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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Makes sense. A lot of progressives and liberals would also say the nation is headed on the wrong track (too much money in the political system, and civil liberties being thrown under the bus no matter who's in)

Yes. This shit drives me nuts. Say there are 10 people and they all want to go to different restaurants, one of them decides they are going to a spicy Indian place. Maybe three of those ten people want to go there but three people want mild Indian food and three other people want extra spicy Indian food. Saying that 60% of those people aren't happy with the restaurant means fucking nothing.

It's just like that media poll where it asked if people trust the media and 60% said "no". It's a combination of a million factors but, on its face, it's really that right-wingers have been taught by FXN to distrust regular news networks and left-wingers recognize that the most popular news network of them all is a right-wing propaganda channel. It doesn't tell you a fucking thing about why, it just says that people are grumpy about something.


For the record, wasn't that wrong track number something like 80% before Obama got elected?

Date: 12/5-8/08 Right Track: 26% Wrong Track: 60% Mixed:10% Unsure: 4%

11/1-2/08 Right Track: 11% Wrong Track: 76% Mixed: 10% Unsure: 3%

There was a 15% uptick in right track and 15% downtick on Wrong Track polling after Obama got elected. In Oct 2008 the Wrong track number peaked at 78%. It's now, according to WSJ Polls at 55%


Yes. This shit drives me nuts. Say there are 10 people and they all want to go to different restaurants, one of them decides they are going to a spicy Indian place. Maybe three of those ten people want to go there but three people want mild Indian food and three other people want extra spicy Indian food. Saying that 60% of those people aren't happy with the restaurant means fucking nothing.

It's just like that media poll where it asked if people trust the media and 60% said "no". It's a combination of a million factors but, on its face, it's really that right-wingers have been taught by FXN to distrust regular news networks and left-wingers recognize that the most popular news network of them all is a right-wing propaganda channel. It doesn't tell you a fucking thing about why, it just says that people are grumpy about something.

Sort of the same thing with Obamacare. Depending on the wording I could answer negatively about it (since I want single-payer), but that doesn't mean I'd like to just up and get rid of it.
Yes. This shit drives me nuts. Say there are 10 people and they all want to go to different restaurants, one of them decides they are going to a spicy Indian place. Maybe three of those ten people want to go there but three people want mild Indian food and three other people want extra spicy Indian food. Saying that 60% of those people aren't happy with the restaurant means fucking nothing.

It's just like that media poll where it asked if people trust the media and 60% said "no". It's a combination of a million factors but, on its face, it's really that right-wingers have been taught by FXN to distrust regular news networks and left-wingers recognize that the most popular news network of them all is a right-wing propaganda channel. It doesn't tell you a fucking thing about why, it just says that people are grumpy about something.

Yeah, I had a discussion about this with a Republican and how he was like "but most people say the country is heading in the wrong direction."

I told him they're right to an extent. The problem has been the Republicans in Congress putting politics over good policy. Just because people think the direction is wrong doesn't mean they think the Republicans offer the right direction or even the less wrong direction.



"We're fucked, aren't we."


PD has a point though. Bush had a 5.6 pt lead at this point in 2004 and ended up 1.5 pts in the final polls cos Kerry destroyed him in the debates. Obama is only up 3.7 and even a little slip-up can erase that with 41 days to go

Romney's almost certainly (nothing is certain this year) going to get a bump in the polls. But as Obama's crossed 50 in many swing states, it's not enough for Romney to get people to see him as Presidential. He must convince people who have already elected (heyo) to vote for Obama to change their minds. So far he's shown a singular inability to do so -- probably because he has yet to come up with any criticisms of Obama's Presidency that they believe.

And Obama's up more than 3.7. Even if Romney does pick up a full four points from the debate, you can knock that figure off of Obama's recent polls in all the swing states and he'll still win. Probably in a landslide.


I still hold my theory that the more people see Romney, the less they like him, as he comes-off as a sleazy, desperate, used-car salesman kind of guy. To see him in direct contrast with President Nice Guy next week is going to be dramatic.


I still hold my theory that the more people see Romney, the less they like him, as he comes-off as a sleazy, desperate, used-car salesman kind of guy. To see him in direct contrast with President Nice Guy next week is going to be dramatic.

oh hey, the first debate will be on my birthday. can't believe that's next week
i'll officially be in my late-20s :\


oh hey, the first debate will be on my birthday. can't believe that's next week
i'll officially be in my late-20s :
If it's any consolation, I found the late-20s/early-30s a good time in life.

And for a politics junkie, that's a pretty sweet birthday present!
I see this playing well for Thompson. He's committed and he expresses his values. People are really worried about the deficit and Obama has done nothing to deal with it in four years. They'll react well to...


I can't do it. How do you do it, PD?

Stop son...you'll hurt yourself. Leave PoliGaf trolling to the professionals like PD.


Isn't this Ryan's plan, anyway?

Yes, but people don't tend to actually like Ryan's plan when it's explained to them. A poll from Marquette came out earlier that hit upon this and said that Wisconsin does not support that plan. They want Medicare the way it is now. Also, it really doesn't help that Tommy explains it so sinister and uses the same charge the democrats have been trying to throw at the Republicans, that the plan would end Medicare.


The Republican party is in flames.

I seriously can't believe they're simultaneously running on "We need to end medicare, because it's going to be bankrupt anyway" and "The other guy took some money out of Medicare, vote for us!"

Even if you get more specific on the plans, it then comes down to "Fuck you (under 55), got mine (over 55)." It's insane.

Mike M

Nick N
Question for Mormon/Ex-Mormon PoliGAF: How is the Romney campaign viewed within the LDS church and community? I recall listening to some story on NPR ages ago that had a snippet of an interview with a Mormon Romney primary caucus supporter who mentioned that LDS viewed the founding fathers with religious reverence or something. Is the ascent of a Mormon president (well, maybe next time one runs, 'cause it sure as hell isn't happening this time) viewed as some degree of prophecy fulfillment?


Stewart had a great interview with the King of Jordan. Probably the best interview with a world leader we will see in the media during the UN meetings.

Hell just a great show overall.


I hope Obama deals the death blow to Romney in the debates. Well, that or Romney deals a death blow to Obama.

I just want to see one candidate get smashed into oblivion.
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