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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Forget Biden.

Forget Cuomo. Hes a shit governor and nobody likes him. Hes the Rick perry of the democrats. Theres some mythical " star power" and then you actually look at his record and he falls apart.

Hillary? Maybe. Shes looking old, and the optics might be too bad.

Its going to be Antonio Villaraigosa who will turn Texas so blue youll think the state came home from a date with a baptist.

Throw in Bloomberg as well. Hes liked by independents.

And naturally, you need a Massachusetts man in there. Capuano will run I think.




I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
"this campaign is about the 100%", and now they're saying the video was edited and taken out of context.

The first part will be ignored as political bullshit, the second part simply won't work since the video is pretty damn clear. He is welcome to try, but he will lose the argument in a debate.


"this campaign is about the 100%", and now they're saying the video was edited and taken out of context.

-video played in context
-comes out flustered in a last minute conference to double down
-spends a day doubling down

like that's the worst way you could have handled that. amazing.


Romney on Domestic Policy: "I can't help you people, you're all too lazy"

Romney on Foreign Policy: "International incidents are most noteworthy for the opportunities they afford us as a nation to attack the president"

Romney on the town hall: "YOU'RE ALL FIRED"


Here's something that annoys me about the Obama campaign: I donated to his campaign the other day and then today I get an email "from" Joe Biden that starts with "look [name] you've really got to get involved here", etc asking for a donation. F@# You! I just donated, don't tell me I've got to give more.

I get three emails a day at least from the Obama campaign. I finally gave in and donated for a chance at the dinner with Obama. They will probably double their emails to me from now on :(


I have a quick question for you guys.

I have heard people say things along the line of: A vote that is not cast for Obama helps Romney.

Like that if someone voted for another candidate in the election besides the main two or doesn't vote at all is helping Romney and hurting Obama.

Why would this be?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Here's something that annoys me about the Obama campaign: I donated to his campaign the other day and then today I get an email "from" Joe Biden that starts with "look [name] you've really got to get involved here", etc asking for a donation. F@# You! I just donated, don't tell me I've got to give more.

Confirming your donation with a Joe Biden gaffe so you know it's legit.
I have a quick question for you guys.

I have heard people say things along the line of: A vote that is not cast for Obama helps Romney.

Like that if someone voted for another candidate in the election besides the main two or doesn't vote at all is helping Romney and hurting Obama.

Why would this be?
It depends on what state you live in. If you live in a state like California then voting for a third party or not voting wouldn't help Romney, but if you lived in a swing state like Florida then not voting for Obama would help Romney.


I have a quick question for you guys.

I have heard people say things along the line of: A vote that is not cast for Obama helps Romney.

Like that if someone voted for another candidate in the election besides the main two or doesn't vote at all is helping Romney and hurting Obama.

Why would this be?

You can't really think about it on a micro level. But lets say that you and 1,000 other people (in the state of Florida) vote for Jill Stein because Obama isn't liberal enough (or not voting due to being disillusioned with Obama even though you know Romney is worse) . Obama loses the election due to Florida due to 700 votes. Those people that otherwise would have voted for Obama caused him to lose.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
You can't really think about it on a micro level. But lets say that you and 1,000 other people (in the state of Florida) vote for Jill Stein because Obama isn't liberal enough (or not voting due to being disillusioned with Obama even though you know Romney is worse) . Obama loses the election due to Florida due to 700 votes. Those people that otherwise would have voted for Obama caused him to lose.

Yep, one of the bigger problems (besides money) with our current political system, is, it does penalize third parties.

If we had a rank order system, where you ranked the candidates on who you would prefer, or at least had a first choice, second choice, system...


You can't really think about it on a micro level. But lets say that you and 1,000 other people (in the state of Florida) vote for Jill Stein because Obama isn't liberal enough (or not voting due to being disillusioned with Obama even though you know Romney is worse) . Obama loses the election due to Florida due to 700 votes. Those people that otherwise would have voted for Obama caused him to lose.

Of course, such a bizarre hypothetical could never happen in reality!

( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Nader's_presidential_campaigns#The_.22spoiler.22_controversy )
Of course, such a bizarre hypothetical could never happen in reality!

( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Nader's_presidential_campaigns#The_.22spoiler.22_controversy )

Speaking of, dude should run again.

He'd get my vote.

Dude knows whats up.
Even before his 2000 campaign for president with the Green Party, Ralph Nader has long been outspoken about the exclusion of third party candidates in presidential debates.

Continue reading

Now, he's shifting his "activism" to debate formats, calling for a debate in D.C. about issues in the District.

Nader says President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney need to answer tough questions about the District's voting rights.

"The difference between Romney and Obama is Romney says the wrong things; Obama says the right things - although not recently about DC statehood and budget autonomy, but he doesn't do anything," Nader said.


Its amazing how many consumer protection things we take fro granted are directly the result of nader.

You know how airlines offer money when theyve oversold their flight and they need to make room?

THE latest gaffe by Mitt Romney (not so much Romneygate, as Romney-gated community) brings up a related issue, of how modern states have tended to extend benefits to the better-off, partly because of lobbying and partly as a way of buying the support of the wealthy for the welfare state. All this is well illustrated in Suzanne Mettler's book "The Submerged State", which shows how these hidden subsidies can distort voters' view of the way that government policy works; a 2008 poll found that 57% of Americans denied ever using a government programme. But when shown a list of 21 actual programmes, including student loans and home-mortgage interest deduction, 94% of the deniers turned out to have benefited after all.

Some of these programmes are heavily skewed towards the better-off. According to Ms Mettler, 69% of the benefits of the mortgage interest deduction went to those who earned $100,000 or more; 55% of the benefits from employer-provided retirement benefits* went to those earning $100,000 or more. Only 16% of workers in the lowest income quintile had employer-sponsored (and tax deductible) health insurance compared to 85% of those in the top quintile.

In cash terms, the average subsidy for those earning $200,000 to $500,000 is three times that for those earning $10,000 to $20,000.

And these programmes are large; mortgage-interest tax relief cost $104.5 billion in 2010 while the tax subsidy for retirement benefits was $67 billion. But these programmes are politically very hard to get rid of.

What I'm trying to understand is how "Get to know Mitt v2.0!" ads with Willard sitting besides a fireside, wearing a cotton sweater, looking into the camera and telling Americans about the good ol days is going to work, when channels are playing his secret video where he basically says fuck you to everyone except his supporters? Or otherwise, when voters already have a solid grasp of who Romney is? Methinks it's too little, too late. But let them try their best.


What I'm trying to understand is how "Get to know Mitt v2.0!" ads with Willard sitting besides a fireside, wearing a cotton sweater, looking into the camera and telling Americans about the good ol days is going to work, when channels are playing his secret video where he basically says fuck you to everyone except his supporters? Or otherwise, when voters already have a solid grasp of who Romney is? Methinks it's too little, too late. But let them try their best.

They must be kicking themselves they didn't do this months ago. NOW a month and half away from election they decide that voters need to "know" mitt better? Obama and his team knew what was up and has been defining him for months now. All those idiot advisers must have thought Romney was going to cruise to election.


Daily show opening segment was indeed great. I wish i could remember May, so long ago....it was before E3 when we had hopes of vita life.
Am I really seeing this? Mitt Romney goes on Univision and his face has somehow turned like 3 shades darker of a color that doesn't even exist in nature. Who keeps planning this madness?
Am I really seeing this? Mitt Romney goes on Univision and his face has somehow turned like 3 shades darker of a color that doesn't even exist in nature. Who keeps planning this madness?

Hmm, Mitt is looking a little funny there. Face darker than his hands.

Not saying I think he did, it just looks odd though. Between real life and onion articles, I've been doing a lot of double takes lately.
So, Ryan could lose the presidential election and his congressional seat as well?

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