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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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But, if you don't think ScarJo, Jessica Alba, Don Cheadle, and Zach Braff are celebs, I welcome you into my circle of friends. Although, I do enjoy Don Cheadle a alot. :(

Holy crap! I mean, I've seen enough movies to recognize all of them, but I never made the connection on the first look. Zach Braff in there blew my mind.


Slightly off topic, but when using instagram do you still have the original not shitified version?
Otherwise it's like using this "fun" film modes on your camera, which you can all do in post production without ruining the original.
I actually don't know what version my wife's uses but I just let her do whatever she wants with our pictures.


Banksters still raking it in ...

Fannie Mae agreed to pay Bank of America Corp about 20 percent more than it was contractually obligated to last year in order to transfer the servicing of troubled loans to another firm, a report by a watchdog found.

In a report to be issued on Tuesday, the inspector general for the Federal Housing Finance Agency urges the regulator to ensure Fannie Mae applies more scrutiny to the pricing of such transactions and possibly revise its contracts with mortgage servicers.”

The entire backdrop to this transaction is problematic. An FHFA official “wondered whether Fannie Mae squeezed Bank of America hard enough on price considering the bank was benefiting by “getting this stuff off their books.”

Making this even more problematic, Fannie Mae came up with the valuation by relying on a single contractor to come up with prices for most of the transactions.” In other words, this was a no bid deal that was based on one person’s opinion, no market pricing mechanism, and ended up a sweetheart deal for BofA.

Here’s the thing: This was no accident — it was by design. Starting with Bush, and continuing with Obama, the GSE takeover was an easy way to continue funneling money to banks with minimal scrutiny. This has been a pet peeve of mine for some time now, as the laundry list of previous posts (below) shows.

Think about that the next time someone tells you how much money Treasury has made on the bailouts


The current CEO of Fannie Mae? The former BoA executive Timothy Mayopoulos, of course. Although he wasn't in charge when this went down.


Can't wait to see if pics of this get out:


Man of the people, LOL

I guess this is it:

Obama's response to the 47% thing has been horrible. So far it seems like the campaign doesn't know how to properly take advantage of it without a decent ad. The first one, with the campaign showing the ad to alleged real people, was a dud. Now...they're using rich celebrities to appeal to the half of the country who just got dissed? The only thing I've liked is the map of the US (with scissors ironically placed near the southern states) which asked which part of the country doesn't matter. That was a great image that would make an even greater tv ad.

By now most people have heard the comments. It's time to capitalize. Romney is gaining traction according to 538, Obama needs to seize the moment before it's too late
Obama's response to the 47% thing has been horrible. So far it seems like the campaign doesn't know how to properly take advantage of it without a decent ad. The first one, with the campaign showing the ad to alleged real people, was a dud. Now...they're using rich celebrities to appeal to the half of the country who just got dissed? The only thing I've liked is the map of the US (with scissors ironically placed near the southern states) which asked which part of the country doesn't matter. That was a great image that would make an even greater tv ad.

By now most people have heard the comments. It's time to capitalize. Romney is gaining traction according to 538, Obama needs to seize the moment before it's too late

Obama doesn't need to do shit. Romney's doing all the work for him.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Eh, not your best performance PD.
If CBS is any indication, Obama needs to say nothing.
The video speaks for itself, and that's exactly what CBS evening news did.
Obama's response to the 47% thing has been horrible. So far it seems like the campaign doesn't know how to properly take advantage of it without a decent ad. The first one, with the campaign showing the ad to alleged real people, was a dud. Now...they're using rich celebrities to appeal to the half of the country who just got dissed? The only thing I've liked is the map of the US (with scissors ironically placed near the southern states) which asked which part of the country doesn't matter. That was a great image that would make an even greater tv ad.

By now most people have heard the comments. It's time to capitalize. Romney is gaining traction according to 538, Obama needs to seize the moment before it's too late

Romney is only gaining traction as their model is still compensating for a bounce. Nate points out that if the lead holds we'll see the prediction go up again next week. The nowcast has been steady above 90%

I'm personally of the belief that most of the gains Obama has made was in revving up RV -> LV in his existing support and that we won't really see it diminish.
Eh, not your best performance PD.
If CBS is any indication, Obama needs to say nothing.
The video speaks for itself, and that's exactly what CBS evening news did.

I didn't see that report, what was it? Right now Romney is trying to spin the comments; I'm not sure it'll be successful but who knows. Perhaps this story isn't as big as we thought


The media is still all over this Today spent the first fifteen minutes of their show this morning talking about it. Let the media run its course (obviously they love talking about it), and then factor it into their growing image of Romney moving forward.


Obama's response to the 47% thing has been horrible. So far it seems like the campaign doesn't know how to properly take advantage of it without a decent ad. The first one, with the campaign showing the ad to alleged real people, was a dud. Now...they're using rich celebrities to appeal to the half of the country who just got dissed? The only thing I've liked is the map of the US (with scissors ironically placed near the southern states) which asked which part of the country doesn't matter. That was a great image that would make an even greater tv ad.

By now most people have heard the comments. It's time to capitalize. Romney is gaining traction according to 538, Obama needs to seize the moment before it's too late

One of the problems is, no matter how bad Romney came off talking about the 47%, he was gracious in talking about he independents and saying they were thoughtful


Obama's response to the 47% thing has been horrible. So far it seems like the campaign doesn't know how to properly take advantage of it without a decent ad. The first one, with the campaign showing the ad to alleged real people, was a dud. Now...they're using rich celebrities to appeal to the half of the country who just got dissed? The only thing I've liked is the map of the US (with scissors ironically placed near the southern states) which asked which part of the country doesn't matter. That was a great image that would make an even greater tv ad.

By now most people have heard the comments. It's time to capitalize. Romney is gaining traction according to 538, Obama needs to seize the moment before it's too late
Could be a game changer.
One of the problems is, no matter how bad Romney came off talking about the 47%, he was gracious in talking about he independents and saying they were thoughtful

The problem is that a lot of that 47% are independents, democrats, republicans, etc. There are a lot of white working class poor who wouldn't dream of voting for Obama, there are plenty of military families who won't vote for him, there are plenty of older voters on government dependance who are on the fence politically, etc. This is not a case of democrats vs republicans. It's an inaccurate portrayal of who the makers are and who the takers are. There are plenty of makers (perhaps including Mitt Romney) who don't pay income taxes.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The problem is that a lot of that 47% are independents, democrats, republicans, etc. There are a lot of white working class poor who wouldn't dream of voting for Obama, there are plenty of military families who won't vote for him, there are plenty of older voters on government dependance who are on the fence politically, etc. This is not a case of democrats vs republicans. It's an inaccurate portrayal of who the makers are and who the takers are. There are plenty of makers (perhaps including Mitt Romney) who don't pay income taxes.

But Kosmo has a point (yes I just said that) that self-identified moderate independents may not take that speech as "he dislikes me" because of how he framed them.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The problem is that a lot of that 47% are independents, democrats, republicans, etc. There are a lot of white working class poor who wouldn't dream of voting for Obama, there are plenty of military families who won't vote for him, there are plenty of older voters on government dependance who are on the fence politically, etc. This is not a case of democrats vs republicans. It's an inaccurate portrayal of who the makers are and who the takers are. There are plenty of makers (perhaps including Mitt Romney) who don't pay income taxes.

You and I have never used, nor will you ever use a Mitt Romney product. Mitt Romney, even by his own definition, has never created or manufactured anything. All he has done is manipulate tax, infrastructure and finance to create a purely virtual schema in which his, and sometimes the target/partner company, is able to redistribute money. It can't even be called profit in the sense that in many cases less money was being created through commerce than before Bain started work with those entities.

And I am being generous.
But Kosmo has a point (yes I just said that) that self-identified moderate independents may not take that speech as "he dislikes me" because of how he framed them.

The independents who brushed off Rmoney's comments about 47% because he had flattering words for them aren't independents. They're ashamed Republicans.


Could be a game changer.

Striking distance for sure.

But Kosmo has a point (yes I just said that) that self-identified moderate independents may not take that speech as "he dislikes me" because of how he framed them.

Not really the issue. Self-identified moderate independents are nearly all that way because they hate partisan politics -- meaning they think of themselves as being even-handed and they don't like what they perceive as "incivility" in the political process. Romney has really buried the needle on incivility -- voting for him is voting for the principle that 47% of America is moochers and compromising with them is impossible. If you believed that, you'd already be voting for Romney.

The RAND poll shows another day of significantly more people converting to Obama than to Romney.


Obama's coming to Wisconsin on Saturday. I might try and go.

Just saw I can pick up tickets right down the street from where I live. I'm definitely going.

Anyone know if I'm safe bringing a camera or is that only a press thing or whatever?
Senatorial GOP candidates in Blue states are mincing their words carefully distancing themselves from Romney's 47% comments.

Linda McMahon and Scott Brown know that they are on thin ice from making or breaking.

LOL how they speak differently when their race depends on it
as of now, i don't care much about the Presidential race because it is almost guaranteed Obama, the important thing now is to check the race for congress
You and I have never used, nor will you ever use a Mitt Romney product. Mitt Romney, even by his own definition, has never created or manufactured anything. All he has done is manipulate tax, infrastructure and finance to create a purely virtual schema in which his, and sometimes the target/partner company, is able to redistribute money. It can't even be called profit in the sense that in many cases less money was being created through commerce than before Bain started work with those entities.

And I am being generous.


Holy shit Crossroads GPS has a really dishonest ad here in Wisconsin. It quoted Obama saying he wouln't raise taxes on those making less than $250k. Ad says not true, Obamacare raises taxes on them. Then it says Obama is saying Romneys plan raises taxes on the middle class. Not true, says the ad, it lowers it by 20%...
Gallup is still the same, but Obama Approval down to 48%, Disapproval up to 46% (1 percent loss/gain both ways). Which is a sucky sign.

Can't wait to see PPP Numbers out of WI


Linda McMahon and Scott Brown know that they are on thin ice from making or breaking.

Linda is pretending not to have already supported the 47% meme like she did in 2010, I didn't forget it though, and hopefully my fellow CT'rs didn't either. I also didn't forget her wanting to abolish minimum wage, and ride her husband's wealth to a tea-party victory.

For several years the McMahons have been taking home about $45 Million/yr from their family controlled WWE empire. But if somehow you thought they were hanging out in the top tax bracket, and paying 35% in federal income taxes on all that profit, -- YOU THOUGHT WRONG!

You see Linda and Vince aren't taking their money out via salary, (SEC filings show that as CEO and President, Vince takes home only $850K/yr, while Linda doesn't draw a salary). Instead, opportunistically, the McMahons pay out all the company profits, -- more than $40 Million to themselves, -- in the form of corporate dividends.

During the Clinton era, those dividends used to be taxed as ordinary income. Meaning the McMahons would have had to pay 39% in taxes on them. However in 2001 the Bush Tax cuts didn't just lower the top federal bracket to 35%, they also changed the law so that interest, capital gains, and dividends are now taxed at a mere 15%.


Isn't Mitt Romney one of those 47% who don't pay federal income tax? His money is all from capital gains since he's been unemployed for the past 5 years and in permanent campaign mode.


Isn't Mitt Romney one of those 47% who don't pay federal income tax? His money is all from capital gains since he's been unemployed for the past 5 years and in permanent campaign mode.

Reid: Romney May Be One Of The 47 Percent
Thousands of families making more than $1 million pay nothing in federal income taxes each year.

Is Mitt Romney among them?

We’ll never know, since he refuses to release tax returns from the years before he was running for president.

But from the one return we have seen, we know Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than middle class families thanks to Swiss bank accounts and Cayman Island tax shelters.

And we can only imagine what new secrets would be revealed if he showed the American people a dozen years of tax returns, like his father did.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Isn't Mitt Romney one of those 47% who don't pay federal income tax? His money is all from capital gains since he's been unemployed for the past 5 years and in permanent campaign mode.

The ironic thing is that most of Romney's voting bloc is part of the 47%.
You and I have never used, nor will you ever use a Mitt Romney product. Mitt Romney, even by his own definition, has never created or manufactured anything. All he has done is manipulate tax, infrastructure and finance to create a purely virtual schema in which his, and sometimes the target/partner company, is able to redistribute money. It can't even be called profit in the sense that in many cases less money was being created through commerce than before Bain started work with those entities.

And I am being generous.

oooh goddamn i will use this
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