Rocket Scientist
Things like this election show how education and succes don't mean that much really. Apparently you can be an idiot and still make millions of dollars. Makes me wish I was an idiot.
I know, just had to when I saw you put it that, fair point. I was just trying convey that the numbers are currently high even though that's probably not unusual for Florida.
The polls have pivoted quickly on the issue of Medicare.It's hard to believe Obama is leading in Florida anywhere between 3-8 points barely a month removed from the Republican convention.
I can see how Ohio is trending for Obama but does anyone here have theories on why Florida is beginning to trend hard for Obama? In early/mid August, most Seniors in Florida actually trusted Romney more to protect medicare than Obama. Did the Libya and 47% comments just completely turn off Floridians to Mittens?
But you need to be a wealthy idiot. Key point.Things like this election show how education and succes don't mean that much really. Apparently you can be an idiot and still make millions of dollars. Makes me wish I was an idiot.
I completely forgot about that. Makes the whole thing even sadder really.But you need to be a wealthy idiot. Key point.
I'm not sure I agree with either of these.He's a microcosm of the current state of the GOP. Completely out of touch with the median voter from within an isolated bubble.
Intelligence isn't the issue, it's perspective. I guarantee if you had a 1 on 1 meeting with him, you'd come away thinking he was highly intelligent (perhaps still a greedy fuck, but that is besides the point.
For those too lazy to read:
OH: 53 O, R 43
FL:O 53, R 44
PA: O 54, R 42
All likely voters.
This election was over before it started, look at the people who way at those FL numbers, no no no no no, and i love Qunnipiac polls.
Mittens isnt that terrible, just really bad.
I'm not sure I agree with either of these.
EDIT: Mamba, you of all people deserve better than a short reply.
1. I don't think he aligns with the GOP base and that's why he's suffering. Does he represent the GOP elite? Of course. The Tea Party types will ride Sarah Palin to 30%, working 24/7. Will they lift a finger for Romney's 44%? Maybe a few. They didn't turn out for McCain or Dole like both of those campaigns expected. Rove and Bush knew they needed to draw those people out. They've been skeptical of Romney for five years, this isn't going to change overnight, especially after the success they had in 2010.
2. I think Romney would tell me what I wanted to hear and one-on-one that's easy to make him look stupid. voters favor Romney, 52 percent to 46 percent, a significant increase for Obama from the previous poll, when he trailed by a 19-point margin among this bloc, 57 percent to 38 percent.
LMAO. I just saw a clip on Morning Joe of a crowd chanting "Ryan Ryan Ryan" and Romney tries to get them to change it to "Romney-Ryan". Wow. Just SAD
Cut your post, not necessarily replying, you know our Best-GAF.The bigger problem for McCain was not the base but rather the latino vote.
Things like this election show how education and succes don't mean that much really. Apparently you can be an idiot and still make millions of dollars. Makes me wish I was an idiot.
LMAO. I just saw a clip on Morning Joe of a crowd chanting "Ryan Ryan Ryan" and Romney tries to get them to change it to "Romney-Ryan". Wow. Just SAD
Let's work on maintaining the same message for an entire week first.
Oh I know he's educated in the traditional sense, don't worry. It still doesn't mean that he is actually an intelligent person though, as he has shown time and time again. A legitimately intelligent person would not be running this kind of campaign and would not have the record that he has. I don't believe that he is capable of displaying true intelligence or sophistication.Romney did his bachelors at BYU and got both his JD and his MBA from Harvard. He is in no way uneducated.
He's completely unrelated and is only running out of a sense of entitlement and the belief that his father was railroaded out of the race.
It was the same thing four years ago. The GOP base doesn't like McCain/Romney, they're in love with Palin/Ryan.
his dad couldn't have become president ever, right? because he was born in mexico?
palin/ryan 2016
they can run against hillary clinton/michelle obama
Oh I know he's educated in the traditional sense, don't worry. It still doesn't mean that he is actually an intelligent person though, as he has shown time and time again. A legitimately intelligent person would not be running this kind of campaign and would not have the record that he has. I don't believe that he is capable of displaying true intelligence or sophistication.
The definition of trolling is not "offering an argument I don't agree with."
I feel similarly. Democrats should definitely bring out the ''If he can't run a campaign, how is he going to run a country?'' ads if his campaign keeps imploding.People keep saying he was some incredible turn-around business leader. Judging by the way he's run his campaign, I really can't see how that is true. I suspect he somewhat fluked into his business success due to the opportunities that a rich and connected father gave him.
If his campaign keeps imploding the dems should refocus on more winnable senate races.I feel similarly. Democrats should definitely bring out the ''If he can't run a campaign, how is he going to run a country?'' ads if his campaign keeps imploding
Should've voted Alvin Greene!i too wish South Carolina was polled more, maybe some moderate voters from other states that moved to SC could swing the state in future elections a la NC?
That too, yes. I think there's limits on how you can use your funds though, but I'm not sure if that would pose a problem if it turns out Dem's want to focus on House seats more.If his campaign keeps imploding the dems should refocus on more winnable senate races.
Nope no trolling. You keep trying and failing miserably.
bwahahaha. no trolling there, amirite?
61% in our new ABC/Post poll hold an unfavorable view of how Romneys handling his campaign, up 12pts since July
Obama isn't a bad debater. (Although I expect Romney to hold his own in a head-to-head. They will most likely both do a decent enough job that the pundits will call it a tie.)
But if you think that Obama is the best debater in a generation, you need to take a step back and re-examine your devotion to this man. You are positively deluded.
More importantly, is there anywhere - aside from that Princeton Election Consortium page - that has some detailed info on the state of the House vote?
None of these people are good debaters, they aren't even debates, they're soundbite focused press conferences.
Kerry was a trained debater for all that got him.
If what Kerry got is a big bump, what is Obama enjoying?A big bump in the polls after he thrashed Bush?
In a debate format, Obama isn't as quick on his feet as say Clinton or Newt. Obama is more methodical, which means he rarely hits homeruns, but also it means he rarely makes any critical mistakes.
If what Kerry got is a big bump, what is Obama enjoying?
Reverse the party labels...Kerry was behind after the conventions and a summer of Swiftboat attacks, the debates helped him pull it even and turn it into an extremely close race. Kerry isn't really the best example to use here.