Rocket Scientist
Shouldn't pollsters start checking if the people they are polling have id's?
Maybe someday. I don't like when mayors run for president coughrudy.
If he gets elected to a statewide position in Texas, hell yeah! But I don't think that'll happen by 2016. At best he could get elected governor in 2014 but then he still only has 2 years under his belt.
I feel bad for thinking about the possibilities of a porn adaptation of this.Castro would be an ideal VP pick for Clinton. Young, Popular, Liberal, and Latino.
Then he'd be set the fuck up for 2024.
Maybe someday. I don't like when mayors run for president coughrudy.
If he gets elected to a statewide position in Texas, hell yeah! But I don't think that'll happen by 2016. At best he could get elected governor in 2014 but then he still only has 2 years under his belt.
Maybe someday. I don't like when mayors run for president coughrudy.
If he gets elected to a statewide position in Texas, hell yeah! But I don't think that'll happen by 2016. At best he could get elected governor in 2014 but then he still only has 2 years under his belt.
I think it is smarter for him to wait it out and risk the statewide race in Texas. Because if he proves he can take texas he'll get a large chunk of the party to rally around him for 2020/2024. Having texas in your pocket as a Dem means you basically can't lose.If the party really wanted to use Castro, I could see a trajectory of: Obama appointing him to his cabinet (Secretary of Labor, maybe?) > then as Clinton's VP pick > then running for president. Getting him elected statewide in Texas would be a lot harder.
These predictions always end up so spectacularly wrong. lol
Behind in recent Ohio polls, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney will board his campaign bus next week for another cruise through the battleground Buckeye State.
The former Massachusetts governor's campaign announced a three-day, six-city tour late Wednesday.
U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, Romney's vice presidential running mate, will stump solo on the first stop, scheduled for Monday in Lima. He'll meet Romney on Tuesday in Cincinnati before Romney heads on to Dayton by himself.
Romney will campaign Wednesday in the Columbus, Cleveland and Toledo areas. Additional details have yet to be announced.
The tour's theme: "The Romney Plan for a Stronger Middle Class."
The GOP challenger to President Barack Obama in recent days has stood by comments surreptitiously recorded at a May fundraiser and first reported Monday by the liberal magazine Mother Jones. Romney said Obama's supporters represent 47 percent of the country who "believe they are victims" and "entitled" to government assistance.
These people, Romney said, "will vote for this president no matter what."
He has defended the remarks, though he acknowledged they were not "elegantly stated."
Romney already has visited Ohio three times since last month's Republican National Convention. Last week he campaigned near Mansfield and in Painesville. Obama campaigned Monday in Cincinnati and Columbus.
Recent polls show Obama leading Romney by as many as 7 percentage points or by as few as 1. No Republican has won the White House without winning swing-state Ohio, which this year awards 18 electoral votes to the victor.
"Look, Ohio is always an important state, no matter how you look at the history," Romney senior adviser Kevin Madden told reporters last week near Mansfield. "For as long as I've been working on campaigns, Ohio has been very important and it's going to be important this time around, and we're taking it very seriously, and that's why we're here today."
Gotta say, seeing Schweitzer at the Convention really emphasized how awesome Obama is, in terms of his charisma and political intelligence.
Schweitzer has a shot, of course - he's better than someone like Romney, obviously, and more likeable than a Gore or Kerry. It's just sort of disappointing that after Obama gets his four more years, we'll probably have another 2000 or 2004 on our hands in terms of not really having an exceptional candidate in the race (to be fair, Gore I think is a great intellect and would've made a fine president, as would Kerry to a lesser extent... but they were never going to be truly inspirational). Castro could grow into one of those in time, but for the moment the bench seems a little thin.
Mitt Romney looks like he just came back from visiting his money.
One of the guys has "natural gas, natures solar power" in his sig. LoLOccasionally I visit Hannity Forums for the laughs, and tonight I came across this gem. The denial is absolutely astounding. Somewhere, even Kosmo is facepalming over this thread.
It will make all the Obama end 2013 bumper stickers even more lulzy...but then they'll just switch dates like the Bush ones did.Loved that Daily Show clip.
It's embarrassing that Fox presenters could ever pretend to actually be 'fair and balanced'.
Hopefully Obama gets a second term so I can look forward to their ultra meltdown.
Well if it was property vs income tax he'd have a point as those are ludicrously high.
Whole opening segment worth it.
I believe I am going to owe you an apology come November. I thought it completely unfathomable that Romney would implode like this. All he had to do was not be a gaffe machine and run an effective job-and-economy-only campaign and he would have only lost by 1% or maybe even eked out a win if something were to happen with the country or economy.
But then Romney started going down the Santorum/Rick Perry/Michelle Bachmann route and started verbally defecating every time he opened his mouth. He refused to detail any plan he might have for ANY subject. He picked a face deficit/budget hawk who is toxic to old people, and so on. We all know the story.
It is looking more and more like 2008 all over again. And if he loses by a greater majority than McCain, I will pat you on the back with several TPM links of them genuflecting at the greatness of Obama.
No thanks she might continue one of Bills pet projects.I would full-on support Hillary in 2016 if she ran. No other candidate would come close to her in experience. She'd expand the potential map democrats could have on top of the already expanding trends from demographic changes. Plus, if Obama wins this time democrats will likely get credit for the recovery, which will make her even more likely to win in 2016.
Anyone else follow
Love this blog. I couldn't live without it.
Was reading the post today. It seems everything about the republican machine is falling apart right now. So many bad polls for them.
No thanks she might continue one of Bills pet projects.
Anyone else follow
Love this blog. I couldn't live without it.
Was reading the post today. It seems everything about the republican machine is falling apart right now. So many bad polls for them.
The Teabaggers are freaking out now lol
The fact that they have a Ras-free map make this the best site ever.
You wont get it though. It will however waste a lot of time and energy for something that will go nowhere and potentially hurt the party overall (Bill pretty much has said it was greatly responsible for losses in Congress.I'll take it!
i know lol rasmussen, but they have obama ( with leaners) @ 50% Romney
i know lol rasmussen, but they have obama ( with leaners) @ 50% Romney
One thing I've learned since 2004: Guessing who's going to be the nominee from either party four years in advance is always wrong. Everyone always guesses wrong.
If it's not Hillary it's probably someone we're not even thinking of.
OR, of all the people in your pool for potential nominees, it'll be the one you'd least expect.
Conditions through August showed a 2% lead on the generic Congressional ballot for Democrats. As of September 20th, in the wake of the Democratic convention, the lead has widened to 4.0 +/- 2.0%. Although it has yet to be fully appreciated by political pundits, this translates to a likely November loss of the House of Representatives by Republicans. The probability of a Democratic takeover is currently 74% with a median majority of 16 seats. This picture may well change again over the coming six weeks.
Sam Wang just said it.
Democrats positioned to retake the House
I'd be more inclined to bet against it, just as a hedge. Don't want to get hopes up too much that the second Obama term will involve actual productive legislation.Oh boy, I smell another avatar bet. :rubs hands together:
just kidding.
A wave election? A wave election.
Still in the aftermath of the convention bounce. But in the context of the polls lately and Romney's immolation....yeah.Democratic Enthusiasm Swells in the Swing States, Nationally
Voter enthusiasm in these states has grown among members of both political parties; however, Democrats' level has increased more. Thus, whereas equal percentages of Democrats and Republicans were enthusiastic in June, Democrats are now significantly more enthusiastic than Republicans, 73% vs. 64%.
Sam Wang just said it.
Democrats positioned to retake the House
I'd be more inclined to bet against it, just as a hedge. Don't want to get hopes up too much that the second Obama term will involve actual productive legislation.
PPP twitter: "We don't have Obama up 14 in Wisconsin but we have him up a lot more than we did last week. Results between 11 and 12%"
Wisconsin is slipping away