Black Republican
has team obama said anything about the florida voter fraud scandal?
has team obama said anything about the florida voter fraud scandal?
man this is freaking awesome.
could be NSFW
At the end of the day, the problem isn't Romney.
That cladius statement is something peggy Noonan would say...
Another log to throw on the recovery pile.
Ohhh snap .. American peak oil! Imagine if the Senate wasn't blocking jobs how well we could be doing.
Obama is truly the Claudius of our time. Not particularly impressive, not an inspiring leader (perhaps not a leader at all), apparently not loved by his wife...yet blessed with foolish enemies who are cast away by the gods
You misunderstand. I'm not talking about now, but months ago when the campaign first started. The democrat base was rather disillusioned and not enthused for the election. And then Obama threw them some bones (gay marriage, semi dream act, contraception fight, etc). It worked perfectly and distracted from the economy. And of course Romney fired up the rest of democrats by being such an extremist
Because Sharpton is so good that nobody could ever take his spot.Why is Chris Hayes stuck with a weekend show? He is one of the best at MSNBC
Because Sharpton is so good that nobody could ever take his spot.
Seriously though Hayes runs an excellent show, but maybe it's to relaxed for weeknight TV on MSNBC.
Let me put it this way. By all accounts, the current Republican Party has this as their national agenda:
1. Make abortion illegal in all cases, including the health of the mother, rape, and incest
2. No Gay Marriage or even Civil Unions
3. Increase Military Spending
4. Privatize Medicare and SS in the near future
5. Do nothing about healthcare (assuming there is no Obamacare)
6. Cut taxes again, especially for the wealthy (as well as eliminate corporate tax)
7. Build a wall on the Mexican border, deport every illegal immigrant you can find
8. Eliminate the EPA, ignore global warming
9. Drill baby drill
10. Ending Planned Parenthood completely including non-abortion stuff for women
Now, with the exception of possibly number 9, is there a single issue on there that 50%+ support? These are some of their biggest issues right now.
Like I said, it's a part of outdated ideas and dying ideals. This is why they will lose. This election will not be about Obama, it will be about a wholesale rejection of the Republican Party as a Party.
Sharpton is awful and I don't think Bashir is very good either. I guess the UP format works better in the morning so how about getting rid of Andrea Mitchell or Chris Jansing? (I would pick Andrea cos Chris is such a MILF lol). Sharpton needs to go so maybe one of them can take his spot.
There is no way these guys are getting better ratings than Hayes could be getting.
PS: I miss Contessa Brewer. She was hot even with her mannish jaw <3
Sharpton is awful and I don't think Bashir is very good either. I guess the UP format works better in the morning so how about getting rid of Andrea Mitchell or Chris Jansing? (I would pick Andrea cos Chris is such a MILF lol). Sharpton needs to go so maybe one of them can take his spot.
Sharpton is awful and I don't think Bashir is very good either. I guess the UP format works better in the morning so how about getting rid of Andrea Mitchell or Chris Jansing? (I would pick Andrea cos Chris is such a MILF lol). Sharpton needs to go so maybe one of them can take his spot.
There is no way these guys are getting better ratings than Hayes could be getting.
PS: I miss Contessa Brewer. She was hot even with her mannish jaw <3
Sharpton is awful and I don't think Bashir is very good either. I guess the UP format works better in the morning so how about getting rid of Andrea Mitchell or Chris Jansing? (I would pick Andrea cos Chris is such a MILF lol). Sharpton needs to go so maybe one of them can take his spot.
There is no way these guys are getting better ratings than Hayes could be getting.
PS: I miss Contessa Brewer. She was hot even with her mannish jaw <3
What? Romney and his campaign have been absolutely laughable and inept at every step. He's a pretty big part of the problem. That the GOP thought he's really the best they can do is pretty damning on their behalf.
Now it's getting REALLY dirty: Outrageous film claiming Obama's mother once posed for pornographic pictures is sent to a MILLION swing voters
The film claims that Mr Obama's real father is left wing poet and Communist party activist, Frank Marshall Davis
100,000 copies of the DVD, containing extraordinary claims, have already been mailed to voters in Ohio with up to three million more planned to go out
As Mitt Romney lags in the polls the material could be potentially damaging for the Obama campaign
It has already won the support of Alabama's Republican Party chairman Bill Armistead
Democrat consultant Steve Murphy called the accusations 'low' and motivated by race and money
More than a million voters in swing states are being sent an anti-Obama documentary that claims the President's mother once posed for pornographic photos wearing bondage gear.
The shocking - and totally unfounded - claims made in the DVD represent a new low in the election dirty tricks war today provoking fury among Democrats and likely to trigger outrage in the White House.
'Dreams From My Real Father', made by a right-wing film-maker who is a long-time critic of Obama, includes images of a woman it claims is the President's mother Ann Dunham clad in leather gloves, boots and a corset posing seductively on a couch.
The film also alleges that Mr Obama's real father is left wing poet poet and Communist party activist Frank Marshall Davis, and that Ms Dunham's marriage was a 'sham' to cover this up.
The extraordinary claims are the latest twist in the debunked 'birther' conspiracy which has raised questions over Mr Obama's past.
But they could have serious consequences as more than one million copies have been mailed to voters in Ohio, a key swing state where Mitt Romney is lagging in the polls. Some 100,000 copies have also been sent to voters in Nevada and the same number to New Hampshire - with up to three million more still to come.
It has even won the support of Alabama's Republican Party chairman Bill Armistead who has said: 'That (the film) is absolutely frightening. I've seen it. I verified that it is factual, all of it. People can determine.'
But Democrat consultant Steve Murphy said today: 'It's about the lowest thing you can do to accuse, with no evidence, the opposition candidate's mother of being a porn star.
'There are two motives behind this - racism and money. It's a cynical attempt to make some coin and exploit the views of the fringes of mainstream views.'
The movie's director Joel Gilbert said the documentary was the result of two years of research but he is already facing allegations it is a dirty tricks campaign.
Speaking to MailOnline Mr Gilbert claimed that he matched up Ms Dunham to the pornographic pictures by comparing them to her high school photographs at the time.
He and 'other researchers' made the connection but he did not employ a photography expert.
Dunno if this has been posted, but the Daily Mail has caught wind of the latest proclamation of the birther movement. They're aghast, surprisingly enough:
Full article, if you're curious: [daily mail dot co dot uk] /news/article-2210012/Film-claiming-Obamas-mother-posed-pornographic-pictures-sent-million-swing-voters.html
When the Daily Mail is crying bullshit, you know you've screwed up.
I'm genuinely surprised that Joe Scarborough continues to kill Romney's campaign on a daily basis so openly. He even rips the unskewers too!
Then on the subject of drones, I mean FUCK how removed from reality do you have to be? He's got to do something, even if it's just for appearances, we should all acknowledge that. But what he's actually done is massively reduce civilian death by U.S. armed forces while at the same time instilling fear and panic in the minds of all terrorists who oppose the U.S.. How is that not a massive improvement? He's the POTUS, not the Dali Lama. He doesn't get to be a pacifist. I'd take drone strikes that occasionally kill an innocent over tens of thousands of U.S. troops invading countries and killing hundreds of thousands of innocents.
Ugh, he'd lose my vote.Obama needs to get on record as a person who says "pop" instead of "soda" and this deal is sealed.
Ugh, he'd lose my vote.
Soda, bitches. Soda.
Sorry, all carbonated drinks are known as coke. If you want a sprite, then you need to say you want a coke.
Academically I know that should bother me even more than calling them "pop," but somehow it doesn't.Sorry, all carbonated drinks are known as coke. If you want a sprite, then you need to say you want a coke.
but can everyone admit that mango cola is an abomination unto man?
No, we Jamaican foreigners love it.
Obama needs to get on record as a person who says "pop" instead of "soda" and this deal is sealed.
This is disgusting, but, the birther movement is now claiming that Obama is a citizen? LOL.Dunno if this has been posted, but the Daily Mail has caught wind of the latest proclamation of the birther movement. They're aghast, surprisingly enough:
As a compromise, I attempted to use soda as I grew tired of the confused stares when I inquired which pop they served. But it was too disorienting. And I cringe when I request a Coke and they respond with "which kind?".Ugh, he'd lose my vote.
Soda, bitches. Soda.
Many valid points which have generated my reluctance for years.But we are invading countries. US use of drones is worrisome because it sets a precedence. What are we going to do if China or Russia starts their own drone campaign in a foreign country? Nothing, because we have already shown that we think that is acceptable. Foreign terrorist being able to strike here in America is overblown. Drones are just the easy path that Obama took to make himself look strong on defense. The harder path would be to work with governments to get them to do the work. I know that doesn't always work, but how many times do you need to kill AQ's number 2 before realizing that drones only amplify the problem? There were two other Presidents that escalated military operations before coming to the conclusion that they could not stop an ideological enemy on foreign soil. And before that happen we lost 58,000 men and 300,000 wounded. That war was called Vietnam.
I understand your argument, and I agree in part. The concept of polarization is only now being evaluated. And we barely understand its causes and implications. For example, there are conflicting accounts of its causes depending on the level of analysis; we know elite polarization has intensified, but as it's manifested in the electorate, is that reflective or concrete? And the diminished convention bounce is probably an appreciable consequence of polarization. So I concur in part, although the previous data is still serviceable. But I see you don't necessarily disagree.I agree with you and I was insinuating that the debates will not have much of an impact, barring a complete collapse. I was making the broader point that attempting to use dated information in a very different environment isn't particularly convincing. This is more related to, say, convention bounces, which these days they tend to be less pronounced and yet they get talked about a lot every cycle. So not really directed at your post; of course if you can show that the debates didn't have much of an impact even back then, it's even more likely to be the case today.
e: what a mess
If this were not yet another attempt to troll, I'm uncertain how I'd respond. It'd be nigh impossible to deconstruct this nonsense. Sweet Jesus.Wall of bullshit
They do have the remnants of a plan (tort reform, price transparency, purchase of insurance across state lines), but these ideas are so bad, or unsubstantial in the face of the problem, that it's clear the Republicans have no idea why health care costs are so high. Reading the official party platform, you would think the problems are abortion, Medicaid, and lack of consumer choice. It's obvious why they don't have more ideas: if they proposed something that works, it would look a lot like the ACA. All they literally have left is to denounce big government and hope that the free market will solve all of the problems, which isn't much of a plan and more of an attempt to appeal to their base.5. Do nothing about healthcare (assuming there is no Obamacare)
He's going to fuck up massively during the debates and he's going to get massacred.I was just looking at the date on my computer and thinking; will there be an October surprise or will the 47% be what we remember as the "September Surprise?" Right now I think most people would believe that the 47% comment is what will define the Romney campaign, but if I have learned anything from watching this election cycle is that Mitt Romney is a Gaffe Machine, and even on a bigger level than Joe Biden.
PoliticalWire said:New York Times: "Mr. Romney's team has concluded that debates are about creating moments and has equipped him with a series of zingers that he has memorized and has been practicing on aides since August. His strategy includes luring the president into appearing smug or evasive about his responsibility for the economy."
Romney can still win, let's not kid ourselves; and I am not changing my bet. But there's no question he's in a ditch right now, almost entirely self made. And if he loses he'll go down as the absolute worse presidential candidate in what, 36 years? Out of all the republicans in the world to choose, republicans chose this guy. Granted I doubt Santorum or Gingrich would have positive favorable numbers right now either, but at least they'd be losing with some dignity; they could argue they fought the good fight, from a conservative perspective. Romney has run scared since the early summer, after coming out blazing following the end of the primaries; he never matched that opening salvo.
How do you fuck up with 8% unemployment, a slow recovery, and disillusioned democrats everywhere? Mitt Romney was warned about his ridiculous anti-immigration stances in 2007 and he doubled down. He was warned about his anti-women's rights stances, yet decided to go full blown crazy to win the nomination. In hindsight, given his money and status advantages I don't believe he had to do either of these things to win the nomination. Sure he had to disavow Romneycare, but ultimately the other two issues weren't the main issues for the GOP - the main issue was "who can beat Obama." Romney won that issue before the primaries started, yet threw it away in some weird attempt to win hearts as well as minds. It didn't work, now he's fucked...
Obama is truly the Claudius of our time. Not particularly impressive, not an inspiring leader (perhaps not a leader at all), apparently not loved by his wife...yet blessed with foolish enemies who are cast away by the gods
I keep banging the drum, but I feel that the GOP will have to embrace a certain element of welfarism. The programs are generally too popular with the electorate for opposition to them to be electorally effective.
What I would suggest could happen - if the libertarian wing don't seize the party - is an attempt to tie these welfare programs to a more patriotic, national rejuvenation program.
They tie their own support for these programs with the intent of renewing the USA in the face of the BRICs and other powers. This then ties in close with their more aggressive international foreign policy and support for higher defence spending. I'd imagine it to be a modern form of the National Efficiency/rationalisation movements.
Yeah, the fracking of tight oil in North Dakota has grown like crazy. Texas is up big too.So America is producing the most oil it ever has since............Bill Clinton was in office? Not saying that there's any correlation, but the irony is funny. I thought it was the republican party that was all drill baby drill.
And I wonder if this makes some far left liberals mad when they read that oil production news.
I'm ready for some zingers!
Oh god this guarantees the debates are going to be popcorn gif worthy LOL
Romney can't zing off the cuff so I wait for him to deliver a one liner, have Obama sling it back and then Romney fall apart