I still can't tell whether Herman Cain is a serious person, or an elaborate Stephen Colbert impersonation turned up to 11.
It has to be the latter, he's just too dumb to be real...
I still can't tell whether Herman Cain is a serious person, or an elaborate Stephen Colbert impersonation turned up to 11.
It has to be the latter, he's just too dumb to be real...
I still can't tell whether Herman Cain is a serious person, or an elaborate Stephen Colbert impersonation turned up to 11.
Herman Cain is actually kind of awesome.as long as he stays far, far away from any position of power
Watching the two appearances on Univision gives you an idea of how competent these two candidates are.
I still can't tell whether Herman Cain is a serious person, or an elaborate Stephen Colbert impersonation turned up to 11.
Cain has a BS in math and a Masters in computer science from Purdue. He worked as a ballistics analyst for the Navy before he became a business analyst with Coca-Cola and Pillsbury. So his current role is not distinct from Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, or several other people who clearly aren't really interested in politics so much as they are the success that goes along with it. To the degree that he seems louder and more ridiculous, well, you can chalk that up to the intrinsic racism of the America media and the conservative media in particular.
He's a lot like Mitt Romney, really, except with an actual record of success in business. All you have to remember is that Cain's goal is very clear and actually stated openly here -- he isn't interested in politics, he's interested in a job in conservative media. Pretending to be interested in politics is a prerequisite for that, just like pretending to be interested in economics long enough to get a degree is a prerequisite for Wall Street.
Cain has a BS in math and a Masters in computer science from Purdue. He worked as a ballistics analyst for the Navy before he became a business analyst with Coca-Cola and Pillsbury. So his current role is not distinct from Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, or several other people who clearly aren't really interested in politics so much as they are the success that goes along with it. To the degree that he seems louder and more ridiculous, well, you can chalk that up to the intrinsic racism of the America media and the conservative media in particular.
Wow. Impressive. How can be be that smart and that crazy?Religion
Gallup is really the biggest outlier here, as a few people have been writing about. As Nate Cohn noted, everybody would be ignoring it if it weren't called Gallup -- and contrariwise, if Gallup were aligning with the other non-Ras polls, there would be no question that Obama was running away with it. But hey, even Gallup isn't perfect. Silver notes that if the polls look like this next week, it's basically over.
Mitt Romney is struggling in Ohio because Republican Gov. John Kasich has succeeded at healing the state's economy, the nation's top elected Republican said Friday.
Speaker John Boehner, who has represented Ohio in the House since 1991, said he always expected a close race between President Barack Obama and Romney. But Kasich Boehner's friend from his days in Congress has undercut Romney's central argument by improving the employment picture in the state."
"One of the things that probably works against Romney in Ohio is the fact that Gov. Kasich has done such a good job of fixing government regulations in the state, attracting new businesses to the state," Boehner said Friday. "Our unemployment rate in Ohio is lower than the national average as a matter of fact, I think it's a full point lower than the national average. So as a result people are still concerned about jobs in Ohio but it certainly isn't like you see in some other states."
I saw Romney but missed Obama, how was he? And how did Univision treat him? I always expect fairness or at least perspective from them, because Latino issues are so specific and different, with mild tentacles into "mainstream" issues like abortion, etc.
If only the economy sucked more.... Mittens must be pissed.Boehner: Romney hurting in Ohio because of Kasich
Wow. Impressive. How can be be that smart and that crazy?Religion
Tax returns October Surprise.Is it crazy if I think the worst for Mitt Romney is yet to come?
I don't get what you're saying here.
Wow. Impressive. How can be be that smart and that crazy?Religion
Is it crazy if I think the worst for Mitt Romney is yet to come?
Fox News's demographic is highly racist -- but obviously they won't, in the main, admit to it. They'll say they like black people but that they get too much special treatment and that racism is not a big deal any more. But then, at Thanksgiving dinner, they'll talk about how Obama doesn't seem like their picture of a President -- or, to put it another way, that being President isn't something they see black people doing. Or they'll say that Obama's "professorial" or "condescending" -- meaning that he doesn't act the way they think black people should act.
So if you want to be a successful black guy on Fox News, it'll help a lot if you can fit one of the racist caricatures that black people are expected to be -- and when it comes to politics and social issues, that caricature is basically the caricature of a Baptist preacher. Loud, boisterous, big gestures, kind of ridiculous, and kind of stupid. (And I'll note that we saw some Baptist barnburning in the Democratic Black Caucus as well -- nothing wrong with that intrinsically, as long as they don't pretend to be stupid.) Compare to Michael Steele, who doesn't have to be successful on Fox any more.
Basically, it's a minstrel show.
if the tax returns get released it is going to be so fucking hilarious. LOL if romney is actually one of the 47%.
they won't get released though.
Paul Ryan just got booed by a bunch of seniors at AARP when he mentioned repealing Obamacare.![]()
I had put that interview out of my mind. And that wasn't even the worst of it.Yeah he did work with the Navy for R&D (IIRC), its' why when Lawrence O'Donnell tried to pull some draft dodging claim on him (which was insanely untrue) everyone dogpilled on O'Donnell for being a moron.
Paul Ryan just got booed by a bunch of seniors at AARP when he mentioned repealing Obamacare.![]()
http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/paul-ryan-booed-at-aarp-for-attacking-obamacare"The first step to a stronger Medicare is to repeal Obbamacare," he said to a shower of jeers. "I had a feeling there would be mixed reaction, so let me get into it. It weakens medicare for today's seniors and puts it at risk for the next generation. First, it funnels $716 billion out of Medicare to pay for a new entitlement we didn't even ask for. Second, it puts 15 unelected bureaucrats in charge of medicare's future."
Ryan was booed repeatedly as he continued to attack the bill, especially after he said the law "turned Medicare into a piggy bank for Obamacare."
Mitt's debate problem is that he won't be debating within a vacuum. He'll have to explain his 47% comments, he'll have to spin his abortion beliefs, he'll have to explain how his health care plan is different from Obama's, and perhaps most of all he'll have to explain how he is different from Bush. If this was just a debate between a competent governor and a failed president he'd win. Instead it's a debate between a failed presidential candidate and a failed president - Obama will win that unless something crazy happens
Paul Ryan just got booed by a bunch of seniors at AARP when he mentioned repealing Obamacare.![]()
Yeah he did work with the Navy for R&D (IIRC), its' why when Lawrence O'Donnell tried to pull some draft dodging claim on him (which was insanely untrue) everyone dogpilled on O'Donnell for being a moron.
Paul Ryan Booed At AARP For Attacking Obamacare
Educated seniors are best seniors.
O'Donnell IS a moron. I can't watch him or Schultz. Honestly it makes MSNBC looks bad that these two idiots are on TV every night (Sharpton too, for that matter).
Yes, Olbermann was a blowhard but at least he was entertaining as hell. These guys have no intrinsic or entertainment value. Maddow and Matthews are the only guys I watch at night on MSNBC.
Actually, he doesn't. He knows how to pick good companies to invest in. But he really doesn't have all that much experience running companies.
O'Donnell IS a moron. I can't watch him or Schultz. Honestly it makes MSNBC looks bad that these two idiots are on TV every night (Sharpton too, for that matter).
Yes, Olbermann was a blowhard but at least he was entertaining as hell. These guys have no intrinsic or entertainment value. Maddow and Matthews are the only guys I watch at night on MSNBC.
Boehner: Romney hurting in Ohio because of Kasich
I had put that interview out of my mind. And that wasn't even the worst of it.
Yeah, truthfully I never watch any of those shows (on either side) I'm more of a I just want news and not commentary.O'Donnell IS a moron. I can't watch him or Schultz. Honestly it makes MSNBC looks bad that these two idiots are on TV every night (Sharpton too, for that matter).
Yes, Olbermann was a blowhard but at least he was entertaining as hell. These guys have no intrinsic or entertainment value. Maddow and Matthews are the only guys I watch at night on MSNBC.
Ed Schultz . . . he's the weak link. But like I always say, it helps to have the gun-toting beer-drinking Mid-western football player advocate for the Dems.
Boehner: Romney hurting in Ohio because of Kasich
O'Donnell is not a moron. He worked in the Senate and has good knowledge of the place. O'Donnell sometimes does go off on a bad tangent passionately though.
WASHINGTON -- Just as the tables have turned for the fundraising operation of President Barack Obama's campaign, so have things changed for the super PAC backing his bid. Priorities USA Action, run by former White House aide Bill Burton, raised $10.1 million in August, the most it has ever raised. The group also lead the way among other super PACs for the first time, beating out the conservative groups that have dominated the chase for unlimited money.
Trailing Priorities for the first time are the top two conservative groups Restore Our Future, which is run by former aides to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, and American Crossroads, founded by Karl Rove. Restore Our Future pulled in $7.1 million in August, and American Crossroads raised $9.4 million.
Priorities pulled in its big haul by getting mega-donors to chip in with large contributions. Hedge fund executive James Simons gave $2 million, Texas trial lawyer Steve Mostyn and Cox Enterprises owner Anne Cox Chambers each chipped in $1 million, lawyer Michael Snow gave $750,000, and LGBT activist Jon Stryker, Baltimore Orioles owner Peter Angelos, Stewart Bainum and Ann Wyckoff each added $500,000.
The group's founder, former White House aide Bill Burton, said that the reason Democrats are giving is because of "the proximity to election day, and [they are] trying to find the best way to be helpful."
"As Democrats really look at the race, the fundamentals are very, very tight," Burton said. "And even in this moment right now where Mitt Romney is proven to be a far more untalented candidate than we thought he was; even so the race is still very, very close. And so, I think Democrats recognize that and have been stepping up."