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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Though Ryan had already decided to distance himself from the floundering Romney campaign, he now feels totally uninhibited. Reportedly, he has been marching around his campaign bus, saying things like, “If Stench calls, take a message” and “Tell Stench I’m having finger sandwiches with Peggy Noonan and will text him later.”

Even before the stench article appeared, there was a strong sign that Ryan was freeing himself from the grips of the Romney campaign. It began after his disastrous appearance on Friday before AARP in New Orleans. Ryan delivered his remarks in the style dictated by his Romney handlers: Stand behind the lectern, read the speech as written and don’t stray from the script.

Ryan brought his 78-year-old mother with him and introduced her to the audience, which is usually a sure crowd pleaser.

But when Ryan began talking about repealing “Obamacare” because he said it would harm seniors, one woman in the crowd shouted, “Lie!” Another shouted “Liar!” and the crowd booed Ryan lustily.

Who boos a guy in front of his 78-year-old mother? Other 78-year-old mothers.

That was Friday, and that was the end of Ryan following the game plan. At a certain point, all running mates on failing campaigns feel they must break free from the manacles placed on them by the top of the ticket. Sarah Palin began pursuing her own path once she learned that John McCain was having strategy sessions with his morning bowl of Farina.

Dan Senor, one of Romney’s closest advisers, has kept a tight grip on Ryan, traveling with him everywhere and making sure he hews to the directions of the Romney “brain trust” in Boston. (A brain trust, rumor has it, that refers to Ryan as “Gilligan.”)

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0912/81618.html#ixzz27WBeujUD

AHAHAHAHAHA. More article at link above.

The Romney campaign was furious. But Ryan reportedly said, “Let Ryan be Ryan and let the Stench be the Stench.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0912/81618_Page2.html#ixzz27WCGbiXT

I'm dyin' here.


i like how the current punditry spin is that Obama is clearly worried Romney is going to win the debates because Romney has been prepping for months with the DANGEROUS Tim Pawlenty, and that he has already begun the downplaying expectations game because he knows it

"He did win 16 out of 18 debates, after all"

I mean, the debates here are going to be far more interesting than debates have been for quite some time for the simple fact that Romney has deliberately avoided giving anything even remotely related to real details regarding any of his plans, and I cannot imagine Obama is going to actually let him actively get away with it in prime time. Romney has so far flipped the script on his health insurance ideology at least a dozen times so far this political cycle... and that is only one issue out of... every issue he has even talked about ever.
WasPo has Obama up 4 in Florida and 8 in Ohio. Gallup up to +3 and Ras even +1.


PPP up 9 for Obama in Nevada.

This is the last week before the debate Romney can turn things around. Obama can effectively end the election at the 1st debate. If it goes well, the money will dry up for Mittens in a hot minute.

edit: Obama + 15 in florida in handling the future of medicare. LOL

Anyone who thinks this election isn't pretty much over is deluding themselves for the sake of being contrarian.


AHAHAHAHAHA. More article at link above.

Though Ryan had already decided to distance himself from the floundering Romney campaign, he now feels totally uninhibited. Reportedly, he has been marching around his campaign bus, saying things like, “If Stench calls, take a message” and “Tell Stench I’m having finger sandwiches with Peggy Noonan and will text him later.”



I'm dyin' here.

That's gotta be made up. It's like a bad Onion article.


Junior Member
All I care about is the day after the election and watching the conservative media have a collective meltdown.

BTW, it's time to move Ohio out of toss up category. Romney never had a chance here.
If you're going to give up monetary sovereignty, then it is my opinion that you NEED a united governing mechanism (federalism) to make it work. If not you get a huge crisis like what's going on now.

I agree with this. But should they have started going in the federalist direction in the first place by giving up their sovereignty? It would not be impossible to make the argument that Europe would have been better off today if we hadn't tried out the joint currency thing.

On the other hand, thinking about what-ifs and could-have-beens isn't going to help us in the present situation. I guess we now have to choose between going into a full-blown federation down the line or scaling back the Euro, leading to economic and social upheaval. I guess the rational thing to do, in this situation that we now have gotten ourself into, would be going towards federalism. But somehow, that doesn't sit right with me, and a lot of other Swedes, especially as we rejected the Euro in the first place. But when the rest of Europe moves towards federalism, we would be swept up as well, sooner or later. But it would almost certainly be against our own interest.

I really am conflicted about this. I guess I really am a hypocrite. I'm going to be lynching garden furniture 50 years from now, aren't I? :(

I would like to add that putting Greece at the mercy of crippling austerity reforms which just further exacerbates unemployment in that country also isn't the answer!

For the record, I agree with this too!
It's the principle of her getting taxpayer/my money to enable her crazy.

Just think of it as her and her crazy supporters taxes. Your taxes are the taxes that pay for... ummm... buying guns for the military which supports gun manufacturers and brings economies of scale in for you to buy your guns cheaper?

My point is that crazy people pay taxes too, they should get somthing out of it!
All I care about is the day after the election and watching the conservative media have a collective meltdown.

BTW, it's time to move Ohio out of toss up category. Romney never had a chance here.

Lead on Hannity on 11/7

Did the Liberal Media Bias reporting of over-sampled Democrat polls cause deflated GOP voters to stay home and hand the election to Obama?

2nd Headline: Now that Obama won reelection with the dirtiest campaign in history, should the GOP use dirty tactics in the future?
My god at that politico Article. As much as I hate politico, I don't think Ive seen any campaign bickering that delicious since 2008.

Ryan calls Romney, "The Stench?" My god. it's just amazing.
If you're going to give up monetary sovereignty, then it is my opinion that you NEED a united governing mechanism (federalism) to make it work. If not you get a huge crisis like what's going on now.
Yeah, it is strange. In retrospect, you wonder why people didn't see it coming. It reminds me of the deregulation of the California electricity market. It was completely brain-dead in that it kept rate-payer fees regulated by allowed the generation prices to float. You can't allow one end to float while the other is constrained . . . that is a recipe for disaster.

I think the rich and poor countries in Europe aren't much more unequal than the rich and poor states here, but it works here because we have a government that puts money where it's needed. If not then Mississippi or whatever would be like Greece.
Also, people are more freely able to move around with a common language and most laws being largely the same from state to state.


This is interesting:

PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
And I think those undecided Republicans are ultimately going to decide they dislike McCaskill more than Akin

13m PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
Our 2 polls since the Akin comments both found a 1 pt race with the vast majority of undecideds GOP leaning...

15m PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
If I did Intrade I'd put some money on Akin, I think he has a very decent chance of winning
Just think of it as her and her crazy supporters taxes. Your taxes are the taxes that pay for... ummm... buying guns for the military which supports gun manufacturers and brings economies of scale in for you to buy your guns cheaper?
LOL. I used to joke that maybe my taxes went to blowing something...so paying my taxes is more tolerable.

My point is that crazy people pay taxes too, they should get somthing out of it!
I'd rather have them fund scientifc related matters. lol

LOL @ this article. They start by saying "only if you include payroll" and by the same stroke count capital gains as federal income taxes.

Romney income tax rate was under 1%, jackasses.

Interesting, but PPP hasn't shown any movement in this race, which is weird.

There's a chance that PPP overestimate the republican weight in their polling since many turned off by akin's comments are normally GOP alligned but now won't be (and usually would not be a swing voter).

Who knows, it is MIssouri.



The Obama ad is pretty sharp. The ending phrase of "Instead of attacking folks who work for a living..." is just brutal to Romney. It paints him as sitting back and soaking up returns while not working and enjoying low rates, while complaining about everyone else's low tax rates.

Which is pretty much what he's doing. Yeowch.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Pretty naive argument. People view strikes differently: one by refs against the "greedy" multi-billion dollar (private) business NFL may be met with support, but one by teachers against schools/state tax payer money? A problem. This same argument was raised last year during the NFL player strike and it had no impact on anything - not general views on unions or the Wisconsin recall.

It wasn't a strike. It was a lock-out. I think it's very important to get this wording correct, because words matter! And you don't want people thinking that only employees strike, when the fact is sometimes corporations "LOCK" their employees out from working.

There's a clear and big difference between the two and people need to know this.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Leave my little S.E. alone, you bullies! :mad:

She can be as vapid as she likes. <3

Btw, what was all this hoopla about more of Romney's taxes being leaked?


Wait, I'm confused. Is Ryan actually calling Romney "the stench," or is that just a running joke from the writer?

I agree with this. But should they have started going in the federalist direction in the first place by giving up their sovereignty? It would not be impossible to make the argument that Europe would have been better off today if we hadn't tried out the joint currency thing.

On the other hand, thinking about what-ifs and could-have-beens isn't going to help us in the present situation. I guess we now have to choose between going into a full-blown federation down the line or scaling back the Euro, leading to economic and social upheaval. I guess the rational thing to do, in this situation that we now have gotten ourself into, would be going towards federalism. But somehow, that doesn't sit right with me, and a lot of other Swedes, especially as we rejected the Euro in the first place. But when the rest of Europe moves towards federalism, we would be swept up as well, sooner or later. But it would almost certainly be against our own interest.

I really am conflicted about this. I guess I really am a hypocrite. I'm going to be lynching garden furniture 50 years from now, aren't I? :(

Yes they should have started going in a federalist direction in the first place, and yes you probably would be better off without the currency thing right now.

Personally I think you have two choices. Federalist system with a heavy European Union government, or split up again. In the long run I'm inclined to say a heavy federalist union would be best, but I suppose I don't really know. Yes it means that your governance is a bit further away and perhaps out of touch, but on the other hand it tends to spread risk, since you're all tied together so heavily. Not to pick on Mississippi in all my examples, but the US couldn't just let them sink at any point. They're a part of us, and as such we help them out. I suppose it sucks if you're the California of the system or something, but if they were to collapse or something we'd be there to help out (or we should be anyway), too. And the rest of the country benefits from federal programs and the ability to freely move about and live wherever.

I'm not sure that makes you a hypocrite. There's merit in not wanting your governance to be coming from way too far away. You have to craft a system that works both ways and helps everyone's needs. And it's still right to pick on the Republicans and their states rights stances since they tend to pull out that card in only the most alarming and appalling of instances.

Yeah, it is strange. In retrospect, you wonder why people didn't see it coming. It reminds me of the deregulation of the California electricity market. It was completely brain-dead in that it kept rate-payer fees regulated by allowed the generation prices to float. You can't allow one end to float while the other is constrained . . . that is a recipe for disaster.

Didn't MMTers predict it?
I was having fun with 270towin just now and I noticed something: if Obama somehow won every state that was in Union territory in 1861, plus VA and HI, and Romney wins every other state officially in the Confederacy plus OK, NM, AZ and AK, the EV result is... precisely Obama's 2008 result.

Seen here.
I was having fun with 270towin just now and I noticed something: if Obama somehow won every state that was in Union territory in 1861, plus VA and HI, and Romney wins every other state officially in the Confederacy plus OK, NM, AZ and AK, the EV result is... precisely Obama's 2008 result.

Seen here.



Lmao Fox running a segment on why the polls are wrong

Now a segment on Reid calling out Romney which somehow ends with Rev Wright video. wow. They are getting frantic at Fox


Lmao Fox running a segment on why the polls are wrong

Now a segment on Reid calling out Romney which somehow ends with Rev Wright video. wow. They are getting frantic at Fox

It was funny when they down played their own Network poll like it really doesn't mean anything.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I'm not sure why Fox News even releases those pro-Obama polls. I mean, they've done and continue to do much, much, much worse.

Yeah, I keep wondering that myself. Don't they have any quality control people to filter this shit?


Lmao Fox running a segment on why the polls are wrong

Now a segment on Reid calling out Romney which somehow ends with Rev Wright video. wow. They are getting frantic at Fox

Reminds me of this, from the 2008 race. Drudge was simply losing it at this point.


I found it in my Photobucket account, but I recall snagging it around this time in the last cycle, though I think it was during the debates so that would have put it in October.

Poll denialism didn't work out too well last time, either.
Vandalia, Ohio (CNN) – Mitt Romney defended his campaign’s television ads Tuesday, saying they’ve been “absolutely spot on,” including ads deemed false by independent fact checkers.

“Anytime there’s been anything that’s amiss we correct it or remove it,” Romney told CNN.

Ads from Romney’s campaign have hammered President Barack Obama for supposedly “gutting welfare” by removing the work requirement from the federal assistance program.

An independent and non-partisan fact-checking organization, PolitiFact, rated the ad’s claim as “Pants on Fire.” CNN also rated the ad ‘false.” And the Obama campaign, the White House and former President Bill Clinton, who signed the original legislation into law, all attacked the Romney spot, saying the claims were false and misleading.

On Tuesday, Romney said those analyses were flawed.

“It has been shown time and again that the president’s effort to take work requirement out of welfare is a calculated move, the same thing that he did in regard to food stamps,” Romney said.

Pushed on the fact checks that claim Romney’s ads are false, the GOP nominee maintained that Obama’s administration was making a concerted move to remove work requirements from welfare.

“You look at the facts,” Romney said. “Did he take the work requirement out of welfare?”

The Obama administration directive, issued July 12, allows individual states to experiment with changes to their welfare-to-work programs, which are federally funded. The intent, according to the directive, is to “challenge states to engage in a new round of innovation that seeks to find more effective mechanisms for helping families succeed in employment.”

The welfare-to-work program affected by the directive – the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) – was created by the welfare reform law signed by Clinton in 1996. That measure was considered a win for conservatives, who long pushed for a provision that required work training for Americans receiving government assistance.

The Obama administration argues the potential changes would help people move quickly from welfare rolls to paying jobs by reducing burdensome requirements, including excessive paperwork.

Romney said Tuesday that argument was bogus.

“You always have the capacity to add work,” Romney said. “There’s never been a requirement that you can’t have more work. The requirement that they’re waiving was saying that people don’t have to work to get welfare. That’s the change that they proposed. I disagree with that direction.”

“Taking work requirements out of government assistance is a very bad course to take and creates a culture of dependency,” the Republican nominee concluded. “We help people who need help, we want to help people who need help, but the idea of removing work requirements I think is a mistake.”

In Tuesday’s interview, Romney also hammered Obama again for suggesting that recent events in the Middle East, including the killing of the American ambassador to Libya, were merely “bumps in the road.”

“I’m not sure what developments in the Middle East he would consider bumps in the road,” Romney said. “I consider the developments in the Middle East a very troubling course.”

The GOP candidate also said Obama’s wasn’t treating Iran “like the pariah that they are,” saying more could be done to prevent the nation from developing nuclear weapons.



Lmao Fox running a segment on why the polls are wrong

Now a segment on Reid calling out Romney which somehow ends with Rev Wright video. wow. They are getting frantic at Fox

It's one of the funniest/strangest things ever. Fox news runs surprisingly impartial polls, with cell phone dialing and everything. They totally contradict their own talking points half the time.
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