President Barack Obama has the edge over Republican Mitt Romney in three potentially decisive states in the presidential election.
Obama tops Romney by seven percentage points among likely voters in both Ohio (49-42 percent) and Virginia (50-43 percent). In Florida, the president holds a five-point edge (49-44 percent).
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In a shocking new development, 47% of Americans now think that Romney should go fuck himself.
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I think Romney had it backwards in that video - 47% isn't Obama's floor, it's his ceiling.In a shocking new development, 47% of Americans now think that Romney should go fuck himself.
More from Fox poll:
In a shocking new development, 47% of Americans now think that Romney should go fuck himself.
Nate's been weird about docking Obama points based on the convention bounce. He'll stop penalizing him later in the month but it's been a drag on his numbers.This is the strongest day of polling for Obama in a while, and just about all of it was before Romney's '47 percent' comments went wide. Obama should tick back up in Nate Silver's forecast.
I once read an article years and years ago about how New Mexico is the only state to have "USA" on its license plate because somehow not knowing it was part of the US was a frequent mistake. School textbooks where it wasn't on the map, people from the state being told to "go back to their own country," stuff like that.I guess the answer was right there in the name of the state.
these state polls are ridiculous.
romney's people must see the writing on the wall by now. wonder how long until they start disassociating themselves with this campaign.
these state polls are ridiculous.
romney's people must see the writing on the wall by now. wonder how long until they start disassociating themselves with this campaign.
It's already sort of happening with the big Politico article about Stuart for example and the daily WSJ 'editorials' giving the campaign free advice. I think it's going to be like rats from a sinking ship in October though.
Still in line
This is way slower than I thought
If a week from now the polls hold steady, Romney campaign should wisen up and try to make the election close as possible, instead of getting roflstomped by Obama and destroying their careers.
If Obama starts putting some daylight between himself and Romney in the Florida polls, "over" doesn't even begin to describe the election. Then we're in "I almost feel kinda bad" territory.
Anyone watching Romney's univision interview?
The crowd is VERY pro Romney, so much so that it's almost blatantly fake.
I've found that being overly-optimistic on Democrats' chances proves me right half of the time.
If Obama starts putting some daylight between himself and Romney in the Florida polls, "over" doesn't even begin to describe the election. Then we're in "I almost feel kinda bad" territory.
Anyone to talk to in line?
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., on Wednesday spent nearly seven minutes on the Senate floor attacking Mitt Romney's "47 percent" remarks and once again demanding the GOP nominee release more of his tax returns.
A recently released video, taped secretly during a fundraiser in Florida, captures Romney declaring that that 47 percent of Americans consider themselves "victims" and will never be convinced by Republicans to "take personal responsibility and care for their lives." Reciting a segment of the remarks, Reid read Romney's comment that "These are the people who pay no income tax."
"For all we know, Mitt Romney could be one of those who have paid no federal income tax," Reid said Wednesday. "Thousands of families making more than $1 million pay nothing in federal income taxes each year... Is Mitt Romney among those? We'll never know, since he refuses to release tax returns from the years before he was running for president.
The video is just a redux of the Joe The Plumper stuff. That came out before one of the debates and had no impact.
I guess you're not familiar with Republicans and their hilarious idea of what "out of context" means.How can it be out of context when the entire video was posted?
He even says, specifically, he can't help those people. You can't twist that to mean he will help everyone if he already said he can't
I guess you're not familiar with Republicans and their hilarious idea of what "out of context" means.