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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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That post I quoted is concise in completely dismantling the idea that "his positions are generally at least sane when it comes to guns", hence its repeitition. You may follow the link for the more in-depth arguments.

No, it isn't -- it does nothing of the sort. Once again, your positions are not as self-evident as you seem to think. If you wish to completely dismantle the idea that his positions are sane, you must explain why the idea that a gun's sole purpose is not to cause "devastating harm" is fundamentally insane. I suggest that this is a difficult task, since the words "sole purpose" and "devastating harm" provide pretty big warrens to run around in. I'm not saying it's the best argument in the world, but your response is lacking.

I remember the Sikh thread because it was the one in which I responded to your fundamentally silly argument that gun control prevented suicides in Japan, completely ignoring the fact that suicide methods are highly variable from country to country and dependent far more on cultural perspectives and availability than anything else -- which ignores both the fact that the number of lives potentially saved would be extremely small in any case and that suicidal people are in immediate need of mental care and that the marginal gain from preventing their suicide not by providing care and support but by denying them access to their preferred strategy is at the very least difficult to measure. I note that you ignored my response! I also want to make clear that at the time of this thread I thought Manos was a cynical jackwagon and I STILL disagreed with your argument.

Neither of those threads provides any evidence that Manos is a troll. In fact, one of them is a thread he started in which people aggressively attack him -- if anything, he's being trolled. Primarily the takeaway, I think, is that gun control debates on GAF are intensely emotional for many parties, which is not surprising but also not really a useful point to make. I actually credit Manos with providing me with the impetus to consider the question more carefully, since I previously had relatively little interest in the topic. And, frankly, I think that he's, if not necessarily completely right, correct about some flaws in the gun control legislation that exists, and correct to suggest that it is not, in the end, a higher priority for the American left than continuing the advancement of social justice and economic support, which themselves will have great and lingering effects on urban violence. (Which is already trending downwards for, I suspect, much those reasons.)


So I haven't really followed this stuff, what's the best (independent/impartial) resource to check the latest polls and predictions?

From skimming the last couple pages, people expect an Obama victory?


So I haven't really followed this stuff, what's the best (independent/impartial) resource to check the latest polls and predictions?

From skimming the last couple pages, people expect an Obama victory?

Probably 538 and RCP.

Many people predicted an Obama victory in the Spring and most everyone else has come to that conclusion over the past 2-3 weeks.


In July, federal campaign-finance records show, the Republican National Committee gave $35,800 to the Ohio GOP, while the Democratic National Committee gave about $1.1 million to its Ohio counterpart. The RNC appeared to step up the effort in August, transferring $552,000, while Democrats transferred more than $2.3 million.

Such an advantage means the Democrats have more money to open field offices, run phone banks and use computerized records to identify voters and get them out to vote.

So, either the RNC is inept or they never believed they had a chance in Ohio. Or both.

Oh look, it's another Jackpot sniper post where he posts a couple random quotes and tries to massage it into a cohesive thought. Then magically disappears once challenged on it.

--- // ---

the topic of guns made me think of this...


I see that billboard on the way to work in the mornings. They aren't the first folks around here to offer a gun when you buy a diamond either.


I flipped to 60 Minutes last night because a friend wanted to catch Romney's interview. Paraphrasing a bit -

I changed channels right at that moment. He's a god damn clown with a suddenly nice tan.

It's odd how Romney seems almost disrespectful towards Obama because he isn't simply handing the Presidency over to him. It's as if Romney believes POTUS should be his by birthright, and the fact that Obama is actually making him work for it is disgraceful.
Right. The audacity to offer that as a prescription is risible. And it's been a pillar of his campaign. I want to criticize Obama for being weak, yet I lack a substantive alternative, so rhetoric. And I hope Obama continues to press him on this point.

Did you hear Ann Romney's admonition of those criticizing Mitt? We should be grateful Mitt is running. They reek of entitlement.
This idiot ignored 3rd party, as well. Everything is either Obama or Romney. As if Gary Johnson won't do anything. Even 1% hurts Mitt.

That's besides the rest of his garbage assumptions.

Look at this math! 80% of undecideds break with Romney? In what fucking world does this happen? lol. the salty tears. There will be many and they will be glorious.
It doesn't. Undecideds are breaking for Obama. Romney will assuredly lose this fight.

I see that billboard on the way to work in the mornings. They aren't the first folks around here to offer a gun when you buy a diamond either.

I wonder what gun it is? Assuming they aren't giving out cheap 22 bolt actions, and if that's still not cheap, that's a pretty sizable prize...unless it's spend 1500K or more and get a...I dunno Savages are cheap, but still not that cheap.


Did you hear Ann Romney's admonition of those criticizing Mitt? We should be grateful Mitt is running. They reek of entitlement.

Believe me, I am grateful. Although on consideration, if he hadn't run, things might be even more amazing with one of the other primary contenders at the helm.

Mike M

Nick N
She clearly states her intention initially and then completely changes her tune as soon as the lady filming very obviously gets upset at what she is doing. She flat out stated that they are only registering Romney supporters. This isn't signature gathering, they are registering people to vote. And she is representing a government office.

For the County Clerk's Office?

Yeah, no. Here, I've transcribed the conversation.

The video said:
Girl: (Unintelligable) Would you vote for Romney or Obama?

Woman: Well wait, I thought you were registering voters a minute ago.

Girl: I am, I am, but --

Woman: Who are you registering? All voters?

Girl: Well I'm actually trying to register people for a particular party.

Woman: Uh huh.

Girl: Because we're out here in support of Romney, actually.

Woman: And who's paying you for this?

Girl: Oh, um... The... Let's see... We're working for the... County clerk's office.

Woman: Okay, you cannot come out here and register one party, lady. Are you working for the county clerk's office, I've got it all on tape. You're working for the county clerk's office?

Girl: I believe so, yes.

Woman: And you're only registering Republicans?

Girl: No.

Woman: You said that you're only registering Romney people.

Girl: We're trying to, you know.

Woman: And you're working for the county clerk's office? What's your name?

Girl: My name is *Bleep*

Woman: Thanks *Bleep* that's all I need, honey bunch.

At no point does she state she's only registering Republicans, despite what the woman filming it accuses her of. She also pretty fucking clearly does not actually work for the county clerk's office, she has absolutely no idea who's paying her. Where do you live that the county clerk's office fields people to hang outside grocery stores to register people?

This is just some girl who probably answered an ad promising to pay $10/hr for registering people to vote/sign a petition (They're frequently the same outfits, since your petition signature is only valid if you're a registered voter, hence the petition people will always have voter registration forms), and only gets paid for Republican registrations, hence she says she's trying to register Republicans. She's just some anonymous cog of what passes for the GOP ground game who probably didn't have a firm grasp on the rules and got flustered when pressed for details.
Reince Priebus: Last Week Was 'Good' For GOP
By George Stephanopoulos | ABC News – 22 hrs ago

Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus called the past week a "defining week in both campaigns," describing it as a "good week" even as the GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney came under fire after secretly-taped comments he made at a fundraiser earlier this year became public.

"I think that we had a good week last week, I think in retrospect, in that we were able to frame up the debate last week in the sense of, what future do we want," Priebus said this morning on "This Week."

I know you always want to accentuate the positive for your guy . . . but when you say something like this, you just seem like a crazy out-of-touch with reality person.

I know you always want to accentuate the positive for your guy . . . but when you say something like this, you just seem like a crazy out-of-touch with reality person.

How do you pronounce his name? It seems almost like something from an Anime trying to make up a Prussian sounding name for some 23rd Century Space Opera. Yeah it's a Legend of the Galactic Heroes reference, but I'm think of the really bad examples we've all seen...shit it's most likely on TV Tropes.


Have they ever disclosed the methodology for generating these numbers?

The QStarNews poll works with the premise that the partisan makeup of the electorate 37.6 percent Republicans, 33.3 percent Democrats and 29.1 percent independent voters. Additionally, our model is based on the electoral including approximately 41.6 percent self-described conservatives, 32.6 percent self-described moderates and 25.8 percent self-described liberals.

Republicans are 68 percent conservative, 27 percent moderate and 5 percent liberal. Among Democrats, 14 percent are conservative, 36 percent are moderate and 50 percent are liberal. Independents include 39 percent conservatives, 36 percent moderates and 25 percent liberals.

Our polls about doubly-weighted, to doubly insure the results are most accurate and not skewed, by both party identification and self-identified ideology. For instance, no matter how many Republicans answer our survey, they are weighted at 37.6 percent. If conservatives are over-represented among Republicans in the raw sample, they are still weighted at 68 percent of Republicans regardless. This system of double weighting should insure our survey produces very accurate results, not skewed either way for the Democrats or for the Republicans.

Basically, they reweight all the polls on the assumption that 40% of the voters are conservative and 38% of the voters are Republican. Unsurprisingly, given the polarization of the electorate and of self-identified conservative Republicans in general, this leads to huge leads for Romney. By comparison, Public Policy Polling found that self-described Democrats currently outnumber self-identified Republicans in Florida by 8 percent. This is why these people claim that every single poll is heavily skewed -- because they've all been showing self-identified Democrats well above par, therefore they must all have bad samples, every single one.

Pew did an article recently about how reputable pollsters cannot, and do not, weight by party identification, because it fluctuates constantly and there's no solid baseline to compare it to. There is one popular pollster that does claim to weight by party identification, though -- it's Rasmussen.

For more on the exciting nonpartisan methodology of poll unskewing, I recommend this article: http://www.examiner.com/article/nov...-will-be-a-real-shocker-for-liberal-democrats

While the mainstream media continues to release one skewed poll after another blatantly skewed poll helping to create the illusion that President Obama is building a solid lead in the presidential election, most liberal Democrats seem to be willing accepting this delusion and truly believe that Obama will be reelected in November. In fact, many liberal actually believe the president will win a landslide this Fall.

Liberal Democrats are going to be truly shocked when the real votes are counted on election night if they continue to buy this illusion the mainstream media is creating with skewed polls and biased analysis of the presidential race.

edit: Just saw cartoon soldier's poll results. Okay, so yeah. Should we switch to talking about policy now?


How do you pronounce his name? It seems almost like something from an Anime trying to make up a Prussian sounding name for some 23rd Century Space Opera. Yeah it's a Legend of the Galactic Heroes reference, but I'm think of the really bad examples we've all seen...shit it's most likely on TV Tropes.

rye-n-ce pre-bus

Also I still find it funny that if you swap the first two letters of his first and last name it spells this:

Reince Priebus

Prince Reiebus



I called the race during the GOP primaries.
Remember when you thought romney would smartly come back to the center? :p

So, either the RNC is inept or they never believed they had a chance in Ohio. Or both.

I think it's a given that they are inept. At one point everyone thought Romney at least had a chance in ohio although he squandered that opportunity pretty fast.


Very nice!! 50% or over in each!! I think we can call this race now.

No. Nonononononono. Don't consider this race won until election night.

Also PPP is also from North Carolina, which is more that the "rival" thing is about.

That, and they seem to have zero respect for them.

Haha we are a polling company, they are not, don't really consider them a peer"

What's funny is we have built a profitable business with many clients, while they are largely funded by a single sugar daddy"


Remember when you thought romney would smartly come back to the center? :p

I think it's a given that they are inept. At one point everyone thought Romney at least had a chance in ohio although he squandered that opportunity pretty fast.

I wouldn't be so offended by Romney had he ran on his past positions or didn't try to run away from everything in his past. He obviously has no convictions and is nothing more than an opportunist who feels entitled to this position. He tells whoever is around him at the time what they want to hear and seems to forget that we have tools to document these incidents.

That, and they seem to have zero respect for them.

Haha we are a polling company, they are not, don't really consider them a peer"

What's funny is we have built a profitable business with many clients, while they are largely funded by a single sugar daddy"

lol Ouch.


That would have been the logical thing to do, and the only way he had a chance to win.

It's what a smart candidate would do, but when you're pushing the ambulance as a viable option when you don't have health care line six weeks from election day in a general election, logic obviously isn't one of your strong suits.


No Scrubs
It's what a smart candidate would do, but when you're pushing the ambulance as a viable option when you don't have health care line six weeks from election day in a general election, logic obviously isn't one of your strong suits.

I still can't believe he actually said that, how out of touch do you have to be to think that way?


The fact that this race is competitive in North Carolina instead of, say, Michigan, pretty much says all that needs to about which way this election is going to go.

I want to see more House analysis. That's the only election that matters now.

Thingy? Come on.The We Ask America poll also estimates Baldwin is leading Thompson 52-40. It's probably well above the average. Nonetheless, Baldwin is clearly winning now.

Damn right.
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