blame most of Bush's actions on Cheney and Rumsfeld and the rest of the assholes he surrounded himself with. I don't think he cared about what happened as long as he was president, so he just went along with whatever they wanted.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
A longer version of the video posted on TPM that showed Romney talking about people he really dislikes. I think it said Naggers? I couldn't get that first syllable exactly, though. It was a bit muddled.
But I don't get how does this happen? Even Bush was once a very free market guy but then he got all corporatist like every other politician. It really baffles the mind.

Do the banks and corporate interests really have THAT much influence? It's not like they have mind control powers so I don't get how politicians consistently get vulnerable to this stuff.

Really? You really don't see how they have so much influence? I'm flabbergasted by this. This is the only thing I can think of after reading this post:



Ryan: Romney ‘Obviously Inarticulate’ In Hidden Camera Footage
"He was obviously inarticulate in making this point," Ryan said. "And the point we're trying to make here is, under the Obama economy government dependency is up and economic stagnation is up. And what we're trying to achieve is getting people off of government dependency and back to a job that pays well and gets them on the path to prosperity."

Ryan was asked if Romney regrets using the words he did.

"Oh, I think he would have said it differently, that's for sure," Ryan said. "But the point still stands: We have too many people becoming too dependent on government because of the poor economic policies of the Obama administration."

We all know what he said,no point in trying to spin it.


In you guys' perspective is Obama really this nice, great guy that's trying to do great things for America or is he just another politician?

Clearly at times he comes across like he has good intentions but what goes through his mind when he increases drone strikes in Yemen for example?

I think he's a nice, great guy trying to do good things for America. I think he's trying to progress things where he can. I think he really wanted to be a uniter more than a big progressive icon.

I'm not sure about the drone strikes thing. I went over this in another thread, but it's something that I feel is kind of beyond me. I know personally it's something I find repulsive, but at the same time none of us have any clue what sort of information he's privy to, and what kind of arguments are being spouted by those around him. He seems to be the sort of guy that it would weigh on his soul, but at the same time so would the decision not to do anything if it ever came back around. I have a feeling he went in kind of naive and with that sort of uniter personality and was quickly surrounded and inundated with all sorts of information and people pushing different things. Who is he to tell the CIA or those generals or whatever that after however many years doing that they're simply wrong? Perhaps that's what was going on in his mind. Perhaps not. I'm not sure.

Again, from my armchair here I find the drone strikes unacceptable, but I feel like I don't know enough to criticize what's going on. With a lot of politics you can go search up information. A lot of stuff is pretty freely available. I can feel confident in my position on many things because I can pull up 3 or 4 articles here or there supporting it. With drone strikes it's such an odd thing. How do you have proof that it prevented something or didn't? I mean I do think it'll come to bite us in the ass later when those countries and people hate us even more, but I just don't know what the tradeoff is here, solidly.


NBC transcribed the Romney videos. I'm going to listen to them both while reading along. It's here. It's a rush transcript, so I want to follow both to see how accurate it is.


Really? You really don't see how they have so much influence? I'm flabbergasted by this. This is the only thing I can think of after reading this post:


I get that its money. I'm asking how presidents CONSISTENTLY get vulnerable to this stuff?

Do they not come in with the intention of doing good?


Junior Member
Ok someone explain to me why the hell this hasn't gotten any play on the major networks?
Questioner: When Carter was president, we had hostages. Ronald Reagan was able to make a statement even before he became, he was actually sworn in, and the hostages were released…
Mitt Romney: On the day of his inauguration.
Questioner: Right. So my question is really how can you sort of duplicate that scenario?
Romney: I could ask you, I could ask you how you do I duplicate that scenario?
Questioner: I think it had to do with the fact that the Iranians perceived Reagan… That’s why I’m suggesting that something that you say over the next few months gets the Iranians to understand that their pursuit of the bomb is something that you would prevent. And I think that’s something that could possibly resonate very well with the American public.
Romney: I appreciate the idea. One of the things that’s frustrating to me is that in a typical day like this, when I do three or four events like this, the number of foreign policy questions I get are between zero and one. And the American people are not concentrated at all on China, on Russia, Iran, Iraq. This President’s failure to put in place a status of forces agreement allowing ten to twenty thousand troops to stay in Iraq- unthinkable! And yet, in that election, in the Jimmy Carter election, the fact that we had hostages in Iran, I mean, that was all we talked about. And we had the two helicopters crash in the desert, I mean, that was the focus, and so him solving that made all the difference in the world. I’m afraid today that if you simply got Iran to agree to stand down on nuclear weapons, they’d go, “Now hold on. It’s really a-” I mean, if something of that nature presents itself I will work to find a way to take advantage of the opportunity.

That is IMO the most ridiculous statement anyone could ever make.. That makes you unfit for office just in the face of it.


I get that its money. I'm asking how presidents CONSISTENTLY get vulnerable to this stuff?

Do they not come in with the intention of doing good?

I think most presidents do come in with the intention of doing good, for the most part. But, even when someone does come in for that reason you have to look at what they're working with. They still have to work with congress to get things done. When congress is lobbied to hell, then you're not going to break through that so easily.


Ok someone explain to me why the hell this hasn't gotten any play on the major networks?

That is IMO the most ridiculous statement anyone could ever make.. That makes you unfit for office just in the face of it.

Just think of the American news media as like a kid with ADD. They can only focus on one thing at a time, and if it's not part of their Narrative (the shiny object they're looking at) they'll largely ignore it.
I get that its money. I'm asking how presidents CONSISTENTLY get vulnerable to this stuff?

Do they not come in with the intention of doing good?

They like to get things done. I'm sure there is an inherent fear of being an unaccomplished one-termer.

But among families making more than $100,000, there were also half a million tax units -- enough to replace the population of Tucson, Arizona -- that also paid no income tax. Even more surprising, 7,000 millionaires also paid no individual income tax.


They like to get things done. I'm sure there is an inherent fear of being an unaccomplished one-termer.

You and everyone else have sadly solidified my reasons for hating our government...

Two-Party system be damned. Hell I bet a one party system would be better. At least people would strive to be the best in the one party.


You and everyone else have sadly solidified my reasons for hating our government...

At a certain point you have to just sit back and realize that they really crafted this government to be as glacially slow moving as possible. Slow change is build in, so unraveling some of these problems is going to take a long, long time.


At a certain point you have to just sit back and realize that they really crafted this government to be as glacially slow moving as possible. Slow change is build in, so unraveling some of these problems is going to take a long, long time.

God damn it Hamilton.


In you guys' perspective is Obama really this nice, great guy that's trying to do great things for America or is he just another politician?

Clearly at times he comes across like he has good intentions but what goes through his mind when he increases drone strikes in Yemen for example?

Whatever his military advisors send through his mind. The Presidency has grown to encompass so many aspects of policy that nobody can actually be good at all of them -- every president is dependent on their advisers, which makes them susceptible to their agenda. Again, the last president to keep the military in check was George H W Bush, former CIA head -- but he got killed on domestic policy.

I don't think anybody gets to be President without both being a politician AND caring deeply about the country, it's just too hard for either alone to win.


Whatever his military advisors send through his mind. The Presidency has grown to encompass so many aspects of policy that nobody can actually be good at all of them -- every president is dependent on their advisers, which makes them susceptible to their agenda. Again, the last president to keep the military in check was George H W Bush, former CIA head -- but he got killed on domestic policy.

I don't think anybody gets to be President without both being a politician AND caring deeply about the country, it's just too hard for either alone to win.

That is a pretty good point you made. After all Reagan was an actor.


Romney's campaign just put a video up of Ann Romney saying that Mitt "doesn't disdain the poor." It got taken down within minutes (or hours apparently, I'm not sure).
wow @ Cavuto interview.

Romney said he gets the elderly vote because Obama is cutting medicare. Are we supposed to not realize the elderly depend on medicare which is gov't based?

"they won't vote for me, they just want free gov't stuff."

"old people love me, I won't cut free gov't stuff!"

good lord...


wow @ Cavuto interview.

Romney said he gets the elderly vote because Obama is cutting medicare. Are we supposed to not realize the elderly depend on medicare which is gov't based?

"they won't vote for me, they just want free gov't stuff."

"old people love me, I won't cut free gov't stuff!"

good lord...

I actually turned the TV off shortly after that. He's campaign is insane. I can't help but think they are intentionally sinking themselves at this point.
Romney's campaign just put a video up of Ann Romney saying that Mitt "doesn't disdain the poor." It got taken down within minutes (or hours apparently, I'm not sure).

It's hilarious how they continue pretending like she is some ace in the hole secret weapon. Romney is losing the female vote BIG, he's losing the Latina vote BIG. Throwing us a sympathetic woman to make the case for her husband does not change his policy or attitude toward those groups. It's lazy politics, and rather insulting to the demographics being targeted. If your strategy to win the female vote is to trot out a female to advocate for you, something is wrong.

Same problem with McCain assuming Palin would magically win the female vote, or conservatives thinking Cain would magically split the black vote, or that Rubio would magically split the Hispanic vote.
wow @ Cavuto interview.

Romney said he gets the elderly vote because Obama is cutting medicare. Are we supposed to not realize the elderly depend on medicare which is gov't based?

"they won't vote for me, they just want free gov't stuff."

"old people love me, I won't cut free gov't stuff!"

good lord...



The New York Times has some good words about Rommey's campaign.

NYT said:
SALT LAKE CITY – Mitt Romney’s traveling press secretary walked to the back of the candidate’s plane midflight on Tuesday and teasingly asked a pair of journalists in an exit row if they were “willing and able to assist in case of an emergency.”

Under the circumstances, it was hard to tell whether it was a question or a request....

Grim-faced aides acknowledged that it was an unusually dark moment, made worse by the self-inflicted, seemingly avoidable nature of the wound. In low-volume, out-of-the-way conversations, a few of them are now wondering whether victory is still possible and whether they are entering McCain-Palin ticket territory.

It may prove a fleeting anxiety: national polls show the race remains close, even though Mr. Romney trails in some key swing states.

Still, a flustered adviser, describing the mood, said that the campaign was turning into a vulgar, unprintable phrase....

By Tuesday afternoon, the campaign seemed to find its footing. Aides inside Mr. Romney’s Boston headquarters began highlighting a video of their own: a 1998 clip showing Barack Obama, then a state senator, saying that he wanted the government to facilitate the distribution of wealth. “I actually believe in redistribution,” Mr. Obama said on the tape.

Soon, Mr. Romney was on Fox News, his television comfort zone, mocking the video. Twitter lit up with Romney aides taking the president to task for his word choice.



I don't post much in this thread, but after watching the events of the Romney/Ryan campaign of the past few days, I had to come here to investigate something.

So I hit the handy dandy "Search this Thread" tool, and searched for the term "Springtime for Hitler". And I got zero hits.

So am I the only one thinking this?
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