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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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I put on Bill O. Monica Crowley claiming Obama's entire plan is to get as many people as possible on the gov't teet.

Do republicans actually believe this? It's so fucking stupid.

lol, Bill O saying he has to turn the election into 'we're gonna become Greece with Obama, I can fix this."

hey, maybe someone should let him know most of the stuff is thanks to W Bush and Reagan's tax policies.


I put on Bill O. Monica Crowley claiming Obama's entire plan is to get as many people as possible on the gov't teet.

Do republicans actually believe this? It's so fucking stupid.

lol, Bill O saying he has to turn the election into 'we're gonna become Greece with Obama, I can fix this."

hey, maybe someone should let him know most of the stuff is thanks to W Bush and Reagan's tax policies.

They ignored the Romney video yesterday. They talked about the Middle East.



Their campaign is so glaring oblivious to how information travels. Its a good thing thought, because they are still obviously running the old media playbook.

I keep saying it, but just like twitter and Facebook made an impact in the middle east, its having the same type of impact on the elections. These polls they keep propping up are laggarded by a few days at the least. Ow long is that in internet time?

#socialmediaelection2012 and yes forums like these count as social media.

Of unrelated interest, I didn't know about this :
It was a buzz kill: Mr. Romney had just finished his inaugural intelligence briefing at a local F.B.I. building, a ritual reserved for those just inches from the presidency.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Watching The Cycle.

S.E. Cupp or Krystal Ball? I think I go with S.E. Love the glasses look <3

In terms of straight up looks, it's not even a contest. Very few she-pundits can compare to my waifu, Sippy. <3

If I ever got a chance to smash, it wouldn't even be a hate fuck, because she just comes off as an adorably confused child. She lacks the evil, acerbic bile of the likes of Palin, Monica Crowley, Dana Loesche, etc. which makes her so much more tolerable.


The New York Times has some good words about Rommey's campaign.
Still, a flustered adviser, describing the mood, said that the campaign was turning into a vulgar, unprintable phrase....

A clusterfuck? A quagmire of gaping, diseased vaginas?


I was fairly close to 0% and have a household that makes over 110k.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I was fairly close to 0% and have a household that makes over 110k.

How did you accomplish such a feat? The first article that I am writing for my soon-to-be launched pie in the sky website is on tax policy, so I would love to know more anecdotes on how it is that people don't pay much in income tax, despite nice incomes. If you have 20 kids under the age of 17, then that explains it.


How did you accomplish such a feat? The first article that I am writing for my soon-to-be launched pie in the sky website is on tax policy, so I would love to know more anecdotes on how it is that people don't pay much in income tax, despite nice incomes. If you have 20 kids under the age of 17, then that explains it.
I dont know his exact situation but it's pretty easy to get there if your married, have kids (only need 1-3), college tax credits or student loan interest, mortage interest. That can knock a significant chunk off your taxes.


Setec Astronomer
The Romney campaign is saying 1998 is fair game now? Do they not realize that Romney v1998 isn't what they need right now?


What TA means to say is that he nearly paid 0% income tax through massive tax evasion but chickened out at the last moment.


How did you accomplish such a feat? The first article that I am writing for my soon-to-be launched pie in the sky website is on tax policy, so I would love to know more anecdotes on how it is that people don't pay much in income tax, despite nice incomes. If you have 20 kids under the age of 17, then that explains it.

I don't want to get too detailed, but I was able to itemize last year. I have two children, childcare expenses, medical expenses, two new side businesses that almost broke even, mortgage deduction, my wife gets some deductions for teaching, continuing education, etc etc.

It was an anomalous year, I doubt it will be repeated. It was the first time I/we had enough deductions to itemize in about 8 years.

My overall tax rate was about on par with Mitt Romney. :p


Going after Obama as some Socialist only revs up the GOP base, which was already revved up to vote against Obama anyway. Anyone who thinks Obama's a Socialist weren't going to vote for him anyway and were already in Romney's camp. I don't see how it helps him. Then again, the Romney camp is in a deep hole and probably aren't too choosy in what they will use to attack Obama and change the subject asap.


Romney's only choice is to go all in and fire up the base and turn this into an urban v rural battle. Of course it will fail because Romney is Romney and can't relate to the common person living in the sticks. But that's how this thing is going to play out.

I think they thought that just painting Obama as Carter II and co-opting Reagan's "are you better off?" slogan was going to be enough to win. While being evasive and vague on policy and plans to avoid any pitfalls. You have to be a charming motherfucker to pull that off.


Romney's only choice is to go all in and fire up the base and turn this into an urban v rural battle. Of course it will fail because Romney is Romney and can't relate to the common person living in the sticks. But that's how this thing is going to play out.

I think they thought that just painting Obama as Carter II and co-opting Reagan's "are you better off?" slogan was going to be enough to win. While being evasive and vague on policy and plans to avoid any pitfalls. You have to be a charming motherfucker to pull that off.

Don't rural areas basically depend on government "handouts" in the form of subsidies?


Clearly at times he comes across like he has good intentions but what goes through his mind when he increases drone strikes in Yemen for example?

I feel he has overcompensated to protect himself from being called "weak" on defense. The sad thing is that the GOP will still say so regardless of how hawkish he is.

I find it both dangerously cynical and politically understandable. The former when I think of possible innocents in the aftermath of a drone strike..


I feel he has overcompensated to protect himself from being called "weak" on defense. The sad thing is that the GOP will still say so regardless.

I find it both dangerously cynical and politically understandable. The former when I think of possible innocents in the aftermath of a drone strike..

Al-Qaeda leaders are dropping like flies, they've killed the number two like a dozen times now. The franchisees in Yemen and Africa are still a problem, but the main organization has been smashed. Obama is a pragmatist. He clearly sees benefits that outweigh the risks.


Don't rural areas basically depend on government "handouts" in the form of subsidies?

Rural areas are sparsely populated, so their government funding per capita is grossly skewed. Government funds things like rural airports, energy, communication equipment, road/rail infrastructure, postal delivery, etc etc.

This doesn't even touch on farm subsidies which are a huge amount/share of the 'handouts' and actually only benefit a handful of individuals.

But all these 'subsidies' benefit us all, wherever we live .. because we are all connected together and rely on the network to remain strong and keep the economy flowing.


But all these 'subsidies' benefit us all, wherever we live .. because we are all connected together and rely on the network to remain strong and keep the economy flowing.

You are a terrible conservative. And by that I do not mean that you are terrible, and that you are conservative; I mean you are not very good at being a conservative person.


Al-Qaeda leaders are dropping like flies, they've killed the number two like a dozen times now. The franchisees in Yemen and Africa are still a problem, but the main organization has been smashed. Obama is a pragmatist. He clearly sees benefits that outweigh the risks.

I know he's a pragmatist but he's also a calculating politician and the ramping up of strikes has as much to do with inoculating himself from GOP attacks as getting the terrorists.

I don't think random innocents on the business end of a drone strike think the benefits outweigh the risks.


I feel he has overcompensated to protect himself from being called "weak" on defense. The sad thing is that the GOP will still say so regardless of how hawkish he is.

I find it both dangerously cynical and politically understandable. The former when I think of possible innocents in the aftermath of a drone strike..

Really? "Overcompensated"? Obama's method for dealing with terrorists is the most sensible approach. Take out their leaders, disrupt their networks, and many foot soldiers will leave the battle field on their own. Its not perfect but its effective.


Rural areas are sparsely populated, so their government funding per capita is grossly skewed. Government funds things like rural airports, energy, communication equipment, road/rail infrastructure, postal delivery, etc etc.

This doesn't even touch on farm subsidies which are a huge amount/share of the 'handouts' and actually only benefit a handful of individuals.

But all these 'subsidies' benefit us all, wherever we live .. because we are all connected together and rely on the network to remain strong and keep the economy flowing.
Right, but infrastructure is even more important founder developed areas.

I was actually refering more to the farm subsidies than the former, but I think these are more important. Its a great example of giving public money to private corporations so that other private entities can thrive. Attacking those situations would not fly. Especially with the smaller more closed knit populations.

So I think going HAM on "handouts" for the rural vote would be suicide.
Going after Obama as some Socialist only revs up the GOP base, which was already revved up to vote against Obama anyway. Anyone who thinks Obama's a Socialist weren't going to vote for him anyway and were already in Romney's camp. I don't see how it helps him. Then again, the Romney camp is in a deep hole and probably aren't too choosy in what they will use to attack Obama and change the subject asap.
Yeah, they don't seem to know how to sell him to anyone outside of their hardcore base. They just keep doing the same things that don't work.
-They push the foreign/other element until the get backlash
-The push the military strength stuff but people are sick of war.
-They push the pro-Israel thing for everything it is worth
-They push tax-cuts but people realize it is a scam because they also talk about the deficit being too big and wanting to grow the military.

The same-old song & dance is not getting enough voters and they don't know how to pitch beyond those things.

More cowbell, more cowbell, more cowbell, more cowbell

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
If I said I was against all subsidies i'd be labeled insane wouldn't I?

I'd need very compelling evidence that ending all subsidies wouldn't be disastrous. I'm fairly sure I know your argument for why they're bad though, and you probably know my counter-argument.


If I said I was against all subsidies i'd be labeled insane wouldn't I?

Being 'against all subsidies' is kind of like being 'against all loopholes'. Everyone kind of pumps their fist and says "YEAH", but when you start detailing which subsidies or loopholes you want to get rid of, you start to see public support and political will quickly fade away.

Once these things become entrenched in society and capitalism wraps it's tendrils around them and adapts to them it's very hard to remove them without their being some short-term pain and uncertainty. People hate pain and uncertainty.

You are a terrible conservative. And by that I do not mean that you are terrible, and that you are conservative; I mean you are not very good at being a conservative person.

Eh .. I'm just more pragmatic than anything else (although conservative, too). It's kind of silly to ever tie yourself down to one thing, because this world is constantly changing and evolving.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Being 'against all subsidies' is kind of like being 'against all loopholes'. Everyone kind of pumps their fist and says "YEAH", but when you start detailing which subsidies or loopholes you want to get rid of, you start to see public support and political will quickly fade away.

Once these things become entrenched in society and capitalism wraps it's tendrils around them and adapts to them it's very hard to remove them without their being some short-term pain and uncertainty. People hate pain and uncertainty.
Yeah, inertia is a very difficult thing to fight.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The funny thing is that I genuinely believe the republicans don't understand why their candidates are so hopelessly controversial. It's because the party itself has swung so down and so far to the bottom and the right that a bilious puppet like Romney was literally the LEAST controversial person they had. They have fucked up their whole party and it needs an enema. You can tell from listening to some of the brainier conservatives that they kind of know it, but can't stop the train.


Professional Schmuck
You are a terrible conservative. And by that I do not mean that you are terrible, and that you are conservative; I mean you are not very good at being a conservative person.

This is a quality post. If TA extrapolates that thoughtwave to education, energy, and basic necessities for the elderly and poor, he's arguing in favor of FDR as the greatest President of all time. Which would be true save Washington and Lincoln.

If I said I was against all subsidies i'd be labeled insane wouldn't I?

This reads more like needing attention rather than a serious question. Why are you here? Do you believe that or not? Do you know what subsidies are and why they're preferred rather than direct stimulus? Do you know why they exist and which purpose they serve? My gut says you're not sure about any of the above which is why you posed it as a question, but my brain says you're just repeating things you've heard and don't know better. Read: basic macro economic theory.


Eh .. I'm just more pragmatic than anything else (although conservative, too). It's kind of silly to ever tie yourself down to one thing, because this world is constantly changing and evolving.

Heh. This is how I like to think of myself, though with a heavy socially liberal tilt. I'm a very data-driven person, and I revise by views on that basis.


I got curious on ballot issues this fall, since the Presidential race seems to be consuming everybody. There isn't terribly a lot to get excited for (in comparison to year's past). Especially in the swing states. Florida does have a shit-ton that may drive more conservatives to the polls, but Ohio and Virginia has virtually none. Kind of interesting.

FLA 2012 said:
Prevents penalties for not purchasing health care coverage in order to comply with federal health care reforms
Allows for property tax discounts for disabled veterans
Replaces existing revenue limits with a new limitation based on inflation and population changes
Amends commercial and non-homestead property taxes
Gives the Legislature increased control over the judicial branch.
Prohibits public funds for abortions
Repeals ban of public dollars for religious funding
Authorizes the legislature to totally or partially exempt surviving spouses of military veterans or first responders who died in the line of duty from paying property taxes
Provides an exemption from ad valorem taxes levied by local governments on tangible personal property that's value is greater than $25,000 but less than $50,000
Authorizes counties and municipalities to offer additional tax exemptions on homes of low-income seniors.
Government Administration Revises selection process for student member of Board of Governors of State University System


Ark and Mass are the only two states with medical marijuana votes.
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