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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Unlike Hilary, she attempted to cash in on, or at least gain from, her sexuality. Doesn't excuse the double standard, which is still disgusting, but she made her own bed and more importantly, was one of the greatest retards in political history, gender aside.

What is this, the "she was wearing suggestive clothing!" rape defense?


BLS stats get more accurate with time as more data comes in.

In this case, actually, they aren't revising on late survey information -- the new data is the actual unemployment tax records for that fiscal year, which is more or less as definitive as you can get in terms of data.

What is this, the "she was wearing suggestive clothing!" rape defense?

Yeah, guys, please don't make me defend PD here. There was definitely some unpleasant sexism in the Democratic primaries and the general, just as there was racism then and in Obama's term. I mean, I hope we wouldn't disagree that there was lots of racism all over the place.
Does everyone who votes for the president also vote for the senate/house or do you pick and choose what to vote for? Is there an option to just ''pick x party for all positions'''?


In this case, actually, they aren't revising on late survey information -- the new data is the actual unemployment tax records for that fiscal year, which is more or less as definitive as you can get in terms of data.

Yeah, guys, please don't make me defend PD here. There was definitely some unpleasant sexism in the Democratic primaries and the general, just as there was racism then and in Obama's term. I mean, I hope we wouldn't disagree that there was lots of racism all over the place.

I remember seeing on the news people in line for voting. There was a guy with a monkey doll with an Obama pin on it and he proudly said he was voting for McCain on TV. No shame.


Yeah, guys, please don't make me defend PD here. There was definitely some unpleasant sexism in the Democratic primaries and the general, just as there was racism then and in Obama's term. I mean, I hope we wouldn't disagree that there was lots of racism all over the place.

It's weird to me how liberals are so defensive over anything that could potentially be seen as racist, but sexism is just fine with many of them.


"The Clintons are racist!"

Neither Obama nor any of his staffers said anything like that. But as a matter of fact, Bill and Hillary did use race a lot in their pitches to superdelegates and this is well documented as the main reason Kennedy endorsed Obama. I don't believe that the Clintons are or ever were racist. It is, however, fact that they did try to exploit race in 2008.


Does everyone who votes for the president also vote for the senate/house or do you pick and choose what to vote for? Is there an option to just ''pick x party for all positions'''?
Many states (mine included) have what they call "straight party voting," which allows you to tick one box and vote for every member of that particular party.

You're not required to cast a vote in every race, as far as I know.
The story about Schwarzenegger's love child didn't come out until after the 2010 election though. I mean, he was well known as a womanizer but I think people are more forgiving of infidelity if you're a big hollywood star. Cain on the other hand was groping his employees and being sued
Umm you might want to check out his wiki page, it wasn't just the 2010 Love Child..

Didn't Cain also only cheat with white women, even though his wife is black?
I honestly don't remember I never saw pictures only heard things second hand.

Maybe that's why people found it harder to believe most of the accusations against Clinton. The women who accused him weren't attractive so it was hard to imagine why someone would make unwanted advances toward them.

It's a really smart defense when you put it like that. lol In the end apparently Bill was very equal opportunity...though god man what the hell made you look at Paula Jones and go...yep smang that.

Dude Abides

Neither Obama nor any of his staffers said anything like that. But as a matter of fact, Bill and Hillary did use race a lot in their pitch to superdelegates and this is well documented as the reason Kennedy endorsed Obama.

"They never said that, but even if they did, the Clintons totally are racist!"

The campaign had an internal memo that said that.


"They never said that, but even if they did, the Clintons totally are racist!"

The campaign had an internal memo that said that.

I like that you ignored the rest of my post.

This is not a matter of dispute, it is not subjective. The Clintons did exploit race in 2008. That is what happened.


Does everyone who votes for the president also vote for the senate/house or do you pick and choose what to vote for? Is there an option to just ''pick x party for all positions'''?

In WV there's a "Choose all X party candidates" thing at the beginning of the ballot and you can go through and make sure that all your selections have been made properly or you can change your vote for whatever race before you finally submit it.


Palin's retardedness had nothing to do with being a woman, and everything to being a strong proponent of anti-intellectualism.

Obama and the Clintons seem to be buddies now so that's long settled. If Obama finishes 2016 as a popular president, I could see him campaigning for Hilary 2016.


So I was wondering why the BLS figures were not revised to reflect the benchmark update. The key is in the wording:

In accordance with usual practice, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is announcing the preliminary estimate of the upcoming annual benchmark revision to the establishment survey employment series. The final benchmark revision will be issued on February 1, 2013, with the publication of the January 2013 Employment Situation news release.
So this is basically a preview of where the annual revisions are tracking to. But they won't be pushed into the official BLS job estimates yet; that is done once a year, in January, when the full prior year data is revised.

So "officially", for now, the jobs numbers were not revised and Obama's net record is still negative. It matters little other than for making that one tiny distinction, but it was one I was wondering about.
Does everyone who votes for the president also vote for the senate/house or do you pick and choose what to vote for? Is there an option to just ''pick x party for all positions'''?

My Dad used to joke that his father would always pull Democratic even if Hitler had been on the ballot. lol I wonder what stats on straight party votes over time would be (even the data was even around)?

Dude Abides

I like that you ignored the rest of my post.

This is not a matter of dispute, it is not subjective. The Clintons did exploit race in 2008. That is what happened.

Apparently you edited.

Seems like we agree, the Obama campaign pushed the Clintons are racist theme and Obama fans believed it, and apparently continue to believe it four years on.


Apparently you edited.

Seems like we agree, the Obama campaign pushed the Clintons are racist theme and Obama fans believed it, and apparently continue to believe it four years on.

So this:

Besides his smalltown stumping, Bill Clinton’s main assignment was continuing to make phone calls to superdelegates, in which he pressed the case for Hillary and against Obama aggressively—at times, too aggressively. Clinton’s message, sometimes implicitly, sometimes explicitly, was that the country wasn’t ready to elect an African American president. Some recipients of the calls found them discomfiting, others embarrassing; few found them effective. Complaints were registered with the campaign. Bill’s call sheet was duly adjusted.
Citing her strength among white voters in rural Ohio and Indiana, she would refer elliptically to the racial attitudes that she believed would keep them from pulling the lever for Obama in the fall. “You know how people are,” she’d say.
But as badly as Hillary bungled Caroline, Bill’s handling of Ted was even worse. The day after Iowa, he phoned Kennedy and pressed for an endorsement, making the case for his wife. But Bill then went on, belittling Obama in a manner that deeply offended Kennedy. Recounting the conversation later to a friend, Teddy fumed that Clinton had said, A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee. Kennedy’s displeasure with the Clintons only grew through New Hampshire and Nevada; he believed they were playing a dangerous and divisive game with race. With each passing day, he was more inclined to follow Caroline into Obama’s arms.


In a series of follow-up calls, Clinton went from arguing heatedly to pleading desperately with Kennedy. (At one point, Kennedy told a friend, Clinton went so far as to say, “I love you”—a declaration that Kennedy rendered mockingly in a Boston-Irish imitation of Clinton’s Arkansan twang.) When Ted indicated he was going with Obama, Clinton adopted a lawyer’s mien, quizzing Kennedy on his motives. “The only reason you’re endorsing him is because he’s black,” Clinton said accusingly. “Let’s just be clear.”
Didn't happen? Show me your documentation of the Obama campaign pushing a concerted Clintons-are-racist strategy.

The Clintons tried to exploit race in 2008, it backfired. That much is a matter of fact. I personally don't see this as them being racist at heart, I see it as them being cynically calculating. That much is in the eye of the beholder.

Like the Republican party you are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. Get real.
So I was wondering why the BLS figures were not revised to reflect the benchmark update. The key is in the wording:

So this is basically a preview of where the annual revisions are tracking to. But they won't be pushed into the official BLS job estimates yet; that is done once a year, in January, when the full prior year data is revised.

So "officially", for now, the jobs numbers were not revised and Obama's net record is still negative. It matters little other than for making that one tiny distinction, but it was one I was wondering about.

That's some bull crap!



I guess we have wildly different interpretations of what 'crazy' means. Much of that is just politics (Pointing out the FACT that McCain had more experience & faux outrage over dirty campaign tricks) and others are just mild political gaffes (Kennedy assassination) that happen every cycle.



Netanyahu is on some Manos shit with how one-track his mind is.

Edit, beaten like a minority in a stand-your-ground court case.
Many states (mine included) have what they call "straight party voting," which allows you to tick one box and vote for every member of that particular party.

You're not required to cast a vote in every race, as far as I know.
Yeah there's an option to vote straight Democrat or straight Republican for everything.
In WV there's a "Choose all X party candidates" thing at the beginning of the ballot and you can go through and make sure that all your selections have been made properly or you can change your vote for whatever race before you finally submit it.
That makes so much sense, I assumed it wasn't an option lol. I would have thought you guys would make voting as hard as possible every possible way.


Netanyahu is on some Manos shit with how one-track his mind is.

Edit, beaten like a minority in a stand-your-ground court case.
Wow, what a sad joke...


I guess we have wildly different interpretations of what 'crazy' means. Much of that is just politics (Pointing out the FACT that McCain had more experience & faux outrage over dirty campaign tricks) and others are just mild political gaffes (Kennedy assassination) that happen every cycle.

The Kennedy comment alone ginned up at least as much chaos as the 47% tape, so I'm speaking mostly about political fallout here. I don't think Hill was crazy in that she actually wanted Obama dead, but it was a crazy thing to say without considering the implications.

Dude Abides

So this:

Didn't happen? In contrast, there is zero documentation of the Obama campaign pushing a Clintons-are-racist theme.

Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. Assuming you also pulled that from Hackerin's book, I wouldn't swallow its characterization uncritically.

Here is the Obama campaign calling the Clintons racist in a memo.


Here is a spokesman confirming it.



The Kennedy comment was made when it was all but over (last week of May). The 47% comment was made almost immediately after the Republican Convention.

It wasn't a crazy comment. It was stating a political history fact. It's one she should have kept under her hat (which is why it's a gaffe), but she was just off-handedly listing recent history where it wasn't 'over until it's over'.


Maybe it did, maybe it didn't.

Here is the Obama campaign calling the Clintons racist in a memo.


Here is a spokesman confirming it.


That's a memo saying the Clintons are politicizing race, which as I've just shown you, is a matter of historical fact. It is not speaking to their character, which is what you are arguing it is.
The story about Schwarzenegger's love child didn't come out until after the 2010 election though. I mean, he was well known as a womanizer but I think people are more forgiving of infidelity if you're a big hollywood star. Cain on the other hand was groping his employees and being sued.

Didn't Cain also only cheat with white women, even though his wife is black?

No, the last woman who came out with allegations against Cain was black, but either mixed or of very light complexion. Not sure which

Dude Abides

That's a memo saying the Clintons are politicizing race, which as I've just shown you, is a matter of historical fact. It is not speaking to their character, which is what you are arguing it is.

"They're not racist, they're just making racist comments" is a distinction not worth discussing.

It is a matter of historical fact that the Obama campaign seized on innocuous comments like "fairy tale" and tried to make it a racial issue.


"They're not racist, they're just making racist comments" is a distinction not worth discussing.
It's a fact that they tried to exploit race politically. That much is not in dispute. The distinction is motivation and that is important when you're dealing with politicians who don't need any motivation beyond "I think this will give me an advantage." You're acting like the Obama campaign smeared them as racist without any basis. I've shown you that the Clintons actually did try to exploit race and it simply backfired on them; you're literally trying to blame the victim.
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