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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Reminds me of this, from the 2008 race. Drudge was simply losing it at this point.


I found it in my Photobucket account, but I recall snagging it around this time in the last cycle, though I think it was during the debates so that would have put it in October.

Poll denialism didn't work out too well last time, either.

God damn hilarious. You wouldn't mind if I snag and post that picture around, would you?


So, can anyone fill me in on today's happenings in the political world?

Obama gave some speech to the UN Right? I've been so swamped I haven't had a chance to check anything.


GAAAH! I'm starting to lose it. Every time they play that stupid anti-Baldwin commercial bashing her for voting for the medicare "cuts" and then seconds after saying something like "And can you believe she supported the wildly unpopular public option, too!" The stupidity is starting to hurt, and it's played over and over and over and over again.


Gore was leading Bush in September, Kerry led or tied Bush in September...

this is reminding me of NH era poligaf. Lots of hubris

Gore and Kerry were uninspiring politicians that even their own bases begrudgingly voted for. Also, the Republicans hadn't shattered the country's economy yet. I'm not saying that this is a done deal by any stretch, but Obama isn't Kerry or Gore, and the Republican party of 2012 doesn't have the same favor ability as the Republican party of 2000 and 2004


When was the last time we had a Presidential race where one candidate never led at any point whatsoever?

Gore and Kerry were uninspiring politicians that even their own bases begrudgingly voted for. Also, the Republicans hadn't shattered the country's economy yet. I'm not saying that this is a done deal by any stretch, but Obama isn't Kerry or Gore, and the Republican party of 2012 doesn't have the same favor ability as the Republican party of 2000 and 2004

If Obama is reelected and gets to preside over the inevitable recovery, he will be our Reagan. Republicans can look forward to us never shutting up about him for several decades.


If Obama is reelected and gets to preside over the inevitable recovery, he will be our Reagan. Republicans can look forward to us never shutting up about him for several decades.

So, we'll go so far left that we start to hold democrats to standards Obama himself wouldn't even be able to get through?

Sign me the fuck up!


I guarantee you the unfavorable rating of Romney isn't even close to the unfavorable rating of Dubya in 2000.

ya'll still responding seriously to PhoenixDark when he is playing this game of his? He is dragging you, man. Pulling your chain, tuggin' your dick, ticklin' your tummy, lickin' your face. He is educated enough to understand and know the fundamental difference between his examples and what is going on now; he is also around here long enough to know precisely how many people will fall into his same rhetorical traps time and time again. He's always wrappin' people up, I suspect partly because PoliGAF is so over-the-top left at this point that people are just lookin' for anyone contrarian to do battle with :p

He never seriously believed Romney was going to win, no matter how many times he repeats his so-called "prediction" which he now suggests coyly is 'looking grim.' Yet he still has a chance! There is always a chance! ;)

I'm going to be so glad when I can rub my dick in the face of my employee at work who has been going on and on about how I'm just mad that the law is going to expose how many ILLEGALS were allowing Democrats to win in this state. Then he'll prop on his Lou Barletta ballcap, adjust it comically, and say 'this is a man who understands the problems with illegals in this country. Been goin' on for years, you know. JFK won this way."

If we win this, I can be all 'man I'm so glad the illegals will be back in the mix, letting our presidents illegally capture the white house. I was nervous for a minute there.'

When was the last time we had a Presidential race where one candidate never led at any point whatsoever?

If Obama is reelected and gets to preside over the inevitable recovery, he will be our Reagan. Republicans can look forward to us never shutting up about him for several decades.

God let's hope he's not our Reagan, he's already center-right. That would be too much, ser. Too much.

I know what you meant :)
What was Huckabee's reason for not running again? woulda blown away Romney in the primaries.

Huckabee would get crushed by Obama. 57-43.

He could possibly beat Romney, but it would be a gamble on his part should he lose and then lose his fox news gig as a result.


So Mitt has shaken up the etch-a-sketch and is now admitting that Obama hasn't raised taxes in his first term.

lol, he can't keep track of his flip-flops.

Also, does anyone really think he can make headway by saying "hey, Obama hasn't raised taxes, but in the next 4 years he's gonna raise taxes on the wealthiest of Americans while we have a big budget deficit. VOTE FOR ME!"

This shit doesn't fly, Mitt. Most Americans by a substantial margin want to raise taxes on the wealthy. It's a losing argument.



So Mitt has shaken up the etch-a-sketch and is now admitting that Obama hasn't raised taxes in his first term.

no, Mitt Romney did not say that.*

just quote this post in two hours to prove I can predict the future when his campaign shoots a press release to the media suggesting that Romney totally believes Obama has raised taxes on everyone everywhere, except union members and illegal immigrants which he has personally opened the governments check book for and given them each $1000 in tax returns with a personalized note saying 'I love you, keep fighting for the socialist muslim kenyan brotherhood dream!'


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
yeah, typical turnaround romney-time is 4 to 6 hours. So it's still early depending on when the statement was made.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes


PD has a point though. Bush had a 5.6 pt lead at this point in 2004 and ended up winning by 1.5 pts cos Kerry destroyed him in the debates. Obama is only up 3.7 and even a little slip-up can erase that with 41 days to go

Sure, but this is assuming Romney's even capable of destroying anyone in a debate, and I've yet to see any evidence of that.


Sure, but this is assuming Romney's even capable of destroying anyone in a debate, and I've yet to see any evidence of that.

I think the Obama will do okay since Romney won't be allowed to lie with no challenge (at least I hope not). My point is that unforeseen events can still trip Obama up



Oh hey a correction from the Romney campaign:

“President Obama has raised taxes on millions of middle-class Americans during his first term in office,” spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg said in a statement. “Governor Romney was clearly communicating about an additional tax increase President Obama is proposing on American small businesses that will jeopardize over 700,000 jobs. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will stop the President’s tax increases, create 12 million new jobs, and turn our economy around.”

From that link you posted
Oh hey a correction from the Romney campaign:

From that link you posted

“I admit this, he has one thing he did not do in his first four years, he’s said he’s going to do in his next four years, which is to raise taxes,”

So, Obama didn't raise additional taxes but he did raise taxes? lol.

The camp has no idea how to deal with Mittens because he just says whatever feels right for that moment.
Sure, but this is assuming Romney's even capable of destroying anyone in a debate, and I've yet to see any evidence of that.
He was thrown off by Rick Perry.

Anyone who thinks Romney can turn this around in the debates is fooling themselves.

At best, he won't screw up enough to further crater his numbers. Knowing Romney he'll try to relate to black people by recounting a humorous anecdote about the help and tell every single mother they just need to find a man.
PD has a point though. Bush had a 5.6 pt lead at this point in 2004 and ended up 1.5 pts in the final polls cos Kerry destroyed him in the debates. Obama is only up 3.7 and even a little slip-up can erase that with 41 days to go



No, PD doesn't, because bush was an intellectual lightweight with TERRIBLE policies. Anyone who spends 5 minutes in poligaf could have dismantled Bush 04 in a debate.

Obama on the other hand has won debates against far stiffer competition. McCain and Hillary are both better campaigners and debaters than Romney...hell Obama took on the entire GOP house and made them look like fools.

Romney is not in this league. Can you see him winning against Hillary? Against every Dem in congress? It would be a bloodbath. The dude runs from any interview not conducted by FOX.

On top of that, the Romney gaffe parade ensures he'llbe on the defensive explaining what he meant in the leaked video or clarifying his comments during the Libyan crisis instead of attacking Obama. Im sorry but there's no way to win this unless Obama shows up high as a kite
Makes sense. A lot of progressives and liberals would also say the nation is headed on the wrong track (too much money in the political system, and civil liberties being thrown under the bus no matter who's in)

the ouch was more towards the 6 point deficit, heh.

Bloomberg poll now puts Obama at +4 on RCP. If you take out Ras, Obama is basically +5 nationally (which fits Nate's Now Cast, naturally).
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