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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Sorry Manos, but I think the Republican party right now needs an ass kicking that will hopefully make them rethink some things and bring them back to sanity. To me this election is about sending a message that one party cannot wholesale disregard the American public and make their number 1 goal political power over anything else. The party needs to get taken out back and shot, and hopefully we'll get some sensible republicans afterwards.
No, it's not that I have an issue with that. It's that I just want the Dems coming in to be more like John Tester or Bob Casey vs. Diane Fienstein and Chuck Schummer.

Manos, you're actually about to get me to root FOR your guns being taken away.
Hey, it's one my bitch point besides NASA with the Dems...compared to many many with the Republicans. Also I don't think I was terribly clear with what I meant this morning. The above is more an accurate response.

Trust me, you don't want me bitching if the whack wing of the Dem Party could actually try and pass gun control stuff again.

I like being able to go to www.sgammo.com or www.ammotogo.com and not being ripped off like at retail.


holy shit the photo gawker posted makes it look even worse than what was posted here yesterday


The republicans trying so hard to convince themselves they're not going to lose remind me an awful lot of how democrats sounded in 2010 at about this time. It was probably pretty obvious we were going to lose Congress, but boy did we ever try to convince ourselves that wasn't true at all.


Setec Astronomer
Well, finally updated my voter registration. I also decided there's no point in still being declared as Unaffiliated because it's not as if I really believe in party loyalty to begin with and I really don't have much use for the other party nowadays.
Pawlenty jumping ship first? That's big considering how early and how big of a supporter he was; he seemed poised for a cabinet position. He'll never say it but I'm sure he was devastated by the Ryan pick. Most of the chatter 2 weeks before the pick was that he was a clear favorite.

If Romney wins he's gonna have a Nixonian level shit list, oh boy. I can imagine the Politico "Romney's Revenge" stories


Well, finally updated my voter registration. I also decided there's no point in still being declared as Unaffiliated because it's not as if I really believe in party loyalty to begin with and I really don't have much use for the other party nowadays.

That reminds me; I've moved and I need to go switch my registration to a new county. I'll keep my party affiliation because though I try to remain as pragmatic as possible, I'm still a dirty liberal at heart.
Here's what I might expect if Democrats take back the House:

- Tax reform/deficit bill (swaps out the spending cuts in Budget Control Act, simplifies the tax code, could be passed through reconciliation in the Senate)

- American Jobs Act (some of this could be written into the above)

- Public Option Act (maybe? I'm sure it'll come up)

- Immigration reform (DREAM Act will be passed separately though)

- Alternative energy bill (could be a jobs bill in itself)

- Education bill (surprised Obama hasn't tried this already, really)

Obama would look so damn good if he could get all of that through.


The republicans trying so hard to convince themselves they're not going to lose remind me an awful lot of how democrats sounded in 2010 at about this time. It was probably pretty obvious we were going to lose Congress, but boy did we ever try to convince ourselves that wasn't true at all.

I was just hoping enough old people would die off before the election to swing the polling trends.

The 2010 election was probably the biggest act of mass idiocy in the history of the world.


how is the seat in hawaii looking?
last time someone posted, it was looking good for hirono (D)
but googling linked me to only a single recent article saying lingle (R) is up
Tpaw wanted to be the VP.

There was no other position he was suitable for, other than secretary of corn. He's boring as shit and has no qualifications. Best look for greener pastures while the ship is starting to sink anyway.
Pawlenty jumping ship first? That's big considering how early and how big of a supporter he was; he seemed poised for a cabinet position. He'll never say it but I'm sure he was devastated by the Ryan pick. Most of the chatter 2 weeks before the pick was that he was a clear favorite.

If Romney wins he's gonna have a Nixonian level shit list, oh boy. I can imagine the Politico "Romney's Revenge" stories

Pawlenty is such a loser. He quits his presidential race early to get on board with frontrunner Romney and then when Romney looks like he's going to lose he jumps ship.


This government is designed so that change is slow and full of compromise, so I'll keep my wishes in check and just hope for the following:

-Pass the American Jobs Act (Mainly the infrastructure and education investments, I could do without the tax cuts)
-Pass the Respect for Marriage Act
-Let the Bush tax cuts expire (I'd prefer all of them to expire, but $250k+ will do)
-Get another liberal on the Supreme Court
-Pass the DREAM Act

If some of that makes it through I'll be happy.


RDreamer, I kind of want to be your facebook friend just to troll these people.

Hah. I don't actually get in that many facebook arguments. Most of my friends don't care that much, and the right wing ones I do have only post things once in a while. The one crazy guy I've posted before I think removed me from his friend list. The other crazy right winger from college doesn't post much of anything, usually. This lady is friends with my wife's nephew, and she lives in Florida. She's probably a distant relation to him somewhere.
This government is designed so that change is slow and full of compromise, so I'll keep my wishes in check and just hope for the following:

-Pass the American Jobs Act (Mainly the infrastructure and education investments, I could do without the tax cuts)
-Pass the Respect for Marriage Act
-Let the Bush tax cuts expire (I'd prefer all of them to expire, but $250k+ will do)
-Get another liberal on the Supreme Court
-Pass the DREAM Act

If some of that makes it through I'll be happy.
RMA would be great. There might be too many blue dogs in the House to make it pass though.

I know MN's 7th representative, Collin Peterson is an uber-conservative Democrat. He even voted against repealing DADT.

QStarNews Quick Poll

Romney/Ryan 55%
Obama/Biden 44%

The QStarNews Quick Poll is the first trial run preceding the upcoming QStarNews poll on the presidential race and current events. This election season has seen so many polls heavily skewed and poorly weighted, that show skewed and inaccurate results. The purpose of this poll is to present the most accurate results possible based on the latest of what is known about the electorate and voter behavior and other statistical information available.

The QStarNews poll works with the premise that the partisan makeup of the electorate 37.6 percent Republicans, 33.3 percent Democrats and 29.1 percent independent voters. Additionally, our model is based on the electoral including approximately 41.6 percent self-described conservatives, 32.6 percent self-described moderates and 25.8 percent self-described liberals.

Republicans are 68 percent conservative, 27 percent moderate and 5 percent liberal. Among Democrats, 14 percent are conservative, 36 percent are moderate and 50 percent are liberal. Independents include 39 percent conservatives, 36 percent moderates and 25 percent liberals.

Our polls about doubly-weighted, to doubly insure the results are most accurate and not skewed, by both party identification and self-identified ideology. For instance, no matter how many Republicans answer our survey, they are weighted at 37.6 percent. If conservatives are over-represented among Republicans in the raw sample, they are still weighted at 68 percent of Republicans regardless. This system of double weighting should insure our survey produces very accurate results, not skewed either way for the Democrats or for the Republicans.

I'm under the impression that more people are Democrat affiliated, it's just that they are not reliable (in showing up) voters. What are realistic numbers for these percentages?


Wow. Kaine was a complete disaster at the debate. He single handidly lost the election today. I can't believe how stupid he is.


LOL they're weighting by ideology? Jesus christ that's a terrible idea and you can tell it came out of bubble thinking. People don't identify with being "liberal" because the word has been slandered back and forth. Doesn't mean they won't vote for Obama.


RMA would be great. There might be too many blue dogs in the House to make it pass though.

I know MN's 7th representative, Collin Peterson is an uber-conservative Democrat. He even voted against repealing DADT.

Yeah I don't think that one would make it through anytime in the next four years due to that reason alone, but I think we're on the right track. As it becomes more common on a state-by-state basis, I think even the blue dogs will eventually just accept it. I think it's pretty telling that absolutely no fuss was made from either side over the democrats adopting it into their platform. I think even the people who are quietly against realize that there's not much more time left before it's the law of the land.

I'm under the impression that more people are Democrat affiliated, it's just that they are not reliable (in showing up) voters. What are realistic numbers for these percentages?
Even in 2010 there were more Democrats than Republicans.

It sounds like they're basing that on Rasmussen who is implausibly showing a much more Republican electorate than in 2010, and even then Obama's still leading with them so


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
LOL they're weighting by ideology? Jesus christ that's a terrible idea and you can tell it came out of bubble thinking. People don't identify with being "liberal" because the word has been slandered back and forth. Doesn't mean they won't vote for Obama.

The Onion would be hard pressed to make up reasoning that bad. Conservative bubble indeed.



First I'm invited to dinner, then I've got to get involved with the dinner, then Jessica Alba, then someone doesn't care if I go.

Being an Obama donor is like being in a relationship.

Actually, that Joe Biden email got me to donate $5. I doubt Joe actually wrote that thing, but I read it in his voice and it kinda cracked me up. If the Obama campaign wants me to donate more, all they have to do is to send me more (hopefully rambling) Joe Biden emails.


Actually, that Joe Biden email got me to donate $5. I doubt Joe actually wrote that thing, but I read it in his voice and it kinda cracked me up. If the Obama campaign wants me to donate more, all they have to do is to send me more (hopefully rambling) Joe Biden emails.

I loved the e-mail I got from Beyonce that was titled "I know I don't e-mail you often" or something similar.
Wow. Kaine was a complete disaster at the debate. He single handidly lost the election today. I can't believe how stupid he is.

Pretty much. I thought he did great on most of the questions, but raising taxes on the 47%? And then his stumbling gay marriage answers...wow

It'll be VERY interesting to see what polls look like there in two weeks. Obama's coattails might be long enough to save him but we'll see


How about "politician who throughout his career has been known to associate with a variety of left wing activists some of whom can be described as radical left" - is that untrue as well?

Sure, I suppose, but he's also "associated" with a variety of right wing people that could be described as "radical right," too. I don't see how it's a bad thing that he's listening to the opinions of people on every side of the spectrum. And I don't see how that makes him radcal at all.
Definitely. I saw the mediaite link earlier but you only see half the carnage. Stewart is bringin it because he has the obvious damn truth on his side.

Duffyside in another thread claimed I have been sharper in tone with the election drawing near, and he's right. Libya turned me from someone who thought Romney was just a used car salesman into somebody who can't stand to look at the man. The 47% comments just forever sealed the deal.

I'm fired up.
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