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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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It is bizarre how so much of the debate talk has now decidedly focused on "zingers".

We've suddenly decided that we need a comedian-in-chief.

I'd stand up and clap if Obama threw back with a line like that if Romney decides to use these "zingers" (a word which I'm getting very fucking tired of hearing).


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
lololololololol the video has been on YouTube since '07.

Hannity was probably going to take one little part out of it and make it seem like something bad a la "you didn't build that".

The funniest thing I take from this video is how Obama changes his pronunciation of certain words when he's speaking to a predominantly black crowd in order to sound more black. But it's not the first time we've heard him do this.

What makes you think he's not trying to sound more" white" when he's not in front of all black people.


these so called Obama tapes, how are they going to help the GOP?

It seems they just made me remember why I liked this guy back in 2008. How is reminding today's voters about this guy going to help them?

The only point i can see is to bring up Reverend Wright again (which they don't want to do directly because it would legitimize discussion of the fact that Romney is a member of an absurd quasi-cult).

I do find it truly hilarious (in a monstrous way) how Republicans have created an entire cottage industry of being offended at people who criticize the Bush Adminstration's response to Katrina. Let's ignore the utterly pathetic response to one of the worst natural disasters in our's nation's history and instead focus on the real villains: racists like Kanye West and Obama.

Link Man

Got my Debate Night supper ready:


Bologna on white bread with American cheese and Miracle Whip, with Zingers and an RC Cola.

I call it the "PhoenixDark Comeback Combo".


testicles on a cold fall morning
Scorcho, I've long giggled and guffawed at your posts and your avatar (which reminds me of an old favotite Conan & Max skit). Your post flustered me here at work. You'll be in my thoughts/prayers.

fuck you.


carry on. a few more hours to go!
I think I'm going to stay home. Gonna bake some tilapia fish, cook some rice and a veggie...yea. If I go to the Obama event I won't be able to post on GAF. I guess I could just bring my iPod Touch but that would look stupid


Has this article from The Economist been posted yet? It's about their extensive poll of economists from the National Bureau of Economic Research and the National Association for Business Economics as to which candidate would better handle economic policy. A couple of charts from the article:

There are more Democratic respondents than Republicans, but the charts make an effort to also show how the independent respondents felt as well.


Sidhe / PikPok
these so called Obama tapes, how are they going to help the GOP?

It seems they just made me remember why I liked this guy back in 2008. How is reminding today's voters about this guy going to help them?

They are perhaps missing the point of why he is popular in the first place. What they see as weakness is a strength. Turns out people might be more compassionate (or at least responsive to compassion) than they give them credit for.

The "let's cut off the moochers" message the GOP and Romney has had might play well to their base, but "let's help lift everyone up including the downtrodden" from Obama is a much more positive and inspiring message.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
is this the same guy that is the face of that fucking enraging "Freedom Pulpit Sunday" event they're having? The one where hundreds of pastors across the country intentionally defy the IRS and their tax-exempt status so they can overturn the law that forbids religious leaders from endorsing candidates during church?

'Cause he was on CNN this morning being torn apart by one of the morning hosts

Yep, same dipshit.

Admittedly I'm not the best expert on the Constitution, but he seems to be saying that freedom of religion means the government has no right to tax the church for their beliefs. I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. If you want to have an opinion, go for it, but you can't be subsidized by the government for doing so.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
any other suggested twitter accounts to watch?
Wow, Al Jazeera party in Reddit tonight for the Presidential debate...live fact checking, questions, answers and whole host of other stuff
A producer from Al Jazeera English contacted the moderators of /r/Politics over the weekend and asked us to solicit questions from the users here about the Presidential Debate tonight in the United States between President Barack Obama (Democrat) and Governor Mitt Romney (Republican).

In short, they would like to know what you expect to happen, what you hope happens, and then reactions to what actually happened in the Presidential debate. Some of your comments here may be used during their on-air broadcast.
Yep, same dipshit.

Admittedly I'm not the best expert on the Constitution, but he seems to be saying that freedom of religion means the government has no right to tax the church for their beliefs. I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. If you want to have an opinion, go for it, but you can't be subsidized by the government for doing so.

That is pretty much where it comes from. Not taxing churches helps keep the government from 'impeding the free exercise of religion'. However, politics is not religion. Your donations to political parties are not tax deductible.

If you allow churches to endorse candidates then you have created a loophole that you can drive a truck through. Why the have the Republican party when you can have the Republican church that does the same thing but now all donations are tax-deductible!

So if he wants to endorse candidates fine . . . but then all donations to his "church" should no longer be tax-deductible.
is this the same guy that is the face of that fucking enraging "Freedom Pulpit Sunday" event they're having? The one where hundreds of pastors across the country intentionally defy the IRS and their tax-exempt status so they can overturn the law that forbids religious leaders from endorsing candidates during church?

'Cause he was on CNN this morning being torn apart by one of the morning hosts
Wait, preachers/pastors can't endorse candidates during church? My aunt's pastor has been pushing Romney for months during his service. Not that it matters. This is California and she always votes democrat anyways.


I know Obama has the election on lockdown, but I'm getting more and more nervous. Logical me knows that Romney has no shot at the electoral college, but the rest of me panics at least once a day.
I don't understand why your anxiety would increase. As the election approaches, the certainty of our projections increase. And it's evident Obama's going to win. His advantage has only increased. I could understand anxiety a few months ago when there was much intervening time. But not now.
Media poll analysis is so asinine. When a poll swings 1-2 points one way, it's called "tightening", while someone being up 2-4 points is "statistical tie". The margin of error is apparently only relevant when discussing the gap between the candidates (and even then it's misused; what the poll specifically says is statistically the most likely value within the range to be accurate) and completely irrelevant when discussing poll movement.

Granted, it's perfectly understandable because the alternative is usually just saying "well this poll doesn't really tell us anything"
Exactly. It's even more inane when they attempt to impute small movements to a particular event.
Per the table I posted yesterday, that's the one cycle where the debates probably yielded an appreciable effect. And that required a historically abominable performance from Gore. Hell, Obama could gain from the debate. Romney's clearly more likely to fuck up than Obama.

Also, damn fine choices for your debate drinks.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I don't understand why your anxiety would increase. As the election approaches, the certainty of our projections increase. And it's evident Obama's going to win. His advantage has only increased. I could understand anxiety a few months ago when there was much intervening time. But not now.

Like I said later, I worry about the unpredictable things that neither campaign has control of, like what is happening in Iran and with Syria and Turkey. I've got absolute faith in Obama being able to put Romney's campaign in the ground.


Hahaha, I can actually picture the conspiracy theory now. Obama and his black panther thugs sent those trains through their to give Romney a bad night sleep. We won't be fooled by this cover up and the American people will see through these lies!

Joe Biden himself personally drove the train and pulled the horn.


Like I said later, I worry about the unpredictable things that neither campaign has control of, like what is happening in Iran and with Syria and Turkey. I've got absolute faith in Obama being able to put Romney's campaign in the ground.

Think what he is saying is that voting has already started, and the longer it takes Romney to gain any ground the less ground there is to even stand on. By the time November 6th comes around half the votes will have already been cast, a lot of them in the so called 'swing states'. You can narrow the gaps, but unless Romney gets a humongous swing between now and the final day of elections, every day we inch closer is just that much larger of a gap Romney needs to overcome, its why Nate keeps ticking Obama's chances of winning up each day a neutral or even slightly positive Romney poll goes up, it has to be a HUGE tick up for Romney at this point to gain any ground whatsoever, comparable to what Kerry had against Bush in his first debates and even that wasn't enough to beat him.
So are we basically looking at a 50/50 Senate? I don't have a good feeling about McCaskill; despite Akin's antics I think the GOP will prevail there.
I think the Senate's looking pretty great.

Wisconsin looks like an easy hold which completely defies everyone's expectations. Kaine is putting distance in Virginia. Not worried about Connecticut because it was like this two years ago too. NM, HI, PA, OH, FL are all not competitive and the media is fooling themselves if they're still saying they are.

Tester is strong in Montana but might be running into the same problem as Brown in Massachusetts - they might like him but he's also an asset to the presidential candidate, who they'll most likely be voting against. Then again, the other Democrats are polling strongly (like Steve Bullock for governor) so he could still win, but MT is probably the most likely loss after Nebraska, which is a goner for sure. Missouri will probably be close but Todd Akin's not doing himself any favors (the libertarian's vote share might not dissipate if he's winning votes from Republicans disgusted by Akin), and Heitkamp's been resilient in North Dakota. So I'd say we're looking at two likely losses at most, NE and MT, with MO and ND teetering on the edge but will probably stay blue.

Maine is an automatic pickup like Nebraska, there's no way King isn't caucusing with Reid. I don't feel good about Arizona or Indiana just because the polls, while showing the Democrats leading by small-but-consistent margins, have a high number of undecideds that lean Republican. DSCC certainly thinks they're competitive, they just dropped half a mil in Arizona, but for now I'd call them GOP holds. That leaves Massachusetts, which will be close but appears to be a win for Warren, and Nevada, where Shelley Berkley is only trailing slightly in a state that pollsters have historically lowballed Dem support in. They missed 2008 by about 5 points and 2010 by like 10. If there's any state where you can say the polls are wrong, it's Nevada.

The most we can expect for Democrats is 57 seats - they hold all their seats but Nebraska and win all the GOP-held tossup seats. I'm personally expecting 55, but no lower than 52. After 2010 I would have been happy just to see Obama win a second term, even if the GOP gained the Senate, now I'll be a little disappointed if Democrats don't gain seats based on where the polls are right now.


The only thing I'm worried about is Obama's response to questions about spending/the deficit reductions. We all know it's balooned because he was unable to raise taxes on the rich (because of Republicans in congress) but he can't exatly say "it's because everything I tried to do was blocked in congress."
So I didn't want to make this post for some time, but figured I'd do it here first since this is where I've parked the majority of my time since I registered.

A few years back I was diagnosed with stage 4 thymic carcinoma. i was 28 at the time, worked out 4 times a week a the gym and at the peak of my health. didn't smoke, didn't do drugs.

conventional treatment held the cancer back until it reappeared in early 2011. i've been in treatment since to first - attempt to remove all traces of the disease through a clincial trial and surgery, and when that failed treat it as a chronic disease treatable through chemotherapy.

I think I've finally entered the stage where my body is saying no more. no, my doctor and i haven't mentioned the word 'terminal' yet, but it's expected going by the survival rates to my cancer and its current progression. i've been on oxygen therapy since mid August after the disease teamed up with my chemo treatment and the flu to escalate whatever damage is already occurring to my lungs and heart. although i am still undergoing chemo and have hope that a new trial drug just opened for me, i don't know how much longer my body can take. i've barely left the house in 2 months except to go to the hospital as it's a struggle on my lungs, chest and core to walk while feeling oxygen deprived. I've gone from taking mass transit to my work and chemo appointments in February, to taking cabs to them in June, to now not being able to leave the house at all. That's not progress.

This thread has provided hours of entertainment over the years, much to my girlfriend's consternation in 2008. Thanks for the spirited debate, guys. I don't recognize a lot of you here, but I still see some of the standbys. I hope I provided some insightful commentary in the past.

I'll still post when I can. Don't treat me like a ghost when i do.

you can reach me at endless17@gmail.com for any correspondence. otherwise IM.

i'll email shortly but just wanted to quickly say i hope things turn around for your favor and thanks for being supportive during my medical issues.
The only thing I'm worried about is Obama's response to questions about spending/the deficit reductions. We all know it's balooned because he was unable to raise taxes on the rich due (because of the Republicans in congress) but he can't exatly say "it's because everything I tried to do was blocked in congress."
He can point to the Budget Control Act and PPACA. It's a line he's been using in a lot of his ads, "we cut a trillion dollars from the budget!"


Like I said later, I worry about the unpredictable things that neither campaign has control of, like what is happening in Iran and with Syria and Turkey. I've got absolute faith in Obama being able to put Romney's campaign in the ground.
I can't relate to worrying over unpredictable events. If something happens, then I'll worry.


Yep, same dipshit.

Admittedly I'm not the best expert on the Constitution, but he seems to be saying that freedom of religion means the government has no right to tax the church for their beliefs. I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. If you want to have an opinion, go for it, but you can't be subsidized by the government for doing so.

Not that this would pass, but if it ever did I would love for all the Muslim leaders to pledge their support for the Republican party just to fuck them over.
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