Manos: The Hans of Fate
No, it's not that I have an issue with that. It's that I just want the Dems coming in to be more like John Tester or Bob Casey vs. Diane Fienstein and Chuck Schummer.Sorry Manos, but I think the Republican party right now needs an ass kicking that will hopefully make them rethink some things and bring them back to sanity. To me this election is about sending a message that one party cannot wholesale disregard the American public and make their number 1 goal political power over anything else. The party needs to get taken out back and shot, and hopefully we'll get some sensible republicans afterwards.
Hey, it's one my bitch point besides NASA with the Dems...compared to many many with the Republicans. Also I don't think I was terribly clear with what I meant this morning. The above is more an accurate response.Manos, you're actually about to get me to root FOR your guns being taken away.
Trust me, you don't want me bitching if the whack wing of the Dem Party could actually try and pass gun control stuff again.
I like being able to go to or and not being ripped off like at retail.