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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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This is Ras. They always do this. They will show Obama going up in all their polls the first half of this week, and then towards Romney to fit that Romney comeback narrative.

I am sure some pollsters use methodology that skews one way or another-- but are you really suggesting that they cook their results differently over the course of a week for the sake of story?


So are we basically looking at a 50/50 Senate? I don't have a good feeling about McCaskill; despite Akin's antics I think the GOP will prevail there.


No Scrubs
So are we basically looking at a 50/50 Senate? I don't have a good feeling about McCaskill; despite Akin's antics I think the GOP will prevail there.

Dunno, I feel good about Warren vs Brown for some reason. Plus Akin just said non-pregnant ladies were given abortions, so yea.
Nothing is ever a given but...

1. Tell me what Romney is going to say tonight or in any of the debates that he could not say before that is going to make any independent say "Oh my God!!! This is the man I am voting for"

2. If Romney did not get a bump but instead got a point drop after the convention with all the pomp and circumstance, dog and pony show with no one to contrast or contradict until the Democratic convention.

What makes anyone think that he can stand up against all eyes on him, against Obama's record or even Obama himself?

Chill the fuck out Obama's got this!!!

Romney is going to try a zinger and laugh at his own joke with his psycho robot laugh and people are just going to be creeped out.


TPM, I know, but I had to share this tidbit about the most recent NBC/WSJ poll:

backpat central command said:
At least as discouraging, for Republicans, however, is that Romney’s favorite Obama quote — “You didn’t build that” — isn’t even a net drag for the president. After hearing his comments, voters reacted positively by a 36-32 margin overall, and independents and “up for grabs” voters actually approved of them by slightly higher margins.


Dunno, I feel good about Warren vs Brown for some reason.

Well, she does keep leading in all the polls.

Plus Akin just said non-pregnant ladies were given abortions, so yea.

Horrifyingly, this is ANOTHER pro-life talking point from the same websites that gave us legitimate rape.


No Scrubs
I thought he said that in 2008

Probably, I just caught the end of it on the news the other day. Still can't help him though, man needs a biology lesson.

EDIT: Here is the article. It was back in 08 during a speech in the house.

Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin is again drawing attention for comments about abortion – this time, for saying that doctors are "giving abortions to women who are not actually pregnant."

The Republican congressman from suburban St. Louis made the remark in a 2008 House speech. The video was being recirculated Wednesday on the Internet as Akin campaigns against Democratic U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill.



Ohio seems like a lost cause, but Romney can win without it

You're right he can:


I suppose hell could freeze over too.


I am sure some pollsters use methodology that skews one way or another-- but are you really suggesting that they cook their results differently over the course of a week for the sake of story?

It's Rasmussen so yes. They are infamous for this sort of stuff. It's why always always avoid getting worked up when they show Obama up right before events like this, because they will be using their numbers to try to push a storyline of a Romney comeback. Just watch. They'll have Romney up a few points by the end of the week and it will be a big drudge headline.
Dunno, I feel good about Warren vs Brown for some reason. Plus Akin just said non-pregnant ladies were given abortions, so yea.

He actually said it a while back ago (2008) but it was dug up recently due to his rape comment. The travesty is that the GOP decided he was the guy to put on the House Committee of Science, Space and Technology. Really GOP? Really?
Even his daughters are drawn to Romney, they look at him as more of a father figure than Barack.

Yeah. Barack never had a real father growing up like Mitt did with George Romney, who I think was a terrific, ideal father. I won't be surprised if Obama's daughters hate him.


There is no way on this earth that Romney loses Ohio but wins Wisconsin and New Hampshire.

Actually I was wrong in that calculus he doesn't need New Hampshire in the map I posted (273 R - 265 D). Just Wisconsin, Nevada, Colorado, Virginia, Florida.... easy peasy.

Basically Romney will hit an Ace on the river = game over.


No Scrubs
He actually said it a while back ago (2008) but it was dug up recently due to his rape comment. The travesty is that the GOP decided he was the guy to put on the House Committee of Science, Space and Technology. Really GOP? Really?

They put him on WHAT? I linked the article further up, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't mention this particular information.


An observation: In 2008 we were treated to a Republican candidate who was daring to the point of recklessness and took a lot of risks, most of which ended up backfiring spectacularly. In 2012 we now have a Republican candidate who is cautious to the point of being wooden. Overcompensation?


No Scrubs
An observation: In 2008 we were treated to a Republican candidate who was daring to the point of recklessness and took a lot of risks, most of which ended up backfiring spectacularly. In 2012 we now have a Republican candidate who is cautious to the point of being wooden. Overcompensation?

And in four years we will have one that is extremely overweight, and four years after that an anorexic candidate.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I know Obama has the election on lockdown, but I'm getting more and more nervous. Logical me knows that Romney has no shot at the electoral college, but the rest of me panics at least once a day.
An observation: In 2008 we were treated to a Republican candidate who was daring to the point of recklessness and took a lot of risks, most of which ended up backfiring spectacularly. In 2012 we now have a Republican candidate who is cautious to the point of being wooden. Overcompensation?

Don't forget the rise of the Tea Party. Bending over backwards to placate them.
I know Obama has the election on lockdown, but I'm getting more and more nervous. Logical me knows that Romney has no shot at the electoral college, but the rest of me panics at least once a day.

Take a deep breath.

It's Mitt Romney. I'll be surprised if Mitt didn't set his hair on fire today.


I know Obama has the election on lockdown, but I'm getting more and more nervous. Logical me knows that Romney has no shot at the electoral college, but the rest of me panics at least once a day.
If I said this, there'd be like 10 posts of "lol Diablos is just freaking out, nothing to see here!"

It is true, Romney had a bad month, but if he can get that out of the way and have a strong debate or two, who knows, it could start breaking in his favor.


Listen crapped in pants, when Ohio goes to Bams you can take that paper bag and pop it loudly then stating "BOOM!" ;p

It is true, Romney had a bad month, but if he can get that out of the way and have a strong debate or two, who knows, it could start breaking in his favor.

He's gonna need a montage.
I know Obama has the election on lockdown, but I'm getting more and more nervous. Logical me knows that Romney has no shot at the electoral college, but the rest of me panics at least once a day.

Same here.

Also to note, this is exactly how Romney's 2002 governor race was poised. 5 weeks out, Romney trailing by 5-6 points. And then he won it by doing various shenanigans.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
If I said this, there'd be like 10 posts of "lol Diablos is just freaking out, nothing to see here!"

It is true, Romney had a bad month, but if he can get that out of the way and have a strong debate or two, who knows, it could start breaking in his favor.

I feel like any breaks in Romney's favor are likely to be things that are outside of his control. I don't think his campaign can turn it around right now. I'm more worried about unforeseeable things that could happen than I am any deliberate attempt by Romney's campaign to come up with a gamechanger.
Listen crapped in pants, when Ohio goes to Bams you can take that paper bag and pop it loudly then stating "BOOM!" ;p

Lol! Indeed. I think I'll be way relaxed when Ohio and Virginia go blue.
Everyone here in Denver is getting really excited.

I have to work until 8pm tonight and getting home is going to be a shit storm with the debate going on. A huge chunk of the highway is closed. I likely won't even get to see the debate since I won't get home until well after it's started.

How long is it supposed to take?

Part of me really hopes downtown is just crammed full of people tonight.
Not sure if serious but regarding Ras the answer is overwhelmingly yes

Yes, serious. I understand favoring a methodology that matches your underlying politics, but that can at least be justified. Cooking your numbers on a weekly basis seems like shaky ground for an organization that needs credibility.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Don't forget the rise of the Tea Party. Bending over backwards to placate them.

The tea party is just the Limbaugh/Beck/Hannity audience, the 30% of America that still approved of Bush at the end of his 2nd term.

The republican base.


Yes, serious. I understand favoring a methodology that matches your underlying politics, but that can at least be justified. Cooking your numbers on a weekly basis seems like shaky ground for an organization that needs credibility.

Yup if you google rasmussen polling there should come up a few articles that investigate how much of a shame it is. If I remember right Nate Silver at 538 did an entire write up on them

Once people were clued it to the way they work its humorous to watch, they don't even try to hide it now and will wildly go in 7-10 point swings when other polls disagree with them

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I know Obama has the election on lockdown, but I'm getting more and more nervous. Logical me knows that Romney has no shot at the electoral college, but the rest of me panics at least once a day.

I feel the same way.

Been thinking about this debate, Romney and co. have been really hyping the fact that he has been preparing very hard, has a whole line of zingers ready, and that Obama has barely been practicing. I feel like expectations are quite high for him and if he flails tonight, it's going to damage him pretty bad, on the other hand, if he wins the debate, but Obama is not completely destroyed, I don't think it will hurt Obama that badly. I think they miscalculated by trying to create that hype. I dunno, guess we'll find out shortly. :/
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