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Holy shit. lol both total assholes to boot
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let me be clear
make no mistake
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Quick somebody add the Unskewedpolls to the 538 polls and divide by two!
and then follow me on twitter
There is a story out there that one of the reasons the GOP is bailing on Mitts is not just because of the gaffs but because his team has been practicing and mock debating in preparation and that in those mock debates he's losing to the opponent.
I'll try to find the link but I'm drinking so if someone finds it first, great.
The plan, described by top aides and advisers in interviews this week, is an acknowledgment that Romney is in enough of a hole that he cannot depend on the presidential debates to turn his candidacy around. In fact, Romney, who recently did five mock debates in a 48-hour period to practice, has confided to advisers that it may be hard to win a debate because every attack against President Barack Obama will seem stale while the attacks on him will seem fresher and newsier to a hostile media.
The plan, described by top aides and advisers in interviews this week, is an acknowledgment that Romney is in enough of a hole that he cannot depend on the presidential debates to turn his candidacy around. In fact, Romney, who recently did five mock debates in a 48-hour period to practice, has confided to advisers that it may be hard to win a debate because every attack against President Barack Obama will seem stale while the attacks on him will seem fresher and newsier to a hostile media.
"We are going to look back at this as the week he got his act together, or the beginning of the end,” said a top Republican who works closely with the campaign.
De-unskewed Polls!Megaton: Everyone's just been misspelling the S and U letters in South Carolina. NC has actually been like a 10 point obama lead the whole time!
So, when the dems dominate the election this year....
What are the chances that the GOP starts a state-splitting campaign?
Split Texas, = 2 more GOP senators
etc etc
Democrats just make DC and Puerto Rico states and get 4 more Dem senators.So, when the dems dominate the election this year....
What are the chances that the GOP starts a state-splitting campaign?
Split Alaska in two = 2 more GOP senators.
Split Texas, = 2 more GOP senators
etc etc
I remember rather optimistically predicting that Obama would take South Carolina back in '08.Those data points would make SC the closest swing state this election!
Also, isn't it rather obvious that it's BigSicily running Unskewed Polls?
'newsier'? Yeah, he wants truthiness.In fact, Romney, who recently did five mock debates in a 48-hour period to practice, has confided to advisers that it may be hard to win a debate because every attack against President Barack Obama will seem stale while the attacks on him will seem fresher and newsier to a hostile media.
So, when the dems dominate the election this year....
What are the chances that the GOP starts a state-splitting campaign?
Split Alaska in two = 2 more GOP senators.
Split Texas, = 2 more GOP senators
etc etc
Are you predicting Obama will die in office or something?I'm sure succession talk would rear its head first.
So, when the dems dominate the election this year....
What are the chances that the GOP starts a state-splitting campaign?
Split Alaska in two = 2 more GOP senators.
Split Texas, = 2 more GOP senators
etc etc
'newsier'? Yeah, he wants truthiness.
hostile media? How long until Romney says "Lamestream media"?
Of old ageAre you predicting Obama will die in office or something?
Yeah . . . try that and California will split into at least 3 states.
Alaska? They barely have enough people for one state.
minus, you know, sound statistical analysis.
Unskewedpolls is the right's version of 538/Nate Silver. It was only a matter of time, to be honest.
Exactly. He doesn't even skew the polls back. The model figures out if a poll is right or left leaning and by how much on its own. He removes his own bias while trying to adjust for the bias of the pollsters through math rather than guessing.But Nate Silver doesn't change poll numbers. He aggregates them and then conducts statistical modeling. It's a complete disservice to Nate to even be compared in any way.
Maths have a leftist bias though.Exactly. He doesn't even skew the polls back. The model figures out if a poll is right or left leaning and by how much on its own. He removes his own bias while trying to adjust for the bias of the pollsters through math rather than guessing.
Are you predicting Obama will die in office or something?
Jesus.Holy fuck, right wing people are insane.
Check out this facebook page about free coffee.
Yeah, wait, what!?
Secession.Wait. What's it called when a State opts out of the US and becomes independent? Texas still has that ability in their state constitution or whatever right?
Maths have a leftist bias though.
Nate Silver seems to be a little salty that this unskewedpolls guy is surpassing him as the next celebrity pollster.
A 1-seat gain is highly implausible. The trajectory of Obama's victory points to a huge one, most likely either 332 EVs (wins every swing state but NC) or 347, and Democrats look likely to either keep their Senate majority or even expand it.haha really? I'd imagine he would find it laughable. I'm surprised he hasn't made a post addressing the conservative conspiracy theories on party ID biases
I'm more interested in whether the PEC model is right about dems having a 75% chance at winning the house, or whether The Monkey Cage is right that dems will gain 1 seat
I think we can all agree Nate's presidential polls will pretty much be right, so that's boring. This is the real nerd pollster battle
Texas may well have that right in their constitution, but let's see them carry it out. How would military troops and materiel be divided up? Do highways just default to the new country? What about other federal programs? Is there a plan in place for handover?
haha really? I'd imagine he would find it laughable. I'm surprised he hasn't made a post addressing the conservative conspiracy theories on party ID biases
I'm more interested in whether the PEC model is right about dems having a 75% chance at winning the house, or whether The Monkey Cage is right that dems will gain 1 seat
I think we can all agree Nate's presidential polls will pretty much be right, so that's boring. This is the real nerd pollster battle
Holy fuck, right wing people are insane.
Check out this facebook page about free coffee.
Yeah, wait, what!?
I'm inclined to go with Silver on that. Your link is pretty up-front about fitting to a small number of predetermined variables, when the much larger history of House polling (a whole bunch of elections every 2 years instead of 1 election every 4 years) means that something like what Silver's doing is likely to work better for the House than for the presidency, provided there's some minimal amount of polling data to work with.
Edit: My bad, I thought Silver was doing House stuff too. What's PEC?
His 2004 prediction is pretty tragic though...princeton election consortium. They were spot on in 08 and 2010.
wtf i don't even
His 2004 prediction is pretty tragic though...
ha never saw it.
Speaking of 04, remember that documentary that was done for the election? I remember watching it a few years's from the Kerry team's perspective mainly, and when it starts getting clear Kerry is going to lose things get crazy and the doc abruptly ends
Never saw. I do remember the documentary Pelosi's daughter made though about the 08 election, where she traveled to various states that surprisingly went for Obama, like North Carolina and Indiana, and some of the racist asshats there.ha never saw it.
Speaking of 04, remember that documentary that was done for the election? I remember watching it a few years's from the Kerry team's perspective mainly, and when it starts getting clear Kerry is going to lose things get crazy and the doc abruptly ends