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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I finally had enough money to kick Obama $20 this morning. I feel weird donating when I know he has shit on lockdown, but I figure anything that helps run up the score is good.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I finally had enough money to kick Obama $20 this morning. I feel weird donating when I know he has shit on lockdown, but I figure anything that helps run up the score is good.

Where do you live?
Donating towards local house/senate races may be more effective.

Especially since Romney tanked his own campaign.


Where do you live?
Donating towards local house/senate races may be more effective.

Especially since Romney tanked his own campaign.

It is way too soon to be saying that. It's impossible to write it off before the first debate. Don't get cocky just yet.
I finally had enough money to kick Obama $20 this morning. I feel weird donating when I know he has shit on lockdown, but I figure anything that helps run up the score is good.

At this point I think it's better to give to a charity or say in my case a group that will ensure the things I like are protected, and allow me to vote for the candidate who is clearly and painfully obvious the better one, and not have to worry about my likes.
O'Donnell is not a moron. He worked in the Senate and has good knowledge of the place. O'Donnell sometimes does go off on a bad tangent passionately though. Sometimes it is hilarious and other times it is a mess (like that draft-dodging one mentioned). O'Donnell did the screaming at an empty chair bit long before Clint Eastwood when some guest pussied out and did not show up.

I bet he gets thrown into the penalty box some time before the election by going off on Mormonism though . . . he thinks it is crazy and a bit evil due to the racism inherent in it.

Ed Schultz . . . he's the weak link. But like I always say, it helps to have the gun-toting beer-drinking Mid-western football player advocate for the Dems.

Yeah O'Donnell goes off on Mormonism when it comes to Mitt Romney, but how about Harry Reid? He may not be a "moron" in the sense that he's dumb, but more in the sense that he's a partisan hack who brings nothing to the table on a nightly bases.

RDreamer is right, Chris Hayes needs a nightly show. He's much more intellectual and fair-minded.


Not surprising, when we stood in line to see Obama last month for 2hrs his people registered virtually every in line for absentee ballots

His campaign is like a well oiled machine

Told you guys he was going to win Iowa
Indeed. His campaign infrastructure has been his greatest asset since he challenged Hillary in the primary.
Pretty sure he's a moron - like suggesting that mentioning Obama's golfing is an attempt to equate him to Tiger Woods and Tiger's "lifestyle" - chasing cocktail waitresses, etc.

I don't think I've ever seen less reasoned and more partisan hackery.
Don't sell yourself short, Kos.


CHEEZMO™;42392893 said:
I could probably think of a few.

You may find something equal, but not worse "analysis". It would be like Obama making an offhanded comment on the Romney's owning a horse and then Hannity going "We all know what Obama meant. He was talking about the Romney's owning animals, brown animals at that. And of course we all know he is trying to say that Mitt Romney would like to own slaves and trying to equate him to a slave owner."

Then again, I guess Biden actually just came out and said that with "He's gonna put y'all back in chains" - no ridiculous leaps of logic needed.
Pretty sure he's a moron - like suggesting that mentioning Obama's golfing is an attempt to equate him to Tiger Woods and Tiger's "lifestyle" - chasing cocktail waitresses, etc.

I don't think I've ever seen less reasoned and more partisan hackery.

Agreed. He's smart in the sense that he knows how congress actually works, and still has many inside sources, but that's it. He's bad at being a partisan, basically. Rush is entertaining, despite being a jerk. O'Reilly does the "bitter old man" thing perfectly, and I enjoy his act. O'Donnell is just a partisan hack who gets very very angry. He looks like he's gonna melt

He doesn't sell his talking points well either. Obviouslu I agree with his politics but they're always framed in a distasteful, angry way
Yeah O'Donnell goes off on Mormonism when it comes to Mitt Romney, but how about Harry Reid? He may not be a "moron" in the sense that he's dumb, but more in the sense that he's a partisan hack who brings nothing to the table on a nightly bases.

RDreamer is right, Chris Hayes needs a nightly show. He's much more intellectual and fair-minded.

Wow, I never knew he was a Mormon. Not that it matters, it's sort of like when you find out Barry Goldwater was half Jewish and even identified himself as one at some times. Kind of explains his mix of views that some might call liberterian (but weren't stupid) but were more a mix of a Strong America, Personal Freedom, and Small government...ie a mix lib and conservative.

Dude Abides

Pretty sure he's a moron - like suggesting that mentioning Obama's golfing is an attempt to equate him to Tiger Woods and Tiger's "lifestyle" - chasing cocktail waitresses, etc.

I don't think I've ever seen less reasoned and more partisan hackery.

Did he say anything about Lysol wipes?


Agreed. He's smart in the sense that he knows how congress actually works, and still has many inside sources, but that's it. He's bad at being a partisan, basically. Rush is entertaining, despite being a jerk. O'Reilly does the "bitter old man" thing perfectly, and I enjoy his act. O'Donnell is just a partisan hack who gets very very angry. He looks like he's gonna melt

He doesn't sell his talking points well either. Obviouslu I agree with his politics but they're always framed in a distasteful, angry way
He sounds analogous to Hannity-only smarter.


I doubt we get a complete ten year Romney taxes dump, but has he even released his 2011 returns yet, like he said he was going to? He certainly can't think he can go into the last two or three weeks of the election having broken that pledge can he?
He sounds analogous to Hannity-only smarter.

Perfect analogy. Aggressive with stupid arguments. He's smarter than Hannity, who seems like a high school bully. I can tell Rush isn't a true believer. He's conservative but probably doesn't care about abortion or gay marriage - and certainly realizes his stock portfolio does pretty damn good with democrats in office. Hannity is basically the male Bachman


Romney Releasing 2011 Taxes At 3 PM, ‘Summary’ Of 1990-2009 Returns
This morning, Gov. and Mrs. Romney filed their 2011 tax return with the IRS. At 3:00pm today, the Romney for President campaign will be posting the 2011 return online.

The complete 2011 tax return, with full schedules, statements, and attachments, will be made available with all other previously-disclosed information at www.mittromney.com/disclosure.

Also posted will be a notarized letter from the Romneys’ tax preparer, PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP (PWC), giving a summary of tax rates from the Romneys’ tax returns for the 20-year period of 1990-2009.

In advance of the posting of these new documents, I wanted to provide some top-line details.

Regarding the newly-filed 2011 Tax Return:

In 2011, the Romneys paid $1,935,708 in taxes on $13,696,951 in mostly investment income.
The Romneys’ effective tax rate for 2011 was 14.1%.
The Romneys donated $4,020,772 to charity in 2011, amounting to nearly 30% of their income.
The Romneys claimed a deduction for $2.25 million of those charitable contributions.
The Romneys’ generous charitable donations in 2011 would have significantly reduced their tax obligation for the year. The Romneys thus limited their deduction of charitable contributions to conform to the Governor's statement in August, based upon the January estimate of income, that he paid at least 13% in income taxes in each of the last 10 years.
As with the 2010 tax return, the 2011 tax return will appear as four separate documents. It includes Governor and Mrs. Romney's Form 1040 as well as three underlying Massachusetts trusts detailing the sources of their income. Those are The W. Mitt Romney Blind Trust, The Ann D. Romney Blind Trust, and The Romney Family Trust.

The investments within the trusts are managed on a blind basis by me, the trustee. I have sole responsibility for making, holding and disposing of the investments.

Regarding the PWC letter covering the Romneys’ tax filings over 20 years, from 1990 – 2009:

In each year during the entire 20-year period, the Romneys owed both state and federal income taxes.
Over the entire 20-year period, the average annual effective federal tax rate was 20.20%.
Over the entire 20-year period, the lowest annual effective federal personal tax rate was 13.66%.


LOL Romney releasing taxes at 3. Friday afternoon newsdump

@mattyglesias said:
How does it help Romney to deliberately under-deduct and push his effective tax rate up to 14.1%? Totally bizarre.

Not sure where he got this if it isn't out yet. Also, he's only releasing the 2011 taxes -- this isn't the surprise. Romney website is slammed at the moment.

edit: Ah, press release. And I see they had PWC certify that they never paid no taxes. I doubt this will stop the drama.

This is a flip on Romney's statement that he wouldn't want to pay more taxes than he was entitled to pay and we wouldn't want a President that did that.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Wow, I never knew he was a Mormon. Not that it matters, it's sort of like when you find out Barry Goldwater was half Jewish and even identified himself as one at some times. Kind of explains his mix of views that some might call liberterian (but weren't stupid) but were more a mix of a Strong America, Personal Freedom, and Small government...ie a mix lib and conservative.

Yeah, Harry Reid is devout. There are a handful of Mormons in Congress.


Over the entire 20-year period, the average annual effective federal tax rate was 20.20%.
Will be interesting to see if they cave on splitting out the income tax rate, which is what this was all about to begin with. Pretty funny he's offering a summary with a letter along side it.

This is quite the reversal. Speaks to desperation.

Realclear...oh it's my inlaws url bar on the ipad. lol

Personally I want PoliGAF 2013 The Quest For More Money to introduce a sourcing rule. You have to directly cite to the comment either via direct video/audio or Wire and/or news report. No citing from Thinkprogress, Hot Air, Mediate, Media Matters, Real Clear, etc AND you have to use two sources. In short the VOA Source Rules.

That means when I post gun stories they have to be verifiable...though and I want some credit for this I cite regular news sources and never stuff found on crazy blogs.

Also we each kick in 5 bucks paypal and the person (or people) who doesn't forget (or uses a bias blog) to do this the longest get the pot at the end of [OT 1]

Anyone with me on this? Gambling and a higher level of discourse.

Here are the VOA rules.

• VOA news and programming must be rigorously sourced and verified. VOA normally requires a minimum of two independent (non-VOA) sources before any news writer, background writer, political affairs writer, correspondent or stringer may broadcast information as fact in any language.
• The only exceptions to the double-source requirement are facts directly confirmed by a VOA journalist or significant news drawn from an official announcement of a nation or organization.
In those rare instances when a secondary source offers exclusive significant news (e.g., a verified news agency exclusive interview with a chief of state or prominent newsmaker ), this story is attributed to the originating agency by name.

Independent will be any 2 wire reports or 1 wire report or news article or 1 direct verbal copy.

However if you pick a edited source (Redistribution) you lose. By editing something where it is not an excerpt, but clearly someone futzing with the quote.

Hey I got bored today.
Ehh, I'll believe that when I see it. He should still win by a comfy margin but I dunno if he will be able to get as many EV's. North Carolina is not a true swing state this time around it seems

...The only poll showing it outside 3 points in either direction all year was that goofy-ass SurveyUSA poll.


Setec Astronomer
Realclear...oh it's my inlaws url bar on the ipad. lol

Personally I want PoliGAF 2013 The Quest For More Money to introduce a sourcing rule. You have to directly cite to the comment either via direct video/audio or Wire and/or news report. No citing from Thinkprogress, Hot Air, Mediate, Media Matters, Real Clear, etc AND you have to use two sources. In short the VOA Source Rules.

That means when I post gun stories they have to be verifiable...though and I want some credit for this I cite regular news sources and never stuff found on crazy blogs.

Also we each kick in 5 bucks paypal and the person (or people) who doesn't forget (or uses a bias blog) to do this the longest get the pot at the end of [OT 1]

Anyone with me on this? Gambling and a higher level of discourse.

Here are the VOA rules.
This post is 3 Kosmos out of 5.
If Romney can use this to pivot to a discussion about charity it could be a winner. He has given more to charity than Obama has by far. 30% to the 47%. That's a big story. I think Mitt is killing two birds with one stone here


So the pluses and minuses:

- Get to talk about wealth and tax rates again! Whee for the jobs message
- Bring Mormonism to the forefront
- Raises more questions than it answers (so why not just release all the actual tax returns, Mitt?)

+ Sort of discredits Reid (but not really because it's a summary)
+ Talking point "look I release my tax information"


No Scrubs
A summary of his returns are not his returns, this doesn't deflect demands for his taxes just resurfaces them.

He's hoping this fools enough people, also note how it doesn't say Income taxes. If he's going to summarize it then why not release it all? It just reinforces the idea he's hiding something.
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