The bipartisan polling firm Purple Strategies has released today the latest Purple Poll surveys in five key swing states that show them all close. The surveys, conducted recently and released today for Colorado, Ohio, Virginia, Florida and North Carolina reveal data that show Mitt Romney will win these states over President Obama and is quite likely to win the presidency in November.
As always the analysis here is not merely a static regurgitation of numbers that assumes in a simplistic manner that a state favoring Obama by a 46 percent to 44 percent edge will necessarily be voting for Obama on election day as many of the non-thinking analysts choose to suppose. We know, and former Clinton political consultant Dick Morris reminds us, that the undecided vote swings overwhelmingly for the challenging candidate, or in this election, Mitt Romney. For the purpose of their analysis, precise calculations will be made from the polling data and the undecided voters will be calculated to go 80 percent for Romney. Odds are likely they will support Romney in higher percentages.