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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Do you guys even know how to do a WHOIS search? Anybody who has, would know that Unskewedpolls.com is a much a right wing hack job as some of the left wing garbage out there:

Ah yes, who could forget all those batshit insane left wing sites being taken completely seriously by big, "serious" left leaning papers and blogs.
WESTERVILLE, Ohio -- In a line that event attendees found a bit puzzling, Mitt Romney warned a crowd of mostly middle-class onlookers on Wednesday not to expect too much tax relief under his administration.

"We have got to reform our tax system," Romney said at a morning event here. "Small businesses most typically pay taxes at the individual tax rate. And so our individual income taxes are the ones I want to reform. Make them simpler. I want to bring the rates down. By the way, don't be expecting a huge cut in taxes because I'm also going to lower deductions and exemptions. But by bringing rates down we will be able to let small businesses keep more of their money so they can hire more people."

The comments were either a flub on Romney's part or an admission that many of the deductions and exemptions that he will have to target in order to make his tax plan deficit neutral will end up affecting the middle class.

To date, Romney has said that he will only eliminate deductions and exemptions above a certain income level. He hasn't said what that income level would be. But when asked whether he would make $100,000 the cutoff, he said that he considered "middle income" to be "$200,000 to $250,000 and less." (One of the few Romney-backing studies has said that the only way his tax plan adds up is if he eliminates deductions and exemptions above that $100,000 income level).

Romney's comment on Wednesday left some in the crowd believing that their deductions and exemptions -- be they on home mortgage interest payments, charitable donations or employer-provided health insurance -- would be targeted if he became president. And it wasn't a top-income-bracket type of crowd. In 2009, the estimated median household income in Westerville was $76,154. Census data from 2011 shows that the mean household income in Franklin County, which contains part of Westerville, is $65,607. For Delaware County, which contains another part of Westerville, that number is $107,231.

"I'm curious what he meant by that," Westerville resident Phil Bentley said of Romney's comment. "I don't know if I have seen those details."

Still, Bentley said, he supported Romney's overall tax plan, which calls for a 20 tax cut across the board for all income brackets, and which Romney insists will remain deficit neutral In fact, none of the half-dozen attendees interviewed after the event expressed concern about the remarks, offering up lines of explanation that one wouldn't often expect at a Republican presidential candidate's rally.

"We need the taxes to stay the way they are because we have to get the debt down," said Margo Belkofer, of Powell, Ohio.

"He's not promoting a tax cut, he is preventing a tax increase," said Jim Bachelder, of Westerville.

Cynthia Beitman, of Westerville, said she was fine with Romney eliminating deductions and exemptions for people like her, so long as he lowered the rates overall for small businesses. "People run small businesses," she exclaimed.

"I thought that line was really good," said Patty Karst of Gahanna, Ohio. "You have to realize as a society that we have to have the funds for infrastructure, the protection of the country and the social programs we support."

I'm wholeheartedly convinced that Romney doesn't even want the Presidency anymore.
That line almost seems worse than the 47% thing. Also, this woman is in the wrong party or something.

"I thought that line was really good," said Patty Karst of Gahanna, Ohio. "You have to realize as a society that we have to have the funds for infrastructure, the protection of the country and the social programs we support."


I like this unskewing trend. The more that the GOPers are deflated/depressed/enraged on November 6th, the more delectable the ensuing entertainment will be.
Now THERE is a war going on. Coal has really been getting the crap kicked out of them because Utilities are switching to natural gas to generate power instead of coal. Natural is pretty cheap right now, it gets piped right to the utility so there is little transport cost, it is politically correct compared to coal, and it is much easier to dispatch . . . you can turn gas turbines on & off as demand changes relatively easily.

So I could easily see coal companies attacking fracking. Of course it is not a very honest attack at all . . . despite certain issues with fracking, it is really hard to argue that coal is cleaner than fracked gas. They just want to slow gas down.
Well there is the jobs issue, at least in PA. Now fracking provides jobs of course (but it wont absorb all of coal employment) but also there is a feeling that it will screw up the Wilderness and wildlife in PA which attracts the attention of hunters conservationist and fishers in opposistion. Heck one PA hunting board has a seperate sub forum on it. So in short lots of odd local bedfellows. Not to claim coal is loved any more...but in some areas it is I had a friend who is a Dem and worked for a Dem who got called Big Coals Prostitue by the Sierra Club! She works with CAP so you understand shes pretty liberal.

yeah i'm in PA (coming home from office in jersey at the time). Coal gets hammered by the oil industry all the time, this is the first one that was brutally attacking fracking. They had some young girl crying about not recycling and saving the whales and her mom saying they are using oil and aren't polluting the ground water and causing Earthquakes
Perhaps some long term feeling they will be oppossing each other?


You're forgetting the inevitable story of a husband killing his wife cuz she voted for Obama.
True. There will be violence. That's the ugly part of the day after. I have an aunt who, when I read between the lines, has indicated that she thinks that many in the GOP here in the South are absolutely nuts. But she'll never tell my uncle.
Speaking at a rally located in a swing district just outside Columbus, Romney kept repeating his empathy for people out of work and trying to pay their bills—insisting that he will do his "very best to help" those in need "when I am president."

"I've been across this country, and my heart aches for the people I've seen," Romney told a crowd of several hundred people here. "There are so many in our country that are hurting right now. I want to help them."

Is that a viable message for him to push? If he really felt that way then he wouldn't have worked a job that largely depended on firing people. Don't tell me your heart aches for people struggling when you gleefully made huge amounts of money firing people.

Again, there is nothing illegal about that at all. But how can he expect people to believe his attempt at "I feel your pain" when he spent his working life causing so much of that pain? It just comes off as fake. He should say "We will employ the most people by creating the most efficient and productive companies possible!" That is what his message should be. It is a good message and it doesn't come off as fake.

Damn, I'm actually feeling sorry for the guy and giving him advice!


Who you gonna trust? Me or your lying eyes?

Jokes aside, all this statistical stuff is nice, but its not over until its over.

Why can't I be confident? I wasn't this confident in 08 and this is looking far worse for Republicans, and all in the face of coordinated attacks from the right on Obama's "otherness". Fuck, I'm not waiting till Nov 7th, my gloating started a long time ago.


testicles on a cold fall morning
While I'm pretty confident in an Obama victory at this point, throwing a few bucks at Intrade to Romney is awfully compelling. At the least he'll stabilize his messaging this fall with help from countless (un)affiliated PACs; i'm sure he'll also give a coherent performance during the debates to draw up the numbers a bit...

decisions, decisions.
There's being cautious and then there's evidence after evidence after evidence pointing towards this being a roflstomp.

Come on son.
I'm traumatized man, from past elections. You can all start the party early and I'll be fashionably late with a fresh beer run in hand. It's all good.

Republican tears are at their most succulent when freshly poured.


Latest PPP Poll: Obama up 51-44.

For those who don't click through - this is for Iowa. Context from the tweet:

Our full Iowa poll, which finds Barack Obama up 51-44 there after only leading 47-45 in August, is now posted

Similar lift as in other swing states - putting Obama over 50.

I'm starting to think the 47% remark was enough that people have simply made up their minds about Romney. It pushed enough people over to making up their minds abouy him that he can't bring them back.
I'm traumatized man, from past elections. You can all start the party early and I'll be fashionably late with a fresh beer run in hand. It's all good.

Republican tears are at their most succulent when freshly poured.
For some reason in 08 CNNs signal wasn't coming in and with MSNBC being shit....I was stuck with only one choice...it was fun. Though the news anchors were quite professional and said some nice things about what this meant for the US as a country electing its first black President. No overt weird stuff It may have been spin but it didnt feel that way. Still an interesting experience...and still better than MSNBC.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Someone told me to watch for who campaigns for romrom this weekend or appears for him on tv shows. I guess that's going to be a critical indicator for how done this is.


Here's a question for those of you who have volunteered/worked on campaigns. When doing voter outreach, how/when do you check a voter off your list? Do you ask them if they've registered and or voted (whether it be early voting or on election day) and take their word for it? Or are there ways for a campaign to confirm such things?
Someone told me to watch for who campaigns for romrom this weekend or appears for him on tv shows. I guess that's going to be a critical indicator for how done this is.
Yeah pretty soon if things keep going south the first people you'll start to not see supporting him are Boehner and McConnell. They've got their own asses to look after.


Most of it is out-of-context quotes. Don't like it. Mitt says enough stupid shit that you don't need to talk him out of context.

After "You didn't build that" and more recently "Bumps in the road", I like to see the Dems playing dirty as well


Effective juxtaposition, though I'd prefer they focus on just one or two and give them more breathing room.

Most of it is out-of-context quotes. Don't like it. Mitt says enough stupid shit that you don't need to talk him out of context.
Partly for this reason.
After "You didn't build that" and more recently "Bumps in the road", I like to see the Dems playing dirty as well

Romney has put shoe in mouth often enough that you don't need to play dirty, though. Just hitting him on his genuine fuck ups is enough.

Though, none of those are taken too far out of context, IIRC. But they're clipped such that I cannot be sure.




I got nothing.
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