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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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I don't think TA has ever claimed anthropogenic climate change wasn't real. He would just prefer an approach of adapting to it rather than fighting it (which he sees as futile). You won't see TA go batshit crazy on climate change unless cap and trade comes back :p

Correct me if I am wrong, TA it's been a while.

He doesn't bow to Al Gore so that makes him a heretic. HERETIC


Honestly, if it means that Miami is flooded, and the Heat can't win any more titles, I'm cool with a bit of climate change. Hopefully it could start in earnest before the 2012-13 NBA season.


I don't think TA has ever claimed anthropogenic climate change wasn't real. He would just prefer an approach of adapting to it rather than fighting it (which he sees as futile). You won't see TA go batshit crazy on climate change unless cap and trade comes back :p

Correct me if I am wrong, TA it's been a while.

My whole issue is with the hyperfocus on Co2 mitigation or legislative schemes in an attempt to regulate it.

Man's alteration of the land, his effect on the hydrosphere and the vast amount of particulates he pumps into the air poses a much larger problem and should be addressed instead.
It's hilarious how they continue pretending like she is some ace in the hole secret weapon. Romney is losing the female vote BIG, he's losing the Latina vote BIG. Throwing us a sympathetic woman to make the case for her husband does not change his policy or attitude toward those groups. It's lazy politics, and rather insulting to the demographics being targeted. If your strategy to win the female vote is to trot out a female to advocate for you, something is wrong.

Same problem with McCain assuming Palin would magically win the female vote, or conservatives thinking Cain would magically split the black vote, or that Rubio would magically split the Hispanic vote.

This is so true. My wife went ballistically anti-McCain when he picked Palin. Not that she was fo rhim, but it was a huge negative to her and she felt insulted.
It's football season so I have stopped having these discussions in favor of important ones but I thought Aaron would appreciate this.


The MULaw poll is the important one and if that doesn't show significant change then meh, but if it does I don't think I will ever stop laughing at the WI GOP.
Jeez get with the times man PPP already had Tammy leading :|

No I'm glad Baldwin's making a comeback, I'd written off her chances as a probable Dem loss but now it's looking more like a straight tossup, which she would probably come out as the victor if Obama's winning the state overall.

Qpac also shows Tim Kaine finally putting some distance between himself and Allen in VA-SEN, he's leading 51-44.
CNN Breaking News: Existing home sales surge 7.8%

Forexpros - U.S. existing home sales rose more-than-expected in August, industry data showed on Wednesday.

In a report, the National Association of Realtors said that existing home sales rose by 7.8% to a seasonally adjusted 4.82 million units in August, beating expectations for a 2% increase to 4.55 million units.

Existing home sales in July totaled 4.47 million units.

Welcome to Obama's Economy.

This is a big news.


CNN Breaking News: Existing home sales surge 7.8%

Welcome to Obama's Economy.

This is a big news.

Housing starts are up marginally as well, though not as high a jump as sales of existing homes. Still, it's up 25% year over year, which is positive for the construction industry.

The 538 graph is looking pretty scary right now the way it's moving. Level already!

It's just the factors in his convention bounce adjustment burning off. It'll level out around where it was before the conventions, ~70%.

If you want to feel better, click on the Now-Cast.


I have heard some version of this since I first became politically aware in the mid-90s under Clinton. I'm pretty sure it's been a conservative refrain since at least the time of Reagan. Wasn't he the one who came out with the welfare-queen ad?

It's always been ridiculous. Why would anyone want to reduce a nation to poverty and then be forced to take care of them with government services? Not only would it be more work, not only would it completely destroy that leader's legacy, but there would be no tax base to fund the services. Like most fear-based politics, it doesn't stand up to the slightest bit of scrutiny. Too bad the chain-email-reading red meat base doesn't tend to apply scrutiny to anything.

You don't need to get everyone on assistance just enough to ensure reliable voting base, what's so unbelievable about it? Not saying this is actually going on but certainly within realm of possibility.
Also you are assuming that every politician is thinking of long term consequences which is a big stretch.
Qpac also shows Tim Kaine finally putting some distance between himself and Allen in VA-SEN, he's leading 51-44.
That's good. Allen's started airing commercials on the radio station I listen to (WTOP), and it's loaded with every Republican talking point in the book at present. Makes me want to actively vote him out - but I can't, since I'm from MD, not VA.


WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. sales of previously occupied homes jumped in August to the highest level in more than two years, adding momentum to the housing recovery.

Sales rose 7.8 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.82 million, the National Association of Realtors said. That's the most since May 2010, when sales were fueled by a federal home-buying tax credit.

The figures were reported the same day the government said U.S. homebuilders broke ground on more new homes in August compared to July.

This is before QE3.


President Obama empathized last night with the cohost of a New York fund-raiser, hip-hop mogul Jay-Z. Obama said Jay-Z -- married to the platinum-selling singer Beyonce, and with children -- "now knows what my life is like

Nas lost.


Actual reasonable policies that would attract independents I guess. Like someone mentioned here before, things that Obama can only agree with and not really attack. He's got the right wing vote anyway by now with all this red meat. Everyone in this thread seems convinced that there aren't many independents left that haven't decided, but there's still time before the election. Aren't there still enough people who aren't actually following the news very closely?

Edit: The video of Romney's mother talking about how Romney's father was on welfare for a few years that they showed on the Daily Show yesterday, is that old news?

Frost off, there aren't. As we've now been seeing in a few polls, once Obama gets to 50% even if Romney picks up every undecided voter he'll only tie -- and some of those undecided voters aren't really. If the actual number of swing voters is like 2-4%, as some people have been suggesting, even getting all of them won't help Romney win. And remember -- those people who aren't following the news aren't following the debates either.

Secondly, if your secret debate bomb strategy is to make sense, you've got serious problems. It's not enough for Romney to not be terrible, even if that's the campaign he's been trying and failing to run. At this point in the game, he has to have some positive qualities. I could be wrong and he could come back, but if I am, there are a lot of phrasemakers out there who are as well.



The 538 graph is looking pretty scary right now the way it's moving. Level already!

538 and Intrade are almost at parity. :(

Silver's blog post explains it--the forecast is still handicapping Obama's chances due to the convention bounce. If he holds the actual poll numbers he has now the forecast will tick up for him again after that "skepticism" is removed. If the numbers continue to drift downward then the forecast is accurate and was factored in correctly.

But overall, as he also points out, the polls are all over the map right now. The two big national trackers have erased the bounce, while Obama has surged in a couple of swing state polls. Just have to wait and see what the real trend is.


Sidhe / PikPok
Housing starts are up marginally as well, though not as high a jump as sales of existing homes. Still, it's up 25% year over year, which is positive for the construction industry.

Saw oil prices had dropped sharply in the last couple of days as well which was expected to have an impact at the pump.

Oil declined for a second day in New York, extending its biggest drop in two months, on concern that a U.S. economic slowdown may curb demand in the world’s largest consumer of crude.

Futures fell as much as 1.3 percent, deepening yesterday’s 2.4 percent loss. Crude tumbled almost $4 in three minutes yesterday before the expiry of October options contracts. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s general economic index, known as the Empire State Index, fell to a three-year low. Saudi Arabia is taking action to reduce oil prices, a Persian Gulf official with knowledge of the matter said today.

Fox News was on the case earlier, reporting that "nobody knows why the price is going down".

Was surprised they didn't jump on the Bloomberg angle above then they would have their bases covered - gas prices are up? "Supply is constricted due to failed Obama policies!" Oil prices are down? "Economy slowing due to failed Obama policies!"


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Wow, what a stupid poster. Nix the celebs, it totally converts the message from one thing to another.

That stupid polaroid filter continues to dominate the world for no apparent reason at all.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Wow, what a stupid poster. Nix the celebs, it totally converts the message from one thing to another.

That stupid polaroid filter continues to dominate the world for no apparent reason at all.

I blame Instagram.


Frost off, there aren't. As we've now been seeing in a few polls, once Obama gets to 50% even if Romney picks up every undecided voter he'll only tie -- and some of those undecided voters aren't really. If the actual number of swing voters is like 2-4%, as some people have been suggesting, even getting all of them won't help Romney win. And remember -- those people who aren't following the news aren't following the debates either.

Secondly, if your secret debate bomb strategy is to make sense, you've got serious problems. It's not enough for Romney to not be terrible, even if that's the campaign he's been trying and failing to run. At this point in the game, he has to have some positive qualities. I could be wrong and he could come back, but if I am, there are a lot of phrasemakers out there who are as well.
True. There's few true independent voters. And of the few remaining, I fail to see how Romney attracts them. Typically, they are disproportionately economic voters. And contrary to this cycle's conventional wisdom, that's a modest advantage for Obama. So, what issue can he exploit to attract independents? His gambit on Libya failed spectacularly. Further, Obama's campaign infrastructure affords him an advantage in, not only stimulating Democratic turnout, but attracting the marginal voters who might not vote. The debates are an entertaining distraction. But they're not going to save him. I understand why his campaign is foundering: they're fucked.
You constructed your entire convention on a quote taken out of context. Shut up.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
What celebs?

Agree on the instagram stuff, it's bad enough seeing the Taco Bell ad.

Don't even get me started about the absolute inanity of that ad.

"unwrapping my taco, naturally I better take a poorly hued photo of it and send it to all of my friends."

But, if you don't think ScarJo, Jessica Alba, Don Cheadle, and Zach Braff are celebs, I welcome you into my circle of friends. Although, I do enjoy Don Cheadle a alot. :(


Everyone I know is obsessed with the Instagram stuff. I never understood what the big deal was but I guess im just out of touch like the rest of GAF.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Everyone I know is obsessed with the Instagram stuff. I never understood what the big deal was but I guess im just out of touch like the rest of GAF.

Slightly off topic, but when using instagram do you still have the original not shitified version?
Otherwise it's like using this "fun" film modes on your camera, which you can all do in post production without ruining the original.


Can't wait to see if pics of this get out:


When President Obama addresses an elite roster of hipsters and multimillionaires, including hosts Beyoncé and Jay-Z, in New York tonight, he will do so next to a custom-designed tower of $800-per-bottle champagne that dominates the main room at Jay-Z’s 40/40 nightclub.

The 350-bottle champagne tower — designed by Jeffrey Beers — is a monument to Jay-Z’s favorite bubbly, Armand de Brignac, which is known colloquially by rappers, clubgoers and connoisseurs as Ace of Spades because of its gold-spade label.

Man of the people, LOL
Don't even get me started about the absolute inanity of that ad.

"unwrapping my taco, naturally I better take a poorly hued photo of it and send it to all of my friends."
I know. My wife hates it too, so we just bitch about it when it appears. Granted for her the ultimate annoying commercial is the Cialis one with people in the two separate bathtubs. My mom hates it too so it was funny watching them both start complaining about it when it came on once. lol

But, if you don't think ScarJo, Jessica Alba, Don Cheadle, and Zach Braff are celebs, I welcome you into my circle of friends. Although, I do enjoy Don Cheadle a alot. :(

Man Don Cheadle looks like shit, what the fuck happened to him?

ScarJo isn't recognizable from the angles used and the lack of dual G26s with Hawkeye nearby.

I recognize the others and used to watch scrubs...but I couldn't recognize them from the shitty ass pictures used. I mean Zach Braff looks like someone steamrollered his face. It's just weird and odd.

Scarlett Johansson and Jessica Alba, at least. Did you honestly not recognize them?

*edit* Don Cheadle, too.

No, I didn't.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Never used it, myself. I always thought it was tacky in the Photography threads when only a few people were overusing it. Way to take a pedestrian photo and add a filter onto it! Now, every person in there thinks they are an artist because they take a macro shot of a regular item and then give it a purple faded hue.

I am no photo expert, but I refuse to degrade the quality of my photos to achieve a trendy look.


I thought I'd note, also, that if Romney really did have a secret reasonable economic plan, you'd think he would tell his backers in a private fundraising meeting, or at least hint at it. Instead his plan, as reported to them, was "everything will get better magically."

And that actually shouldn't be too surprising. Here's what Romney did at Bain:

* Buy companies
* Take out loans and pay off LBO bonds, saddling them with debt to pay off himself and others at Bain
* Run them reasonably well and assume that reasonably good management would magically fix all the company's problems, including the brand new problem of having enormous debts. If not...
* Leave, but still have all the money you paid yourself

Here's Romney's announced economic plan:

* Become President
* Enact huge tax cuts, saddling the country with debt to pay off himself and other millionaires
* Run the country reasonably well and assume that reasonably good management will magically fix America's economic problems, including the brand new problem of having cut taxes and either ballooned the deficit or slashed spending. If not...
* Leave, but still have all those tax cuts

You could assume that there are some secret steps in there, but frankly, why?

ScarJo isn't recognizable from the angles used and the lack of dual G26s with Hawkeye nearby.

I'll say it as many times as it takes and I don't care what happens to me, Scarlett Johansson's hair just doesn't look good in a pompadour. She needs to stop doing that. If you want to have short hair just Winona it.


Unconfirmed Member
My whole issue is with the hyperfocus on Co2 mitigation or legislative schemes in an attempt to regulate it.

Man's alteration of the land, his effect on the hydrosphere and the vast amount of particulates he pumps into the air poses a much larger problem and should be addressed instead.
Thanks for clarification.
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