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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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The fact that the RNC felt they needed to respond to that WI poll tells me that they're concerned GOP voters are becoming dispirited and may stay home.
I'm really enjoying this deluge of good polling for the Democrats. Even on the House side it's looking good, like Pete Gallego with a 5-point lead in Texas' 23rd district (probably the only genuine toss-up in the state).

The Senate polls are pretty similar in the Fox News trio: Brown leads by 7 (47-40), Kaine leads by 4 (47-43), Nelson leads by a whopping 14 (49-35). I was worried Florida would become another state to worry about, but it doesn't look that way and Kaine's finally breaking away in Virginia.
these state polls are ridiculous.

romney's people must see the writing on the wall by now. wonder how long until they start disassociating themselves with this campaign.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
At this point I'm almost bored of following the the presidential race; the writing's pretty much on the wall. Is it too late for republicans to nominate someone else? lol


This is the strongest day of polling for Obama in a while, and just about all of it was before Romney's '47 percent' comments went wide. Obama should tick back up in Nate Silver's forecast.
This is the strongest day of polling for Obama in a while, and just about all of it was before Romney's '47 percent' comments went wide. Obama should tick back up in Nate Silver's forecast.
Nate's been weird about docking Obama points based on the convention bounce. He'll stop penalizing him later in the month but it's been a drag on his numbers.

Mike M

Nick N
I guess the answer was right there in the name of the state.
I once read an article years and years ago about how New Mexico is the only state to have "USA" on its license plate because somehow not knowing it was part of the US was a frequent mistake. School textbooks where it wasn't on the map, people from the state being told to "go back to their own country," stuff like that.
Romney insulting the poor/middle class in a speech given at a swank luxury home full of rich donors just invokes such a terrible image.
If Obama starts putting some daylight between himself and Romney in the Florida polls, "over" doesn't even begin to describe the election. Then we're in "I almost feel kinda bad" territory.


these state polls are ridiculous.

romney's people must see the writing on the wall by now. wonder how long until they start disassociating themselves with this campaign.

It's already sort of happening with the big Politico article about Stuart for example and the daily WSJ 'editorials' giving the campaign free advice. I think it's going to be like rats from a sinking ship in October though.
these state polls are ridiculous.

romney's people must see the writing on the wall by now. wonder how long until they start disassociating themselves with this campaign.

If a week from now the polls hold steady, Romney campaign should wisen up and try to make the election close as possible, instead of getting roflstomped by Obama and destroying their careers.

In other words, realize that they're gonna lose so try losing gracefully.


It's already sort of happening with the big Politico article about Stuart for example and the daily WSJ 'editorials' giving the campaign free advice. I think it's going to be like rats from a sinking ship in October though.

Bill Kristol slammed the campaign yesterday -- and he's by no means a principled conservative. He supported Romney on Libya, for example. But without criticizing any of Romney's actual policies (not hard), he attacked Romney for being "stupid and arrogant." It's not just going to be rats from a ship -- it's going to be buzzards on a corpse.
If a week from now the polls hold steady, Romney campaign should wisen up and try to make the election close as possible, instead of getting roflstomped by Obama and destroying their careers.

No. A roflstomp is the best course of action.

Despite all of the negative ads.
Despite them trying to paint him as a traitor and unamerican
Despite all the shit loads of cash he was given by oil companies and banks
Despite the ignorant and flat out retarded base he has
Despite voter ID laws
Despite all of the obstructionism.

Obama still trounces them. It'll show a rejection of the GOP by the American people on a fundamental level where they're truly at a crossroads.
If Obama starts putting some daylight between himself and Romney in the Florida polls, "over" doesn't even begin to describe the election. Then we're in "I almost feel kinda bad" territory.

No way. Romney needs to get crushed badly enough so brazen plutocrats of his ilk think twice about running for the presidency.


If Obama starts putting some daylight between himself and Romney in the Florida polls, "over" doesn't even begin to describe the election. Then we're in "I almost feel kinda bad" territory.

Feel kinda bad? Fuck that. Obama throwing a beat down on Romney is step one towards a powerful dem election for both the senate and the congress.

Obama's coattails look to already be strengthening the support for Warren, Kaine, and Baldwin. Obama's field offices need to keep pounding the pavement and push voter registration and turnout. If these numbers disenchant the GOP base all the better, then we might see some lean republican seats flip late in the game.

Keeping the senate blue and taking a bite out of the red seats in congress will be huge long term for this country. Some form of "grand bargain" will have to be struck after we go off the fiscal cliff and the Bush tax cuts expire. The more dems and independents we have in Washington the better that deal is going to be for everyone.

Obama +13 in Florida on Medicare.

Hey PD, tell me how my ass taste.

edit: Romney only leads 48-46 on medicare with 65+. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Obama is getting off a bit too easy now. He hardly needs to campaign at all. All he has to do is work away at his job and let Mitt self-destruct.


A complete electoral thrashing is what the GOP needs to get the leaders to even think about giving the enema the party really, really needs. Their current path is unsustainable.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., on Wednesday spent nearly seven minutes on the Senate floor attacking Mitt Romney's "47 percent" remarks and once again demanding the GOP nominee release more of his tax returns.

A recently released video, taped secretly during a fundraiser in Florida, captures Romney declaring that that 47 percent of Americans consider themselves "victims" and will never be convinced by Republicans to "take personal responsibility and care for their lives." Reciting a segment of the remarks, Reid read Romney's comment that "These are the people who pay no income tax."

"For all we know, Mitt Romney could be one of those who have paid no federal income tax," Reid said Wednesday. "Thousands of families making more than $1 million pay nothing in federal income taxes each year... Is Mitt Romney among those? We'll never know, since he refuses to release tax returns from the years before he was running for president.


Have to admit Reid knows how to stay on message.


At the risk of this backfiring in 40something days.. I know I talk a lot about champagne in a metaphorical sense, but I think I might really have to go get some. This has the makings of an incredible night - nay - week.

I've already turned-in my PTO request for the whole week off. Seldom do I ever drink (the smell reminds me of the hobo patients we have in the ER). But this may be a damn good occasion.
How can it be out of context when the entire video was posted?

He even says, specifically, he can't help those people. You can't twist that to mean he will help everyone if he already said he can't

edit: The interviewer should have asked Ann about the "get tired of her" comment. Come on, media!
How can it be out of context when the entire video was posted?

He even says, specifically, he can't help those people. You can't twist that to mean he will help everyone if he already said he can't
I guess you're not familiar with Republicans and their hilarious idea of what "out of context" means.


I seriously think Republicans use the "out of context" defense when it doesn't apply so that when they take a Democrat out of context and it gets pointed it out, someone who isn't quite as savvy just looks at it and doesn't take it as seriously.
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