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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Won't stop picking the right nation
The Romney campaign is one of the most undisciplined I've ever seen; Ann Romney comes across as incredibly self-pitying in an almost self-serving kind of way. At least Bush's team ran a tight campaign, as cynical as it was.
Well guys, I'm at that threshold where I don't wanna lols on Romney anymore...It's a funny feeling. I know he's a rich mofo that's gonna live the rest of his life in such a lavish manner that I can only dream about. It's like a bully has been caught with his pants down in the schoolyard, and everyone's laughing.


The Romney campaign is one of the most undisciplined I've ever seen; Ann Romney comes across as incredibly self-pitying in an almost self-serving kind of way. At least Bush's team ran a tight campaign, as cynical as it was.

Because they're so rich, you think? I expect that someone who can say the 47% line might be really unwilling to take guidance. Mitt and Ann are going to do what they think will work, and it's the campaign's job to clean up after.
I don't recall him saying anything deeply problematic himself, but he obviously let Palin say loopy shit as long as it was working and didn't bother to dispel the "foreigner" meme until that lady brought it up directly to him at a rally and he was finally shamed into defending Obama's Americanness.
In fairness it's not like could control Palin too much. Lol

Ironically in the SC Primaries in 00 anyone remember how race got injected with him?
Robocalls about McCain having a biracial child out of wedlock



I can't recall did McCain inject it or was it just dumbass supporters?

Palin's "palling around with terrorists" line about Ayers came from McCain's campaign staff and McCain himself said Obama "launched his political career in his living room." "Who is the real Barack Obama? What does he plan for America?" The Bill Ayers ads. “The day that Senator Obama cast a vote not to fund my son when he was serving sent a cold chill through my body.” I have always been proud of my country.


Some of those narratives continue to haunt us today. McCain ran an incredibly irresponsible campaign in that sense and Romney has at least spared us that.


I have no idea what is in the 2016 movie other than hearing about how it is based on silly pseudo-pschology about how Obama is rabidly anti-American because of his father and his father's anti-colonial views. Yeah, like Obama is some manchurian candidate based on a father that effectively abandoned him. It is more likely that he would be against what ever his father was for.

There probably isn't any point to arguing with his father if he buys into that movie because he is probably too far gone. Instead, it would be better to collect some predictions from that stupid movie and do a bet with his father about whether any of those crazy predictions come true. If they don't come true then his father has to vote Dem in 2016. ;-)
Not a good idea. Because he believes this movie, he will think those predictions came to pass no matter what. You cannot possibly win.


Man, you can't even joke about any kind of mental illness or instability in American politics. If that gets picked up, Romney is fucked even more. That's like the instant death kneel in America. I think Mrs. Romney is trying to tank him because SHE doesn't want to do all the shit that comes along with being first lady.
Man, you can't even joke about any kind of mental illness or instability in American politics. If that gets picked up, Romney is fucked even more. That's like the instant death kneel in America. I think Mrs. Romney is trying to tank him because SHE doesn't want to do all the shit that comes along with being first lady.


I'll give you a hint: a quote about "brainwashing".

Mental stuff is nothing to joke about (see, Romney 1968 or McGovern 1972 or LBJ's ads on Goldwater in 1964).


There was a debate tonight on MN tv tonight(obviously to cross over to western WI)...missed it though as I was watching a special about the Marriage Amendment in MN on public tv.

Looks like C-SPAN has tonight's debate here.

Thompson comes off as an old grouchy asshole. Also, his fucking neck!

I really dislike the format of this debate. It's just like a question and answer session. No real rebuttals unless the person happens to answer after the other on that particular question.
Thompson comes off as an old grouchy asshole. Also, his fucking neck!

I really dislike the format of this debate. It's just like a question and answer session. No real rebuttals unless the person happens to answer after the other on that particular question.

Yeah, I watched the whole thing. The format definitely made me tune out most of it though. Thompson had a horrible tone throughout but Baldwin had a hard time stumbling on words and looking at notes while speaking.




Another log to throw on the recovery pile.

U.S. crude oil production surged last week to the highest level in more than 15 years, reaching output of 6.5 million barrels per day for the week ending September 21 according to new data from the Department of Energy. Domestic field production of crude oil hasn’t been that high since the first week of 1997.

Ohhh snap .. American peak oil! Imagine if the Senate wasn't blocking jobs how well we could be doing.


Yeah, I watched the whole thing. The format definitely made me tune out most of it though. Thompson had a horrible tone throughout but Baldwin had a hard time stumbling on words and looking at notes while speaking.

Yeah, neither of them seemed that great at debating... or answering a Q&A session like that I guess. I personally think she came off a bit better, but that's possibly because I don't really like fiery grouchy assholes lol. Knowing the people in Wisconsin though he probably won out there.

Overall, it's going to be kind of a tough election for Wisconsin, I think. They both said things in the debate that I think hurts themselves and the other candidate, so it isn't a really clear choice. I don't think Wisconsin likes lobbyists, so the charge that Tommy was one is pretty big, but also Wisconsin really doesn't like extreme liberals, so that charge could stick, too. Wisconsin doesn't want to voucherise medicare, so I could see Tommy walking back on that a bit, but I'm not sure he did a good enough job of it. I think Tammy did a good job emphasizing how much medicare means to her, and that was clearly in response to the attack ads here. The charge that she wanted to go further than Obamacare and go into a single payer system might hurt her, though it really makes me love her! It's too bad she couldn't admit it. The issue of gay marriage is still a tough one in Wisconsin, too, unfortunately. I think Tammy did well enough saying that Obamacare is a settled issue and we need to move past it, while Tommy found it hard to admit much he would keep. Also, I think it helps that she pointed out she had a hand in one of the more popular provisions, the ability to stay on your parents' insurance until 26.

So, yeah, I think it'll be a close fight. I think it'd be a landslide for Tommy if it weren't for his lobbying stint. I don't think Wisconsinites like that sort of stuff at all.
Yeah, neither of them seemed that great at debating... or answering a Q&A session like that I guess. I personally think she came off a bit better, but that's possibly because I don't really like fiery grouchy assholes lol. Knowing the people in Wisconsin though he probably won out there.

Overall, it's going to be kind of a tough election for Wisconsin, I think. They both said things in the debate that I think hurts themselves and the other candidate, so it isn't a really clear choice. I don't think Wisconsin likes lobbyists, so the charge that Tommy was one is pretty big, but also Wisconsin really doesn't like extreme liberals, so that charge could stick, too. Wisconsin doesn't want to voucherise medicare, so I could see Tommy walking back on that a bit, but I'm not sure he did a good enough job of it. I think Tammy did a good job emphasizing how much medicare means to her, and that was clearly in response to the attack ads here. The charge that she wanted to go further than Obamacare and go into a single payer system might hurt her, though it really makes me love her! It's too bad she couldn't admit it. The issue of gay marriage is still a tough one in Wisconsin, too, unfortunately. I think Tammy did well enough saying that Obamacare is a settled issue and we need to move past it, while Tommy found it hard to admit much he would keep. Also, I think it helps that she pointed out she had a hand in one of the more popular provisions, the ability to stay on your parents' insurance until 26.

So, yeah, I think it'll be a close fight. I think it'd be a landslide for Tommy if it weren't for his lobbying stint. I don't think Wisconsinites like that sort of stuff at all.
Russ Feingold?


There was a debate tonight on MN tv tonight(obviously to cross over to western WI)...missed it though as I was watching a special about the Marriage Amendment in MN on public tv.

Looks like C-SPAN has tonight's debate here.

She really should have gone for the jugular more in that debate. Tommy was the one getting in all the hits.


Unskewed guy is doing a poll

Some of those questions are hilarious. Stuff like "Which party is more likely to give amnesty to illegal aliens in order to buy votes." and basically that same question but involving government spending in order to buy votes.

Russ Feingold?

I think we're still certainly capable of supporting a very liberal person, but during these hyper partisan times it's a bit harder. I think we have certainly gone a bit redder in my view, and now everyone seems to buy into the debt stuff a ton. I think the Republican party has sold Wisconsinites on budgetary issues is all.
I wonder could it be possible that whatever percentage Obama gets in the national polls also be the same amount seat wise the Dems hold in the senate? 538 has him at 51.4 and 51.7 seats in the senate. I don't think Romney has hit bottom yet(he still has to appear 3 times on national tv) and I think a fair majority of the toss-up senate seats will go Democrat probably ending up around 55 give or take 1. Of course the two are unrelated as they're different races but it'd be interesting to watch if they do correlate to be the same number.


Unskewed guy is doing a poll

Some of those questions are hilarious. Stuff like "Which party is more likely to give amnesty to illegal aliens in order to buy votes." and basically that same question but involving government spending in order to buy votes.

Well, this staunch Republican Christian veteran from Montana just finished taking that poll and declaring my support for Barack Obama. Unskew that!


Unskewed that for you.

Looking at it again, and why are Christian and Catholic separate options?

That's a pretty common distinction. Lots of conservative Christians don't count more liberal denominations or Catholicism as Christian (more liberal denominations are basically atheists or pagans). That's part of why they don't think it sounds bizarre to talk about an anti-Christian culture. They'll make common cause when they agree on things, as with gay marriage, but Christianity is the one true religion and Catholics are going to hell, so Catholics can't be Christian.

Edit: And it's important for them that "Christian" not be an ambiguous term. They're committed to it not being possible for well-meaning people to read the Bible and not agree with them as to its interpretation (many would object to characterizing what they're doing as "interpretation", even).


That's a pretty common distinction. Lots of conservative Christians don't count more liberal denominations or Catholicism as Christian. That's part of why they don't think it sounds bizarre to talk about an anti-Christian culture. They'll make common cause when they agree on things, as with gay marriage, but Christianity is the one true religion and Catholics are going to hell, so Catholics can't be Christian.

Crazy. I guess my Catholic worldview gets mucked with yet again here. Growing up I thought Catholics were the norm and protestants were just a bit less. At this point I know that's not true, but it still feels weird thinking about it.

First time it was truly mucked with was when I went to college. I went to a Lutheran college as a Catholic, and they disliked Catholics. I was surprised as hell when the teacher just in a normal tone said that the Pope was, of course, the antichrist. I had to ask my girlfriend afterwards what the hell he was talking about. She was just like "oh yeah, you didn't know?"

Bet this sort of stuff would really rock my dad's worldview to know that a ton of Christians in the US don't consider him a Christian, lol.

Well there's a difference between Christian-Catholics and Christian-Christians.

What about Mormons? Shouldn't they be given another category on there, or are they under Other or Christian?


I'm a confirmed Lutheran. It was strange how much of their confirmation classes (13/14 years of age) are basically just shitting on the Catholics (and their horrible history). I could see how some would grow older in the organization and just keep fanning those flames.

They did such a good job of painting Catholicism as a bad thing, that I pretty much soured on all religions by the time I was 16.

I've come back around to accepting religion as a net positive in the world, even though I don't care to ever participate in one myself.


I'm a confirmed Lutheran. It was strange how much of their confirmation classes (13/14 years of age) are basically just shitting on the Catholics (and their horrible history). I could see how some would grow older in the organization and just keep fanning those flames.

That comment was odd, because they didn't ever really shit on Catholicism. Most of the time they were too busy trumping just how totally right they are and how everyone else ever is totally 100% wrong on everything (which I must say the huge egoism turned me the fuck off of Lutheranism). That comment was a really unique thing said in passing by one of the religion teachers. There was no attention to it at all. It was as though he said the sky was blue and things just continued on. I just sat in my chair not saying anything because no one else seemed to notice or mind. It was weird, but it was a one-off thing.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
What about Mormons? Shouldn't they be given another category on there, or are they under Other or Christian?

A lot of evangelicals believe they are basically a cult. The whole new prophet after Jesus thing is a pretty hard pill to swallow.

But I guess Gotchaye is right, that they kind of have to accept Romney's religious beliefs now that they have to vote for him.
I guess I'm just used to living in an overwhelmingly Catholic part of North Jersey where Protestants feel about as common as Muslims or Hindus, but looking at the statistics and seeing the country is still majoritu Protestant was a bit surprising. Though immigration will change that soon enough I suppose.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
How much has house construction methods/standards changed in the last 100 years? I mean, car prices have kept up with inflation despite the advances in manufacturing but that's because they have so much extra stuff added in now in order to be safer, more comfortable, more efficient, less polluting, etc.
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