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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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He looks awful in those shots.

What the hell were they thinking?

Also Grandfather comments, flip-flop more Mitt; conservatives are going to be blowing up about that tomorrow.


Mitt Romney seems like a candidate who doesn't understand the media or the internet. He says one thing to one audience then a completely different thing to another and expects no one to notice? Now if only we had a mainstream media that actually called people out on this crap.
I really hope Spray-tan Mitt becomes a story. It's stupid, but hilarious.

Mexican Mitt Romneez ‏@MexicanMitt

No one from this campaign should be hired again. It's like the Onion Staff took over.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Unlike regular Mitt Romney, Mexican Mitt Romney is someone who I wouldn't mind having a beer (or a bottle of tequila) with.


GOP internal polling showing Carmona up 5 on Flake in AZ.

...Oh my God, the Democrats might actually gain seats in the Senate.

Whoa, whoa, hold your horses. Flake has a huge money advantage. And I'm seeing tons of anti-Carmona ads, and we're a long way away from the election in a super red state. Don't get too excited yet.

I'll be voting for Carmona though. And my conservative mother will too, and maybe even my ultra-conservative father.
Speaking of money...

TRENTON — For New Jerseyans who are awaiting income tax relief — none more than Gov. Chris Christie — the nation’s major credit-rating agencies have dealt a series of punishing blows in recent days.

The latest dose of bad news was delivered by Standard & Poor’s, which Tuesday lowered its credit outlook for New Jersey from stable to negative.

While Standard & Poor’s did not change the state’s AA- rating — one of the worst among the states — it warned the more drastic step of a lower rating loomed if Christie’s [promised] nearly 8 percent growth in revenue failed to materialize.


"We revised the outlook to reflect our view of the risk of revenue assumptions we view as optimistic, continued reliance on one-time measures to offset revenue shortfalls, and longer-term growing expenditure pressures," John Sugden, a credit analyst for Standard & Poor’s, said.


Unswayed by the latest batch of economic news, Christie repeated his call for an income tax cut at an appearance in Bergen County and said it was a "joke" that Democrats had not yet delivered the cut.

2016 is going to be hilarious.
Occasionally I visit Hannity Forums for the laughs, and tonight I came across this gem. The denial is absolutely astounding. Somewhere, even Kosmo is facepalming over this thread.

I love how the guy misspelled "sorry" in his thread title.

But yeah, I do the same with Free Republic. The whole board was rabidly anti-Romney during the primary (Gingrich and Santorum were their guys) and the turnaround since Mitt got the nom has been astonishing.

The prevailing FR meme right now is that polls, particularly polls that show Obama ahead, are deliberately skewed that way because pollsters consistently and nefariously under-sample Republicans. Also, when the 47% thing happened, they cheered Mitt for finally growing a pair and telling the "truth". It's like Bizarro-GAF.
Speaking of money...

2016 is going to be hilarious.

NJ dems might not just ensure Christie is too damaged to win in 2016, they might just make sure he loses to Booker in 2014. I'm not advocating obstruction but it's clear both sides are at an ideological impasse. Christie can't compromise by raising taxes because it would ruin his national aspirations, and dems won't cave on taxes without getting something they want too.
I'm pretty excited to see the salty tears of the GOP on the internet should they lose. It will be great seeing the claims of voter fraud, chicago lie machine, liberal media bias, etc as they whine whine whine.

And then the fallout from the election from the GOP brass will be interesting.

As I said, my hope is the GOP loses badly so that they either go even more insane or reform and become a viable party. But I look forward most to those salty tears.


I'm pretty excited to see the salty tears of the GOP on the internet should they lose. It will be great seeing the claims of voter fraud, chicago lie machine, liberal media bias, etc as they whine whine whine.

And then the fallout from the election from the GOP brass will be interesting.

As I said, my hope is the GOP loses badly so that they either go even more insane or reform and become a viable party. But I look forward most to those salty tears.
I am fully cheering for more "we weren't conservative enough" insanity. They need to drive the party over a cliff, Toonces-style.
I can't see the Dems holding/taking all of those, but if they somehow do & they can somehow keep 2014 around net zero...
2014's gonna be tough. The only potential pickup is Maine (unless KY, GA, SC etc. manage to be competitive) Dems really maxed out their wins in 2008, but then I thought that of 06 as well.


Probably Clinton and then Biden. I'm pretty sure Biden wouldn't run if Hillary did.
I don't think Biden's a viable option. It's analogous to Truman's VP after he declined to run for re-election. The Democratic factions refused to support him because of his age. And for what it's worth, I noticed subtle signs of deterioration during his convention speech.
Yeah. This marks the point where I start to feel kind of bad for Mitt Romney.
Unless a personal tragedy befalls him, I'll not pity Mitt Romney. Nor the Republicans. Burn, baby, burn.
2014's gonna be tough. The only potential pickup is Maine (unless KY, GA, SC etc. manage to be competitive) Dems really maxed out their wins in 2008, but then I thought that of 06 as well.

Yeah. Looked over the list. Looks unlikely Democrats can gain seats in 2014. Getting rid of Lindsey Graham would be awesome though.
Was Mitt ok with wealth redistribution when his father gifted him money that he had no part in earning?

Did you see Stewart destroy Mitt on this one, last night? Posted an interview with his mom talking about how the gov't helped his father!

And there's Ryan, of course, the social security baby...

I wish someone in an interview after asking about the 47% questions Ryan's father's SS paying for college.
I'm pretty excited to see the salty tears of the GOP on the internet should they lose. It will be great seeing the claims of voter fraud, chicago lie machine, liberal media bias, etc as they whine whine whine.

And then the fallout from the election from the GOP brass will be interesting.

As I said, my hope is the GOP loses badly so that they either go even more insane or reform and become a viable party. But I look forward most to those salty tears.
Does Rapture Ready still do its thing? What happened to Hillaryis44?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
What is that, three weeks ago? I'm talking about last winter man. I said it didn't matter which clown they ran out there, and I said Romney was the most credible threat and even then it would be a laugher.

I believe I am going to owe you an apology come November. I thought it completely unfathomable that Romney would implode like this. All he had to do was not be a gaffe machine and run an effective job-and-economy-only campaign and he would have only lost by 1% or maybe even eked out a win if something were to happen with the country or economy.

But then Romney started going down the Santorum/Rick Perry/Michelle Bachmann route and started verbally defecating every time he opened his mouth. He refused to detail any plan he might have for ANY subject. He picked a face deficit/budget hawk who is toxic to old people, and so on. We all know the story.

It is looking more and more like 2008 all over again. And if he loses by a greater majority than McCain, I will pat you on the back with several TPM links of them genuflecting at the greatness of Obama.
And if he loses by a greater majority than McCain, I will pat you on the back with several TPM links of them genuflecting at the greatness of Obama.

It's absolutely mindblowing to me that after 4 years in a weakass economy, with certain elements of the media constantly on the attack against him, and for the most part, average social policy...

...we're actually plausibly talking about an outcome MORE lopsided than 2008.


good credit (by proxy)
Forgot to do the ears.
I'm not buying the Cuomo hype. He'll have the name and money but I don't think the country is going to elect a liberal governor from NY who has a girlfriend; I'd imagine he'll have to get married before 2016.

Let's assume Hillary doesn't run, because if she does she will certainly win the nomination this time. I don't see Cuomo waltzing in to Iowa or South Carolina and appealing to folks; NH tends to like slick liberals so maybe he has a shot there. You know who would play well in bell weather states? Brian Schweitzer and Mark Warner. Schweitzer is a great governor, gun owner/real hunter, and has a history of working with republicans in a red state. Warner was one of the most popular governors in the country and is basically the closest thing to god in Virginia, a southern swing state.

Schweitzer is charismatic whereas Warner isn't, particularly. But given his position, Warner could make a name for himself nationally a lot easier. He has started to heavily campaign for Tim Kaine in Virgina, for instance. If he can help get Kaine elected that will be huge. And as a senator, he'll be in position to raise his profile, begin getting potentially groomed for higher office, and work alongside senate leadership/Obama; that's a very helpful blueprint, especially if the economy improves and Obama enters the final years of his term popular.

Then there's Martin O'Malley, who gave a rather weak speech at the DNC but still has an interesting resume. I think Cuomo is going to be the odd man out in terms of being the corporate type/Romney democrat. Liberal blogs/activists like Schweitzer and O'Malley; they don't seem to have much of an opinion on Warner because he hasn't done much in the senate to be honest. I remember Kos cosigning Schweitzer back in 2007/8 in fact


One thing I've learned since 2004: Guessing who's going to be the nominee from either party four years in advance is always wrong. Everyone always guesses wrong.

If it's not Hillary it's probably someone we're not even thinking of.
OR, of all the people in your pool for potential nominees, it'll be the one you'd least expect.
You still have a boner for Castro, Aaron?
Maybe someday. I don't like when mayors run for president coughrudy.

If he gets elected to a statewide position in Texas, hell yeah! But I don't think that'll happen by 2016. At best he could get elected governor in 2014 but then he still only has 2 years under his belt.
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