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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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On twitter people are saying Rove and O'Reilly are trying to discredit the polls (I guess the Fox News poll also) saying that it always skewed to Democrats.

O'Reilly and Dick Morris did the same thing on the previous round of Fox News polling when it was favorable for Obama.


Clinton had most of the Latino support against Obama in the primaries, and Clinton mopped up on Black voters in 92 and 96. That won't be an issue.

I really think that 2010 is going to end up being the GOP's final straw. Mid Term Elections always have low turnout, and that always favors the GOP, but I don't think we'll see a GOP landslide like that for quite awhile, if ever.


So usually I am not home at this time of day and even when I am I never watch Bill O or anything on Fox news. Bored tonight so I was flipped through the channels and landed on fox news with Bill interviewing Dennis Miller for his reaction to the Obama Letterman appearance.


Has Dennis Miller been this bat shit insane always? Holy cow this dude was off the walls nuts, raging, and completely off about well everything.


So usually I am not home at this time of day and even when I am I never watch Bill O or anything on Fox news. Bored tonight so I was flipped through the channels and landed on fox news with Bill interviewing Dennis Miller for his reaction to the Obama Letterman appearance.


Has Dennis Miller been this bat shit insane always? Holy cow this dude was off the walls nuts, raging, and completely off about well everything.

Being exposed to O'Reilly for too long has that effect.

Actually, I am not really sure if he was crazy before he started doing that recurring bit with Bill, but he is pretty whacked out.
So usually I am not home at this time of day and even when I am I never watch Bill O or anything on Fox news. Bored tonight so I was flipped through the channels and landed on fox news with Bill interviewing Dennis Miller for his reaction to the Obama Letterman appearance.


Has Dennis Miller been this bat shit insane always? Holy cow this dude was off the walls nuts, raging, and completely off about well everything.

Yeah he's been like that for a while now.


The Clintons did very well with black voters when not facing Obama, and Hillary was very popular with Latin American voters in 2008, so I'm not sure how much of that she really loses with minorities.

Well, with black voters...

Obama 2008 95-4
Clinton 1996 84-12-4

Turnout was higher under Obama for sure as well, though I'm too lazy to look that up.

Obviously she wins the traditional democrat constituencies, but that's a non-trivial difference.


So usually I am not home at this time of day and even when I am I never watch Bill O or anything on Fox news. Bored tonight so I was flipped through the channels and landed on fox news with Bill interviewing Dennis Miller for his reaction to the Obama Letterman appearance.


Has Dennis Miller been this bat shit insane always? Holy cow this dude was off the walls nuts, raging, and completely off about well everything.

Nice guy. But fucking crazy politics.


I think that Hillary would be a lot closer to Obama than to Bill in percentage of the black vote. Not because of anything great about Hillary, just that times have changed and it will be much harder for the GOP to get any of the black vote for quite some time.


No Scrubs
So usually I am not home at this time of day and even when I am I never watch Bill O or anything on Fox news. Bored tonight so I was flipped through the channels and landed on fox news with Bill interviewing Dennis Miller for his reaction to the Obama Letterman appearance.


Has Dennis Miller been this bat shit insane always? Holy cow this dude was off the walls nuts, raging, and completely off about well everything.

I think 9/11 drove him over the deep end, I remember seeing something of his from before that and thinking he was pretty good. Since then he's slowly gone more and more insane.
Well, with black voters...

Obama 2008 95-4
Clinton 1996 84-12-4

Turnout was higher under Obama for sure as well, though I'm too lazy to look that up.

Obviously she wins the traditional democrat constituencies, but that's a non-trivial difference.

Kerry won 88% of the black vote so they were tending more Democratic even before Obama. And after 8 years of Obama and an Obama endorsement, it's almost certain that Hillary would do better than 84% in 2016, even if she wouldn't match Obama's margin.


The electoral maps contrasting Hills vs Obama would be utterly fascinating. Obviously it'd be necessary to control for demographic trends, but they really did have very distinct coalitions. She'd make Appalachian and border southern states more competitive but probably lose something from minority and youth turnout. I guess the extent to which to Obama coalition holds after Obama is another interesting question.

Hills running in 2016 would also be the redemption point for the 2010 disaster in the Senate.

2014 is going to be interesting. 20-13 defense for Dems, but no top of the ticket to back them up.

The 2008 primary is something that will truly go down in history. Two absolutely legit political giants fighting for control of the same party. It was also probably the hardest race Obama ever had to run.

Kerry won 88% of the black vote so they were tending more Democratic even before Obama. And after 8 years of Obama and an Obama endorsement, it's almost certain that Hillary would do better than 84% in 2016, even if she wouldn't match Obama's margin.

Yeah I'd think that eight years of the Republicans going completely crazy because the President is black ought to have alienated whatever was left of their support in that area.


Well, with black voters...

Obama 2008 95-4
Clinton 1996 84-12-4

Turnout was higher under Obama for sure as well, though I'm too lazy to look that up.

Obviously she wins the traditional democrat constituencies, but that's a non-trivial difference.

So usually I am not home at this time of day and even when I am I never watch Bill O or anything on Fox news. Bored tonight so I was flipped through the channels and landed on fox news with Bill interviewing Dennis Miller for his reaction to the Obama Letterman appearance.


Has Dennis Miller been this bat shit insane always? Holy cow this dude was off the walls nuts, raging, and completely off about well everything.

He has been on the right for a while now . . . but he has become more crazy. He is not Victoria Jackson level crazy though.


No Scrubs
Would the blowback of Romney's disastrous campaign severely affect the campaigns of other Republicans?

If it's bad enough it could affect down ticket races, yes. But he would really have to fuck up and Obama and the Dems would have to do a great job of tying each of the down ticket candidates to Romney, all while those candidates try and distance themselves from Romney.


He has been on the right for a while now . . . but he has become more crazy. He is not Victoria Jackson level crazy though.

His anger was hilarious to watch. Bill played two clips from the Letterman show and asked Dennis for his opinion and Dennis wouldn't talk about anything presented but just go off about how Obama is a terrible president, doesn't say anything, and just knows how to talk.

And he said all of that with a vein popping in his neck screaming across the tv.


And after 8 years of Obama and an Obama endorsement, it's almost certain that Hillary would do better than 84% in 2016, even if she wouldn't match Obama's margin.
Yeah I agree with this.

My only point is that Hillary doesn't have pure upside to Obama electorally, as Obama is very effective with a few groups and you lose something by not having him at the top.

Thanks for looking up the turnout info, Paches-EJ-.

...The plan, described by top aides and advisers in interviews this week, is an acknowledgment that Romney is in enough of a hole that he cannot depend on the presidential debates to turn his candidacy around. In fact, Romney, who recently did five mock debates in a 48-hour period to practice up, has confided to advisers that it may be hard to win a debate because every attack against President Barack Obama will seem stale, while the attacks on him will seem fresher and newsier to a hostile media.

The emerging strategy comes after several days of soul-searching. Romney officials are very clear-eyed about the damage done by two straight weeks of bad media coverage and the embarrassing comments caught on tape (see below for their assessment of what hurt the most in the past 10 days). They don’t dispute they are locked in serious turbulence, but also take solace that things are not worse after what they consider the darkest stretch of the campaign.

“We are going to look back at this as the week he got his act together, or the beginning of the end,” said a top Republican who works closely with the campaign.

The campaign is moving fast to calm nerves, especially among donors. To get a flavor of the challenge before them, a top donor said that after Romney spoke at a fundraising breakfast at the Hilton New York on Friday, a will-Mitt-win poll was taken at one table of 10 men, each of whom had paid at least $2,500 to attend, and some of whom had raised as much as $50,000 for the campaign. Not a single man said yes.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Last night's Daily Show going over Romney's comments was fantastic.
I've watched MSNBC intermittently the past couple years and only have started tuning in daily recently; Maddow is still as awesome as I remember but Ed Schultz is pretty meh and Lawrence O'Donnell seems like he desperately wants to be Bill Maher.
I've watched MSNBC intermittently the past couple years and only have started tuning in daily recently; Maddow is still as awesome as I remember but Ed Schultz is pretty meh and Lawrence O'Donnell seems like he desperately wants to be Bill Maher.
Isn't O'Donnell a douche? I recall him trying to accuse Hermain Cain of dodging the draft and wound up generating support and sympathy for him among everyone, even here.


For 2016, I'm guessing on the democrat side, it will be Cuomo, Biden, and Clinton as the big three. That's gonna be pretty intense. And if that does happen, who does Obama stump for? (Assuming he has a successful second term) I'm guessing he would stump for Clinton, as I'm sure they already have made that deal a long time ago.


For 2016, I'm guessing on the democrat side, it will be Cuomo, Biden, and Clinton as the big three. That's gonna be pretty intense. And if that does happen, who does Obama stump for? (Assuming he has a successful second term) I'm guessing he would stump for Clinton, as I'm sure they already have made that deal a long time ago.

I would think that he wouldn't do anything for any of them, wait for the people to pick a nominee. There would be too much potential negative blowback from picking one or the other, wouldn't there?


No Scrubs
For 2016, I'm guessing on the democrat side, it will be Cuomo, Biden, and Clinton as the big three. That's gonna be pretty intense. And if that does happen, who does Obama stump for? (Assuming he has a successful second term) I'm guessing he would stump for Clinton, as I'm sure they already have made that deal a long time ago.

Biden's going to be too old. Odds are Cuomo and Clinton will be the big ones, honestly if Clinton runs I don't think Cuomo will. I think a lot of people would sit it out if Clinton announced, she's just that big at the moment. I doubt we'll see any big names before she announces her intentions.
For 2016, I'm guessing on the democrat side, it will be Cuomo, Biden, and Clinton as the big three. That's gonna be pretty intense. And if that does happen, who does Obama stump for? (Assuming he has a successful second term) I'm guessing he would stump for Clinton, as I'm sure they already have made that deal a long time ago.

Forget Biden.

Forget Cuomo. Hes a shit governor and nobody likes him. Hes the Rick perry of the democrats. Theres some mythical " star power" and then you actually look at his record and he falls apart.

Hillary? Maybe. Shes looking old, and the optics might be too bad.

Its going to be Antonio Villaraigosa who will turn Texas so blue youll think the state came home from a date with a baptist.

Throw in Bloomberg as well. Hes liked by independents.

And naturally, you need a Massachusetts man in there. Capuano will run I think.


I would think that he wouldn't do anything for any of them, wait for the people to pick a nominee. There would be too much potential negative blowback from picking one or the other, wouldn't there?

That ain't how politics works. Trust me, Obama has already promised his support to somebody. Possibly even multiple somebodies.


Here's something that annoys me about the Obama campaign: I donated to his campaign the other day and then today I get an email "from" Joe Biden that starts with "look [name] you've really got to get involved here", etc asking for a donation. F@# You! I just donated, don't tell me I've got to give more.


Wait, what?

You mean the 100% comment?

"this campaign is about the 100%", and now they're saying the video was edited and taken out of context.

Here's something that annoys me about the Obama campaign: I donated to his campaign the other day and then today I get an email "from" Joe Biden that starts with "look [name] you've really got to get involved here", etc asking for a donation. F@# You! I just donated, don't tell me I've got to give more.

All campaigns do this, unfortunately. They're going to be bugging you a lot more.


Here's something that annoys me about the Obama campaign: I donated to his campaign the other day and then today I get an email "from" Joe Biden that starts with "look [name] you've really got to get involved here", etc asking for a donation. F@# You! I just donated, don't tell me I've got to give more.

nah, joe biden just needs train fare.
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