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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Has anyone been catching Hannity's shit about the Obama campaign being "The most despicable in history"?

I don't understand Hannity. I can't believe that one man can be so full of shit and not blow his own brains out.
Even accepting your hypothesis about who he pulls from, you're leaving out that there are 3rd party candidates who will get more votes than him, namely Virgil Goode and, not kidding, Jesus. They aren't going to be pulling any votes off of Obama.

How crushed are libertarians going to be when Jesus gets more write-in votes than on-the-ballot-in-47-states Gary Johnson?

They will be even more crushed when Jesus reveals himself as a hardcore liberal


Junior Member
Has anyone been catching Hannity's shit about the Obama campaign being "The most despicable in history"?

I don't understand Hannity. I can't believe that one man can be so full of shit and not blow his own brains out.

He's a political hack. I think he's pretty easy to understand.


Has anyone been catching Hannity's shit about the Obama campaign being "The most despicable in history"?

I don't understand Hannity. I can't believe that one man can be so full of shit and not blow his own brains out.

I have often wondered how much of their own bullshit these guys on TV actually believe.


Sidhe / PikPok
Has anyone been catching Hannity's shit about the Obama campaign being "The most despicable in history"?

I don't understand Hannity. I can't believe that one man can be so full of shit and not blow his own brains out.

Hannity has always struck me as one of the Fox News personalities that has actually started buying into his own rhetoric. He seems to get worked up in a way which doesn't seem to be an act.

He contrasts with someone like Bill O'Reilly who seems more self aware and a conscious and deliberate manipulator who knows behind the facade when he is crossing the line.
You're a NRA Member? No wonder you're so batshit insane.

I can let Manos speak for himself, but his positions are generally at least sane when it comes to guns. ("these regulations make things a pain and don't do anything), whereas the NRA's position is more like "THEIR TAKIN OUR JERBS GURNS." Manos is at least arguing against a future that is possible, not a fever dream like Wayne LaPierre likes to shout about.

I'm on a black powder email list, so I get plenty of that stuff too, it makes Manos look pretty damn reasonable.


Hannity has always struck me as one of the Fox News personalities that has actually started buying into his own rhetoric. He seems to get worked up in a way which doesn't seem to be an act.

He contrasts with someone like Bill O'Reilly who seems more self aware and a conscious and deliberate manipulator who knows behind the facade when he is crossing the line.
As far as right-wing personalities go, Hannity has to be my #1 go-to for post-election sourness. Such a self-righteous, fat-headed jackass.
I can let Manos speak for himself, but his positions are generally at least sane when it comes to guns. ("these regulations make things a pain and don't do anything), whereas the NRA's position is more like "THEIR TAKIN OUR JERBS GURNS." Manos is at least arguing against a future that is possible, not a fever dream like Wayne LaPierre likes to shout about.

I'm on a black powder email list, so I get plenty of that stuff too, it makes Manos look pretty damn reasonable.

Pretty much. I look forward to a day when Wayne LaPierre isnt running the NRA as a tool for himself. Oh man the renewal letter I got was so fucking OTT. I'm a member because they do still provide useful things and lobbying and American Rifleman is a good magazine...but man some of thr stuff will make you role your eyese so far back into ones head they may get stuck. One plus is the NRA is (in theory and in practice) a single issue group and not like GOA. I care about guns not the rights of a zygote

What black powder do you shoot?


Sidhe / PikPok
As far as right-wing personalities go, Hannity has to be my #1 go-to for post-election sourness. Such a self-righteous, fat-headed jackass.

I can stomach a lot of Fox News. Indeed, I watch it in the absence of The Daily Show being broadcast here in NZ to get my fill of conservative outrage sans laugh track. But I just can't get past watching Hannity for more than a few minutes without getting annoyed.

Gretchen Carlson on Fox and Friends is similarly infuriating, but at least Doocy and Kilmeade provide clown value to mellow things out.
Pretty much. I look forward to a day when Wayne LaPierre isnt running the NRA as a tool for himself. Oh man the renewal letter I got was so fucking OTT. I'm a member because they do still provide useful things and lobbying and American Rifleman is a good magazine...but man some of thr stuff will make you role your eyese so far back into ones head they may get stuck. One plus is the NRA is (in theory and in practice) a single issue group and not like GOA. I care about guns not the rights of a zygote

What black powder do you shoot?

I have a .45 hawken cap rifle, it lives at my parents house. My dad has about 8 front loaders, mostly flint locks, most of which he built himself. I only get to shoot a few times a year, when I go out to CA to visit ( I live in Brooklyn, so there's not of that here heh), I'm out there 3-4 times a year though, and dad is on the board of the shooting range, so he signed me up for the front loaders club. I really wanted to correct some of the stuff that gets sent out, like "MEDICARE IS TAKING YOUR GUNS!" but I didn't want to create drama for my dad.

He did get my wife to shoot a gun, I never thought that would happen!


I flipped to 60 Minutes last night because a friend wanted to catch Romney's interview. Paraphrasing a bit -

I changed channels right at that moment. He's a god damn clown with a suddenly nice tan.

It's odd how Romney seems almost disrespectful towards Obama because he isn't simply handing the Presidency over to him. It's as if Romney believes POTUS should be his by birthright, and the fact that Obama is actually making him work for it is disgraceful.

Romney and republicans have bought into their echo chamber claims that Obama is weak and that people hate him. They honestly believed that and this election has caused their self-made reality to come crashing down around them. That's the only thing that makes sense. I do think Romney thinks the presidency is his. Remember the Ann Romney comments about "it's our turn now". Romney can be a bit more careful with his words, at least he used to be (that's changed now), but I think what comes out of her mouth is how they really feel and see things. That comment she made really stuck with me.
I have a .45 hawken cap rifle, it lives at my parents house. My dad has about 8 front loaders, mostly flint locks, most of which he built himself. I only get to shoot a few times a year, when I go out to CA to visit ( I live in Brooklyn, so there's not of that here heh), I'm out there 3-4 times a year though, and dad is on the board of the shooting range, so he signed me up for the front loaders club.
Cool. I used to leave in Brooklyn so I know what you mean. I looked into the process to get something...and yeah that is crazy.

If your intetested I'll be testing ouy my Garand this weekend. I live in PA but via NJT its not a long trip at all. Drop me a PM if youre intereded I hsve my wifes monthly pass (she ended her job mid month) so no cost for you to travel down.

I really wanted to correct some of the stuff that gets sent out, like "MEDICARE IS TAKING YOUR GUNS!" but I didn't want to create drama for my dad.
I used to be like that on gunboards but then I was like fuck it. If people wonder why I detest Ron Paul Supporters so much thats why. Its why I mostly post on The High Road (which is agresssively moderatred) and filled with tons of good informstive posters. Its been really good in helping me start with handloading.

He did get my wife to shoot a gun, I never thought that would happen!
Got only 19lbs left and my wife and mom have to. I'll start them on a Ruger 10/22. For all the weight I lost I wanted to start them on an M1, but thats just being an ass.


Junior Member
I can stomach a lot of Fox News. Indeed, I watch it in the absence of The Daily Show being broadcast here in NZ to get my fill of conservative outrage sans laugh track. But I just can't get past watching Hannity for more than a few minutes without getting annoyed.

Gretchen Carlson on Fox and Friends is similarly infuriating, but at least Doocy and Kilmeade provide clown value to mellow things out.

No watching Andrea Tantaros causes me to have actual physical reaction. I want to slam a chair against my TV any time she tries to talk. She gives me the creeps.


Guys if I read Freerepublic every day I would not vote for Obama.

For example this article:


When I read something like that, it sounds pretty bad form. I'm sure every legislation has some bad sides to it, and Obamacare is far from the ideal legislation a liberal would want, but especially the last quotes seem pretty damning.

Edit: The not vote for Obama is obviously just an exageration, but still.

This article is really pernicious. The sources it cites are: Republican senators, Republican Representatives, other Forbes articles, and exactly one smewhat nonpartisan source -- a Kaiser Foundation report on Medigap reform that ostensibly shows that the AARP blocked such reform because it would lower premiums and so "cost them money." Except the reforms in question don't affect premiums at all -- the analysis assumes that premiums will be lowered in response to greater cost-sharing, meaning that the AARP wouldn't lose any money from lowering them. The conclusion the writer sources from the report is the exact opposite of the assumption the report actually makes! In fact, the report's actual conclusion makes it obvious why the AARP might oppose such reforms -- because they'll increase costs for 20% of seniors, with the costs falling disproportionately on the poorest and sickest seniors, which makes it exactly the kind of Darwinian false economy the AARP was created to fight.

What's the deal with Forbes?


Fuck it, I'll come out and say it: I love guns. I could almost certainly destroy most of you guys on a target range. I no-scope murdered a squirrel that was sitting high up in a tree with a perfect headshot from over 150 feet away with a decent, but not elite hunting rifle. Keep in mind how tiny a squirrel's head is. And that squirrel had some foliage cover.

That shit is just fun.


Except I'm not conservtive and I makd perfectly valid arguements in gun control debates.

"A gun's sole purpose is not cause devasting harm anymore than a car or kitchen knife."

That's you^.


And here's you mocking "do-gooders" for trying to keep guns off the streets.


Both threads descend into Manos trolling, straw-manning and goalpost-moving shit-fests as more and more posters try to get you to respond the gaping flaws in your arguments.


Oh look, it's another Jackpot sniper post where he posts a couple random quotes and tries to massage it into a cohesive thought. Then magically disappears once challenged on it.

--- // ---

the topic of guns made me think of this...


Atlanta-based jewellery store, D. Geller and Son, is giving customers a voucher for a free hunting rifle when they spend more than $2,499 on a diamond. Owner Mike Geller said he got the idea, after seeing a similar offer at a Missouri car dealership.
"A gun's sole purpose is not cause devasting harm anymore than a car or kitchen knife."

That's you^.

What's your point?

And here's you mocking "do-gooders" for trying to keep guns off the streets.


Both threads descend into Manos trolling, straw-manning and goalpost-moving shit-fests as more and more posters try to get you to respond the gaping flaws in your arguments.
The gun buyback deserves to be mocked for being worthless and wasting money.


Oh look, it's another Jackpot sniper post where he posts a couple random quotes and tries to massage it into a cohesive thought. Then magically disappears once challenged on it.


You still sore I kaboshed everyone's revisionism of your "intelligent" anti-global warming posts with the first page of google?

Anyone who wants to spend the effort reliving those threads I linked will see dozens of members piling on Manos as he tries to squirrel out of his own arguments. The same applied to the threads I linked about you.


"A gun's sole purpose is not cause devasting harm anymore than a car or kitchen knife."

That's you^.


And here's you mocking "do-gooders" for trying to keep guns off the streets.


Both threads descend into Manos trolling, straw-manning and goalpost-moving shit-fests as more and more posters try to get you to respond the gaping flaws in your arguments.

The definition of trolling is not "offering an argument I don't agree with."

I notice that the tenth post in that thread you linked is you making an essentially identical post to the one you just made here, though, which is at least suggestive. Following people around posting ostensibly self-evidently ridiculous quotes of theirs is not really argument. What are your actual points?
Anyone who wants to spend the effort reliving those threads I linked will see dozens of members piling on Manos as he tries to squirrel out of his own arguments. The same applied to the threads I linked about you.
Funny that never actually happened. In fact I had no problem responding back to you right away.

your "hit percentage" argument for the NYPD is a beyond poor argument, the rest are fine
Its more that I object to people viewing cops as good shots or well practiced by default and are fine with them having guns around them.
Oh look, it's another Jackpot sniper post where he posts a couple random quotes and tries to massage it into a cohesive thought. Then magically disappears once challenged on it.

--- // ---

the topic of guns made me think of this...


Fun story time!

My grandparents were pretty poor when they got engaged, but 20 years into the relationship, they were pretty flush. Both were active hunters. For their 20th anniversary, my grandfather says to my grandmother "Well Martha, I guess I should get you that diamond engagement ring I couldn't afford."

She turns to him and says "I'd rather have a shotgun Bud."
Fun story time!

My grandparents were pretty poor when they got engaged, but 20 years into the relationship, they were pretty flush. Both were active hunters. For their 20th anniversary, my grandfather says to my grandmother "Well Martha, I guess I should get you that diamond engagement ring I couldn't afford."

She turns to him and says "I'd rather have a shotgun Bud."

That's awesome. lol





You still sore I kaboshed everyone's revisionism of your "intelligent" anti-global warming posts with the first page of google?

Not sore. Just pointing out your idiosynchrisies of posting random quotes with no context nor intelligent debate behind it.

Anyone who wants to spend the effort reliving those threads I linked will see dozens of members piling on Manos as he tries to squirrel out of his own arguments. The same applied to the threads I linked about you.

So basically, you want to derail the thread by meekly devaluing someone's opinion with links ("you do the work .. lol") no real content or expansive point on why Manos is such a horrible human being.

But that seems to be how you roll.


New avatar for ya (Christmas Story reference).


This article is really pernicious. The sources it cites are: Republican senators, Republican Representatives, other Forbes articles, and exactly one smewhat nonpartisan source -- a Kaiser Foundation report on Medigap reform that ostensibly shows that the AARP blocked such reform because it would lower premiums and so "cost them money." Except the reforms in question don't affect premiums at all -- the analysis assumes that premiums will be lowered in response to greater cost-sharing, meaning that the AARP wouldn't lose any money from lowering them. The conclusion the writer sources from the report is the exact opposite of the assumption the report actually makes! In fact, the report's actual conclusion makes it obvious why the AARP might oppose such reforms -- because they'll increase costs for 20% of seniors, with the costs falling disproportionately on the poorest and sickest seniors, which makes it exactly the kind of Darwinian false economy the AARP was created to fight.

What's the deal with Forbes?
Seriously thats a terrible article. Everyone was against the medigap changes because it pushed significant costs onto seniors.
The savings would have come from discouraging seniors from going to the doctors office because it would cost them more money.


I notice that the tenth post in that thread you linked is you making an essentially identical post to the one you just made here, though, which is at least suggestive. Following people around posting ostensibly self-evidently ridiculous quotes of theirs is not really argument.

I never follow people. I browsed the poligaf thread for more Mitt gaffes and found people praising Manos's debating skills. I've noticed this before in poligaf with people ascribing traits that never existed to posters who take the minority view of an argument. I think it's down to posters having the secret fear that GAF might be biased against conservative posters like they claimed (it isn't). I have a good memory and some google-fu quickly puts them right.

That post I quoted is concise in completely dismantling the idea that "his positions are generally at least sane when it comes to guns", hence its repeitition. You may follow the link for the more in-depth arguments.

So basically, you want to derail the thread by meekly devaluing someone's opinion with links ("you do the work .. lol") no real content or expansive point on why Manos is such a horrible human being.

No, but to recreate the multiple mental gymnastics carried out by Manos and the way it drew together so many disparate users in condemnation (much like your global warming threads) would require the quoting of pages of posts from the thread and as this argument is a tangent of tangent, I decided not to derail this thread. I quoted the beginning and if it hooks people they can read the follow-up in the link, and I'm sure poligaf members took part in those threads so it jogs their memories.

I look forward to the inevitable "y'know, Kosmo wasn't all that bad of a debater" posts.
I never follow people. I browsed the poligaf thread for more Mitt gaffes and found people praising Manos's debating skills. I've noticed this before in poligaf with people ascribing traits that never existed to posters who take the minority view of an argument.
You're wrong about that, as was said earlier by pigeon, "The definition of trolling is not "offering an argument I don't agree with.""

I think it's down to posters having the secret fear that GAF might be biased against conservative posters like they claimed (it isn't). I have a good memory and some google-fu quickly puts them right.
Not conservative.

That post I quoted is concise in completely dismantling the idea that "his positions are generally at least sane when it comes to guns", hence its repeitition. You may follow the link for the more in-depth arguments.
No, you didn't do that at all. Just because you keep saying it will not make you true.

No, but to recreate the multiple mental gymnastics carried out by Manos
Once again something that never occurred.

So in closing to paraphrase a great work of art, "Eeeh! Sorry Jackpot, wrong guess. Would you like to go for Double Jeopardy where the scores can really change?"

Mike M

Nick N
She only started saying that when she realized she was being recorded. Watch it again.

I'm still giving her the benefit of the doubt. I've been a paid signature gatherer before, they explain pretty well that they only pay a bounty for one party or the other, but that you have to turn in all signatures.

This girl is just confused/inarticulate/dumb.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I'm still giving her the benefit of the doubt. I've been a paid signature gatherer before, they explain pretty well that they only pay a bounty for one party or the other, but that you have to turn in all signatures.

This girl is just confused/inarticulate/dumb.

She clearly states her intention initially and then completely changes her tune as soon as the lady filming very obviously gets upset at what she is doing. She flat out stated that they are only registering Romney supporters. This isn't signature gathering, they are registering people to vote. And she is representing a government office.
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