Wow. He was banned after seeing his methods thoroughly eviscerated, drawn, quartered, burned and having the ashes scattered to the winds. I'm awestruck.Manos died in this thread:
Read the last two pages to see the gists of it.
Hell I love it. It was so cathartic to witness Manos' bullshit fall down around him and watch him squirm to reprhase, "NO U" in pithy ways.
Wow. He was banned after seeing his methods thoroughly eviscerated, drawn, quartered, burned and having the ashes scattered to the winds. I'm awestruck.
Moving on... Only another day until the first debate right? My only fear is that it'll be utterly boring.
PBS's Jim Lehrer will host the first presidential debate on Oct. 3 in Denver, Colo. CNN's Candy Crowley will host the second, town-hall debate on October 16 in Hempstead, N.Y. CBS's Bob Schieffer will host the third debate on Oct. 22 in Boca Raton, Fla.
ABC's Martha Raddatz will host the vice presidential debate on Oct. 11 in Danville, Ky.
and that abortion guy.
Guns are his sports team. Passion so illogical it completely excludes reason. He was a pretty good guy with a massive, crazy blind spot. Same thing with Gaborn and that abortion guy.
Talkin about me?
Guns are his sports team. Passion so illogical it completely excludes reason. He was a pretty good guy with a massive, crazy blind spot. Same thing with Gaborn and that abortion guy.
No, whatshisface. Can't believe I can't remember. He got perma'd about a year ago.
"Too little, too late."Gaborn used to be pretty level headed for a Paulite but he went full on wacko this election. Went from saying he would support Obama if he supported legalizing gay marriage to moving the goal post to say he'd only support Obama if he would reveal the existence of aliens.
Mr. Private Island himself.Ohhh. Jaydubya?
Thank you!Ohhh. Jaydubya?
If there was an fetus-rights equivalent to Manos's gun fetish, I can't even fathom the migraine inducing threads.
"Too little, too late."
Which also happens to be my prediction for the debates, although a quiet voice inside me insists that Romney and Ryan will dig themselves a deeper hole.
Quite possible seeing as Romney needs a strong enough performance that he could easily overreach.
Can you imagine the articles Hunter Thompson could write about Mitt Romney's campaign?
u bugginYeah, they'd be sloppy, late and self-indulgent, like all his later stuff. Matt Taibbi wears the pretend-HST crown now.
National Quinnipiac poll:
Obama 49 - Romney 45
(Women) Obama leads 58- 28 Romney
(Indies) Romney leads 47-45
(White voters) Romney 53-42
(men voters) Romney 52-42
Thank you!
Miss him. Apart from his blind spot. Wonder what mine is.
Carter was a pretty good president who was a victim of shit he didn't have control over, like the Arab oil embargo or the Iran hostage crisis. Some of his ideas were pretty progressive. Reason why Republicans don't like him is because he's an easy target that got trounced by his majesty King Reagan and it's some sort of testament about Reagan's superiority. Carter was also instrumental in stopping the conflict between Arabs and Israel and making Egypt Israel sign the peace treaty at Camp David (Begin and Anwar Sadat). That's shitton more Reagan and Bush I did in their terms. Americans just didn't care and (still don't do) about major milestones in mid-east conflict resolution. If tomorrow Obama were to magically create Palestinian state by making Bibi and Abbas hug and give each other sloppy kisses, Americans won't care at all. We don't really care about what's outside our borders. But I digress.As a foreigner, it seems to me that Republicans hate Carter because he was, in their eyes, weak. I think that was his biggest crime. He wasn't the rugged, courageous, football captain manly man they wanted and it killed them that this dorky, polite policy wonk with the reedy voice was their president.
Never mind the fact that everything seemed to be going wrong for the guy with the economy, the hostage crisis and thus the polls at the time. It makes people remember his presidency as a difficult time, so it makes him a convenient bogeyman like Nixon or W Bush on the left.
Had the rescue operation he ordered succeeded, could Carter have won?
Our weekly national poll for @DKElections finds Barack Obama leading Mitt Romney 49-45
Our last 6 weeks of national polling: 49-45, 50-45, 50-46, 50-44, 50-44, 49-45. Incredibly stable race right now.
PublicPolicyPollingDating back to August 16th we've had Obama at 49 or 50% nationally every week and have had Romney between 44 and 46% every week
Trust me it's going to be boring as shit.My only fear is that it'll be boring.
He is not going to debate. He is going to do a Palin and speak directly to the American people. Ryan's problem, and I am not kidding, is that no matter how he does, his voice is super annoying and makes everything he says sound churlish. For that reason alone he could never be president - even if he were a good candidate, which he is not. His voice is fucking atrocious.
Judge grants injunction to halt PA voter ID law before election
Judge grants injunction to halt PA voter ID law before election
Judge grants injunction to halt PA voter ID law before election
Hey, boring is great. This trajectory is a-OK by me!Trust me it's going to be boring as shit.
cant wait for the appeals!
Voter ID by 2014 i bet
How is this possible @Gov_Martinez ? RT @RasmussenPoll: New Mexico: #Obama 51%, #Romney 40%... #NM
@RasmussenPoll make a mistake NM is stupid, I hope Susana Martinez will rub off on some of the masses 51% idiots.
.. Should I be shocked, or just disgusted? “@RasmussenPoll: New Mexico: #Obama 51%, #Romney 40%... #NM”
there must be a large percentage of dependents living in NM... Bring on that gov payck!
And, they are a Republican run state doing better than most but ..would vote to go backwards. AMAZING IGNORANCE !
What is wrong with these swing states? Are they on drugs? Oh yeah, entitlements... same thing.
Does George Will realize how condescending this sounds? Hey asshole, maybe most folks just think Obama's done a pretty good job and/or Romney would be a lot worseObamas administration is in shambles, yet he is prospering politically. This may not, however, entirely be evidence of the irrationality of the electorate. Something more benign may be at work.
A significant date in the nations civil rights progress involved an African American baseball player named Robinson, but not Jackie. The date was Oct. 3, 1974, when Frank Robinson, one the greatest players in history, was hired by the Cleveland Indians as the major leagues first black manager. But an even more important milestone of progress occurred June 19, 1977, when the Indians fired him. That was colorblind equality.
Managers get fired all the time. The fact that the Indians felt free to fire Robinson who went on to have a distinguished career managing four other teams showed that another racial barrier had fallen: Henceforth, African Americans, too, could enjoy the God-given right to be scapegoats for impatient team owners or incompetent team executives.
Perhaps a pleasant paradox defines this political season: That Obama is African American may be important, but in a way quite unlike that darkly suggested by, for example, MSNBCs excitable boys and girls who, with their (at most) one-track minds and exquisitely sensitive olfactory receptors, sniff racism in any criticism of their pin-up. Instead, the nation, which is generally reluctant to declare a president a failure thereby admitting that it made a mistake in choosing him seems especially reluctant to give up on the first African American president. If so, the 2012 election speaks well of the nations heart, if not its head.
Obama 50 Romney 47
CNN: It's a tie!
FUCK you, CNN.
Does George Will realize how condescending this sounds? Hey asshole, maybe most folks just think Obama's done a pretty good job and/or Romney would be a lot worse
Does George Will realize how condescending this sounds? Hey asshole, maybe most folks just think Obama's done a pretty good job and/or Romney would be a lot worse
Great news.
I'm not against Voter ID per se but what pissed me off about the PA Law is how they rammed it through for this years Presidential Elections. People (and the gov't agencies giving ID's) should have the time to get their stuff together.
Per Nate Silver, they have a Republican tilt..What do we know about this "We Ask America" pollster?
Does George Will realize how condescending this sounds? Hey asshole, maybe most folks just think Obama's done a pretty good job and/or Romney would be a lot worse
You're under the impression that those that crafted this law would actually want to give the public and lawyers time to scrutinize it.
Does George Will realize how condescending this sounds? Hey asshole, maybe most folks just think Obama's done a pretty good job and/or Romney would be a lot worse
For good.Also, Kosmo is finally gone? For good?
For good.
For good.