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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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This was the other gem I was talking about earlier from the 60 Minutes interview (page 10 of the transcript)

Pelley: What are the essential qualities of a leader?

Romney: Well, a leader has to have the capacity to build trust in the people he or she works with. People have to look at that person and say, "I may disagree with them. But I know where they stand. And I can trust them."

Tailor-made for the end of a "he's a flip-flopper!" ad


Sounds about right. We already have hordes of people who show-up to the emergency room for things that most definitely are not emergencies, slowing-down care for others who need it ASAP.

If I had a dime for every patient I've scanned for months-old, non-traumatic, patient-wants-some-Oxycontin back pain, with me bluntly asking, "So, sir.. what's your ... emergency ... this morning?"

Just when I think I can't dislike Romney more. Ugh.
Wait wait wait wait wait. Forget all the other stuff about other minorities for a second. She thinks "Giving" Civil Rights to Blacks was our nation's way of paying them back for slavery and segregation?

WTShit? MindBlown. Civil Rights didn't give Black People anything, it simply further made it illegal to take basic human rights away from them.

"I took the chains off your feet, you want me to take them off your hands too? GTFO" - Ann Coulter

How does someone who has earned a degree at Cornell and Michigan sound so fucking stupid?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
As terrible a politician as Romney is, I think it's clear that McCain's campaign was far more inept. He was dead broke, he had no ground game whatsoever, he did crazy old man shit, and he picked Sarah Palin. Then he got desperate, went negative, and lost anyway in a landslide.

Romney is well funded and has a much better ground game than McCain did, even if it's not a match for Obama's.

There is no way that Obama wins by more than he did in 2008. The stars aligned for him back then.

And yet despite that:

I would have loved to see what a general election campaign against Herman Cain would've looked like.

I would have loved to see Santorum at this point in the campaign. A part of me is glad he didn't make it this far to be honest because even the slightest chance of Santorum getting into the white house would have been awful.



(PELLEY) Now you made, on your investments, personally, about $20 million last year. And you paid 14% in federal taxes. That's the capital gains rate. Is that fair to the guy who makes $50,000 and paid a higher rate than you did?

(ROMNEY) It is a low rate. And one of the reasons why the capital gains tax rate is lower is because capital has already been taxed once at the corporate level, as high as 35%.

( PELLEY) So you think it is fair.

(ROMNEY) Yeah, I-- I think it's the right way to encourage economic growth-- to get people to invest, to start businesses, to put people to work.​
Even more funny because his money is supposedly in a blind trust, so he doesn't even work for it. He has money, so he makes money. Can't tax the productive class.


That's what happens when elected officials are in charge of the political process.

Also, this isn't really any worse than the way electoral votes work in almost every other state. Until we're talking about such thorough gerrymandering that a state with more votes for one candidate is giving an easy majority of its electoral votes to another candidate, this kind of thing is likely still better for the minority party in the state.



This is so stupid on so many levels. Unfortunately, there's a segment of the population that thinks this in some way reasonable.
Just need to make it clear that they're the ones paying for those ER visits. The money just doesn't come out of nowhere.



(PELLEY) Now you made, on your investments, personally, about $20 million last year. And you paid 14% in federal taxes. That's the capital gains rate. Is that fair to the guy who makes $50,000 and paid a higher rate than you did?

(ROMNEY) It is a low rate. And one of the reasons why the capital gains tax rate is lower is because capital has already been taxed once at the corporate level, as high as 35%.

( PELLEY) So you think it is fair.

(ROMNEY) Yeah, I-- I think it's the right way to encourage economic growth-- to get people to invest, to start businesses, to put people to work.

I think the funny part of this is the implication that he may not actually invest this money if it were taxed at a higher percent, perhaps like normal income. Like, he'd just sit on it instead of gaining millions upon millions. Nope, wouldn't invest at all. The implication has always been that at a certain point of taxation it's not worth it, but in his case not worth what exactly? He doesn't do anything. His money makes money. At one point does that become not worth it?


I'm confused about the ER thing.. last time I took a ride to the hospital in an ambulance to the ER, it costed me 4,000$ and they did absolutely nothing to try and figure out what happened.


I'm confused about the ER thing.. last time I took a ride to the hospital in an ambulance to the ER, it costed me 4,000$ and they did absolutely nothing to try and figure out what happened.

Yeah, I think they just have an obligation not to let you die, not to actually give you cures for anything.

Really, the ER thing isn't healthcare, it's more like immediate death prevention.


What's the GOP's plan to salvage Romney's campaign? More Paul Ryan!


Conservatives Want to ‘Let Ryan Be Ryan’ on Campaign Trail

Through the halls of Congress and well beyond, a whisper campaign is bursting into the open: Rather than burden him with the usual constraints on a ticket’s No. 2 not to upstage or get ahead of the presidential nominee, let Ryan be Ryan and take a detailed, policy-heavy fight to President Obama and the Democrats.

“They definitely need to use him more,” said Rick Brumby, 52, a Republican voter who attended a rally for Mr. Ryan at the University of Central Florida in Orlando on Saturday, suggesting that Mr. Ryan is better than Mr. Romney at avoiding gaffes and making the case to middle-class voters for Republican policies.


A Congressional official with ties to the Ryan camp said the congressman, who is also running for re-election, has a Plan B: Return to Congress, use his positions on both the Budget and the Ways and Means Committees to seize a prominent role in a sweeping overhaul of the tax code, and use that as a springboard back into presidential politics on his own record.

If the Republican ticket loses in November, the rush by Mr. Ryan and other 2016 hopefuls to position themselves for the Iowa caucuses “is going to look like Best Buy the night after Thanksgiving,” said Craig Robinson, a former political director of the Republican Party of Iowa. “I hate to say this, but if Ryan wants to run for national office again, he’ll probably have to wash the stench of Romney off of him.”

If Romney loses, does anyone seriously think Ryan has a shot at the GOP nom?


I'm confused about the ER thing.. last time I took a ride to the hospital in an ambulance to the ER, it costed me 4,000$ and they did absolutely nothing to try and figure out what happened.

the concept is that the healthcare is there. He's just ignoring the cost of it.
It's a belief without basis though. If capital gains is 33% or even 50%, it doesn't change the fact that stocks can double your money fastest. People aren't going to switch to gold or bonds because then they have worse return and the same tax rate.

Having capital gains so low allows people like Romney to continue to be so damn wealthy without being smart with money. I think it's why his campaign sucks so much ass. He has never had to genuinely work for something. He thought he could buy himself the Presidency. Problem is Obama has innate talent and is a fairly good politician.

Bonds are capital gains like stocks. Gold is treated like income (which, as I can advise you, is why you almost never invest in gold...you'd be lucky to come out ahead).


That is ONLY true for dividends from C-Corps. That is not true for your stock gains (which is what most of your income probably is).

It's barely even true for C-Corps. The "double taxation" stuff is mostly unicorns. It happens, but not often.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


What's the GOP's plan to salvage Romney's campaign? More Paul Ryan!

If Romney loses, does anyone seriously think Ryan has a shot at the GOP nom?

It seems to me that some conservatives are trying to not group Ryan and Romney together. They want Romney to take all the blame (i.e coming out and saying Romney is not using Ryan right).
I'm still of the belief that Ryan is finished at a national level, regardless. Not only because of Romney, but because his idealology is fucking garbage and he's been exposed. People don't like him, he's a known liar, etc.

He may stay in the House for a while, but should he lose in the next couple elections, it will probably be the last we hear of him.

It seems to me that some conservatives are trying to not group Ryan and Romney together. They want Romney to take all the blame (i.e coming out and saying Romney is not using Ryan right).

they want to argue "we weren't conservative enough, see!" and by separating them use it as evidence. Of course, they're losing because they're too conservative. Let them eat themselves away, I say.
What's the GOP's plan to salvage Romney's campaign? More Paul Ryan!


Conservatives Want to ‘Let Ryan Be Ryan’ on Campaign Trail

If Romney loses, does anyone seriously think Ryan has a shot at the GOP nom?

Chalk this up as another reason a second Obama term would not see any progress on most major issues. Ryan has no incentive to work with Obama, and neither does the rest of the GOP. Their entire goal is neutering Obama (assuming he wins) and stalling the economy enough for a second wave election in 2014, which then springs into a 2016 race that would most likely be a win (since they'll almost certainly have a better candidate than Mitt).

Obama wants taxes raised. Does anyone see Paul Ryan or Boehner agreeing to that? We'd get some center-right changes at best.

IMO I don't see Ryan having a future nationally. If Romney loses, it'll partly be due to Medicare.


Chalk this up as another reason a second Obama term would not see any progress on most major issues. Ryan has no incentive to work with Obama, and neither does the rest of the GOP. Their entire goal is neutering Obama (assuming he wins) and stalling the economy enough for a second wave election in 2014, which then springs into a 2016 race that would most likely be a win (since they'll almost certainly have a better candidate than Mitt).

You really think they can keep this shit up? Congress has an abysmal approval rating. If Obama knows what's best for his own legacy he'll put a ton of public pressure on them to stop being asshats, and I bet he'll get a few of the moderates to finally cave from public outcry. I guess we'll see, but you're literally saying they'll do the exact same thing as they did after Obama won last time.
Chalk this up as another reason a second Obama term would not see any progress on most major issues. Ryan has no incentive to work with Obama, and neither does the rest of the GOP. Their entire goal is neutering Obama (assuming he wins) and stalling the economy enough for a second wave election in 2014, which then springs into a 2016 race that would most likely be a win (since they'll almost certainly have a better candidate than Mitt).
And yet if Obama were as vulnerable on the economy as you've been posturing, every high-profile Republican would have leapt at the chance to take him on.

I wouldn't be terribly surprised if the GOP's nominee in 2016 is some dumbass like Santorum.

RDreamer said:
You really think they can keep this shit up? Congress has an abysmal approval rating. If Obama knows what's best for his own legacy he'll put a ton of public pressure on them to stop being asshats, and I bet he'll get a few of the moderates to finally cave from public outcry. I guess we'll see, but you're literally saying they'll do the exact same thing as they did after Obama won last time.
This as well. And it's not as if the economy's going to get any worse.

If Republicans in the House want to continue with their shenanigans after Obama (probably) wins a decisive victory, they're going to face the consequences at the ballot box.
Chalk this up as another reason a second Obama term would not see any progress on most major issues. Ryan has no incentive to work with Obama, and neither does the rest of the GOP. Their entire goal is neutering Obama (assuming he wins) and stalling the economy enough for a second wave election in 2014, which then springs into a 2016 race that would most likely be a win (since they'll almost certainly have a better candidate than Mitt).

Obama wants taxes raised. Does anyone see Paul Ryan or Boehner agreeing to that? We'd get some center-right changes at best.

IMO I don't see Ryan having a future nationally. If Romney loses, it'll partly be due to Medicare.

They can't stall the economy for 4 more years. It's going to come back with or without them. Gov't can ease the valleys and peaks (or exasperate them) but it cannot (in a non-state economy system) actively control it.



So... people who live in reality vote democrat, and people who live in some fantasy land where they'll randomly hop into millions upon millions of dollars per year vote Republican? Sounds about right.

They can't stall the economy for 4 more years. It's going to come back with or without them. Gov't can ease the valleys and peaks (or exasperate them) but it cannot (in a non-state economy system) actively control it.

Right. I think there'll be a few moderate or scared GOP members that will realize this and hop onto a few things in order to try and take some credit for the recovery. It'll be interesting to see how Ryan votes. Not that I think he'll jump his opposition ship immediately, or even at all, but he is kind of a political opportunist. It'll be interesting to watch which opportunity he jumps at.


Sidhe / PikPok

Don't you get stuck with the emergency ward bill afterwards in the US anyway?

I went to the emergency room of a public hospital in Hawaii (state with the most "socialised" medicine?) after fracturing and cutting my hand open playing football. They wouldn't treat me without proof of insurance for a start (I'm not a US citizen though) and made me fill out the admission form on my own as I bled from my writing hand (and they wouldn't let the football trainer into the building to help).

Several hours, 3 stitches and a sling later, the bill was around US$1500 from memory, covered by my insurance.


Even more funny because his money is supposedly in a blind trust, so he doesn't even work for it. He has money, so he makes money. Can't tax the productive class.

I want someone to ask Romney how many more jobs he's created with all his wealth than he would have were it taxed as regular income, since that's his argument for keeping the rates low. I mean, he's churning out investment returns like crazy. New jobs must sprout up behind him where ever he goes.
You really think they can keep this shit up? Congress has an abysmal approval rating. If Obama knows what's best for his own legacy he'll put a ton of public pressure on them to stop being asshats, and I bet he'll get a few of the moderates to finally cave from public outcry. I guess we'll see, but you're literally saying they'll do the exact same thing as they did after Obama won last time.

What does this mean, seriously? Call your congressman and complain? How did that work over the last 4 years. People agree with Obama on taxes, the Jobs bill, and a host of other issues...yet republicans have not and will not budge. The Jobs act seems like a sure fire thing to pass if Obama wins right? Yet how will it be paid for? I expect another massive GOP tantrum ahead of 2014. What do they have to lose? The voter turnout in 2014 will benefit them, after all.

They can't stall the economy for 4 more years. It's going to come back with or without them. Gov't can ease the valleys and peaks (or exasperate them) but it cannot (in a non-state economy system) actively control it.

I don't believe that. Another debt ceiling gamble, a government shut down, refusal to pass anything outside of appropriations...there is plenty the GOP can do to stall the economy.
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