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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Last time Republicans tried everything in their power to prevent a Democratic president from becoming "their Reagan", up to and including starting inpeachment procedings, they failed miserably. Now, Bill Clinton is so popular that all the Romney camp can do is attempt to contrast him with Obama, never attacking him directly. The only reason Clinton isn't quite as revered as Reagan yet is because he's still alive.
Well . . . the blow-job thing will always be there.

But it is pathetic that he'll always be crapped on because of that whereas Reagan SOLD MISSILES TO THE IRANIANS AND USED THE MONEY TO FUND AN ILLEGAL WAR IN CENTRAL AMERICA!

FFS . . . It was a massive double-scandal! We (1) sold weapons to a hated enemy and (2) used the money to illegally fund a war. Ask any GOPer about it and they probably have no clue as to what you are talking about.


Also, wtf @ Obama saying he can't change Washington from the Inside

More desperate GOP twisting of words

If you stop insinuating that I hang around only Republican circles, when it's actually the reverse and dramatically so, maybe you can stop making the same mistakes you are criticizing others for.

This is almost as bad as the people on that Bizarro GAF board who thought I was a libertarian.

You love guns and hate hippies. It's no wonder you occasionally get confused for a conservative Republican.
The GOP thinks voters are not stupid, but that they are mentally challenged.

As if people can't see the false equivalencies at least in their subconscious. Gee, Romney has a devastating video leaked, the GOP suddenly find a couple things to put out that don't even seem so bad.

Other than offering no real choice economically, being backwards socially, the main problem with the GOP is they don't respect the electorate.

I've seen so many independents and [Californian] republicans embarrassed for the GOP of late.

More desperate GOP twisting of words

Which was the theme of his DNC speech. That we were the change, not him. The GOP is fucking clueless.
The more time the GOP spends on sound bites and zingers and the less on articulating what their policy actually means the more they will see themselves slip into irrelevance.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Romney campaign must be sighing a breath of relief after Obama said he cant change washington from within.

It's the game changer PD has been waiting for.

At this point they should just do madlibs of stuff he said and make him say anything they like.
"I don't want it to get lost in translation," Ramos said, switching briefly into English in an otherwise Spanish-language interview. "You promised. And a promise is a promise. With all due respect, you didn't keep that promise."

Obama replied that he takes responsibility for that failure, but denied he made such a promise -- a claim he also made recently to Spanish news agency Agencia Efe.

"I didn't make a promise that I would get everything done 100 percent when I was elected as president," Obama said "What I promised was that I would work every single day, as hard as I can, to make sure that everyone in this country, regardless of who they are, what they look like, where they come from, that they would have a fair shot at the American dream. That promise I've kept."
I wish our debate moderators were this aggressive. Boss answer from Obama though. He didn't flinch.
Which was the theme of his DNC speech. That we were the change, not him. The GOP is fucking clueless.
That's always been what Obama has said so yeah, not seeing the problem here. He's right, and I'm sure Empty Vessel agrees ;P

People have to create pressure on their representatives. Obama can help illuminate and guide this process more than he has though.
It's the game changer PD has been waiting for.

At this point they should just do madlibs of stuff he said and make him say anything they like.

I personally can't wait for Romney campaign to start plastering "I cant change Washington from within - Obama" everywhere in campaign trail. And 10 days from now, much to Romney's dismay, people SURPRISINGLY still care about the economy!


iowa 50-42 Obama according to wsj/nbc/marist

ok, im a believer now, no iowa for Romney then

The wind energy issue certainly isn't helping Romney there.

Looks like all of the Kerry/Gore states are close to being sewn-up, plus Ohio and Virginia.

A miniscule point, but I wish there was some polling out of Omaha. To see Nebraska purple on the map just makes it a little bit more delicious.
Haha Brown coming out the gate attacking Warren on checking the Native American box. He should throw some trash on the floor and check her eyes to prove his point


Brown is talking too fast. Like he crammed a lot of talking points

This. He's throwing a lot of numbers out there but I'm not sure they're connecting. Warren is just saying "Lol. He wants to help the rich and make the middle class pay for it". Pretty simple in contrast.
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