Well . . . the blow-job thing will always be there.Last time Republicans tried everything in their power to prevent a Democratic president from becoming "their Reagan", up to and including starting inpeachment procedings, they failed miserably. Now, Bill Clinton is so popular that all the Romney camp can do is attempt to contrast him with Obama, never attacking him directly. The only reason Clinton isn't quite as revered as Reagan yet is because he's still alive.
But it is pathetic that he'll always be crapped on because of that whereas Reagan SOLD MISSILES TO THE IRANIANS AND USED THE MONEY TO FUND AN ILLEGAL WAR IN CENTRAL AMERICA!
FFS . . . It was a massive double-scandal! We (1) sold weapons to a hated enemy and (2) used the money to illegally fund a war. Ask any GOPer about it and they probably have no clue as to what you are talking about.