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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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I don't think there's any way for Romney to essentially re-introduce himself at this stage. The public already knows his wishy-washy, flippity-floppity nature too damn well, and the news cycle is still being driven by the only video showing him speaking with actual conviction that unfortunately is a conviction for contempt for anyone not able to attend one of his $50k/plate fundraisers.

Essentially, I don't think there's a big enough block of voters left that will allow him another do-over since it would be just another fake position to many people - even if he actually meant it.


About that Romney cash advantage...

Despite what appears to be a plump bank account and an in-house production studio that cranks out multiple commercials a day, Mr. Romney’s campaign has been tightfisted with its advertising budget, leaving him at a disadvantage in several crucial states as President Obama blankets them with ads.

One major reason appears to be that Mr. Romney’s campaign finances have been significantly less robust than recent headlines would suggest.
Much of the more than $300 million the campaign reported raising this summer is earmarked for the Republican National Committee, state Republican organizations and Congressional races, limiting the money Mr. Romney’s own campaign has to spend.
Mr. Romney’s absence from the air made sense before the party’s convention in late August, since the campaign’s cash flow became so slow over the summer that it was forced to borrow $20 million to carry it through the event, when his formal nomination freed up tens of millions of dollars for the general election.

Yet at the same time Romney aides worked hard to project the image of a fund-raising machine far outpacing the president’s.

Romney aides released informal dollar figures that lumped several pools of money — some available for his use, others not — into a single figure, providing a perception greater than reality: $106 million in June and $101 million in July, far more than Mr. Obama and the Democrats.

Yet those figures obscured the fact that most of the money Mr. Romney was raising was reserved for those other political entities like the Republican National Committee.

And the party committee, which Mr. Romney helped propel to record-breaking receipts in July, is allowed to spend only about $22 million on advertising that is coordinated with Mr. Romney.

Even now, a large though unknown portion of Mr. Romney’s fund-raising is not going directly into his campaign account.

A closer look at Mr. Romney’s own filings revealed that Mr. Obama, while trailing in overall party fund-raising, was pulling far more money than Mr. Romney into his campaign account, the most useful and flexible dollars a candidate has to spend, in part because of strong collection from small donors who could give again and again without hitting federal limits.
Link to this? I wanna see.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


Romney's soooooooooo gonna get metaphorically legitimately raped by Rush and wing nuts by tomorroow.

Nope you're right on time, sometimes I wonder how people this dumb can even get jobs. It's like how dumb do you have to be before they just stop calling.

Also, you've been masterful in non-poligaf threads lately. I applaud you sir.

Thank ye! Much obliged. :D
For 2016, I'm guessing on the democrat side, it will be Cuomo, Biden, and Clinton as the big three. That's gonna be pretty intense. And if that does happen, who does Obama stump for? (Assuming he has a successful second term) I'm guessing he would stump for Clinton, as I'm sure they already have made that deal a long time ago.

Obama wouldn't get involved until a nominee was chosen. It'll be similar to how Bush handled the situation in 08 - you congratulate your party's nominee, invite him (or her) to the White House, etc. Hopefully the biggest difference will be that Obama isn't toxic like Bush (or Bill Clinton to a degree), so he can actually help the nominee.

The better question: which candidate will Obama's campaign staff support?


I have to think there's some grand bargain in place for 2016. I know that's a conspiracy theory, but Biden gets out of the way, Obama supports Hillary, best for the party and smooth sailing to the general.


I have to think there's some grand bargain in place for 2016. I know that's a conspiracy theory, but Biden gets out of the way, Obama supports Hillary, best for the party and smooth sailing to the general.

We all know what happens to grand bargains.


I want to sing the Oompa-Loompa song. My goodness.

It's like he's trying to get us obsessed with the next mishap. Maybe that strange Max Bialystock/The Producers theory is really true?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Remember that episode of the Simpsons where Smithers and Burns are going bike riding, and Smithers gets bitten by a bee and is about to die and asks Burns for help, and he helps him by forcing Smithers to basically save himself?

Romney should do something like that at a random rally with some working mother. Preferably one with a disability of some kind.


SNL needs to pick this up and do a skit with Mitt in orange-face, talking up his Hispanic experience.

It's kind of cute. He can't have his wish to be Hispanic, so he paints himself orange. It's about as authentic as any of his other efforts to relate to humans.


Because most of the fundraising was conducted through the JFC, it was difficult to discern how much his campaign was actually raising. That he's already foundering, this only compounds it.
Yeah pretty much

Regarding 2016 Tester!

Seriously can we nominate someone whose history and statements are pro second amendment?
All else being equal, no thanks.
Am I really seeing this? Mitt Romney goes on Univision and his face has somehow turned like 3 shades darker of a color that doesn't even exist in nature. Who keeps planning this madness?
I long to live in a country where Republicans will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character.
Obama wouldn't get involved until a nominee was chosen. It'll be similar to how Bush handled the situation in 08 - you congratulate your party's nominee, invite him (or her) to the White House, etc. Hopefully the biggest difference will be that Obama isn't toxic like Bush (or Bill Clinton to a degree), so he can actually help the nominee.

The better question: which candidate will Obama's campaign staff support?
Probably Clinton and then Biden. I'm pretty sure Biden wouldn't run if Hillary did.



The flail wail

Frankly, I don't think that's what's going on here, and I don't think either Mr Romney or Mr Stevens are entirely at fault. Take the themes they're focusing on today. On the deficit, Mitt Romney didn't invent the mathematically irreconcilable trifecta of promising massive tax cuts, no reductions in Medicare or defence spending, and lower deficits; Republicans have been running on that platform since Ronald Reagan. It's the policy incarnation of the splits between three of the party's constituencies: the wealthy, the defence establishment, and the elderly. On immigration, Mitt Romney didn't drive the anti-immigration wave that has swept through the GOP over the past decade; he's simply been forced to go along with it. His incoherence on this subject is the policy incarnation of the split between three of the party's constituencies: conservative Hispanics (including Cubans) and pro-immigration business elites, on the one hand, and ethnically nationalist whites, on the other. What we're seeing here is not simply a flailing campaign run by a mediocre candidate. It's a campaign trying to cope with the fact that the fundamental coalitions and policy bargains its party represents are falling apart.

Interesting take on explaining Romney's utter incoherence.


HUD could have paid out 1 billion dollars in fraudulant claims on foreclosed homes.

To qualify, the homeowner must have faced an “unavoidable” financial crisis, been living in the home and proved that they did not have sufficient income to make monthly payments. But the inspector general examined 80 random cases and found 61 failed to meet the criteria.

Based on its sample, the investigators estimated that HUD may have paid more than $1 billion in claims for 11,693 sales that did not qualify for participation in the program.

“HUD did not have adequate controls to enforce the program requirements, and the requirements were not well written,” wrote the inspector general in the audit. “As a result, the FHA insurance fund may have taken unnecessary losses.”


I'm sure someone will be held accountable. :crickets:


Look, guys. He already said he'd be doing better if he were Hispanic. Isn't what we really need at this critical juncture a president who follows through on his ideas and doesn't get bogged down in Congressional bickering over how much to tax tanning salons? He's delivering a one-two punch: a more inclusive-looking platform and a defiant middle finger to Obamacare's increased taxes!


Are people talking about Joe or Beau Biden running in 2016? I see no possible scenario where Joe Biden is chosen as the Democratic nominee in 2016. Never mind the fact that he'll be in his mid 70s, but he's also Joe Biden. If it's Beau, well I don't really know anything about him besides that he's Joe's son, the AG of Delaware, and has no other political experience besides his current position.

Also, yellow L to Mitt Ramirez. I can't accept
To be fair, he has a rough complexion. May make it hard for a tv makeup person to match.
since he's been on US TV constantly for the past 5 years and has never looked like that on any professional show he's been on. I hope it was intentional to try to look more "Latino" because that'd be hilarious, but I'm going to guess someone just did a really shitty job on make up. Nothing to do with his complexion, though.
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