Since he won't and can't talk about his record, he'll talk about Mitt Romney
Do these people seriously believe he can't run on his record? His first three years shat on anything Dubya did.
Since he won't and can't talk about his record, he'll talk about Mitt Romney
Apparently the Obama conspiracy movie claims his mom was a slut and that his real dad was someone else.
Memo from Romney camp on why Obama will win the first debate.
Hey Mitt . . . you are already way behind and your own campaign says you'll lose the first debate. That pretty much seals it up, eh. How about instead of continuing to run, you just donate all your campaign money to charity and ask Obama to do the same.
We will then all be spared this pointless excercise and gigantic waste of money while accomplishing something good.
Hey Mitt . . . you are already way behind and your own campaign says you'll lose the first debate. That pretty much seals it up, eh. How about instead of continuing to run, you just donate all your campaign money to The Mormon Church and ask Obama to do the same.
We will then all be spared this pointless excercise and gigantic waste of money while accomplishing something good.
Wait, someone in his campaign said that? Holy shit lol.
Memo from Romney camp on why Obama will win the first debate.
Mitt is in Philly for a fundraiser. He's taken a lot of heat for fundraising in states over campaigning like I Cali. My guess is to avoid criticism, the Romney campaign is claiming to be there cuz it's in play even though they know it's not.
Mitt has lot of fundraising to come too, lol.
Mitt is in Philly for a fundraiser. He's taken a lot of heat for fundraising in states over campaigning like I Cali. My guess is to avoid criticism, the Romney campaign is claiming to be there cuz it's in play even though they know it's not.
Mitt has lot of fundraising to come too, lol.
I think close to the end Mitt will use his own money to finance his campaign. If he does that in October he won't have to disclose it until after the election, right? I hope he goes more broke than Hillary did.
You know what's fun?
Reading Freepers' meltdowns over Ryan saying that he wouldn't move to reinstate DADT.
A Democrat party line vote. Were lucky they didnt make homosexuality mandatory.
I have to stop following links to those crazy sites. It just saddens me.
It's sad when people can't tell the difference between saying someone was racial insensitive in their words and are actual racist as people.
How many more pages of this thread can Dude Abides and Forever use to continue to argue in circles?
Q: How many more pages of this thread can Dude Abides and Forever use to continue to argue in circles?
A: Polls say 10, but after unskewing their biased sampling processes... it's more like 25.
How many pages is Game Change?
Gallup responds to the poll truthers
I'll never convince you people to take personal responsibility and care for your posts.
That's why cool Barry Obama is president and you are not. Don't sweat the little guys.That's so fucked up. I'm a very peaceful person, but if you insult my mom, then all bets are off. I almost punched my best friend once because he insulted my mom. If I was the President, there would be a magical 5 pound bag of coke found in that guy's office.
It's not virtually worthless. And for what it's worth, the same pattern emerges. The likely cause being most voters are already engaged by the time the debates occur regardless of the era. But even if the environ has altered voter behavior as you posit, it would only further diminish the effect of the debates on public opinion. So I wouldn't expect a dramatic effect from the debates. They still might provide entertainment, though. I hope to see Romney squirm.Data about late breaking undecided voters and impact of debates from over 20 years ago is virtually worthless in the current much more polarized and information rich environment. People pay attention to presidential campaigns much earlier than they used to, by choice or not.
Are you writing off 100 percent of GAF!?
You'll never become a mod at this rate!
I agree with you and I was insinuating that the debates will not have much of an impact, barring a complete collapse. I was making the broader point that attempting to use dated information in a very different environment isn't particularly convincing. This is more related to, say, convention bounces, which these days they tend to be less pronounced and yet they get talked about a lot every cycle. So not really directed at your post; of course if you can show that the debates didn't have much of an impact even back then, it's even more likely to be the case today.It's not virtually worthless. And for what it's worth, the same pattern emerges. The likely cause being most voters are already engaged by the time the debates occur regardless of the era. But even if the environ has altered voter behavior as you posit, it would only further diminish the effect of the debates on public opinion. So I wouldn't expect a dramatic effect from the debates. They still might provide entertainment, though. I hope to see Romney squirm.
Mitt now banking on Pennsylvania?
Books will be written about this campaign and it will be the template for many future presidential hopefuls to exemplify how to NOT run your campaign.
My mod campaign is about 100% of GAF, and I am concerned about them.
Mainly OT.
My mod campaign is about 100% of GAF, and I am concerned about them.
Mainly OT. Because gaming side seems to think they are ENTITLED... to free DLC, to Ninja Theory-less DMC, to Itagaki's balls, you name it!
So Akin's going to KFC his ass eventually?Consultant Compares Akins Resolve To That Of David Koresh
You know what's fun?
Reading Freepers' meltdowns over Ryan saying that he wouldn't move to reinstate DADT.
Can't have a beer with Mitt.I'm still amazed by this. This is so over. More people dislike the guy than like the guy. You can't win an election with that kind of person. Say what you want about Bush being stupid & having bad policies . . . part of the reason he won is that he was a personable guy . . . the guy that you would like to have a beer with. Mitt is just not that guy.
Of course, you could not have a beer with Bush nor Mitt.
Well, that would probably be the 2nd worse campaign of all time then.Akin is arguably running the worst campaign of all time, and still will probably win
Todd Akin Suggests Employers Should Be Able To Pay Women Less
Consultant Compares Akins Resolve To That Of David Koresh
Akin is arguably running the worst campaign of all time, and still will probably win
Todd Akin Suggests Employers Should Be Able To Pay Women Less
Consultant Compares Akin’s Resolve To That Of David Koresh
Sad thing is, that the vast majority of these people are probably decent people UNTIL politics or religion comes up in conversation. Then they turn into heartless, ignorant, pieces of shit.
CHEEZMO;42641541 said:It's Freep.
They're the worst human scum.
This IS fun!
Dear Governor Romney and Those Who Criticize the Poor:
I was a teenage mother. I graduated near the top of my class, while holding down a job and raising a child. I have two college degrees. I earned both while working full-time, going to school full-time, taking care of my family, and volunteering countless hours to the youth in my community. I was on the Deans list and graduated with high honors, both times - because I worked my butt off. I have a student loan that I pay on time every month, and which is the equivalent of many peoples car payment. I have been in the workforce since I was 16-years-old and have never collected an unemployment check. I have been an elected official on my local town Council. I am 38 years old now, married, and own my own home. I pay taxes and have a higher effective tax rate than Governor Romney. I did this by working hard AND because people invested in and believed in me; family, teachers, college professors, and friends who did not believe I was a throw-away.
Have I been the beneficiary of government programs for which you have so much disdain? Yes. I have used food stamps to feed my daughter and Medicaid to ensure she was healthy. And it is because of these programs that I am not another statistic for you to look down upon. I am not a failure. I may not be your version of middle class or success since I dont earn the $200,000 a year that would qualify me as middle class in your view. But I am successful. I have contributed far more, through volunteering in my community and the taxes that I have paid, than I ever took from the system.
I am not naïve enough to believe that no one takes advantage of the system meant to be a safety net for them. But I am also intelligent enough, and humane enough, to know that there are far more who simply need help in trying times.
Instead of painting, with a broad brush, everyone who finds themselves in less than desirable circumstances as lazy, dependent, and unmotivated, perhaps you could take the time to get to know those you chastise, degrade, dehumanize, and condemn? You do not know the story of the person standing in front of you in line at the supermarket using a food stamp card. You cannot identify with them, either because you have never been there or because you see yourself as better than they are. Yet you feel you have the right to pass judgment, berate, and belittle them. You consider them your charity case, instead of seeing them as a human being. Judge not, lest ye shall be judged. Isnt that what Jesus said?
I would have been a lost cause and another statistic if you had your way. I may not be successful in your eyes. But, nonetheless, I am the definition of success of the real American middle class and I am a part of the 47% who will not vote for Mitt Romney. Not because I am a leech or dependent upon government. Not because I feel as though I deserve a hand-out or because I feel entitled. Not because I dont work hard. And not because I see myself as a victim. But because I have been through hard times and I am thankful for those who never gave up on me. I was the working poor and am fortunate enough to no longer be. But I, unlike you, know what it means to have nothing. And I have not forgotten what that feels like.
Carrie Robinson - one of the 47%
Is it possible he could win by more than in 2008? I never thought I'd see that.
Akin is arguably running the worst campaign of all time, and still will probably win
Todd Akin Suggests Employers Should Be Able To Pay Women Less
Consultant Compares Akins Resolve To That Of David Koresh
Damn good, except where she accused him of thinking the middle class started at $200k.From my Facebook feed.
Goddamn. ;___;
Good times.From my Facebook feed.
Goddamn. ;___;