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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Multiple stories about Obama not preparing enough for the debate...I think Romney is going to pull a stunner and win decisively. Given Obama's slow, methodical style it's hard for him to land blows. That plus him being tired could lead to just the type of gaffe or angry/flustered moment that Romney needs

The media is waiting to jump on Obama btw. They'll blow even a minor loss out of proportion thus shaping opinions. I expect lots of reactions wondering why Obama wasted so much time on The View, hanging with Beyonce, etc


testicles on a cold fall morning
Poor Wall Street execs

INTRADE: Obama 3:1 (75 / 25) over Romney right now.


poor Intrade investors, you mean. they're going to lose more here than they did with the Facebook IPO.


If you are going to digress, at least explain your point. Are you suggesting Romney is going to do something similar?
Kerry was anti-Bush, Romney is anti-Obama. Their respective "stories" went nowhere.
Ryan is rather lukewarm compared to Palin. Palin should have run, this shit is boring. I mean really, aren't these guys basically Palin wannabes?
I imagine Ryan is what the Romney types thought would be a huge energizing the base. But nobody bought it.

Palin had other qualities.
Multiple stories about Obama not preparing enough for the debate...I think Romney is going to pull a stunner and win decisively. Given Obama's slow, methodical style it's hard for him to land blows. That plus him being tired could lead to just the type of gaffe or angry/flustered moment that Romney needs

The media is waiting to jump on Obama btw. They'll blow even a minor loss out of proportion thus shaping opinions. I expect lots of reactions wondering why Obama wasted so much time on The View, hanging with Beyonce, etc

Obama is such a master debater, he doesn't need to prepare. One criticism from the president and Romney will fall to the floor into the fetal position. Sucking his thumb.


Multiple stories about Obama not preparing enough for the debate...I think Romney is going to pull a stunner and win decisively. Given Obama's slow, methodical style it's hard for him to land blows. That plus him being tired could lead to just the type of gaffe or angry/flustered moment that Romney needs

The media is waiting to jump on Obama btw. They'll blow even a minor loss out of proportion thus shaping opinions. I expect lots of reactions wondering why Obama wasted so much time on The View, hanging with Beyonce, etc

It's decided then. Obama will win the debate.


Multiple stories about Obama not preparing enough for the debate...I think Romney is going to pull a stunner and win decisively. Given Obama's slow, methodical style it's hard for him to land blows. That plus him being tired could lead to just the type of gaffe or angry/flustered moment that Romney needs

The media is waiting to jump on Obama btw. They'll blow even a minor loss out of proportion thus shaping opinions. I expect lots of reactions wondering why Obama wasted so much time on The View, hanging with Beyonce, etc

Your nickname should be "all day, every day".


Obama isn't a bad debater. (Although I expect Romney to hold his own in a head-to-head. They will most likely both do a decent enough job that the pundits will call it a tie.)

But if you think that Obama is the best debater in a generation, you need to take a step back and re-examine your devotion to this man. You are positively deluded.

You're deluded, look at his debate record. Who beat him and when? Bobby Rush?

All Obama has to do is hold his own, and he wins, Romney needs a knockout to beat the champ, and it won't happen, and all the "ahh's" and "uumm's" won't make a bit of difference.

nvr 4get

Not to mention Paul Ryan's major motivating factor for his VP run is to redeem himself after getting sonned during the health care summit.

You say my "devotion" but it's just conviction based on Obama's debating record.


Won't stop picking the right nation
gotta waste money !

Romney is so far down now that I'm surprised he doesn't try to do something radical with the campaign money. Bill Simmons suggested paying NFL refs to end the labor dispute, but even something like donating to charity would probably have a more salient effect than useless political commercials.
Until Obama has multiple affairs, cynically becomes a lobbyist, become a conservative who does a commercial with the she devil democrat about climate change, becomes unable to remember three federal agencies he would cut, or just become completely unintelligible he is going to handily whip Romney's ass.

Romney has to be desperate with the polls the way they are, has a convoluted position history, and has made major mistakes in the past few weeks that led to regular news coverage.. this isn't a recipe for staying cool and drawing even.

Triple U

Multiple stories about Obama not preparing enough for the debate...I think Romney is going to pull a stunner and win decisively. Given Obama's slow, methodical style it's hard for him to land blows. That plus him being tired could lead to just the type of gaffe or angry/flustered moment that Romney needs

The media is waiting to jump on Obama btw. They'll blow even a minor loss out of proportion thus shaping opinions. I expect lots of reactions wondering why Obama wasted so much time on The View, hanging with Beyonce, etc

I've read this thread enough to know your schtick by now but this is still hilarious.

Since when does a "slow methodical style" equal "angry/glustered moment that Romney needs" .

You better hope Romney doesn't contradict himself like you do.


How did he prepare for this?

On Taxes:
1. Extend Require economic justification for tax changes
2. Child tax credits and marriage-penalty fixes
3. Extend the Bush tax cuts for lower incomes
4. Extend and index the 2007 Alternative Minimum Tax patch

Small Businesses Policy:
1. Create an Advanced Manufacturing Fund to invest in peer-reviewed manufacturing
2. Expand loan programs for small businesses
3. Raise the small business investment expensing limit to $250,000 through the
end of 2009

On Civil Rights/Social Policy:
1. Increase minority access to capital
2. Implement "Women Owned Business" contracting program
3. Reinstate executive order to hire an additional 100,000 federal employees with
disabilities within five years.
4. Grant Americans unrestricted rights to visit family and send money to Cuba
5. Promote cultural diplomacy
6. Appoint an American Indian policy adviser
7. Work to overturn Ledbetter vs. Goodyear
8. Increase the Veterans Administration budget to recruit and retain more mental
health professionals
9. Appoint a special adviser to the president on violence against women
10. Fully fund the Violence Against Women Act

For the Poor:
1. Expand the Nurse-Family Partnership to all low-income, first-time mothers
2. Give tax credits to those who need help to pay health premiums
3. Expand eligibility for Medicaid
4. Provide affordable, high-quality child care
5. Expand Pell grants for low-income students
6. Establish 'Promise Neighborhoods' for areas of concentrated poverty
7. Extend unemployment insurance benefits and temporarily suspend taxes on
these benefits

1. Change standards for determining broadband access
2. Support network neutrality on the Internet
3. Appoint the nation's first Chief Technology Officer

Consumer Protection:
1. Establish a credit card bill of rights
2. Create new financial regulations
3. Create new criminal penalties for mortgage fraud
4. Health Policy
5. Reverse restrictions on stem cell research
6. Close the "doughnut hole" in Medicare prescription drug plan
7. Require insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions
8. Expand the Senior Corps volunteer program
9. Require large employers to contribute to a national health plan
10. Require children to have health insurance coverage
11. Expand eligibility for State Children's Health Insurance Fund (SCHIP)
12. Require health plans to disclose how much of the premium goes to patient care
13. Establish an independent health institute to provide accurate and objective
14. In non-competitive markets, force insurers to pay out a reasonable share of
their premiums for patient care
15. Eliminate the higher subsidies to Medicare Advantage plans
16. Expand funding to train primary care providers and public health practitioners
17. Increase funding to expand community based prevention programs
18. Sign a "universal" health care bill

Veterans Affairs:
1. Fully fund the Veterans Administration
2. Assure that the Veterans Administration budget is prepared as 'must-pass'
3. Expand the Veterans Administration's number of "centers of excellence" in
specialty care
4. Create a military families advisory board

As Commander in Chief:
1. Direct military leaders to end war in Iraq
2. Begin removing combat brigades from Iraq
3. No permanent bases in Iraq
4. Send two additional brigades to Afghanistan
5. Strengthen and expand military exchange programs with other countries
6. Make greater investment in advanced military air technology
7. End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war

National Security and International Affairs:
1. Bolster the military's ability to speak different languages
2. Make U.S. military aid to Pakistan conditional on anti-terror efforts
3. Open "America Houses" in Islamic cities around the globe
4. Give a speech at a major Islamic forum in the first 100 days of his administration
5. Allocate Homeland Security funding according to risk
6. Create a real National Infrastructure Protection Plan
7. Increase funding for local emergency planning
8. Stop the development of new nuclear weapons
9. Seek verifiable reductions in nuclear stockpiles
10. Extend monitoring and verification provisions of the START I Treaty
11. Stand down nuclear forces to be reduced under the Moscow Treaty
12. Organize successful Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference in 2010
13. Appoint a White House Coordinator for Nuclear Security
14. Initiate a grant and training program for law enforcement to deter cyber crime
15. Improve relations with Turkey, and its relations with Iraqi Kurds
16. Launch an international Add Value to Agriculture Initiative (AVTA)
17. Create a rapid response fund for emerging democracies
18. Restore funding for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne/JAG) program

Energy Policy:
1. Establish an Energy Partnership for the Americas
2. Encourage farmers to use more renewable energy and be more energy efficient
3. Require 10 percent renewable energy by 2012
4. Release oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve
5. Raise fuel economy standards
6. Invest in all types of alternative energy
7. Enact tax credit for consumers for plug-in hybrid cars
8. Ask people and businesses to conserve electricity
9. Require more energy-efficient appliances
10. Create a 'Green Vet Initiative' to promote environmental jobs for veterans
11. Create job training programs for clean technologies
12. Require states to provide incentives for utilities to reduce energy consumption
13. Support high-speed rail
14. Support airline service in small towns
15. Invest in public transportation
16. Equalize tax breaks for driving and public transit
17. Consider "smart growth" in transportation funding
18. Will seek more accommodations of bicycles and pedestrians
19. Help states and localities address sprawl
20. Share enviromental technology with other countries
21. Double federal spending for research on clean fuels
22. Provide grants to encourage energy-efficient building codes
23. Increase funding for the Environmental Protection Agency

Transparency and Personal Promises:
1. Release presidential records
2. Require new hires to sign a form affirming their hiring was not due to political
affiliation or contributions.
3. Ban lobbyist gifts to executive employees
4. Create a national declassification center
5. Get his daughters a puppy
6. Appoint at least one Republican to the cabinet

1. Recruit math and science degree graduates to the teaching profession
2. Create an artist corps for schools
3. Increase funding for land-grant colleges
4. Champion the importance of arts education
5. Support increased funding for the NEA
6. Reduce subsidies to private student lenders and protect student borrowers
7. Provide grants to early-career researchers
8. Environment
9. Encourage water-conservation efforts in the West
10. Increase funding for national parks and forests
11. Increase funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund
12. Create a community college partnership program
13. Pursue a wildfire management plan
14. Remove more brush, small trees and vegetation that fuel wildfires
15. More controlled burns to reduce wildfires
16. Expand access to places to hunt and fish

LGBT Issues:
1. Push for enactment of Matthew Shepard Act, which expands hate crime law to
include sexual orientation and other factors
2. Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy

Urban Policy:
1. Restore funding to the EEOC and the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of
Federal Contract Compliance Programs
2. Reform mandatory minimum sentences
3. Create a White House Office on Urban Policy
4. Fully fund the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
5. Establish program to convert manufacturing centers into clean technology leaders
6. Establish special crime programs for the New Orleans area
6. Rebuild schools in New Orleans
7. Fund a major expansion of AmeriCorps
8. Create a Social Investment Fund Network

1. Add another Space Shuttle flight
2. Use the private sector to improve spaceflight
3. Work with international allies on space station
4. Partner to enhance the potential of the International Space Station
5. Use the International Space Station for fundamental biological and physical
6. Explore whether International Space Station can operate after 2016
7. Conduct robust research and development on future space missions
8. Increase spending to prepare for longer space missions
9. Work toward deploying a global climate change research and monitoring system

Science and Technology:
1. Enhance earth mapping
2. Appoint an assistant to the president for science and technology policy
3. Support commercial access to space
4. Establish school programs to highlight space and science achievements

Regarding Bin Laden:
this happened yesterday so i'm not sure if someone got around to posting it, but did anyone see karl rove on fox basically conceding ohio? he kept saying "there are 11 different paths to victory that don't involve ohio..."

pretty sure rove has a direct line to dick morris's maps...


In a debate format, Obama isn't as quick on his feet as say Clinton or Newt. Obama is more methodical, which means he rarely hits homeruns, but also it means he rarely makes any critical mistakes. He doesn't get flustered. If anything in the Dem primaries in '08, he got in trouble when he was a little too over confident (ie. "Hilary you're likable enough...").

In addition to that Romney isn't good at thinking on his feet. You would think he would be but he's shown he's not time and time again. He can deliver prepared attacks but you just have to push back at him. Which will happen since Obama will be able to directly question him to his face. He also will not speak in details at all. Obama's style easily allows him to get into specifics and when he does he knows what he's talking about on almost all subjects. I have never seen that from Romney. Going for the sound bite isn't going to work and I expect that's all Romney will attempt. Romney will get flustered when he's questioned. I just wonder how quickly it will happen.

All the debate prep in the world is meaningless if you can't think on your feet and react not quickly enough but well enough. We know Romney can react fast but he just makes himself look like an ass when he does. There is also the issue that Romney has likely been preparing to debate an Obama that simply does not exist which will put Romney in an even tougher spot.


Not sure why you guys keep posting that stuff, the unskewed polls clearly show Romney is winning in a landslide.

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain;
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood,
From sea to shining sea.


In addition to that Romney isn't good at thinking on his feet. You would think he would be

I mentioned 2004 above, but Obama basically has to show any kind of humanity and it's all irrelevant. I think Bush on the timber and nodding to Gore meant more than anything either ever said in any debate.

Not that the debates matter too much, they just reinforce things. Neither one will go after or "crush" the other in the "debates" because that's too much risk. Just spit out the 90 second talking points and try not to fuck up.

A grand democracy.
In addition to that Romney isn't good at thinking on his feet. You would think he would be but he's shown he's not time and time again. He can deliver prepared attacks but you just have to push back at him. Which will happen since Obama will be able to directly question him to his face. He also will not speak in details at all. Obama's style easily allows him to get into specifics and when he does he knows what he's talking about on almost all subjects. I have never seen that from Romney. Going for the sound bite isn't going to work and I expect that's all Romney will attempt. Romney will get flustered when he's questioned. I just wonder how quickly it will happen.

All the debate prep in the world is meaningless if you can't think on your feet and react not quickly enough but well enough. We know Romney can react fast but he just makes himself look like an ass when he does. There is also the issue that Romney has likely been preparing to debate an Obama that simply does not exist which will put Romney in an even tougher spot.

Obama still needs to get in proper debate prep. He hasn't done a proper debate in 4 years.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Those polls are a wonderful thing to wake up to. I've got the White House Honey Ale fermenting right now, and I'm going to make the Honey Porter this weekend. I can't wait to sit back and drink them on November 6th.
In addition to that Romney isn't good at thinking on his feet. You would think he would be but he's shown he's not time and time again. He can deliver prepared attacks but you just have to push back at him. Which will happen since Obama will be able to directly question him to his face. He also will not speak in details at all. Obama's style easily allows him to get into specifics and when he does he knows what he's talking about on almost all subjects. I have never seen that from Romney. Going for the sound bite isn't going to work and I expect that's all Romney will attempt. Romney will get flustered when he's questioned. I just wonder how quickly it will happen.

All the debate prep in the world is meaningless if you can't think on your feet and react not quickly enough but well enough. We know Romney can react fast but he just makes himself look like an ass when he does. There is also the issue that Romney has likely been preparing to debate an Obama that simply does not exist which will put Romney in an even tougher spot.

It's not that these two aren't quick on their feet. The problem lies in how cable news tries to hang on to the most harmless of remarks and twist it into something exciting. It forces politicians to become rigid. You can't expect a genuine conversation in this atmosphere when anything you say can become a national headline.

Those polls are a wonderful thing to wake up to. I've got the White House Honey Ale fermenting right now, and I'm going to make the Honey Porter this weekend. I can't wait to sit back and drink them on November 6th.

Nice. What honey did you end up using?


Nice, Captain.
It's not that these two aren't quick on their feet. The problem lies in how cable news tries to hang on to the most harmless of remarks and twist it into something exciting. It forces politicians to become rigid. You can't expect a genuine conversation in this atmosphere when anything you say can become a national headline.
It's not cable news. Why would the parties want to say anything ever?

What has Obama proposed to do in his second term?
What has Romney proposed to do in his first?


It's just about hating the other.


A review of political ad contracts with broadcast television stations in the top five media markets in Florida -- Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, Tampa and West Palm Beach -- and the top three markets in Ohio -- Cincinnati, Cleveland and Columbus -- show Obama's campaign running 10,000 more ads than Romney's campaign from the beginning of August through the middle of September."


Obama's not the best president, but probably the best campaigner in modern times. Virtually mistake-free, raises a shit-ton of money without a lot of effort, spends the money very wisely, has solid ads and great slogans/imaging.



Nates been letting the "keep it close" NYTimes get to him a bit lately. Gotta drive traffic to the website also! I dont know why he doesnt have the path to victory for Gary Johnson as well

Multiple stories about Obama not preparing enough for the debate...I think Romney is going to pull a stunner and win decisively. Given Obama's slow, methodical style it's hard for him to land blows. That plus him being tired could lead to just the type of gaffe or angry/flustered moment that Romney needs

The media is waiting to jump on Obama btw. They'll blow even a minor loss out of proportion thus shaping opinions. I expect lots of reactions wondering why Obama wasted so much time on The View, hanging with Beyonce, etc



I was curious the other day to see how NE politicians (excluding NY) fared in national elections in Ohio in recent times.

2004 - Kerry barely lost

1988 Dukakis lost by 11 points (!!)

1960 Kennedy lost by 6.5 points (surprising, a bit)

The Kerry loss of course was critical and some say it was even stolen, but it's interesting to me that the Dems were able to bring 500k more voters to the polls and still lost. But there was no real clear demographic edge Bush had to explain it. There were just enough people that had no interest in John Kerry to help Bush win.

It was one of the reasons why I predicted that Romney would fail in Ohio. The state seems to identify more with Southern politicians or Midwestern politicians than those stuffy north easterners.


The Romney prep debates and how he won them are so fake. He already prepped us saying everything the president will say will be a lie.

The upcoming debates will not ask any new invented questions that either candidate hasn't spoken about already. If Romney can't handle questions from reporters or common folk without gaffing, word-salading or just avoiding the specific question without falling back on "this president, blah, blah blah" then how will he handle the debates. I already see him pulling a Sarah Palin "I'm gonna answer the way I want to answer" bullshit.

He is educated but he is that typical old school salesman that comes in with charts and power-points and convinces you to invest in what he is selling. He throws so much shit at you and shows you the profit margin you have no choice but to invest. He is not used to being questioned or simply being told what to do or where to put it.
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