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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Very true. It's still September, yo. Sprinkle in a surprisingly good Romney debate performance and he's back on his feet.

This had me wondering about early voting timing. We're just a few weeks out from when early voting begins in some states. Obama can bank a lot of decideds, and benefit from the surge in Dem enthusiasm, once that starts. So Romney will have to recover well before election day to turn this around. If Obama banks a lot of votes while he's got the kind of margins he has today, it's a lot harder to turn around come election day.

If someone has a schedule of early voting by state, that would be great. Otherwise I'll look around tonight.

Edit: quick google search turned this up from today:

Next week, polls open for early voters in Iowa, a swing state, while Ohio, another critical state, begins its early-voter season, ABC News reported.

North Carolina absentee ballots were mailed Sept. 7, the day after President Obama accepted his party's nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte. In 2008, 56 percent of the total vote in the Tar Heel state was cast early or by absentee ballot.

"Since 2000 the rate of increase has been 50 percent in every presidential election" Paul Gronke, Director of the Early Voting Center at Reed College, told ABC News. "In 2000 it was about 15 percent; in 2004 it was about 22 percent; in 2008 it was about 33 percent."

If trends seen in 2008 hold for 2012, key swing states such as Florida, Nevada and Colorado could see at least half of their total votes cast by Election Day, ABC News said.

Next week!
This had me wondering about early voting timing. We're just a few weeks out from when early voting begins in some states. Obama can bank a lot of decideds, and benefit from the surge in Dem enthusiasm, once that starts. So Romney will have to recover well before election day to turn this around. If Obama banks a lot of votes while he's got the kind of margins he has today, it's a lot harder to turn around come election day.

If someone has a schedule of early voting by state, that would be great. Otherwise I'll look around tonight.

Maddow reported a couple days ago that in some states absentee ballots have already been mailed out
Massive growth of entitlement spending followed by massive tax increases (I am not talking about Obama per se but about the Democratic Party as a whole)

OT: why the f*** do I have to pay more taxes while this county has 900 bases around the world. Supporting both left wing and right wing entitlement is great fun.

You're already paying historically low taxes.
This had me wondering about early voting timing. We're just a few weeks out from when early voting begins in some states. Obama can bank a lot of decideds, and benefit from the surge in Dem enthusiasm, once that starts. So Romney will have to recover well before election day to turn this around. If Obama banks a lot of votes while he's got the kind of margins he has today, it's a lot harder to turn around come election day.

If someone has a schedule of early voting by state, that would be great. Otherwise I'll look around tonight.

Edit: quick google search turned this up from today:

Next week!
I think undecideds (the real ones, not the fake ass Repub talking point machines) are gonna wait for the debates to cast their vote. Early voters already made up their mind.


Massive growth of entitlement spending followed by massive tax increases (I am not talking about Obama per se but about the Democratic Party as a whole)

OT: why the f*** do I have to pay more taxes while this county has 900 bases around the world. Supporting both left wing and right wing entitlement is great fun.

How much do you make? If you're below 250K, you don't have much to worry about.


Massive growth of entitlement spending followed by massive tax increases (I am not talking about Obama per se but about the Democratic Party as a whole)

OT: why the f*** do I have to pay more taxes while this county has 900 bases around the world. Supporting both left wing and right wing entitlement is great fun.

Because you're paying the lowest tax rates in recent memory. Our Government was never founded to avoid taxation, but to avoid taxation without representation.

Now more than ever we need more revenue to pay down debts and prevent a full on crash.

The difference between the 30's and now? In the 30's, it took 3+ years after the market crashed in 1929 for a Democrat to take office and begin fixing stuff. This time, Obama got in a mere 5 months after, and with the auto bailout and the stimulus he saved between 4-5 million jobs and created another 4.6 million to prevent the next great depression.

We've got to pay for this stuff now.


Wow, that's pretty surprising.

Fox is pretending that 47% tape doesn't exist or is a good thing for Romney. I can see people actually wanting to hear the tape and have people discuss it, even independents, and for that they have to go someplace else.


Massive growth of entitlement spending followed by massive tax increases (I am not talking about Obama per se but about the Democratic Party as a whole)

One can only hope.

I think that entitlements are unlikely to be revisited in Obama's second term -- we certainly won't see a public option, for example -- but I would hope for tax reform that increases taxes above $250,000. Reagan reduced the tax system from 15 brackets to 4. I think we could use a couple of those brackets back, at the very least. If we want to reduce the deficit without slashing entitlement spending, this is probably a necessity. Personally I don't really see the urgency of reducing the deficit, but people won't shut up about it all of a sudden.

Rather than entitlements, I'd like to see a boost in infrastructure spending -- if not permanently, than temporarily to curve economic growth until we get back to the trendline.


Fox is pretending that 47% tape doesn't exist or is a good thing for Romney. I can see people actually wanting to hear the tape and have people discuss it, even independents.

If nothing else happens in this campaign that is a HUGE story that causes the downfall of either candidate, this campaign will be remembered for the 47% comments, and the non-mention of Afghanistan or our troops in the acceptance speech.

Those things will be the soundbites forever, sorta like "Fuzzy Math" and "I was for it before I was Against It" or "The Fundamentals of the Economy are Strong"

"I'll never convince those people to take personal responsibility and care for their lives" will be around forever


^you don't think this is the same kind of thing as when Romney spoke at a nearly empty Ford Field? That made headlines for like a week

That's just funny. A blatant admission that the GOP candidate thinks half the country is unwinnable because they're lazy? That'll be remembered. Remember, the key reason "bitter clingers" didn't hang around is that, despite the optics, Obama was attempting to express empathy and understanding -- so there will always be pushback about misuse of the quote. Romney's comment is the exact opposite. And don't forget that the hard right response to 47% is that it's really what they think and that most of America believes it too. Believe me, if the candidate in 2016 isn't Santorum, it'll be a Republican who spends an inordinate amount of time attempting to dissociate themselves, not from W, but from Romney and that comment.(And it won't be Ryan -- his Presidential aspirations are almost certainly over.)


Hah. I read that the debate between Scott Brown and Warren might be cancelled or delayed because of ongoing Senate business. Enter Reid:

MA-Sen Campaign Breaks Out On Senate Floor

Harry Reid just canceled Senate votes for the rest of the day, claiming that Scott Brown was using pending Senate business as an excuse to dodge tonight’s debate with Elizabeth Warren. More soon …
Harry Reid post-2010 has been amazing.


^you don't think this is the same kind of thing as when Romney spoke at a nearly empty Ford Field? That made headlines for like a week

I don't even remember that. Bad optics is a lot different, imo, then trashing 47% of America, half joking that you wish you were born Mexican because it would be easier to win the presidency, and saying you'll do nothing regarding middle east peace because it looks difficult and all Palestinians aren't interested in peace anyways.

EDIT: Beaten by a pigeon.
That's just funny. A blatant admission that the GOP candidate thinks half the country is unwinnable because they're lazy? That'll be remembered. Remember, the key reason "bitter clingers" didn't hang around is that, despite the optics,
It hung around in Pennsylvania, trust me it hung around.



Schumer: Mainstream Republicans Planning Resurgence If Obama Wins

Mainstream Republicans have confided in Sen. Chuck Schumer that they intend to regain control of the GOP from the tea party wing if Mitt Romney loses the election, the New York Democrat told reporters Thursday.

“There has always been a group of Republicans that want to compromise. But they have been outshouted, outflanked by tea party. They’re about equal,” Schumer said. “If we keep the Senate and the president wins, and even better if we take the House, though the mainstream — there are no moderates — the mainstream Republicans are going to be strengthened. They’ve told me that. And the leaders — both [House Speaker John] Boehner and [Senate Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell sort of have a foot in each camp. But they’re pulled and dragged by the tea party. They’re going to be strengthened to come and compromise with us.”

What's the likelihood this will happen? What's the likelihood the GOP will just double down on the Tea Party?



Schumer: Mainstream Republicans Planning Resurgence If Obama Wins

What's the likelihood this will happen? What's the likelihood the GOP will just double down on the Tea Party?

They're not stupid, they know what enduring Tea Party control would do to the Republican brand. Obama could probably throw them into civil war by pushing the immigration issue.

bitter clingers hasn't been forgotten (like, say, all the stuff we forgot) but it never had as much pull as this.

Because Obama was trying to empathize with them and not dismiss them.


I fucking love Reid.

He was probably my most hated man alive in 2009, but he's finally grown a pair.

Still, from January 2009 - November 2010, you could not imagine a worse Senate Majority Leader. He was a weak, sniveling coward who squandered the best opportunity the progressive movement has had since the 1960s.


It hung around in Pennsylvania, trust me it hung around.

It did, in Republican circles. Meanwhile, in the rest of Pennsylvania, Obama beat McCain and will beat Romney in a landslide.

If you stop insulating yourself in only republican circles you'll see there's a larger America. It's the same mistake tea-partiers make when they get together and then claim "America is mad at our socialist President"...No, no, the 30 % of the country that are racist bigots are mad, the rest of the country wants him to succeed and the majority of the rest support him and think he will.


(from the OT thread)
I just mailed off my application for Absentee Ballot. I'm pretty excited to vote, since I was too young 4 years ago. Plus, I'm in Virginia so I can kind of feel like my vote actually matters!



Schumer: Mainstream Republicans Planning Resurgence If Obama Wins

What's the likelihood this will happen? What's the likelihood the GOP will just double down on the Tea Party?
I'll believe it only when I see it. GOPers say a lot of things. They don't do anything though (except obstruct).

Boehner and McConnell are pussies for not having the will to stand up to the Tea Party by now anyway. They ought to be downright ashamed of themselves.
How much do you make? If you're below 250K, you don't have much to worry about.
And if you're above that amount we're talking Clinton era levels of taxation. Obama has specified this many times.

In terms of entitlement spending, is the fear about new entitlements? Or just maintaining existing ones?

Fox is pretending that 47% tape doesn't exist or is a good thing for Romney. I can see people actually wanting to hear the tape and have people discuss it, even independents, and for that they have to go someplace else.
Jon Stewart has it right. The 47% video is a liberal smear, inarticulately stated, but also factually true and a winning position to take. Fox is so full of shit its beyond the pale, but it has been for a while now. They know who make up the 47% and yet its OK to refer to them as self described victims with no responsibility for their personal lives. And legions of people just nod their head. Its fucking breathtaking.
It did, in Republican circles. Meanwhile, in the rest of Pennsylvania, Obama beat McCain and will beat Romney in a landslide.
It was remembered by everyone. When the President uses your state as for a shitty analogy people remember it, even when they vote for him. I never said it effected the election, just that it was remembered.

If you stop insulating yourself in only republican circles you'll see there's a larger America. It's the same mistake tea-partiers make when they get together and then claim "America is mad at our socialist President"...No, no, the 30 % of the country that are racist bigots are mad, the rest of the country wants him to succeed and the majority of the rest support him and think he will.

If you stop insinuating that I hang around only Republican circles, when it's actually the reverse and dramatically so, maybe you can stop making the same mistakes you are criticizing others for.

This is almost as bad as the people on that Bizarro GAF board who thought I was a libertarian.


It hung around in Pennsylvania, trust me it hung around.

Okay, fair point -- I don't live in PA. But I still think that there's going to be a meaningful difference in recollections of the two -- I don't think we'll see "bitter clingers" on Obama's wikipedia page. Of course, that's because he won.

What's the likelihood this will happen? What's the likelihood the GOP will just double down on the Tea Party?

With regards to this specific moment, the real question is what Schumer is trying to accomplish. There's a good change he's just trying to pressure the GOP -- I mean, why would they bother to tell him? If this is true, then this comment is probably more or less irrelevant. There's also some chance that he's deliberately laying the groundwork for a GOP putsch, in which case it's probably already being planned and the telltale sign will probably be some GOP lawmakers making similar suggestions in October.

Overall, I still think that anybody still sane in the GOP desperately wants to turn the party around. The question is how much power they have to act.
Okay, fair point -- I don't live in PA. But I still think that there's going to be a meaningful difference in recollections of the two -- I don't think we'll see "bitter clingers" on Obama's wikipedia page. Of course, that's because he won
Pretty much. Though it most likely is on the wiki for the 2008 Election.
This whole "redistribution" thing is going over like a wet fart in church. Only Fox News and Romney rallies are giving it more than a moments notice.
I did not say that they need to be lowered further

You mentioned that you don't agree with something that higher taxes would pay for. Your taxes right now go towards things that you do not agree with, as well as things you do agree with.

So what are you saying? If and when your taxes do go up, you'll be especially unhappy with even more going to something that you don't agree with, although there would be more going to things you do agree with?

Schumer: Mainstream Republicans Planning Resurgence If Obama Wins

What's the likelihood this will happen? What's the likelihood the GOP will just double down on the Tea Party?

I don't buy it. They'll move the goal posts to 2014; this is all about retaking the senate and ensuring Obama's term or terms are obstructed as much as possible; they essentially want to turn him into the democrat Bush.

The house will determine how far that strategy will go. If dems can win 10-15 seats they'll handicap the obstruction; if Boehner loses 10-15 tea party votes he'll have the option of compromising to win 10-15 new democrats and getting something passed. I don't expect 25+ seats/retaking the house.

Given the cool reception Romney has gotten from congressional republicans, I don't see them viewing a Romney loss as a rejection of their platform/mandate for Obama. Dems have to win big in the house (10-15, maybe even 20) and maintain the senate for things to have a chance at compromise of some type - and even that will be slim.
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