We know what county Gary Johnson might carry!
We know what county Gary Johnson might carry!
if you hate seat belt laws
Same answer, really. In both cases, these are New England states that existed before America, had constitutions before America, and established a strong tradition of adherence to certain values that hasn't really changed, even as their other values changed. I'm sure Pennsylvania has some weird political artifacts as well somewhere.
Vermont's largest city has 40,000 people. Hence very little crime and no push for gun control to stop that crime.
It's really quite a rural state.
PA has a large urban population. There's nothing like Philly or Pittsburgh in Vermont and there's no pressure to control urban crime through gun control.
I mean it's surrounded by 2 of the states with Assault Weapon Bans...than again PA is surrounded by 3. lol
@fivethirtyeight said:Once pollsters start to act like turnout is a matter of subjective opinion, the whole point of polling is defeated.
I trust pollsters more when they show an OCCASIONAL outlier. It shows you that they're not cheating.
What's turnout going to be like? WHY DON'T WE TAKE A PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY AND FIND OUT! Not up to the pollster to decide for the voters.
HH: But the question is, youre an academic. As a professional, at what point would you say that sample size, given what we know, is not legitimate? Is it 15%?
LM: Well, heres what you could do. You could go back and look at a 2004 exit poll, and look at 2008, and you could say oh, wow, look at 2004. That wasnt at all like 2008 in terms of the party spread. How could you be so wrong in 2008 than 2004? And the reason is that 2008 was different than 2004. 2012 will be different than 2008, and in fact, Obamas not doing as well right now in Ohio, as he did in 2008.
HH: Okay, last question, what percentage do you think Democrats will vote over Republicans in Ohio this year?
LM: Oh, probably about 8 percent, plus or minus three or four.
HH: So it could be four percent?
LM: And it could be twelve.
HH: Okay, I just think, Doc, thats just stretching it, but I look forward to having you back.
LM: Its not stretching. Thats statistics and mathematics. Im not making this stuff up.
More like Marxist Institute amirite?hugh hewitt gets into spat with director of polling at Marist institute over polling
So, Paul Krugman is saying the Politico story about Ryan calling Romney "the stench" is satire? Where is he getting this from. I was going to dismiss the story unless it's confirmed in tell-all accounts after the campaign, but I haven't seen any confirmation that it's satire.
I hope it is satire. People can be a bit too credulous with political gossip and this could teach caution.
Hey it seems it should be my dream to relocate there, too. Wanted to since they went on the path to single payer. My wife wants to go there, too, until I remind her it's more north than where we are in Wisconsin.That's true, it just seems odd, Vermont is such a strange outlier with guns though. Perhaps my dream should be to relocate to Vermont one day. lol Liberal values, lots of guns!
Hey it seems it should be my dream to relocate there, too. Wanted to since they went on the path to single payer. My wife wants to go there, too, until I remind her it's more north than where we are in Wisconsin.if we're going to move way out of state we want warm weather, but I don't want to live in a southern red state.
So, Paul Krugman is saying the Politico story about Ryan calling Romney "the stench" is satire? Where is he getting this from. I was going to dismiss the story unless it's confirmed in tell-all accounts after the campaign, but I haven't seen any confirmation that it's satire.
I hope it is satire. People can be a bit too credulous with political gossip and this could teach caution.
I'd just love rural qualities with liberal views.Hey it seems it should be my dream to relocate there, too. Wanted to since they went on the path to single payer. My wife wants to go there, too, until I remind her it's more north than where we are in Wisconsin.if we're going to move way out of state we want warm weather, but I don't want to live in a southern red state.
bwahahaha. no trolling there, amirite?
Wait, did I read that right? NH has no income taxes?New Hampshire state motto: LIVE FREE OR DIE
New England basically sorts itself. If you're a sleazy banker, Delaware; if you want a super nice house, Rhode Island; if you're Irish, Massachusetts; if you kind of wish you were Canadian, Vermont; if you hate seat belt laws, New Hampshire (the last state to mandate them). They have no income or sales tax. They were selected for the Free State Project. They've always had libertarian tendencies.
Yeah that's my wife, too. Liberal as hell, but still very southern (she grew up in Kentucky and Indiana). Personally I like rural, but I also love staying close enough to the city to be able to do shit. I also have to stay near a city since my career won't do well in the backwoods. Wife wants to be as far from civilization as possible, since she wants to raise chickens and have a huge garden, etc. so, we get to compromise ;pI'd just love rural qualities with liberal views.
Yeah that's my wife, too. Liberal as hell, but still very southern (she grew up in Kentucky and Indiana). Personally I like rural, but I also love staying close enough to the city to be able to do shit. I also have to stay near a city since my career won't do well in the backwoods. Wife wants to be as far from civilization as possible, since she wants to raise chickens and have a huge garden, etc. so, we get to compromise ;p
Wait, did I read that right? NH has no income taxes?
New England in general (outside the Boston area) have this libertarian (not libertopian mind you) side to their general liberalism.Wait, did I read that right? NH has no income taxes?
Washington State also have VERY liberal gun laws.Neither does WA (We've got sales tax though)
I can speak of Washington State -So how do those slightly libertarian states get their revenues? How much do they suck on the federal government teets?
ruh roh. Is this the first time ever where OH is a lean instead of toss-up, 40 days out?
Oh man. This is pretty good.motherofgod.gif
Its... Kosmo's facebook page.
Wow.Joey Scioli Sr. said:Barack Hussein Obama II (Barry Soetoro) Is A Back~Stabbing Lying~Ass Kenyan Born Piece Of Muslim Friggin SHIT...... I Pledge" RESISTANCE" To The Czar Of The Divided States Of America....And To The Communism For Which He Stands....One Man....Without GOD....Divisible....With Healthcare And Welfare For All!!!!!!!!!
Washington State also have VERY liberal gun laws.
I mean, it's a Stand Your Ground state where municipalities have very limited capacity to regulate firearms.
And that's a state that is poised to legalize gay marriage and pot this November.
It reads as very obvious satire, did someone actually take it seriously?
So, Paul Krugman is saying the Politico story about Ryan calling Romney "the stench" is satire? Where is he getting this from. I was going to dismiss the story unless it's confirmed in tell-all accounts after the campaign, but I haven't seen any confirmation that it's satire.
I hope it is satire. People can be a bit too credulous with political gossip and this could teach caution.
Oh man. This is pretty good.
If what Kerry got is a big bump, what is Obama enjoying?
I can speak of Washington State -
Sales tax, toll roads, licensing fee, property taxes.
It's fucking stupid and mostly regressive, but I would not lie, clicking "no state taxes" on my turbo tax is worth it all.
Cause fuck doing taxes.
They did try to pass a millionaire tax a couple of years ago (which is spearheaded by Bill Gates' father), but it was defeat, thanks to dickwads like Steve Ballmer.
Problem is he didn't pick a primary candidate unless I'm forgetting?I eagerly await Rush's mea culpa that he never believed in the Romney campaign and it was not a true representation of what conservatism is, ala Bush in 2006.
Rush Limbaugh is bitching something fierce about the new polls.
Shit is hilarious.
Problem is he didn't pick a primary candidate unless I'm forgetting?
Newt? Or was that only when he was one of the last?
Romney is not the perfect candidate. That does not matter, he said. Romney, the best thing he can do is remember this election isn't about him. He may as well be Elmer Fudd as far as we're concerned
He's just pissed. I expect we'll see every right wing nut try to dismiss the polls.
Literally EVERY poll would have to be wrong for these sample questions to be proven right - how likely is that? Not very likely at all. Even if exit polls show dems with a 4 point ID lead in November that'll be enough for Obama to win most states, including Ohio.
I think things will tighten up next month but come on, every poll can't possibly be wrong. That Hewitt interview does a great job of explaining why Ras polls look different: they rely mainly on robocalls to households, with no cellphone outreach. If you're only looking at Ras polls you're exposing yourself as a partisan
edit: final thing. If Obama is truly only losing the elderly vote by 5-10 points, and losing whites by 10-15 points, he's going to win big
edit: up 15% on Medicare in Florida? jesus
Its... Kosmo's facebook page.
Wait, what??
Is that real?
New Hampshire state motto: LIVE FREE OR DIE
New England basically sorts itself. If you're a sleazy banker, Delaware; if you want a super nice house, Rhode Island; if you're Irish, Massachusetts; if you kind of wish you were Canadian, Vermont; if you hate seat belt laws, New Hampshire (the last state to mandate them). They have no income or sales tax. They were selected for the Free State Project. They've always had libertarian tendencies.
Same answer, really. In both cases, these are New England states that existed before America, had constitutions before America, and established a strong tradition of adherence to certain values that hasn't really changed, even as their other values changed. I'm sure Pennsylvania has some weird political artifacts as well somewhere.
Yeah, if I know anything about Rush, he's careful like this. He doesn't go balls deep like Hannity.I guess you are right, I did a quick google search and came back with this recent 'endorsement':