New political kombat
The kids get it
Simply beautiful! The arena by itself is LOL worthy!
Great news.
I'm not against Voter ID per se but what pissed me off about the PA Law is how they rammed it through for this years Presidential Elections. People (and the gov't agencies giving ID's) should have the time to get their stuff together.
Yeah, this one wasn't nearly as good. Ron Paul's voice was annoying as shit to boot.Watch the first one. I think it's even better.
I think there might be some shady practices like phone calls telling people to get a state ID and implying that you need one to vote or a whisper misinformation campaign.Voter ID, which is going to help Romney win Pennsylvania
Weird that they can still ask you, but if you don't need it it's whatever.
Voting standards should be nationalized so that it is the same in every state, and has a paper trail. Period. End of story.
Voting standards should be nationalized so that it is the same in every state, and has a paper trail. Period. End of story.
What if Obama laid the smackdown by telling people exactly how Bain and others structure themselves in order to decrease their tax liability? In the simplest way possible (lol). Not that that would happen because it would be about more than just Bain, it would be about the whole financial sector. And obviously Obama can't just give them the finger, but a man can dream. I wonder if it'd be possible to explain it in such a way that people would understand upon first hearing and if it would make the go wtf this is bullshit.
^ far too complex a topic to tackle; debates are aimed at the masses, not nuance.
You've got Americans who still don't understand the idea of progressive taxation and actually believe that businesses are surrendering 35% of their income in taxes to the IRS.
My view as a Hispanic, and I am pretty sure it's in line with most Hispanic views on this is: 'yeah, sure Mitt, I believe you'
That's a narrative that Fox News and the GOP keeps pushing. They want people to be confused about how progressive taxation works so they can attack it more easily.
After the numerous times we've had the discussions on this topic on NeoGAF, I'm convinced that the general public is clueless about progressive taxes. Maybe ~80% of Americans don't know that we have one and if they do, don't know what it means.
The Democrats would gain politically if they only bothered to do an extensive education campaign on how progressive taxation actually works.
The Democrats would gain politically if they only bothered to do an extensive education campaign on how progressive taxation actually works.
Ah so now you think Obama is going to win...I would have preferred for Kosmo, Manos, etc to at least survive for election day. I doubt they would have done any irreparable harm to the forum between now and then
After the numerous times we've had the discussions on this topic on NeoGAF, I'm convinced that the general public is clueless about progressive taxes. Maybe ~80% of Americans don't know that we have one and if they do, don't know what it means.
That's true and condenses the basic point into an understandable soundbite. What would be even better though is if a president, on such a stage as the debates, could convince the people that believe in the job creator myth that it's a load of bullshit and that the game is rigged. While those people are obviously difficult to convince and often die hard believers, maybe a speech discussing the fundemantal brokenness of the system and the fundamental way in which it is rigged in favor of the rich, could prove relatively successful.He probably doesn't have to. If Obama says "the New York Times says your Cayman Islands accounts allowed you to evade taxes," and Romney says "no they didn't!," people are going to assume that Obama is right.
35 days to the election. I don't check the countdown often but....that's not much time at all. The days are flying by now.
Don't worry, Romney could still turn it around!35 days to the election. I don't check the countdown often but....that's not much time at all. The days are flying by now.
Don't worry, Romney could still turn it around!
Obama is polling behind Bush's 2004 run. This can go either way. The debate is going to make this a pure toss up
That's true and condenses the basic point into an understandable soundbite. What would be even better though is if a president, on such a stage as the debates, could convince the people that believe in the job creator myth that it's a load of bullshit and that the game is rigged. While those people are obviously difficult to convince and often die hard believers, maybe a speech discussing the fundemantal brokenness of the system and the fundamental way in which it is rigged in favor of the rich, could prove relatively successful.
2 words for you: electoral collegeObama is polling behind Bush's 2004 run. This can go either way. The debate is going to make this a pure toss up
President Barack Obama has opened an 8-point lead (47% 39%) over Mitt Romney in Virginia, according to The Roanoke College Poll, as the two candidates head into the first presidential debate. Democrat Tim Kaine enjoys a 10-point margin (47% 37%) over Republican George Allen in the race for the U.S. Senate seat in Virginia.
New VA Poll, not sure about reliability
Wow. I've been thinking that Romney would win VA.
I can't believe they decided to run George "Macaca" Allen. Apparently you have to get thrown in jail to be disqualified these days. They are even providing money to Todd "unlady-like legit rape" Akin now.
New VA Poll, not sure about reliability
New political kombat
The kids get it
In honor of ToxicAdam, here's a graph on how the dreaded fiscal cliff would affect everybody's tax bill:
While I agree in a fundamental sense, I think that this is the wrong time for Obama to take that question on. Next year he can bring Senator Warren on stage to make the case with him.
Obama winning Virginia would make for a really boring night. Much better than having to wait for Nevada and Colorado..
Voting standards should be nationalized so that it is the same in every state, and has a paper trail. Period. End of story.
35 days to the election. I don't check the countdown often but....that's not much time at all. The days are flying by now.
Obama winning Virginia would make for a really early night. Much better than having to wait for Nevada and Colorado..
You're really going to keep this up until the exact minute it's called for Obama, huh?Obama is polling behind Bush's 2004 run. This can go either way. The debate is going to make this a pure toss up
Curious tape dropping tonight. NOT from MOTHERJONES. Will cause controversy, ignite accusations of racism -- in both directions!
Boring? Really? It'd be a reason to pop open the champagne early! And there would still be plenty of suspense over the House and Senate.Fixed.
Bold prediction. I'm still in the "Obama will win as things are but things could still change to favor Mitt" camp. Although the severity of things changing has to be pretty damn big at this point.Best election nights have already come and gone this year, where Santorum squeaked ahead of Romney in surprise wins. That was simply gold. Obama Romney election gonna be called in an hour.
At last!