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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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thanks. is there anything I can show to my dad? When I tried to tell him that that 2016 movie was supposed to be full of fallacies and inaccuracies and stuff like that, he said "Well of course the liberal media would say that." Or is there just no hope at all?

Dinesh is the latest nutter to write some nutter book that appeals to fellow nutters, which supposes that Obama has a deep "rage" toward America that stems from some anti-colonial upbringing deeply rooted in the, like, 3 seconds of face time Obama had with his father in his life.
again, thanks

Mike M

Nick N
I really don't understand the "W was a nice guy" angle. Dude started a war to make money for his friends who worked in the oil and defense industries. As dumb as he was, he knew what he was doing there, and there was nothing nice about it.

Eeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh, I don't doubt that probably played some role in the decision, I think it genuinely was primarily guided by actual belief that Iraq had WMD and that the domino effect of bringing democracy to the Middle East would open up markets for the US as a whole.


gotta call out Silver again, dude said it [47% vid] wouldn't have an effect, seems you can just discount Silver's editorials and go straight for his number crunching...

thanks. is there anything I can show to my dad?

Just ask him what is it about drone strikes and tax cuts that illustrate Obama's anti-colonial philosophy?
I'll just drop this here. Consider it your disturbing image for the day, found on DU. hehe..

Why would that image be considered disturbing?


Dinesh is the latest nutter to write some nutter book that appeals to fellow nutters, which supposes that Obama has a deep "rage" toward America that stems from some anti-colonial upbringing deeply rooted in the, like, 3 seconds of face time Obama had with his father in his life.

And I still don't get what is actually wrong about anti-colonial. Shouldn't everyone be anti colonial? Wasn't it a bad thing universally accepted now as an evil? And for this crap to come from someone who has an Indian background is downright disgusting.


And I still don't get what is actually wrong about anti-colonial. Shouldn't everyone be anti colonial? Wasn't it a bad thing universally accepted now as an evil? And for this crap to come from someone who has an Indian background is downright disgusting.

The traditional colonial apologism is that it was many years in the past and there's nothing to be done about it now and nobody alive is responsible for it and why bother complaining about it when everything is all better now. (Except in Guam, New Caledonia, or the other half-dozen Pacific Island states that are still colonized by America and France.) (Or the puppet states in Africa that France more or less openly maintains a grip on using its intelligence services.)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I had no idea that Obama's campaign was throwing concerts with the like of Trey Songz to get the vote out in Virginia (My home state). It's even better that they got a well known artist that's actually from central VA too.


Such a great way to get the black/young vote out in a swing state. Is Mitt Romney doing this in any swing states?


Team Akin On Meltdown Week: It’s All Going According To Plan

Nonsense, Todd Akin says: everything is right on track.

Rick Tyler, the former Newt Gingrich adviser now working for Akin, told TPM that his candidate’s remarks are no problem.

“He’s doing great!” Tyler said.

On “ladylike,” Tyler accused Democrats of being overly sensitive.

“We don’t say ‘ladylike or gentlemanly?’ Did you notice how the president of the United States was introduced in his last speech? ‘Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States. All those people must have been offended right?” he said. “I lost my subscription to the candidate’s guide to political correctness. Help me out how do I refer to the president’s wife? Isn’t she the First Lady?”

But Tyler suggested Akin perhaps wished he didn’t say the “caged wildcat” line.

“You should ask Joe Biden if putting African Americans back in chains is something he would like to retract,” he said.

Overall, though, Tyler said things are going the way Akin planned.

“I think we’ve returned to our regularly scheduled program,” he said. “That is that this race was always a referendum on Claire McCaskill and now has returned to a referendum on Claire McCaskill.”
Also, can someone educate me a bit on Dinesh D'Souza? Why is he so popular with the right? Is he even credible at all?

1) Because he is a douchebag that spews all their favorite talking points.
2) Credible? Most of what he does is just crazy speculation and none of that is credible at all.


I had no idea that Obama's campaign was throwing concerts with the like of Trey Songz to get the vote out in Virginia (My home state). It's even better that they got a well known artist that's actually from central VA too.


Such a great way to get the black/young vote out in a swing state. Is Mitt Romney doing this in any swing states?

Jay-Z did it in 08 when he did free concerts in Miami. Supposedly the concerts are not suppose to endorse a candidate but everyone knew who he was endorsing


Looking at that graph, it appears the DNC had a greater effect than anything else.

Of course, after that Clinton speech, that's no surprise.

True, though after the DNC bounce, it flattens out for two weeks. Then the 47% tape hits, and the trend resumes. So I think it just added to the DNC bounce.


Dinesh is the latest nutter to write some nutter book that appeals to fellow nutters, which supposes that Obama has a deep "rage" toward America that stems from some anti-colonial upbringing deeply rooted in the, like, 3 seconds of face time Obama had with his father in his life.

No, but when did you need credibility to be popular with dittoheads?

1) Because he is a douchebag that spews all their favorite talking points.
2) Credible? Most of what he does is just crazy speculation and none of that is credible at all.

All of the above are true, but I think he really wants to get through to his Dad, I feel that. Basically nothing in Obama's first four years in office, illustrate any of Dinesh's points. Obama ordered the death of Bin Laden!


Won't stop picking the right nation
Liquidizing GM and letting GM go bankrupt aren't necessarily the same thing.
Romney is correct by technicality. He wasn't in favor of liquidation. But Romney errs in a different way: letting GM go bankrupt, in an environment where credit was scarce, very well might have meant the liquidizing of significant GM assets. He's constructing an alternate history in which GM clears chapter 11 without government assistance, but the entire reason why the loans were offered in the first place is that GM might not have survived bankruptcy intact. According to a NY Times article:

When G.M. filed for bankruptcy in June 2009, a Federal District Court ruled that the Treasury was the only potential source for the $15 billion in DIP financing G.M. needed to continue operating.


Oh come on, he's not condemning gay kissing by saying it's disturbing. Hilary kissing Obama would be equally disturbing. Or McCain kissing Pa--, well no, that one might be kinda hawt.

No, not condemning the gay kissing at all, haha..

It's the general idea of Romney in a romantic situation that creeps me out. Then I realize that he has that whole litter/clowncarfull of sons.
And I still don't get what is actually wrong about anti-colonial. Shouldn't everyone be anti colonial? Wasn't it a bad thing universally accepted now as an evil?

C'mon now . . . our founding fathers were certainly not anti-col . . . . un, never mind.

And for this crap to come from someone who has an Indian background is downright disgusting.
Somone should do a parody filled with all sorts of pop psychology about an anti-anti-colonial self-hating Indian guy who abandoned his country, abandoned his religion, married a white lady, and is completely for oppressing brown people.


Setec Astronomer
gotta call out Silver again, dude said it [47% vid] wouldn't have an effect, seems you can just discount Silver's editorials and go straight for his number crunching...
I saw his piece on how Ohio was giving Obama a larger lead than nationally, but because this ran counter to previous margin trends in past elections he wasn't trusting of it.

Numbers don't tell you everything.


gotta call out Silver again, dude said it [47% vid] wouldn't have an effect, seems you can just discount Silver's editorials and go straight for his number crunching...

Nate calls himself out in the link.

After a secretly recorded videotape was released on Sept. 17 showing Mitt Romney making unflattering comments about the “47 percent” of Americans who he said had become dependent on government benefits, I suggested on Twitter that the political impact of the comments could easily be overstated.

“Ninety percent of ‘game-changing’ gaffes are less important in retrospect than they seem in the moment,” I wrote.

But was this one of the exceptional cases? A week and a half has passed since Mr. Romney’s remarks became known to the public — meaning that there’s been enough time to evaluate their effect on the polls.There’s a case to be made that they did damage Mr. Romney’s standing some.

FWIW, I do tend to disregard his political insights, on which he's been very spotty, and focus on his data analysis. Josh Marshall correctly called this one the day it hit.


gotta call out Silver again, dude said it [47% vid] wouldn't have an effect, seems you can just discount Silver's editorials and go straight for his number crunching

You have to understand that he is bending over backwards to appear "fair and balanced" especially since he's an admitted liberal. He doesn't want to be accused of cooking the books for Obama so that's why you see him writing updates struggling to find good news for Romney as well
All of the above are true, but I think he really wants to get through to his Dad, I feel that. Basically nothing in Obama's first four years in office, illustrate any of Dinesh's points. Obama ordered the death of Bin Laden!
I have no idea what is in the 2016 movie other than hearing about how it is based on silly pseudo-pschology about how Obama is rabidly anti-American because of his father and his father's anti-colonial views. Yeah, like Obama is some manchurian candidate based on a father that effectively abandoned him. It is more likely that he would be against what ever his father was for.

There probably isn't any point to arguing with his father if he buys into that movie because he is probably too far gone. Instead, it would be better to collect some predictions from that stupid movie and do a bet with his father about whether any of those crazy predictions come true. If they don't come true then his father has to vote Dem in 2016. ;-)
I have no idea what is in the 2016 movie other than hearing about how it is based on silly pseudo-pschology about how Obama is rabidly anti-American because of his father and his father's anti-colonial views. Yeah, like Obama is some manchurian candidate based on a father that effectively abandoned him. It is more likely that he would be against what ever his father was for.

There probably isn't any point to arguing with his father if he buys into that movie because he is probably too far gone. Instead, it would be better to collect some predictions from that stupid movie and do a bet with his father about whether any of those crazy predictions come true. If they don't come true then his father has to vote Dem in 2016. ;-)
that's a good idea. I don't actually discuss this kind of thing with my dad very often though as it would lead to a big argument and my dad argues for a living so it wouldn't end well


Won't stop picking the right nation
thanks. is there anything I can show to my dad? When I tried to tell him that that 2016 movie was supposed to be full of fallacies and inaccuracies and stuff like that, he said "Well of course the liberal media would say that." Or is there just no hope at all?
Maher isn't really part of the traditional media except for the fact that he's a political commentator, which anybody can be provided they have a platform from which to speak. As such, it's incredibly tendentious to dismiss Maher like that. It's almost like arguing, "D'Souza is a hack. Of course he would say hackish things." But that doesn't really address anything either person is saying.

Maher brings up good points. Unfortunately, he kind of lets D'Souza go when D'Souza attempts to absolve Bush of blame for the national debt. Most of the deficit is the product of things that occurred under Bush: the tax cuts, the two wars, and the financial crisis.

Maher isn't really part of the traditional media except for the fact that he's a political commentator, which anybody can be provided they have a platform from which to speak. As such, it's incredibly tendentious to dismiss Maher like that. It's almost like arguing, "D'Souza is a hack. Of course he would say hackish things." But that doesn't really address anything either person is saying.

Maher brings up good points. Unfortunately, he kind of lets D'Souza go when D'Souza attempts to absolve Bush of blame for the national debt. Most of the deficit is the product of things that occurred under Bush: the tax cuts, the two wars, and the financial crisis.

I know, but he would still dismiss Maher out of hand


Why the fuck is Ann Romney still on the loose and talking? Romney's campaign is so shit. I mean it's not McCain/Palin level bad, but sweet moses is it close.

I can't recall did McCain inject it or was it just dumbass supporters?

I don't recall him saying anything deeply problematic himself, but he obviously let Palin say loopy shit as long as it was working and didn't bother to dispel the "foreigner" meme until that lady brought it up directly to him at a rally and he was finally shamed into defending Obama's Americanness.
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