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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Actual voting pledge survey being sent to Republicans by one of their PACs, Faith and Freedom Coalition.




Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Wow. Montana not being in the double digits for Romney says all you need to know.

Perhaps I overestimated the extent of the ignorance of the populace as a whole...?

No, the american public is still quite ignorant. Romney wouldn't even reach 5% in most other countries. The GOP is seen as insane by the majority of the world, because even the crazies that are as far right as they are on social issues (or further right) don't look down upon people needing medical care like the GOP does, nor do they demonize things like teaching evolution or having lunch programs in schools.

The GOP still believes in a 100% laissez-faire social darwinist approach to governing outside of social issues, and still worships objectivism and demonizes any collectivist, pragmatic, or analytical/empirical school of thought as evil.

The rest of the world abandoned that line of thinking decades ago.


Romney hints he’ll spend own $ on race: 'I wanna make sure what little I'll have left after the campaigns goes to grandkids' - from 47% vid."

I always figured Romney would give his campaign some of his own money, especially if things were looking bad, but now I'm wondering how much it's going to be.
Romney hints he’ll spend own $ on race: 'I wanna make sure what little I'll have left after the campaigns goes to grandkids' - from 47% vid."

I always figured Romney would give his campaign some of his own money, especially if things were looking bad, but now I'm wondering how much it's going to be.

He better do something to turn around the loser aura surrounding him before people stop sending big checks

Considering it was done in the 1960s I can't imagine the stuff that the Clinton administration generated when printing was so much cheaper...of course when it's just photoshop we can see what comes out now.

I think one think people should consider when looking at that is the effort the person went through to make it, which says something about the non lazy crazy now. Back then you could just share an offensive photo on face, you had to make it...or wait for the John Birch Society to mail it to you.

Like #5 as it kind of ignores Ike reminding people of the supremacy of Federal Law. #6 is so awesome since it requires the logic that either JFK was an atheist or...Catholics aren't Christians...which is suppressing that it passes up for some plot by the pope if that's the case!
Sorry if it was posted earlier.
Disagree with the rest of what you said.

Anyway, if everybody already discussed it I'm not going to drag it out again. Feel free to ignore that earlier post and this one :)

Eh, maybe I'm just applying the amount I care about my wife to it, and thinking how one could easily say something dumb as a result of the stress and fear caused by it.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Eh, maybe I'm just applying the amount I care about my wife to it, and thinking how one could easily say something dumb as a result of the stress and fear caused by it.

I won't disagree with that, I've said some stupid stuff when it comes to family (especially immediate). However he could be the representative of the United States. Saying something stupid may have significant repercussions.

Thanks for this. I hear people periodically say there's plenty of time, but....not really. Plenty of time would have been three or four months ago, not now. Romney's back is to the wall and he knows it.

Looking forward to the desperation flailings to come.

Yep, we are almost to October, Which requires something significant to change the momentum of the race (Hence the popularity of October surprise).
Thanks for this. I hear people periodically say there's plenty of time, but....not really. Plenty of time would have been three or four months ago, not now. Romney's back is to the wall and he knows it.

Looking forward to the desperation flailings to come.

It still amuses me when people try to downplay it with "Don't count your chickens before they hatch"

When every single piece of historical, statistical, realistic, polling, evidence points to not only an Obama win, but a landslide curbstomp, I think at that point people are being contrarian.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Eh, maybe I'm just applying the amount I care about my wife to it, and thinking how one could easily say something dumb as a result of the stress and fear caused by it.

Huh? This wasn't in the heat of the moment with his mind clouded in anxiety over his wife as they made an emergency descent/landing, this was at a fundraiser 36 hours later with his wife in attendance.

“I appreciate the fact that she is on the ground, safe and sound. And I don’t think she knows just how worried some of us were,” Romney said. “When you have a fire in an aircraft, there’s no place to go, exactly, there’s no — and you can’t find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don’t open. I don’t know why they don’t do that. It’s a real problem. So it’s very dangerous. And she was choking and rubbing her eyes. Fortunately, there was enough oxygen for the pilot and copilot to make a safe landing in Denver. But she’s safe and sound.”

How does someone who flies all the damn time, someone who has three college degrees, someone aspiring to be the president of the united states, and the commander of the air force, not grasp a simple concept like air pressure?

He is an idiot.


Can the sheer stupidity of a Presidential candidate really be that surprising anymore? George W. Bush was our actual President for 8 years.
Considering it was done in the 1960s I can't imagine the stuff that the Clinton administration generated when printing was so much cheaper...of course when it's just photoshop we can see what comes out now.

I think one think people should consider when looking at that is the effort the person went through to make it, which says something about the non lazy crazy now. Back then you could just share an offensive photo on face, you had to make it...or wait for the John Birch Society to mail it to you.

Like #5 as it kind of ignores Ike reminding people of the supremacy of Federal Law. #6 is so awesome since it requires the logic that either JFK was an atheist or...Catholics aren't Christians...which is suppressing that it passes up for some plot by the pope if that's the case!

The thing that's most striking about the poster - beside it being passed around in Dallas in 1963 - is that it is literally accusing him of treason, and thus arguing he is a domestic threat. It is a clear declaration that the US president is an enemy of state and must be dealt with; Something must be done. And we're seeing the same type of language being used against Obama, as it was against Clinton. Sure there were similar charges against Bush, but not to the level we're seeing now, or saw in the 90s.

If this was regulated to the crazies on the far right I wouldn't really be concerned. But mainstream republicans give this stuff credence every single day by arguing there is something so radical and different about Obama that he is a huge threat to America, sympathizes with our enemies, etc; they are clearly sending the message that Obama is a domestic threat. When you consider how far right wing organizations attempt to recruit former military folks, this type of shit becomes even more odious

If Obama wins big, as polls show (right now), I think it's clear the far right will go even more insane than they have over the last few years. Anyone who payed attention in October 08 knew McCain was going to lose. This time the far right has created their own polling reality to ensure people truly believe Obama has no chance of winning. We're going to see some crazy shit, bros


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Huh? This wasn't in the heat of the moment with his mind clouded in anxiety over his wife as they made an emergency descent/landing, this was at a fundraiser 36 hours later with his wife in attendance.

How does someone who flies all the damn time, someone who has three college degrees, someone aspiring to be the president of the united states, and the commander of the air force, not grasp a simple concept like air pressure?

He is an idiot.
Did you miss the Romney attack-ad where they questioned Obama's leadership because Pelosi and Reid hit mute on a conference call?

Hint: The mute button muted Pelosi and Reid, but the Romney camp thought that they muted Obama.


Yup, looks like this week will be about Foreign Policy/Mideast again.

Which actually, polls are finding Obama's approval on foreign policy decreasing from the pre-Libya events.

Question is, can Romney sustain a proper message for the whole week?


The Romney campaign can't begin and end the day on the same page, so don't count on them magically being able to take advantage of something.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Well, this was kind of unexpected. So I made this post yesterday, right.

It turns out, to my shock, the person who that was directed to, Kevin Williamson of the National Review, actually responded to me this morning!

What the fuck? :lol

I didn't contact him in any way, so I'm somewhat surprised. I knew I had some notoriety, but still..

Anyway, he responded (very politely I might add) and referred me to this link:


If any of y'all wanna help me respond, well I'm all ears.
The thing that's most striking about the poster - beside it being passed around in Dallas in 1963 - is that it is literally accusing him of treason, and thus arguing he is a domestic threat. It is a clear declaration that the US president is an enemy of state and must be dealt with; Something must be done. And we're seeing the same type of language being used against Obama, as it was against Clinton. Sure there were similar charges against Bush, but not to the level we're seeing now, or saw in the 90s.

If this was regulated to the crazies on the far right I wouldn't really be concerned. But mainstream republicans give this stuff credence every single day by arguing there is something so radical and different about Obama that he is a huge threat to America, sympathizes with our enemies, etc; they are clearly sending the message that Obama is a domestic threat. When you consider how far right wing organizations attempt to recruit former military folks, this type of shit becomes even more odious

If Obama wins big, as polls show (right now), I think it's clear the far right will go even more insane than they have over the last few years. Anyone who payed attention in October 08 knew McCain was going to lose. This time the far right has created their own polling reality to ensure people truly believe Obama has no chance of winning. We're going to see some crazy shit, bros

I just hope it doesn't lead to more idiot buying and price gouging on firearms, ammo, and components. I think/hope they all learned there lesson last time after paying stupid prices and not being able to recover the cost. That said I have seen some stupidity about impending martial law to prevent an election and such on nut sites, but I kind of think it always occurs.

Huh? This wasn't in the heat of the moment with his mind clouded in anxiety over his wife as they made an emergency descent/landing, this was at a fundraiser 36 hours later with his wife in attendance.

Oh for some reason I had recalled it being reported as being said fairly soon after it occurred. No one vetted the speech or was it an off the cuff remark?


How does someone who flies all the damn time, someone who has three college degrees, someone aspiring to be the president of the united states, and the commander of the air force, not grasp a simple concept like air pressure?

He is an idiot.

Republicans aren't very good at science. Some of them probably think that rushing, whooshing feeling through their hair and clothes when outside on a windy day is a pack of Jesus angels flying around them.
I just hope it doesn't lead to more idiot buying and price gouging on firearms, ammo, and components. I think/hope they all learned there lesson last time after paying stupid prices and not being able to recover the cost. That said I have seen some stupidity about impending martial law to prevent an election and such on nut sites, but I kind of think it always occurs.ng said fairly soon after it occurred. No one vetted the speech or was it an off the cuff remark?

You know it WILL happen. If there is something you want to buy before the end of the year, you might want to pick it up now instead of in November/December.

Then again, I bet the gun shops are going to be stocking up so they don't miss out on potential sales by not having stock on hand. So perhaps they'll be ready for the increased business.


No, it isn't -- it does nothing of the sort. Once again, your positions are not as self-evident as you seem to think. If you wish to completely dismantle the idea that his positions are sane, you must explain why the idea that a gun's sole purpose is not to cause "devastating harm" is fundamentally insane.

well, gee, I would think that's about as self-evident as a statement you can get. But since you disagree I draw to your attention my (and others') responses in the original thread:

A gun's sole purpose is not cause devasting harm anymore than a car or kitchen knife.

rofl. Now I've seen it all. Is that why we equip the army with guns instead of a carving knife? Is that why natives with "lethal" spears and arrows got slaughtered by guns? A gun is designed to kill. It is its sole purpose. It is far more lethally proficient than a knife or car. The only things above it are bombs, shells, and other heavy ordnance.

Manos I know even you know this is a ridiculous sentence. Knife's and cars have sole purposes that aren't meant to kill other people. Guns were designed to kill people and are still primarily used for that purpose and you know it. There's no debate about it. You would be just better off saying you still think Americans should have the 'freedom' to have them. It's not a convincing argument since it seems that freedom continues to be to a detriment to other people but it's still a lot better than guns = cars.

Come on, dude, you can't be this obtuse. Cars are intended for transportation, kitchen knives for the preparation of food; both can be turned to devastating ends, either deliberately or by accident, but it is not the purpose of a car or kitchen knife to cause harm.

A gun is intended and designed to fire a projectile with high velocity and accuracy at a given target. Whether that target is a deer, a glass bottle, or another human, the end result is intentional, devastating harm to that target.

Only in recreational contest (e.g. shooting at the Olympics) is the intention anything other than causing harm to the thing aimed at. Such recreational contest uses air rifles, and is far down the list of what guns are most commonly used for.

Its really disturbing you think gun control saves lives.

Not half as disturbing or inane as:

A gun's sole purpose is not cause devasting harm anymore than a car or kitchen knife.

That statement and your post history leads me to believe that you're just trolling these people.

This is the most bizarre sentence I've read in a while. What?

I'll think of that next time I'm driving my gun to work or shooting my steak into easy-fry strips.

Okay buddy. Guns are by definition designed to do intense irreparable damage to something.
That something could be human beings, animals or paper targets. Doesn't change it's purpose.

Its sole purpose is to kill or destroy something. The fact that it is used for non-lethal purposes doesn't change that fact.

ad infinitum.

As I said you can read how it all plays out in the thread link and feel free to bump it if you wish to resurrect the debate.


What do you guys think are the odds Obama surges even higher and actually takes Missouri? I ask this because I bought some Obama-takes-MO shares a while ago on Intrade for less than $2. The idea was always to sell them after the conventions or maybe the debates, as I figured Obama's standings would improve there, but not enough for him to actually win.

They're now up to $2.50, which isn't that interesting so I'm thinking of waiting until the debates at least. But I doubt Team Obama will actually start spending time or money there when, if MO comes into play, it'll be because the election is a lock anyway and Team O will probably concentrate on completely locking down Ohio, Florida et al. Still, if Obama trounces Romney in the debates, there's an outside chance that MO will go blue (in which case the shares will be worth $10 each)... right?

Or am I dreaming and should I dump 'em while I'm still slightly up?
What do you guys think are the odds Obama surges even higher and actually takes Missouri? I ask this because I bought some Obama-takes-MO shares a while ago on Intrade for less than $2. The idea was always to sell them after the conventions or maybe the debates, as I figured Obama's standings would improve there, but not enough for him to actually win.

They're now up to $2.50, which isn't that interesting so I'm thinking of waiting until the debates at least. But I doubt Team Obama will actually start spending time or money there when, if MO comes into play, it'll be because the election is a lock anyway and Team O will probably concentrate on completely locking down Ohio, Florida et al. Still, if Obama trounces Romney in the debates, there's an outside chance that MO will go blue (in which case the shares will be worth $10 each)... right?

Or am I dreaming and should I dump 'em while I'm still slightly up?

Obama isn't winning Missouri


Well, this was kind of unexpected. So I made this post yesterday, right.

It turns out, to my shock, the person who that was directed to, Kevin Williamson of the National Review, actually responded to me this morning!

What the fuck? :lol

I didn't contact him in any way, so I'm somewhat surprised. I knew I had some notoriety, but still..

Anyway, he responded (very politely I might add) and referred me to this link:


If any of y'all wanna help me respond, well I'm all ears.

I need to read through this, but I would note quickly that a commonly cited poll (here among others: http://www.nationaljournal.com/then...es-hispanics-identify-as-lower-class-20120911 ) shows, in fact, that Hispanics and African-Americans (which are obviously Democratic strongholds) believe far more than whites that their children will do better than they did -- so it seems difficult to correlate their general optimism about the future with their tendency to vote Democratic, unless you want to split hairs about believing your life will improve versus believing your children's will (which seems to me to be an argument fraught with peril in any case).

Also, man, I didn't know RIFSnobs was you.
I know I missed some discussion about NC and how the polls are showing no indication of a winner, but I would like to say one thing: Obama's campaign is out in full force. It seems like SOFA is here on campus every day registering voters.
Well, this was kind of unexpected. So I made this post yesterday, right.

It turns out, to my shock, the person who that was directed to, Kevin Williamson of the National Review, actually responded to me this morning!

What the fuck? :lol

I didn't contact him in any way, so I'm somewhat surprised. I knew I had some notoriety, but still..

Anyway, he responded (very politely I might add) and referred me to this link:


If any of y'all wanna help me respond, well I'm all ears.

I think he does a clever job of word-smithing to change something that is negative to a positive. He uses the phrase "a very strong aspirational aspect". Another way to look at is "a very strong delusional aspect".

Most people just are not going to become multi-millionaires. That is just a fact. If everyone was rich then who would pick up the garbage, clean toilets, wait tables, etc. It is the old bit about the GOP is the party for the rich and the "soon to be rich". Of course most of that soon to be rich never really does become rich. So the GOP relies on people being delusional and voting against their own interests. So if you are middle class and delusionally think you'll be rich soon then it is great that Mitt pays a 13.9% tax rate because you will too (real soon now!). But if you are middle class and know you'll remain middle class . . . well Mitt should at least pay the same rate as everyone else if not higher.
You know it WILL happen. If there is something you want to buy before the end of the year, you might want to pick it up now instead of in November/December.

Then again, I bet the gun shops are going to be stocking up so they don't miss out on potential sales by not having stock on hand. So perhaps they'll be ready for the increased business.

I know I know

I'm not stocking up as much as just buying a decent amount reloading components (not even that much in the grand scheme of things). I only have two rifles (Tikka T3 Bolt Action and an M1 Garand) in 30-06 and a Ruger 10/22 so luckily I don't need 5 different calibers. Luckily I can get ammo via the CMP, which do to the requirements most people are too lazy to do, which should prevent a rush. Luckily a lot of Korean surplus 30-06 is floating around too and PPU is putting out their own loads developed with Garand in mind.

Now if I get a new handgun or something like that or something chambered in 223/556 (though luckily I have a lot of saved brass from when I used to have an AR0...oh man that will suck even getting components...and that's hoping people just don't buy crap to buy it.

Funny enough though at the moment it really hasn't materialized. But post election day will be the time to really watch.

well, gee, I would think that's about as self-evident as a statement you can get. But since you disagree I draw to your attention my (and others') responses in the original thread:

ad infinitum.

As I said you can read how it all plays out in the thread link and feel free to bump it if you wish to resurrect the debate.

Wow, you really like to spend a lot of your free time dedicated to reading my writings and thoughts.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Yeah, no. Here, I've transcribed the conversation.

At no point does she state she's only registering Republicans, despite what the woman filming it accuses her of. She also pretty fucking clearly does not actually work for the county clerk's office, she has absolutely no idea who's paying her. Where do you live that the county clerk's office fields people to hang outside grocery stores to register people?

This is just some girl who probably answered an ad promising to pay $10/hr for registering people to vote/sign a petition (They're frequently the same outfits, since your petition signature is only valid if you're a registered voter, hence the petition people will always have voter registration forms), and only gets paid for Republican registrations, hence she says she's trying to register Republicans. She's just some anonymous cog of what passes for the GOP ground game who probably didn't have a firm grasp on the rules and got flustered when pressed for details.

Dude, she said she was there in support of Romney, her demeanor and tone completely changed after the lady stated that she cannot just register one party. Notice how she stated she is not jut registering democrats After beig confronted about it. You cannot just pot a transcript because it does not show the physical reaction and change in tone. Don't be daft, it's obvious what was happening there.

I have no idea if she works for the county clerk or not, but she stated that she does, so I don't know.


I'm not stocking up as much as just buying a decent amount reloading components (not even that much in the grand scheme of things). I only have two rifles (Tikka T3 Bolt Action and an M1 Garand) in 30-06 and a Ruger 10/22 so luckily I don't need 5 different calibers. Luckily I can get ammo via the CMP, which do to the requirements most people are too lazy to do, which should prevent a rush. Luckily a lot of Korean surplus 30-06 is floating around too and PPU is putting out their own loads developed with Garand in mind.

Now if I get a new handgun or something like that or something chambered in 223/556 (though luckily I have a lot of saved brass from when I used to have an AR0...oh man that will suck even getting components...and that's hoping people just don't buy crap to buy it.

This article is really pernicious.


What's the deal with Forbes?
Seriously thats a terrible article. Everyone was against the medigap changes because it pushed significant costs onto seniors.
The savings would have come from discouraging seniors from going to the doctors office because it would cost them more money.
Well, I'm happy that the situation differs from the one painted by Forbes. It's just that it's an article on Forbes and if you don't look at the actual source/writer etc, you would think that it was at least somewhat trustworthy. The way the article describes the situation, anyone who hasn't read more about the subject (like me) would think that this was a pretty bad deal. I always wonder how much these types of articles affect actual independents/undecideds, because it paints a rather evil picture of the AARP and Obamacare.
Just to break up from the discussion, I found this image incredibly badass
Badass, but unfortunately the Reagan one is more badass.

Mike M

Nick N
Dude, she said she was there in support of Romney, her demeanor and tone completely changed after the lady stated that she cannot just register one party. Notice how she stated she is not jut registering democrats After beig confronted about it. You cannot just pot a transcript because it does not show the physical reaction and change in tone. Don't be daft, it's obvious what was happening there.

You're assuming facts not in evidence. It is not at all obvious that she was refusing to register Democrats, only that she was trying to register Republicans. These are not mutually exclusive activities.

I have no idea if she works for the county clerk or not, but she stated that she does, so I don't know.
LOL, she didn't even know herself.
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