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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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looking at the rasmussenpoll twitter feed in reaction to Obama leading Romney in New Mexico 51-40%, i mean really guys? lmao

The Susana Martinez win was a referendum on Bill Richardson, whose approval rating was in the 20's due to pay to play scandals (which he was cleared on) and the highest unemployment percent New Mexico had seen in 20 years (though almost a full 2 points below the country average). Martinez had successfully tied Diane Denish to Richardson, nothing more. It's no real surprise that Obama's lead here is that large.


Romney prepared to address his 47 comment during debate with 100 nonsense
Gotta love that not only is foreign policy the final debate topic, and not only is Bob get-up-in-that-ass Schieffer moderating, but the cherry on top of this sundae is that it's in Boca Raton thus all but guaranteeing a lame "I'm for the one-hundred percent." answer from Mitt.

I called it!
I like how obama's range being from 47-53% and Romney's range being from 44-50% means it's a tie.

It is just as likely for Obama to be up 51.5%-45.5% as it is for both obama and romney to be at 48.5%. It is just as likely for Obama to be leading by at least 6 points as it is for Romney to be ahead of obama by any amount.

That said, the fact that out of 40 randomly adults, roughly 19 of them would vote for Mitt Romney over Barack Obama scares the crap out of me.

My wife's brother is an ex-felon, half-Puerto Rican high school dropout that is voting for Romney here in Illinois. I have no idea what the hell is going on with him; I'm going to hope it's just because he lives in the shitty suburbs.
I'm all for more political diversity on poligaf. However, I don't want douchebags, trolls, idiots, crazies and joke characters on poligaf. Luckily all those banned fall in one of these categories.

And hey, it's not our fault that there's such a great correlation between mainstream GOP supporters and all those unwanted characteristics... :p


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Has PoliGAF had an actual Romney supporter?

Do these people exist?

Or are they just anti-Obama supporters?

There are some in OT. I wish a couple would come visit this thread and actually articulate why they support who they do. Have an actual back and forth discussion. Kosmo was just a False Equivalency bot, and did nothing to have me personally think outside the box. ToxicAdam does far more to challenge my thought process.

That will forever be my favorite editorial.

Yes, my favorite from this campaign so far.


Can't we just admit, it's really hard to support/justify Republican economic ideology, especially when EV is always watching...waiting...

And as for Republican social ideology well, it's often the cause of a ban.

If this was oldman.org I would expect a different discussion.
I have no idea how Romney can bullshit his way out of the 47% comment. Does his camp think him claiming he's really for 100% of people resonates after that tape? I suppose he has no choice but to try, but still...that's a hard fucking sell

It just gives Obama the opportunity to say something like "that's not what being president is about, if you want this job you have to care about all people, etc"
As someone who sort of just lurks this board, I liked Kosmo. He was a walking talking point, but the responses to his crap were always good. It was like practice for arguing with my friend who's also a walking talking point from the right.

I liked Manos too. (though I know he was more middle of the road guy than a conservative)

I hope more people will fill in. Even reading this thread will be more boring without them.
Also, going back to the Obama - Carter comparison. I don't think equating Obama to Carter will work, but at the same time Obama has a lot of vulnerability because of the Libya attack. A lot will depend on whether Dems will defend the Administration or some of them will not because of well Israel.

But Obama will also need to be prepared for a proper answer on the timeline and WH responses for the debates. His other problem will be losing media cycles to the upcoming house oversight committee hearing in an episode that Obama and WH clearly does not come out looking too good.

RT @trscoop: House Oversight says requests for increased security in Benghazi before 9/11 denied by Washington http://vlt.tc/htj

If GOP fear mongering gets American people to somehow believe they are in imminent danger yet, they will succeed in their plan. Obviously, that not being people's top concerns right now it will be hard for them to do so.


I have no idea how Romney can bullshit his way out of the 47% comment. Does his camp think him claiming he's really for 100% of people resonates after that tape? I suppose he has no choice but to try, but still...that's a hard fucking sell

It just gives Obama the opportunity to say something like "that's not what being president is about, if you want this job you have to care about all people, etc"

If he goes for the 100% line Obama just has to say something along the lines of "What should the American people believe? What you say behind closed doors when you think there are no cameras or what you say now on national television?"

Mike M

Nick N
He was already on thin ice given his post history and the warning he received for trying to spread blatant misinformation regarding the DNC a while back.

What misinformation was that? PoliGAF moves too fast for me to follow adequately anymore : /


Has PoliGAF had an actual Romney supporter?

Do these people exist?

Or are they just anti-Obama supporters?

It's only anecdotal evidence, but most of the people I know that support Romney are strongly anti-Obama and ambivalent about Romney himself. Paul Ryan seems to be thought of more fondly among the Republican base.

To be fair, though, plenty of people on NeoGAF are likely more anti-Republican than they are pro-Obama (there have been survey threads in the OT where most people have said that their own views more closely align with, say, Jill Stein, but they wont vote that way due to a desire to keep the Republicans out).


Setec Astronomer
What misinformation was that? PoliGAF moves too fast for me to follow adequately anymore : /
It was a thing from a right wing website misquoting the local news story they linked to about the DNC forcing a cancer center to shut down leaving patients in the cold... even though the center actually has three locations in town.

I knew it sounded wrong because I live in the area and it was extremely easy to click through and find the actual report.

Mike M

Nick N
PoliGAF moves at a snail's pace compared to other threads. I can actually keep up with it.

Yeah, I don't even bother with most threads. I'm on my phone 99% of the time, it's tough to be a contributing member like that. I post in here infrequently, and maybe a couple posts in the D&D play-by-post thread, and that's the sum total of my participation : /.

I was way more active during the 08 election, but then work nuked my Internet access for being on GAF too much...
There are some in OT. I wish a couple would come visit this thread and actually articulate why they support who they do. Have an actual back and forth discussion. Kosmo was just a False Equivalency bot, and did nothing to have me personally think outside the box. ToxicAdam does far more to challenge my thought process.

I would consider neither of them "Romney supporters". They may be anti-Obama, but that's the crux of my point here: I get the feeling that there are few, if any, true Romney supporters here.

As someone who sort of just lurks this board, I liked Kosmo. He was a walking talking point, but the responses to his crap were always good. It was like practice for arguing with my friend who's also a walking talking point from the right.

So Kosmo is like a punching bag, a practice dummy, so to speak. I can appreciate that.
Are there any genuine Mitt Romney supporters? I'm not just talking about here on GAF, I'm talking about the world in general. I mean, I assume the Romneys themselves want him to win because they like him. Beyond that, though? There's a reason why there were so many fringe candidates elevated to serious contenders during the GOP primaries, and it's not because people were suddenly deeply in love with Michelle Bachmann/Herman Cain/Rick Perry/Newt Gingrich/Rick Santorum. Heck, Romney couldn't even crack 60% in the Virginia primary, and that was him running basically unopposed (or, if you want to be all technical about it, Ron Paul). He really only won because of his massive monetary advantage, not because GOPers had any affection for him whatsoever.

If he goes for the 100% line Obama just has to say something along the lines of "What should the American people believe? What you say behind closed doors when you think there are no cameras or what you say now on national television?"

The best discussion I saw about this was from Jonathan Chait:

"...the comments destroy Romney’s fundamental credibility. Here America sees what he says behind closed doors. Nothing he can say in public can possibly overcome the damage of these comments, because voters will quite correctly assume that he is telling them what they want to hear. George W. Bush’s campaign figured out how to do this to both Al Gore and John Kerry — by painting them as liars, Bush destroyed them as a message delivery platform. Romney has, essentially, done it to himself.
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